6. Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping

Urban stormwater frequently contains litter, oil, chemicals,
toxic metals, bacteria, and excess nutrients, like nitrogen
and phosphorous. Polluted stormwater contributes to
swimming-beach closings, fish-eating advisories, excess
algae growth and poor water clarity in urban water
resources, especially lakes.
In addition to human effects, poorly managed urban
stormwater can drastically alter the natural flow and
infiltration of water, scour stream banks and harm or
eliminate aquatic organisms and ecosystems.
The primary goal of the MS4 general permit is to improve
water quality by reducing pollutants in stormwater
discharges. Specifically, the program aims to ensure proper
management of stormwater discharges into waters of the
The Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4)
general permit is mandated by the federal regulations
under the Clean Water Act and administered by the
Minnesota Pollution Control Agency.
The MS4 permitting program gives owners or operators of
municipal separate storm sewer systems approval to
discharge stormwater to lakes, rivers and wetlands in
The Phase II federal regulations, promulgated in 1999,
expanded the scope of the (National Pollution Discharge
Elimination System) NPDES Stormwater Program to
include smaller MS4s in urbanized areas, construction
activities that disturb between one and five acres of land,
and smaller municipally owned industrial activities.
Watab Township was included as a mandatory small MS4.
During 2007 the Watab SWPPP was approved by the
MPCA. Coverage under the NPDES general permit
effective November 7, 2007.
Our plan will be phased in over a 5 year period.
Each of 7 Minimum Control Measures contain detailed
Best Management Practices to implement.
1. Public Education and Outreach
2. Public Participation/Involvement
3. Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination
4. Construction Site Stormwater Runoff
5. Post Construction Stormwater
6. Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping
7. Impaired Water Review Process
 Distribute Educational Materials
 Implement an Education and Outreach Program
 Encourage Public Participation
 Education program to include education on all
other minimum control measures
 Coordination of Education Program
 Annual Public Meeting to discuss stormwater
and water quality issues
Comply with Public Notice Requirements
Solicit Public Input on the adequacy of the
Consider Public Input
Storm Sewer System Map
Regulatory Control Program
Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination
Public and Employee Discharge Info Program
ID Non Stormwater Discharges and Flows
Ordinance or other Regulator Mechanism
Construction Site Implementation of ESC
Waste Controls for Construction Site
Procedures for Site Plan Review
Procedures for Receipt and Consideration of
Reports of Noncompliance
Procedures for Site Inspections and
Development and Implementation of
Structural and/or Non-structural BMPs
Regulatory Mechanism to Address Post
Constructions Runoff from Dev. Or Redev.
Long-term Operation and Maintenance of
Municipal Operations and Maintenance
Street Sweeping
Annual Inspection of All Structural Pollution
Control Devices
Inspection of a Minimum of 20% of the MS4
Outfalls, Sediment Basins and Ponds Each
Year on a Rotating Basis
Annual Inspection of All Exposed Stockpile,
Storage, and Material Handling Areas
Inspection Follow-up Including the
Determination of Whether Repair,
Replacement, or Maintenance Measures are
Necessary and the Implementation of the
Corrective Measures
Record Reporting and Retention of all
Inspections and Responses to the Inspections
Evaluation of Inspection Frequency
ID the Impaired Waters that may be impacted
by the MS4’s stormwater discharge.
Based on a review of the watershed,
determine if any changes need to be made to
the MS4 or additional BMPs are needed to
minimize the impact.