Brunswick High School “Educating Each for the Benefit of All” Teacher: Holbrook, Van Buskirk, Madden Week of: Week 7, Sept 28-Oct 2 (Skinnies Weeks 13 & 14) Subject: Brit Lit Time(s): vary with instructor Day/Date: See below H.O.T. Questions: Activating Strategy Body of Instruction (Teacher Directed) CCGPS Standard(s): ELACC11-12RL4: (Reading Literary- Craft and Structure) Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in the text, including figurative and connotative meanings; analyze the impact of specific word choices on meaning and tone, including words with multiple meanings or language that is particularly fresh, engaging, or beautiful. (Include Shakespeare as well as other authors.) ELAGSE11-12SL6: (Speaking and Listening) Adapt speech to a variety of contexts and tasks, demonstrating a command of formal English when indicated or appropriate. ELACC11-12L6: (Vocabulary Acquisition and Use) Acquire and use accurately general academic and domainspecific words and phrases, sufficient for reading, writing, speaking, and listening at the college and career readiness level; demonstrate independence in gathering vocabulary knowledge when considering a word or phrase important to comprehension or expression. EQ: How did Renaissance poetry reflect the neoclassicism of the time? Monday Tuesday Wednesday Why are poems so often used to express intense feelings? Romantic responses: Love What form of art do you think is used most to depict love? True Love: think about two can generate a variety of intense feelings and conflicting emotions. Recall a character in a book or movie who has responded to love in an unusually intense way. With a partner, briefly discuss the emotions and reactions of that individual, explaining why you think he/she reacted the way he/she did. people you know who have a strong relationship that has lasted many years. Consider the qualities of the people involved in the relationship. Do you think those qualities help explain the strength of the relationship? How do you choose a topic for an argumentative research paper? Choose an Activating Strategy. In what way do Spenserian sonnets express idealized, courtly Read & discuss Shakespeare’s sonnets Renaissance sonnets often focus on the great Discuss suitable topics for argumentative research papers Skim through the NY Times list of 301 argumentative topics and DOK Level: 1=Recall 2=Skills 3=Strategic 4=Extended Thursday Friday What questions would you ask of Laura, Petrarch’s muse? Petrarch’s persistence: Even though Laura did not return his love, she was the inspiration for over 300 of Petrarch’s poems. How far are you willing to go for love? Why did you choose the sonnet you will recite? Read & discuss Petrarch’s sonnets: Think again about the two situations presented in SONNET QUIZ Journals What is your favorite love poem/song? What do you like about it? Instructional Strategies Differentiated (Content, Process, Product) Summarizing Activity (lesson closing) Assessment/ Student Product Literacy Integration Student use of Technology love? Use examples from Sonnet 30 & 75 beauty of the beloved. How important is physical beauty or attractiveness in today’s society? choose 3-5 that interest you Take turns reading sonnets aloud to a partner Analyzing sensory language: as you read Shakespeare’s sonnets, make a chart that classifies the language used to appeal to each of the 5 senses. Read what others have written in NYTimes Op-Ed pieces on the topics you chose Introduce Sonnet recitation assignmentexplain requirements and have students look up sonnets to recite Students continue to work on sonnet recitation assignment- review p. 296 Strategies for Reading: Sonnet Form Choose a Summarizing Activity. these poems: do you think it is more difficult to cope with a love that is hopeless or with the death of someone you love? Explain. Comparing sonnet forms: Revisit Spenser’s & Shakespeare’s sonnets and compare them with Petrarch’s: Which form do you think gives the writer more liberties? Which seems to fit more situations or themes? Students practice reciting their chosen sonnets Summative: Written Product Rubric-SelfAssessment: how many Summative: Written Product Rubric-SelfAssessment: How much do Which argumentative research topic will you choose (you have until next Monday to decide) Summative: Written Product Rubric-SelfAssessment: Summative: Written Product Rubric-SelfAssessment: Formative: Performance Task Rubric-SelfAssessment: answers did you know? you need to study for tomorrow’s test? Model literacy strategies through think aloud Reflect on text through class discussion Teaching students to question as they read Reflect on text through class discussion Summarize the main idea Students recite sonnets Journals How well did you perform your sonnet recitation? Using the rubric, what grade did you earn? Mimio board interaction, quizlet for Vocabulary Practice, CPS remotes to review sample test questions