HL7 v2 Data Requirements and Pre-work Hospital/Provider Name, ST Participant Pre-work Audience: The Executive Sponsor, Project Manager, End User, and EHR Interface Engineer should collaborate to complete the Pre-work and Coded Values sections of this document. Pre-work Instructions: Please complete the questions on this page regarding system information, historical data backload, and sensitive health data. Also, please complete the Coded Values section at the end of this document. System Information: Please list all unique source system vendor names and versions: Are patient IDs unique across all source systems? Are visit IDs unique across all source systems? Do your systems support patient merges (ex. ADT-A18, ADT-A34)? Do your systems support account merges (ex. ADT-A18, ADTA34)? Will you be implementing Trusted Application Integration? Historical Data Backload: Will you be providing a historical data backload? If yes, please specify timeframe (2 to 3 years): Please specify format of data backload (i.e. HL7, flat file): Sensitive Health Data: The WVHIN system has the capability to flag certain codes and criteria as sensitive. Visibility will be based on user-access policies applied at the end-user level. The WVHIN’s policy on Patient Consent – Sensitive Health Information can be found here. Following the kick-off call, the Truven Health project manager assigned to your on-boarding project will provide technical guidelines for your security officer to review and acknowledge. December 2014 – v1 Page | 1 HL7 v2 Data Requirements – WVHIN HL7 v2 Data Requirements by Segment Specification ......................................................... 4 1) MSH Segment Specification (Message Header) - Required .............................. 4 2) PID Segment Specification (Patient Identification) - Required ........................... 4 3) NK1 Segment Specification (Next of Kin) - Optional .......................................... 5 4) PV1 Segment Specification (Patient Visit) - Required........................................ 5 5) DG1 Segment Specification (Patient Diagnoses) - Required ............................. 7 6) PR1 Segment Specification (Procedures Segment) - Desired ........................... 7 7) IN1/IN2 Segment Specification (Insurance Segment) - Desired......................... 7 8) Orders - Required.............................................................................................. 8 9) Discrete Observations - Required...................................................................... 9 10) Observation Groups - Required ........................................................................10 11) Observation Results - Required........................................................................10 12) Medication Orders - Required ..........................................................................11 13) Medication Components - Required .................................................................12 14) Medications Administered - Desired .................................................................13 15) Report Text - Optional ......................................................................................14 16) Problems - Required ........................................................................................14 17) Allergies - Required ..........................................................................................15 18) Specimens - Optional .......................................................................................16 Coded Values ..................................................................................................................17 1) Facility Codes ...................................................................................................17 2) Allergen Type Code..........................................................................................17 3) Allergen Severity Code .....................................................................................17 4) Observations Result Status Code.....................................................................17 5) Abnormal Flag Code ........................................................................................18 6) Diagnosis Type Code .......................................................................................19 7) Diagnosis Coding System Code .......................................................................19 8) Diagnosis Priority .............................................................................................19 9) Present on Admission Indicator Code...............................................................20 10) Procedure Coding System Type Code .............................................................20 11) Problem Action Code .......................................................................................20 12) Patient Class Code...........................................................................................21 13) Admission Type Code ......................................................................................21 14) Admission Source Code ...................................................................................21 15) Race.................................................................................................................22 December 2014 – v1 Page | 2 16) Ethnicity ...........................................................................................................22 17) Gender .............................................................................................................22 18) Plan Type Code ...............................................................................................24 19) Discharge Disposition Code .............................................................................25 20) Marital Status Code ..........................................................................................27 December 2014 – v1 Page | 3 HL7 v2 Data Requirements by Segment Specification Please review the Default HL7 Locations, Field Name, and Standard Description as it applies to your healthcare facility or healthcare system. Bolded fields contain Coded Values. Please refer to the Coded Values section at the end of this document to specify Hospital/Clinic Values. 1) MSH Segment Specification (Message Header) - Required Default HL7 Location Field Name Standard Description MSH.3 Sending Application Name of application that sent HL7 message MSH.4 Sending Facility Name of healthcare facility that sent HL7 message MSH.9.1 Message Code HL7 message type, (e.g., ADT, ORU, etc.) MSH.9.2 Event Type Code HL7 event type (e.g., A01, A08, etc.) MSH.10 Message Control Number Message Control ID assigned by sending application 2) PID Segment Specification (Patient Identification) - Required Default HL7 Location Field Name Standard Description PID.3.1 Local Patient Number PID.4.1 Unique Patient Number PID.5.1 Last Name Identifier used by healthcare facility to uniquely identify a patient. Also referred to as Medical Record Number. Optional identifier used to uniquely identify a patient across facilities within a hospital system. Also referred to as the Unique Patient Identifier. Last name of patient PID.5.2 First Name First name of patient PID.5.3 Middle Name Middle name (or initial) of patient PID.7 Birth Date/Time Patient's date of birth PID.8 Gender Code Patient's gender PID.10 Race Code Patient's race PID.11.1 Street Address 1 First line of street address of patient's mailing address PID.11.2 Street Address 2 Second line of street address of patient's mailing address PID.11.3 Address City City of patient's mailing address PID.11.4 Address State State of patient's mailing address PID.11.5 Address Zip Zip code PID.11.6 Address Country Country of patient's mailing address PID.12 Address County County of patient's mailing address PID.13 Home Phone Patient's home phone number PID.14 Business Phone Patient's business phone number PID.15.2 Primary Language Primary language spoken by patient December 2014 – v1 Page | 4 Default HL7 Location Field Name Standard Description PID.16 Marital Status Code Patient's marital status PID.17 Religion Code PID.18 Visit Number PID.19 SSN Patient's religion Unique number assigned to each patient visit across facilities and systems. Also referred to as Patient Account Number or Episode of Care ID. Must be present in PID.18 or PV1.19. Patient’s Social Security Number PID.22 Ethnic Group Code Patient's ethnic group code PID.30 Death Indicator Code MRG.1.1 Prior Patient Number Field indicates whether he patient is deceased. Valid values are Y and N. Used only in patient merge messages, this field contains prior patient identifier. Also referred to as the Med Prior Patient Identifier. 3) NK1 Segment Specification (Next of Kin) - Optional Default HL7 Location Field Name Standard Description NK1.2.1 Last Name Last name of patient’s next of kin NK1.2.2 First Name First name of patient’s next of kin NK1.2.3 Middle Name Middle name (or initial) of patient’s next of kin NK1.3 Relationship Relationship of next of kin to patient NK1.4.1 Street Address 1 First line of street address of next of kin's mailing address NK1.4.2 Street Address 2 Second line of street address of next of kin's mailing address NK1.4.3 Address City City of next of kin's mailing address NK1.4.4 Address State State of next of kin's mailing address NK1.4.5 Address Zip Zip code of next of kin's mailing address NK1.4.6 Address Country Country of next of kin's mailing address NK1.4.9 Address County Code County of next of kin's mailing address NK1.5 Home Phone Next of kin's home phone number NK1.6 Business Phone Next of kin's business phone number 4) PV1 Segment Specification (Patient Visit) - Required Default HL7 Location Field Name PV1.2 Patient Class Code PV1.3.1 Point of Care December 2014 – v1 Standard Description Used to categorize patients (inpatient, outpatient, emergency, obstetrics, etc) Description of patient's assigned location, or location to which patient is being moved. Also known as ward or unit. Page | 5 Default HL7 Location Field Name Standard Description Patient's assigned room, or the room to which patient is being moved Patient's assigned bed, or the bed to which patient is being moved Circumstances under which patient was or will be admitted PV1.3.2 Room PV1.3.3 Bed PV1.4 Admission Type Code PV1.7.1 Attending Doctor PV1.8.1 Referring Doctor PV1.9.1 Consulting Doctor PV1.10 Hospital Service PV1.14 Admission Source Code Treatment or type of surgery that patient is scheduled to receive (e.g., cardiac, medical, pulmonary, etc) Indicates where patient was admitted PV1.16 VIP Indicator Site-specific value indicating if the patient is a VIP PV1.17.1 Admitting Doctor PV1.18 Patient Type PV1.19 Visit Number PV1.20.1 Financial Class PV1.20.2 PV1.36 PV1.37.1 Financial Class Effective Date/Time Discharge Disposition Code Site-specific values that identify patient type Unique number assigned to each patient visit across facilities and systems. Also referred to as Patient Account Number or Episode of Care ID. Must be present in PID.18 or PV1.19. Site-specific values that identify financial class(es) assigned to patient for purpose of identifying sources of reimbursement Effective date of Financial Class Contains disposition of patient at time of discharge Healthcare facility to which patient was discharged PV1.44 Discharge To Location Discharge To Location Date/Time Admit Date/Time PV1.45 Discharge Date/Time Discharge date/time PV1.52.1 Other Healthcare Provider PV2.3 Reason for Visit PV2.38 Mode of Arrival PV2.40 Admission Level of Care PD1.4.1 Patient Primary Care Provider MRG.3 Prior Visit Number PV1.37.2 December 2014 – v1 Discharge date associated with Discharged To Location Code Admit date/time Short description of the reason for patient visit Site-specific code indicating how patient was brought to healthcare facility (i.e. ambulance, car, etc) Indicates acuity level assigned to patient at time of admission (e.g., acute, chronic, critical) Used only in visit merge messages, this field contains prior visit identifier Page | 6 5) DG1 Segment Specification (Patient Diagnoses) - Required Default HL7 Location Field Name DG1.3.1 Diagnosis Code DG1.3.2 Diagnosis Description Diagnosis Coding System Code DG1.3.3 DG1.5 Diagnosis Date/Time DG1.6 Diagnosis Type Code DG1.15 Diagnosis Priority DG1.26 Present on Admission Indicator Code Standard Description Uniquely identifies a particular diagnosis. This element may conform to some external, standard coding system or it may be local code or free text Description supplied by hospital for Diagnosis Code Coding system used in Diagnosis Code field (e.g., ICD9, ICD10 or Snomed CT) Date/time that diagnosis was determined Identifies type of diagnosis being sent (i.e., admitting, working or final) Identifies significance or priority of diagnosis code Present on Admission indicator for this particular diagnosis. Reimbursement formulas for some states and Medicare have mandated that each diagnosis code be flagged as to whether it was present on admission or not. 6) PR1 Segment Specification (Procedures Segment) - Desired Default HL7 Location Field Name PR1.3.1 Procedure Code PR1.3.2 Procedure Description Procedure Coding System Type Code PR1.3.3 PR1.14 Procedure Priority PR1.16 Procedure Code Modifier Standard Description Uniquely identifies a particular procedure. This element may conform to some external, standard coding system or it may be local code or free text. Description supplied by hospital for Procedure Code Coding system used in Procedure Code field (e.g., ICD9 or CPT) Number that identifies significance or priority of procedure code Procedure code modifier to Procedure Code, when applicable 7) IN1/IN2 Segment Specification (Insurance Segment) - Desired Default HL7 Location Field Name Standard Description IN1.2.1 Plan Number Site-specific identifier for insurance plan IN1.2.2 Plan Name Name of insurance plan IN1.3 Company Number Site-specific identifier for insurance company IN1.36 Insured's Policy Number Individual policy number of insured to identify patient's plan IN1.4 Company Name Name of insurance company IN1.45 Verification Status Status of patient's relationship with insurance carrier IN1.5.1 Company Street Street of insurance company's mailing address December 2014 – v1 Page | 7 Default HL7 Location Field Name Standard Description IN1.5.3 Company City City of insurance company's mailing address IN1.5.4 Company State State of insurance company's mailing address IN1.5.5 Company Zip Zip code of insurance company's mailing address IN1.5.6 Company Country Country of insurance company's mailing address IN1.7 Company Phone Phone number of insurance company IN1.8 Group Number Group number of insured's insurance IN1.9 Group Name Group name of insured's insurance IN1.11 Employer Name Name of employer that provides employee's insurance IN1.15 Plan Type Code Identifies type of health insurance plan IN2.6 Medicare Health Insurance Card Number Medicare Health Insurance Card Number (HIN), as defined by CMS or other regulatory agencies. 8) Orders - Required The Orders section contains fields that describe non-medication orders. An order is a request for material or services, usually for a specific patient. Examples include orders for clinical observations (e.g., vitals, I&Os) from the nursing service, tests in the laboratory, food from dietary, films from radiology, etc. There may be multiple orders per message. Default HL7 Location Field Name Standard Description ORC.1 Order Control Code ORC.3.1 Filler Order Number ORC.2.1 Placer Order Number ORC.3.1 Unique Order Number OBR.4.1 Service Code OBR.4.3 Service Coding System OBR.4.2 Service Name ORC.7.1 Quantity ORC.7.2 Interval Description supplied by hospital for Service Code Numeric quantity of service that should be provided at each service interval. For example, if two blood cultures are to be obtained every 4 hours quantity would be "2". Interval at which order should be performed (e.g., "daily") ORC.7.3 Duration Duration of order (e.g., "for 3 days") ORC.7.4 Start Date/Time Explicit start date and time for medication order OBR.7.5 End Date/Time Explicit end date and time for medication order ORC.7.6 Priority Priority of request (e.g., stat or routine) December 2014 – v1 Describes function of order segment within message Identification number that is assigned by application that filled order Identification number that is assigned by application that placed order Unique identification number for medication order. This may be Filler Order Number, Placer Order Number, or concatenation of the two Uniquely identifies particular type of order (e.g., an order for a specific lab test. This element may conform to some external, standard coding system or it may be local code. Coding system used in Service Code Page | 8 Default HL7 Location Field Name ORC.7.7 Condition ORC.9 Transaction Date/Time Standard Description Free text field that describes condition under which service should be performed. Also known as PRN. Date and time of event that initiated current transaction, as defined in Order Control Code Explanation of reason for order event described by Order Control Code. This field may be either coded or free text form. Type of order (e.g., lab order or microbiology order) MSH.3 Order Control Code Reason Category NTE.3 Note OBR.16.1 Caregiver Number OBR.16.2 Last Name Any free text notes associated with lab order Healthcare facility's identification code for provider who ordered material or service Ordering provider's last name OBR.16.3 First Name Ordering provider's first name ORC.16 9) Discrete Observations - Required The Discrete Observations section contains fields that describe observations related to an order. These observations may include unstructured notes such as the reason for exam, or more structured comments related to a specific type of order. There may be multiple order observations per order. Default HL7 Location OBX.1 ORC.3.1 Field Name Sequence Number Order Unique Order Number OBX.3.1 Observation Type Code OBX.3.2 Observation Type Name Observation Type Coding System OBX.3.3 OBX.5 Observation Value NTE.3 Note December 2014 – v1 Standard Description Sequence number of this observation within order message Unique identification number for order, repeated from Orders Unique Order Number field. Uniquely identifies a particular type of observation within order message. This element may confirm to some external, standard coding system or it may be local code or free text. Description supplied by hospital for Observation Type Code Coding system used in Observation Type Code Value provided in this observation (e.g., textual description of reason for a radiology exam) Any free text notes associated with order observation Page | 9 10) Observation Groups - Required The Observation Groups section contains identifiers and other fields related to a group of observations, i.e., lab, vitals or microbiology results. There may be multiple observation groups per message. Default HL7 Location Field Name OBR.1 Sequence Number OBR.2.1 Placer Order Number OBR.3.1 Filler Order Number OBR.3.1 Unique Order Number OBR.4.1 Service Code OBR.4.2 Service Name OBR.4.3 Service Coding System OBR.7.1 Observation Date/Time OBR.16.1 Caregiver Number OBR.16.2 Last Name OBR.16.3 First Name OBR.22 Observation Report Status Date/Time OBR.25 Result Status Code NTE.3 Note Standard Description Sequence number of this observation within message Identification number assigned by application that placed medication order Identification number assigned by application that filled lab order Unique identification number for order. May be Filler Order Number, Placer Order Number, or concatenation of the two Uniquely identifies particular type of observation. This element may conform to some external, standard coding system or may be a local code Description supplied by hospital for Observation Type Code Coding system used in Service Code In the case of observations taken directly from a subject, this is actual date and time observation was obtained. In the case of specimen-associated study, this represents date and time specimen was collected or obtained Healthcare facility's identification number for provider who ordered observation Ordering provider's last name Ordering provider's first name Date and time results are composed into report and released, or that a status, or defined in Order Status, is entered or changed Status of results for this order Any free text notes associated with the vital signs observation results 11) Observation Results - Required The Observation Results section contains information about the results of an observation such as a lab test or vital sign. There may be multiple observation results per message. Default HL7 Location OBX.1 OBR.3.1 OBX.3.1 Field Name Sequence Number Observation Group Unique Order Number Observation Type Code December 2014 – v1 Standard Description Sequence number of lab result (within message) Unique identification number for order, repeated from Observation Group Unique Order Number Uniquely identifies particular type of observation. Page | 10 Default HL7 Location OBX.3.2 Field Name Standard Description This element may confirm to some external, standard coding system or may be local code or free text Description supplied by hospital for Observation Type Code OBX.5 Observation Type Name Observation Type Coding System Code Observation Value OBX.6 Observation Units Hospital-supplied unit of measure for Observation Value OBX.7 Reference Range Normal range for specific numeric laboratory result value OBX.8 Abnormal Flag Code Code indicating normalcy status of result OBX.11 Result Status Code Status of results for this order OBX.3.3 OBX.14 Observation Date/Time NTE.3 Note Coding system used in Observation Type Code Hospital-supplied value for observation In the case of observations taken directly from a subject, this is actual date and time observation was obtained. In the case of specimen-associated study, this represents date and time specimen was collected or obtained Any free text notes associated with lab or vitals observation result 12) Medication Orders - Required The Medication Orders section contains fields that describe a medication order. There may be multiple medication orders per message. PLEASE NOTE: RXO (non-encoded order) segments are supported in addition to RXE segments and RXR segments. Default HL7 Location Field Name Standard Description ORC.1 Order Control Code ORC.2 Placer Order Number ORC.3 Filler Order Number ORC.3 Unique Order Number ORC.5 Order Status Code ORC.9 Transaction Date/Time ORC.12.1 Caregiver Number ORC.12.2 Last Name Describes function of order segment within message (e.g. "NW" (new) or "CA" (cancel order) Identification number assigned by application that placed medication order Identification number assigned by application that filled medication order Unique identification number for medication order. This may be Filler Order Number, Placer Order Number, or a concatenation of the two. Describes status of order (e.g., completed, discontinued, etc.) Date and time of event that initiated current transaction, as defined in Order Control Code Healthcare facility's identification number for provider who ordered medication Ordering provider's last name ORC.12.3 First Name Ordering provider's first name December 2014 – v1 Page | 11 Default HL7 Location Field Name Standard Description RXE.1.1 Quantity RXE.1.2 Interval RXE.1.3 Duration Numeric quantity of medication that should be provided at each service interval Interval at which medication should be provided (e.g., “every 4 hours”) Duration of medication order (e.g., "for 3 days") RXE.1.4 Start Date/Time Explicit start date and time for medication order RXE.1.5 End Date/Time Explicit end date and time for medication order RXE.1.6 Priority RXE.1.7 Condition RXE.3 Minimum Dose RXE.4 Maximum Dose RXE.5.1 RXE.23 Dose Units Provider Administration Instructions Supplier Administration Instructions Dose Rate Amount Priority of request (e.g., stat or routine) Condition on which medication should be given (e.g., "as needed for pain". Also known as PRN) Ordered amount as encoded by pharmacy or treatment supplier. In variable dose order, this is minimum order amount. In non-varying dose order, this is exact amount of order In variable dose order, this is maximum ordered amount. In non-varying dose, field not used Units for Minimum Dose and Maximum Dose fields Ordering provider's instructions to patient or provider administering drug Pharmacy or treatment supplier's provider-generated special instructions to provider dispensing/administering order Rate at which substance should be administered RXE.24 Dose Rate Units Units for Dose Rate Amount RXR.1.1 Route NTE.3 Note Site-specific route of administration from medication order Any additional free text notes associated with medication ordered RXE.7.2 RXE.21 13) Medication Components - Required The Medication Components section contains fields that describe the components of an ordered medication. There should always be at least one component per medication, and there can be multiple components, e.g. for IV medications. Note that medication component information may be provided in the RXE and/or the RXC segments of an HL7 message. PLEASE NOTE: RXO (non-encoded order) segments are supported in addition to RXE segments and RXC segments. Default HL7 Location RXE.2.1 or RXC.2.1 RXE.2.2 or Field Name Standard Description Component Code Uniquely identifies medical substance or treatment ordered. This element may confirm to some external, standard coding system or it may be a local code or free text Component Name Description supplied by hospital for Component Code December 2014 – v1 Page | 12 Default HL7 Location Field Name Standard Description RXC.2.2 RXE.2.3 or RXC.2.3 RXE.10 or RXC.3 RXE.11 or RXC.4 RXE.31.1 or RXC.7.1 RXE.31.2 or RXC.7.2 RXE.31.3 or RXC.7.3 Component Coding System Coding system used in Component Code Component Amount Amount to be dispensed, as encoded by pharmacy or treatment supplier Component Units Contains units for Component Amount as encoded by pharmacy or treatment supplier Supplementary Code Field accommodates identification of any additional codes supplied in HL7 message that might be associated with pharmaceutical substance. Common codes include Generic Product Identifier (GPI), Generic Coe Number_Sequence Number (GCN_SEQNO), and National Drug Code (NDC). Supplementary Name Description supplied by hospital for Supplementary Code Supplementary Coding System Coding system used in Supplementary Code 14) Medications Administered - Desired The Medications Administered section contains fields that describe the administration of a medication order. There may be multiple Medications Administered per order (one for each administration). Default HL7 Location RXA.2 RXA.3 RXA.4 Field Name Administration Counter Administration Start Date/Time Administration End Date/Time RXA.5.1 Medication Code RXA.5.2 RXA.6 Medication Name Medication Coding System Administered Amount RXA.7 Administered Units RXA.9.2 Administration Notes RXA.5.3 December 2014 – v1 Standard Description Starts with ‘1’ first time that medication/treatment is administered for this order, and increments by one with each additional administration of medication/treatment Date and time administration of medication was started Date and time administration of medication was ended Site-specific identifier of medical substance/treatment administered Description supplied by hospital for Medication Code Coding system used in Medication Code Contains amount administered Must be in simple units that reflect actual quantity of substance administered. Does not include compound units Notes from provider administering medication/treatment Page | 13 Default HL7 Location Field Name RXA.18 Refusal Reason RXA.20 Completion Status RXR.1.1 Route NTE.3 Note Standard Description Reason patient refused medical substance/ treatment. Any entry in field indicates patient did not take substance Site-specific status of treatment administration event (i.e., completed, refused, not administered) Site-specific code for route by which medication was administered Any free text notes associated with medication administered 15) Report Text - Optional The Report Text section contains fields from a message with unstructured text such as nursing notes, pathology reports, radiology reports, or transcribed reports. There may be multiple report text sections per message. Default HL7 Location Field Name OBR.4.2 Observation Group Unique Order Number Report Text Header OBX.5 Report Text Body NTE.3 Note OBR.3.1 Standard Description Unique identification number for report, repeated from Observation Group Unique Order Number Brief text that describes report (e.g., "CHEST PA LAT") Body of text report. Note that if message contains multiple result segments, OBX.5 values from all OBXs for specific OBR will be concatenated together, with /n as delimiter Any free text notes associated with report text component 16) Problems - Required The Problem Reports section contains fields that are used to describe the patient's acute and chronic problems, as tracked in a longitudinal patient record. Problems may span multiple visits or encounters. Default HL7 Location Field Name PRB.1 Action Code PRB.2 Action Date/Time PRB.3.1 Problem Code PRB.3.2 Problem Description Problem Coding System Code Problem Number PRB.3.3 PRB.4.1 December 2014 – v1 Standard Description Code that describes intent of message Date/time that operation represented by action code was performed Identifies type of problem, from institution's master list of problems. Element may conform to some external, standard coding system or it may be local code or free text Description supplied by hospital for Problem Code Coding system used in Problem Code field Identifier assigned by initiating system to instance of problem Page | 14 Default HL7 Location Field Name Standard Description PRB.12 Problem Established Date/Time Actual Problem Resolution Date/Time Problem Persistence PRB.14.1 Problem Life Cycle Status PRB.16 Problem Onset Date/Time Perseverance of problem (e.g., acute, chronic, etc.) Current status of problem (e.g., active, active-improving, active-stable, active worsening, inactive, resolved, etc.) Date/time when problem began NTE.3 Note Any free text notes associated with problem PRB.7 PRB.9 Date/time when corresponding problem initially identified by caregiver Date/time that problem actually resolved 17) Allergies - Required The Allergies section contains fields that describe the patient's allergies. There may be multiple allergies per patient. Note that allergy information may be provided in either the AL1 or IAM segment of an HL7 message. Default HL7 Location AL1.2 or IAM.2 AL1.3.1 or IAM.3.1 AL1.3.2 or IAM.3.2 AL1.3.3 or IAM.3.3 AL1.4 or IAM.4 AL1.5 or IAM.5 AL1.6 or IAM.11 IAM.6.1 Field Name Standard Description Allergen Type Code General allergy category (drug, food, pollen, etc.) Allergen Code Uniquely identifies particular allergen. Element may conform to some external, standard coding system or it may be local code or free text Allergen Description Description supplied by hospital for Allergen Code Allergen Coding System Code Coding system used in Allergen Code field Allergy Severity Allergy Reaction Site-specific value that indicates general severity of allergy (e.g. mild, moderate, severe, etc.) Site-specific value that indicates specific allergic reaction documented (i.e., itching, nausea, etc.) Onset Date/Time Date and time allergy was identified Allergy Action Code Defines status of record, (e.g., add/insert, update, delete). Allows hospitals to send allergy messages that delete or update previously sent allergy messages. December 2014 – v1 Page | 15 18) Specimens - Optional The Specimens section contains fields that describe the specimen that was tested as part of a microbiology test or lab order. There may be multiple specimens per message. Completion of this section is not required if specimens data will not be sent in HL7 messages. Default HL7 Location Field Name SPM.2 Specimen Number SPM.4.1 Specimen Type Code SPM.4.2 Specimen Type Specimen Type Coding System Specimen Source Site Code Specimen Source Site Specimen Source Site Coding System SPM.4.3 SPM.8.1 SPM.8.2 SPM.8.3 December 2014 – v1 Standard Description Unique identifier for specimen, as referenced by placer application, filler application, or both Site-specific code for specimen type Name of specimen type Coding system used in Specimen Type Code field Code describing body site for specimen collection Name of body site for specimen collection Coding system used in Specimen Source Site Code field Page | 16 Coded Values Please provide your Hospital/Clinic Codes in each of the tables below if different from the Standard Code listed for each description. 1) Facility Codes Please enter all facility codes that will be sent in MSH.4 and corresponding facility name (separate each facility code and facility name with a carriage return). Facility Code(s) Facility Name(s) 2) Allergen Type Code Standard Description Standard Code Animal allergy AA Drug allergy DA Environmental allergy EA Food allergy FA Pollen allergy LA Miscellaneous allergy MA Miscellaneous contraindication MC Plant allergy PA Hospital/Clinic Code (if different from Standard) Notes 3) Allergen Severity Code Standard Description Standard Code Mild MI Moderate MO Severe SV Unknown Hospital/Clinic Code (if different from Standard) Notes U 4) Observations Result Status Code Standard Description Standard Code Record coming over is a correction and thus replaces a final result Deletes the OBX record C Final results; Can only be changed with a corrected result. Specimen in lab; results pending F December 2014 – v1 Hospital/Clinic Code (if different from Standard) D I Page | 17 Notes Standard Description Standard Code Not asked; used to affirmatively document that the observation identified in the OBX was not sought when the universal service ID in OBR-4 implies that it would be sought. Order detail description only (no result) Preliminary results Hospital/Clinic Code (if different from Standard) Notes N O P Results entered -- not verified R Partial results. Deprecated. Retained only for backward compatibility as of V2.6. Results status change to final without retransmitting results already sent as 'preliminary.' E.g., radiology changes status from preliminary to final Post original as wrong, e.g., transmitted for wrong patient Results cannot be obtained for this observation S U W X 5) Abnormal Flag Code Standard Description Standard Code Below absolute low-off instrument scale < Above absolute high-off instrument scale > Abnormal (applies to non-numeric results) A Very abnormal (applies to non-numeric units, analogous to panic limits for numeric units) Anti-complementary substances present AA AC Better-use when direction not relevant B Significant change down D Detected Above high normal Above upper panic limits Intermediate. Indicates for microbiology susceptibilities only. Indeterminate December 2014 – v1 DET H HH I IND Page | 18 Hospital/Clinic Code (if different from Standard) Notes Standard Code Standard Description Below low normal L Below lower panic limits LL Moderately susceptible. Indicates for microbiology susceptibilities only. Normal (applies to non-numeric results) MS Not Detected ND Negative Hospital/Clinic Code (if different from Standard) N NEG Non-reactive NR Positive POS Quality Control Failure QCF Resistant. Indicates for microbiology susceptibilities only. Reactive R RR Susceptible. Indicates for microbiology susceptibilities only. Cytotoxic substance present Significant change up S TOX U Very susceptible. Indicates for microbiology susceptibilities only. Worse-use when direction not relevant VS Weakly reactive WR W 6) Diagnosis Type Code Standard Description Standard Code Admitting A Final F Working W Hospital/Clinic Code (if different from Standard) Notes 7) Diagnosis Coding System Code Standard Description Standard Code ICD-9 I9 ICD-10 I10 Snomed Clinical Terms Hospital/Clinic Code (if different from Standard) SCT 8) Diagnosis Priority December 2014 – v1 Page | 19 Notes Notes Standard Description Not included in diagnosis ranking The primary diagnosis Standard Code Hospital/Clinic Code (if different from Standard) Notes 0 1 First other diagnosis 2 Second other diagnosis 3 9) Present on Admission Indicator Code Standard Description Standard Code Yes Y No N Exempt E Unknown U Not Applicable W Hospital/Clinic Code (if different from Standard) Notes 10) Procedure Coding System Type Code Standard Description CPT Standard Code Notes CPT ICD-9 I9 ICD-10 I10 HCPCS HCPCS Snomed Clinical Terms Hospital/Clinic Code (if different from Standard) SCT 11) Problem Action Code Standard Description Standard Code Add AD Correct CO Delete DE Link LI Unchange UC Unlink UN Update UP December 2014 – v1 Hospital/Clinic Code (if different from Standard) Page | 20 Notes 12) Patient Class Code Standard Description Standard Code Inpatient I Outpatient O Emergency E Obstetrics B Pre-admit P Recurring R Unknown U Not Applicable N Hospital/Clinic Code (if different from Standard) Notes 13) Admission Type Code Standard Description Standard Code Elective C Emergency E Urgent U Accident A Labor and Delivery L Newborn N Routine R Hospital/Clinic Code (if different from Standard) Notes 14) Admission Source Code Standard Description Standard Code Physician referral 1 Clinic referral 2 HMO referral 3 Transfer from a hospital (different facility) Transfer from a skilled nursing facility Transfer from another health care facility Emergency room 4 Court/law enforcement 8 Information not available 9 Transfer from one distinct unit of the hospital to another distinct unit of the hospital D December 2014 – v1 Hospital/Clinic Code (if different from Standard) 5 6 7 Page | 21 Notes Standard Code Standard Description resulting in a separate claim to the payer Transfer from ambulatory surgery center Transfer from a hospice facility Hospital/Clinic Code (if different from Standard) Notes E F 15) Race Standard Code Standard Description American Indian or Alaska Native Asian Hospital/Clinic Code (if different from Standard) Notes 1002-5 2028-9 Black or African American Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander White 2054-5 Other Race 2131-1 2076-8 2106-3 16) Ethnicity Standard Description Standard Code Hispanic or Latino H Not Hispanic or Latino N Unknown U Hospital/Clinic Code (if different from Standard) Notes 17) Gender Standard Description Standard Code Ambiguous A Female F Male M Other O Unknown U December 2014 – v1 Hospital/Clinic Code (if different from Standard) Page | 22 Notes December 2014 – v1 Page | 23 18) Plan Type Code Standard Description Standard Code Medicare Secondary Working Aged Beneficiary or Spouse with Employer Group Health Plan Medicare Secondary End-Stage Renal Disease Beneficiary in the 12 month coordination period with an employer's group health plan Medicare Secondary, No-fault Insurance including Auto is Primary Medicare Secondary Worker's Compensation Medicare Secondary Public Health Service (PHS) or Other Federal Agency Medicare Secondary Black Lung 12 Medicare Secondary Veteran's Administration Medicare Secondary Disabled Beneficiary Under Age 65 with Large Group Health Plan (LGHP) Medicare Secondary, Other Liability Insurance is Primary Auto Insurance Policy 42 AP Commercial C1 Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA) Medicare Conditionally Primary CO Disability 13 14 15 16 41 43 47 CP D Disability Benefits DB Exclusive Provider Organization EP Family or Friends FF Group Policy GP Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) HM Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) Medicare Risk Special Low Income Medicare Beneficiary HN Indemnity IN Individual Policy IP Long Term Care LC Long Term Policy LD Life Insurance LI Litigation LT Medicare Part A MA December 2014 – v1 HS Page | 24 Hospital/Clinic Code (if different from Standard) Notes Standard Description Standard Code Medicare Part B MB Medicaid MC Medigap Part A MH Medigap Part B MI Medicare Primary MP Other OT Medicare Other Hospital/Clinic Code (if different from Standard) Notes OTHM Property Insurance - Personal PE Personal PL Personal Payment (Cash - No Insurance) PP Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) PR Point of Service (POS) PS Qualified Medicare Beneficiary QM Property Insurance - Real RP Supplemental Policy SP Tax Equity Fiscal Responsibility Act (TEFRA) Workers Compensation TF WC Wrap Up Policy WU 19) Discharge Disposition Code Standard Description Standard Code Unknown/other 00 Discharged to home or self-care (routine discharge) Discharged/transferred to another shortterm general hospital for inpatient care Discharged/transferred to skilled nursing facility (SNF) with Medicare certification in anticipation of skilled care Discharged/transferred to a facility that provides custodial or supportive care Discharged/transferred to a designated cancer center or children's hospital Discharged/transferred to home under care of organized home health service organization in anticipation of covered skilled care Left against medical advice or discontinued care 01 December 2014 – v1 02 03 04 05 06 07 Page | 25 Hospital/Clinic Code (if different from Standard) Notes Standard Description Standard Code Admitted as an inpatient to this hospital 09 Expired 20 Discharged/transferred to court/law enforcement Still patient or expected to return for outpatient services Expired at home 21 Expired in a medical facility (e.g. hospital, SNF, ICF, or free standing hospice) Expired - place unknown 41 Discharged/transferred to a federal health care facility Hospice - home 43 Hospice - medical facility (certified) providing hospice level of care Discharged/transferred to a hospital-based Medicare approved swing bed Discharged/transferred to an inpatient rehabilitation facility (IRF) including rehabilitation distinct part units of a hospital Discharged/transferred to a Medicare certified long term care hospital (LTCH) Discharged/transferred to a nursing facility certified under Medicaid but not certified under Medicare Discharged/transferred to a psychiatric hospital or psychiatric distinct part unit of a hospital Discharged/transferred to a Critical Access Hospital (CAH) Discharged/transferred to another type of health care institution not defined elsewhere in this code list 51 December 2014 – v1 30 40 42 50 61 62 63 64 65 66 70 Page | 26 Hospital/Clinic Code (if different from Standard) Notes 20) Marital Status Code Standard Description Standard Code Separated A Unmarried B Common law C Divorced D Legally separated E Living together G Interlocutory I Married M Annulled N Other O Domestic partner Registered domestic partner Single P R Unreported T Unknown U Widowed W December 2014 – v1 Hospital/Clinic Code (if different from Standard) S Page | 27 Notes