Marketing Management Process o Analyzing market opportunities Market research and information system Understanding consumer market Understanding organizational market o Researching and selecting target market Measuring and forecasting demand Market segmentation, Targeting and positioning o Developing the marketing mix Designing product Pricing product Placing product , Promotion strategies o Managing the marketing effort Competitor analysis and competitive marketing strategies Planning, implementing, organizing and controlling marketing programs. Analyzing market opportunities SLIDE NUMBER 8 & 9 Business operates within a fast changing and unpredictable environment Social Economic Public S In Com In Cus Competitors Demographic Political Natural Core marketing System Legal Marketing environment: consists of the actors and forces that affect the company’s ability to develop and maintain successful transactions and relationship with its target customers. The micro environment: consists of the actors in the company’s immediate environment that affect its ability to serve its market. The macro environment: consists of the larger societal forces that affect all the actors in the micro environment. Strategic Analysis External Analysis Internal Analysis Customer Analysis Competitor Analysis Market Analysis Environmental analysis O & T, trends and strategic Uncertainties Performance Analysis :Profitability, sales, customer satisfaction, product quality, relative cost etc. Determinants of strategic option: past and current strategies, strategic problems, organizational capabilities and constraints, financial resources and constraints, s & w Strategic S, W, problems, constraints and uncertainties Strategic Identification and selection Opportunity : an arena of need in which a company can perform profitably Opportunities can be listed and classified according to their attractiveness and the success probability Success probability depends on whether: company’s business strengths match the key success factors (KSF) company’s business strengths exceed those of its competitors Key Success Factors: Assets and competencies that provide the basis for competing successfully. Two types of KSF: Strategic necessities : minimum skills and assets that a business must possess to even consider operating in the chosen market/industry. They do not necessarily provide an advantage because others have them. But their absence will create a substantial weakness. Business with only strategic necessities are usually market followers. Strategic strengths (superior competencies): Those at which a company excels. These assets and competencies are superior to those of competitors. They provide a base of advantage. A strategic competency is something a business unit does exceptionally well that has strategic importance to that business ( e.g. manufacturing or promotion). A strategic asset is a resource that is strong relative to that of company’s competitors (e.g. brand name, installed customer base). An environmental threat : a challenge posed by an unfavourable trend or development that would lead, in the absence of defensive marketing action, to sales or profit deterioration. Impact analysis is a tool that help to evolve that threat into strategy Impact Analysis: ( assessing systematically the impact and immediacy of the trends and events that underlie each strategy uncertainty) The assessment of the relative importance of strategic uncertainties. Which uncertainties merit intensive investment in information gathering and in-depth analysis, and which merit only a low key monitoring effort The extent to which a strategic uncertainty should be monitored and analyzed depend on its (1)impact and (2)immediacy (1). The impact of a strategic uncertainty : Each strategic uncertainty involves potential trends or events that could have an impact on present, proposed and even potential SBU The impact of a strategic uncertainty is related to: The extent to which it involves trends or events that will impact existing or potential SBUs The importance of involved SBUs The number of involved SBUs (2) The immediacy of a strategic uncertainty is related to The probability that the involved trends or events will occur The time frame of the trends or events The reaction time likely to be available, compared with the time required to develop and implement appropriate strategy Strategic Uncertainty Categories Immediacy Low I m p a c t H i g h L o w Monitor & Analyze: Contingent strategies considered Monitor High Analyze in depth; develop strategy Monitor & Analyze Major Opportunities High Major High Low Speculative Business Troubled Business Ideal Business Mature Business Threats Low Management needs to monitor the larger forces and actors in the marketing environment if it is to keep its products and marketing practices current. For this purpose management must develop and manage information. Marketing Information System (MIS) MIS consists of people, equipment, and procedures to gather, sort, analyze, evaluate, and distribute needed, timely, and accurate information to marketing decision makers. Marketing Information System Marketing Managers Developing Information Assessing Information Needs Analysis Internal Record Marketing Intelligence Target Market Marketing Channels Planning Implementation Control Marketing Environment Distributing Information Marketing Decision Support Analysis Competitors Marketing Research Public Macro Environmental Forces Marketing Decisions and communication. Internal records system : includes reports on orders, sales, prices, inventory levels, receivables, payables, and so on. It supplies result data Marketing Intelligence System : a set of procedures and sources used by managers to obtain their everyday information about pertinent developments in the marketing environment. This information is obtained by reading books, newspapers, and trade publications; talking to customers, suppliers, distributors, and other outsiders; and talking with other managers and personnel within the company . But, this system is casual, and valuable information could be lost and or arrive at too late. Additional steps to improve the quality and quantity of MI Train and motivate the sales force to spot and report new developments. Motivate distributors, retailers, and other middlemen to pass along importance intelligence. Purchase information from outside suppliers Establish an internal marketing information center to collect and circulate marketing intelligence. Marketing Research The systematic and objective identification, collection, analysis, and dissemination of information for the purpose of improving decision making related to the identification and solution of problems and opportunities in marketing Marketing research Process Problem Definition: PD in any research is the most important issue. In defining the problem, the researcher should take into account the purpose of the study, the relevant background information, what information is needed, and how it will be used in decision making. A problem exists when we do not have enough information to answer a question. Criteria of a problem It should be original: The purpose of research is to fill the gaps in existing knowledge to discover new facts and not to repeat already known facts. Therefore, a preliminary survey of the existing literature in the proposed area of research should be carried out to find out the possibility of making original contribution. It should be neither very general nor very specific: If the problem is very general, it is usually too vague to be tested. If the problem is very specific, it is usually too narrow to be important or consequential. Some kind of compromise must be made between generality and specificity. It should be solvable: a problem may be unsolvable due to two major reasons: 1. It may concern some supernatural of amorphous phenomena.The impossibility of obtaining relevant data renders the problem unsolvable. 2. It cannot be operationally defined. An operational definition of a problem specifies the activities or operations the investigator must perform in order to measure it. Once the method of recording and measuring a phenomenon is specified That phenomenon is said to be operationally defined. It should be feasible: Feasibility should be checked against the following considerations: Study design Access to organization and respondents Sample or universe to be tested Source of data Method of collecting data Type of variables (nominal”ordinal) involved Selection of scales of measurement and statistic Time required for study and its availability Funds required and their availability Development of An Approach to the Problem: Includes formulating an objectives or theoretical framework, analytical models, research questions, hypotheses, and identifying characteristics or factors that can influence the research design. Research Design Formulation: Framework or blueprint for conducting a marketing research design. RD details the procedures necessary for obtaining the required information, and its purpose is to design a study that will test the hypotheses of interest, determine possible answers to the research questions, and provide the information needed for decision making. Conducting exploratory research, precisely defining the variables, and designing appropriate scales to measure them are also part of the research design. Formulating the research design involves the following steps: 1. Definition of the information needed 2. Design the exploratory, descriptive, or causal phases of the research 3. Methods of collecting quantitative data (survey, observation, and experimentations) 4. Specify the Measurement and scaling procedures 5. Questionnaire design 6. Sampling process and sampling size The sampling design process Define the target population : collection of elements or objects that posses the information sought by the researcher. Defining the target population involves translating the problem definition into a precise statement of who should or should not included in the sample. The target population should be defined in terms of elements, sampling units, extent and time. Unit: an element or a unit containing the element, that is available for selection at some stage of the sampling process. Element: The object about which or from which the information is desired. Extent: geographical boundaries Time: Period under consideration Defining the sample frame Representation of the elements of the target population. It consists of a list or set of direction for identifying the target population. Select a sampling technique (slide 25) Determine the sample size 7. Plan of data analysis Classification of sampling technique Sampling Techniques Nonprobability Sampling Techniques Probabilty Sampling Techniques Nonprobability Sampling Techniques Convenience Sampling Judgmental Sampling Quota Sampling Snow ball Sampling Probability Sampling Technique Single Random Sampling Systematic Sampling Stratified Sampling Cluster Sampling Othe sampling Technique Field Work or Data Collection: Involves a field force or staff that operate either in the field, as in the case of personnel interviewing ( in home, mall intercept) from an office by telephone or through mail. Proper selection, training,supervision, and evaluation of the field force helps minimize data collection errors. Data Preparation and Analysis: Includes the editing, coding, transcription and verification of data. Each questionnaire or observation form is inspected, or edited, and if necessary, corrected. Number or letter codes are assigned to represent each response to each question in the questionnaire. Data Presentation and Analysis Principles of Tabular Presentation Number: Tables are numbered to show their position in a series Using Arabic numbers Ex : Table 3.1 Title: It should be brief – verbs and article omitted – Yet self explanatory, clearly stating the nature, classification and time reference of the information given. Ex: Sri Lanka National Defense Expenditures, 1995 - 2000 Footnotes: Footnotes are given to explain anything that cannot be incorporated in the table, including certain qualifications on the data or method of computation They follow the table but precede the source. They should be indicated by symbols or letters, not by numbers which might be mistaken for the part of table. Sources of the Data: Unless they are primary data, sources of data should be cited in order that the source may be referred if necessary Principles of Graphic Presentation Number of varieties of graphic materials are available. Ex: bar charts, pictographs, pie charts, and map charts. Figure Number : Title 45 40 Unit of Measure 35 30 East West North 25 20 15 10 Legend 5 0 1st Qtr 2nd Qtr 3rd Qtr 4th Qtr Always show a baseline for zero, the bottom border of the chart. Pie Chart Figure Number and Title Include the units of value within each slice Non Durable goods 21% Durable goods 39% Services 48% In determining the appropriate proportion of the pie, the proportion of degrees in a circle should be calculated. Also, a good rule to follow is to begin slicing the pie from 12 o’ clock position and work your way around clockwise with the sections positioned in decreasing order of magnitude However, Pie charts become difficult to interpret, when they are cut into many pieces and several are shown alongside one another Summarizing Statistics : Two major kinds of summarizing statistics. Measures of Central Tendency ( Measures of Location): Provides measures of the midpoint of the distribution. Arithmetic Mean : Should be computed only from interval or ratio scaled data. Median : Requires only ordinal data. Mode : Requires only nominal data. Measures of Dispersion : Gives an indication of the amount of variation in the data comprising the distribution Standard deviation : Difference between the mean and an observed value Variance and Range : The spread of the data Univariate techniques are used for analyzing data when there is a single measurement of each element or unit in the sample, or, if there are several measurement of each element each element is analyzed in isolation. . Multivariate techniques are used for analyzing data when there are two or more measurements on each element and the variables are analyzed simultaneously. Report Preparation And Presentation: The entire project should be documented in a written report which addresses the specific research questions identified,describe the approach, the research design, data collection, and data analysis procedure adopted