New Transition Planning

FAQs about New Transition Plans
DSD Related Services Department
• For Compliance File Reviews
• To align with Rules and Regs and case law
• To operate around a more conceptual understanding of
transition (not just procedural)
• To make better connections between the transition plan and
the rest of the IEP
You know that UPIPS Thing? (Utah
Program Improvement Planning System)
• This Continuous Improvement Monitoring Process is conducted by
the Utah State Office of Education (USOE) Special Education
Services (SES), as required by the Individuals with Disabilities
Education Act (IDEA), Part B. The process is designed to focus
resources on improving results for students with disabilities through
enhanced partnerships between charter school and district
programs, USOE-SES, the Utah Personnel Development Center,
parents, and advocates.
• Davis District uses the data from our UPIPS reviews to determine
what adjustments need to made to our sped programs in order to
best show we are working to meet the needs of our students
enrolled in Special Education.
• Most of the recommended changes have already been put into
Indicator 13: Transition School to Post
• Each student with a disability aged 16 and older, or earlier if
appropriate, must have in place an IEP that includes
appropriate, measurable post-secondary goals that are
annually updated and based upon an age-appropriate
transition assessment; transition services, including courses
of study, that will reasonably enable the student to meet
those post-secondary goals; and annual IEP goals related to
the student’s transition services needs.
• There also must be evidence that the student was invited
to the IEP Team meeting where transition services are to be
discussed and evidence that, if appropriate, a
representative of any participating agency was invited to
the IEP Team meeting with the prior consent of the parent
or student who has reached the age of majority.
Breaking it Down
1. Appropriate measurable postsecondary goals that cover education/training, employment,
and as needed, independent living?
2. Are the postsecondary goals updated annually?
3. Is there evidence that the measurable postsecondary goals were based on age appropriate
transition assessment?
4. Are there transition services in the IEP that will reasonably enable the student to meet
his/her postsecondary goals?
5. Do the transition services include courses of study that will reasonably enable the student
to meet his/her postsecondary goals?
6. Are there annual IEP goals related to the student's transition service needs?
7. Is there evidence that the student was invited to the IEP Team meeting where transition
services were discussed?
8. If appropriate, is there evidence that a representative of any participating agency was
invited to the IEP Team meeting with the prior consent of the parent/student who has
reached the age of majority.
The Beginning
• Review of previous plan
• Transition Assessments
– Attach to the IEP
Major Change #1
• The Big 4 are now the Big 3
–Post-Secondary Education
–Independent Living
–Community Experiences
Now a service to
support the other
three areas!
Major Change #2
• Each of the Big 3 areas has its own section on
the transition plan
– Each area follows the same process (same for all three
The New Process…
1. Fill out the LTMTS
Except, they are now called “Measureable Post-Secondary
B. You must fill out Post-Secondary Education and Employment
C. You only need to fill out Independent Living if it is an area of
need for the student (if it isn’t, just mark “not applicable”)DATA!
D. My idea now fills in “After leaving school, student will”
The New Process…
2. Transition Services = “a coordinated set of activities” (p.135)
Related Services
Community Experiences
Adult Living/Daily Living Skills
Just because we mark these doesn’t mean that we are providing all
the services and activities (parents can provide some too). See next
The New Process…
3. Connection to IEP Services- ways that the IEP can provide
transition services (the school is providing)
The New Process…
4. Inter-agency linkages
Relate to the area they fall under
Notice the new option
Remember to get consent before putting the Agency on the
notice of meeting form.
Still Part of the Process
• Courses of Study
– List the classes (in general) they will need to take in upcoming years
• Age of Majority
Major Change #3
• No need for a separate Transition PLAAFP and
– As long as you create a strong link from the transition plan
to a content area PLAAFP/Goal
– But, you can still write one if the student needs one
Strong Links
• Need to be explicit, specific connections
• Can be shown through:
– IEP connections in the transition plan
• Complete the textboxes to make the connection throughout the
– Naming a PLAAFP/Goal with transition in the title
• i.e. “Math/Transition” or “Behavior/Transition”
– Listing “transition” in the services section
• i.e. “Math/Transition” - 45 minutes
• Or “Math/Reading/Social Skills/Transition” – 135 minutes
Strong Links
– In the PLAAFP Statement (needs):
• “In order to…
– work as a cook…”
– attend college…”
– develop the independent living skill of budgeting…”
– get along with boss/coworkers…”
– fill out a resume…”
– read directions for a recipe…”
– manage their own health…”
– organize their own schedule…”
– obtain assistance from adult agencies…”
– And so on…
• “Adam needs to…”
Practice Time!
• Practice time- Working with a partner, think of a
student one of you have, and fill out the transition
plan for them. You only need to do one of the three
Final Thoughts…
• Remember, changes took place in myIDEA on
November 19th