Visualization Needs in Science and Technology • Talk given to ASCI Workshop on Data Visualization Corridors for Large Scale Computing--User Perspectives • March 5, 1998 National Computational Science Alliance The Alliance National Technology Grid Prototyping the 21st Century Infrastructure National Computational Science Alliance Divergence of Peak Capacity of DOE ASCI and NSF PACI Supercomputers 35 25 DOE 20 NSF 15 10 5 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 0 1996 Peak TFLOPS 30 National Computational Science Alliance How Alliance Application Teams Drive Software Development • Cosmology – Metacomputing and Multiple Physical Scale • Environmental Hydrology – Immersive Collaboration • Chemical Engineering – Virtual Prototyping • Bioinformatics – Distributed Data • Nanomaterials – Remote Microengineering • Scientific Instruments – Virtual Observatories National Computational Science Alliance Alliance Visualization Development and Deployment Partners National Computational Science Alliance Visualization Tool Kit (VTK) with Performer for Rendering DOD Modernization PET Program VTK-From GE Corp. R&D C++ classes for data I/O and mapping data to graphics. Handles unstructured grids as well as rectilinear and structured Polly Baker, Randy Heiland and Dave Bock, NCSA Raju Namburu, Mike Stephens, CEWES, Kent Eschenberg, Nichols Research Corp National Computational Science Alliance Coupling Data Formats to Visualization NCSA’s Hierarchical Data Format • HDF & Project Horizon – Internet Access to Earth and Space Science Data – Science Data Browser (SDB) – To Provide Data Service for HDF & Other Formats – Java-based Viewers – Java-based HDF Browser – Standalone and Collaborative (Habanero™) Versions – General-purpose Image Viewer • HDF & ASCI – The Data Models and Formats (DMF) Group – HDF As the Open Standard Exchange Format and I/O Library – ASCI HDF Requirements – – – – Must Support Large (> a Terabyte) Datasets Must Handle ASCI Data Types, Especially Meshes Must Perform Well in Massive Parallel Environments Store Unstructured Data for Efficient Visualization National Computational Science Alliance Limitations of Uniform Grids for Complex Scientific and Engineering Problems Fly Thru Evolution 512x512x512 Run on 512-node CM-5 Source: Greg Bryan, Mike Norman, NCSA National Computational Science Alliance Use of Shared Memory Adaptive Grids Alliance Cosmology Team 64x64x64 Run with Seven Levels of Adaption on SGI Power Challenge, Locally Equivalent to 8192x8192x8192 Resolution Source: Greg Bryan, Mike Norman, John Shalf, NCSA National Computational Science Alliance Interactive VRML Viewing of Multi-Scale Adaptive Grids John Shalf (NCSA) on Greg Bryan Cosmology AMR Data National Computational Science Alliance Visual Supercomputing to the Desktop -Server Push Technology Particles Moving Through Flow Field Computed on SGI Octane Real Time Viewing Using Web Browser on Win95 PC http://woodall/dbock/projects/RemoteViewIndex.html Polly Baker and David Bock, NCSA National Computational Science Alliance Gravity Waves Interactively Visualized from Remote T3E SuperComputing’97 Demo from MPI-Garching 2-D 3-D Source: National Computational Science Alliance Evolution of a Red Giant with White Dwarf CoreCoupling the vBNS to Scalable Computing 128-processor SGI Origin Surface View Run for One Week Generated Terabytes of Data Data Moved From NCSA over vBNS to U MinnesotaVisualization at SC97 While Week-Long Simulation Runs at NCSA vBNS Gives 500-Fold Thruput Increase Over Commercial Internet! Porter, Anderson, Habermann, Ruwart, & Woodward , LCSE,Nov. 1997 National Computational Science Alliance Proposed National Analysis and Visualization Facility Joint Project of NCSA / LCSE / EVL 6400x4800 Pixel Display IMAX Film Resolution Interactive VR Silicon Graphics Reality Monster™ 64 R10000 Processors 32 GigaBytes Main Memory 8 Infinite Reality™ Graphics Engines 16 Fibre Channel Ports 8 HiPPI and ATM Channels Fibre Channel Disk Arrays 1.12 TeraBytes total space 1.2 GB/sec Sustained Bandwidth Design by Laboratory for Computational Science & Engineering, Univ of Minnesota National Computational Science Alliance Visual Computational Steering The University of Utah SCIRun Example Combustion C-SAFE SCIRun Network Chris Johnson, SCI, Univ. of Utah, Alliance Viz Team National Computational Science Alliance Visual Supercomputing Goal: Make Analysis as Powerful as Simulation • • • • Visualization Created Using Virtual Director in CAVE 1000 Hour SDSC Cray Supercomputer Run to Generate Data Tens of Thousands of Hours of NCSA SGI Time to Render Data Cross-Country Transfer to IMAX Film of Massive Amounts of Data Colliding Galaxies (Smithsonian IMAX)-Donna Cox, Bob Patterson, NCSA-From “Cosmic Voyage”-Nominated for Academy Award 1997 National Computational Science Alliance Working with the NCSA Virtual Director Donna Cox, Bob Patterson, NCSA National Computational Science Alliance Alliance Virtual Environments Tools Linking CAVE to Vis5D = CAVE5D Interactive visualizations of time-varying, 3-dimensional Vis5D data sets in CAVE environments National Computational Science Alliance Using NCSA’s Virtual Director in CAVE5D to Create a Digital Video Output Donna Cox, Robert Patterson, Stuart Levy, NCSAVirtual Director Team National Computational Science Alliance Digital Video Created by Virtual Director Supporting Analysis of Chesapeake Simulations Alliance Environmental Hydrology Applications Team Glen Wheless and Cathy Lascara, Center for Coastal Physical Oceanography, Old Dominion University Fish Larvae at Mouth of the Bay 15 Day Period Salinity (Red-High, Yellow-Low) Donna Cox, Robert Patterson, Stuart Levy, NCSA Virtual Director Team National Computational Science Alliance Alliance Researchers Using a Digital Video Computational Infrastructure CAVE Virtual Director Habanero Teams Internet, vBNS Desktop Video Teleconferencing Individual Desktops Create Digital Video Animation Concurrently with Supercomputing Digital Video Server = Digital Video Streams National Computational Science Alliance Collaborative Virtual Environment Environmental Modeling Coupling Chesapeake Bay Simulations and Databases ImmersaDesks SGI Onyx (CEWES) DREN Vicksburg, MS vBNS SGI Onyx (NCSA) Integrated M-Bone Videoteleconferencing SGI Onyx (Old Dominion) John Shalf,Polly Baker NCSA; Mike Stephens and Carl Cerco, CEWES SGI Onyx (U. Wisc) National Computational Science Alliance Caterpillar’s Distributed Virtual Prototyping Environment Real Time Linked VR and Audio-Video Between NCSA and Germany Using SGI Indy/Onyx and HP Workstations Data courtesy of Valerie Lehner, NCSA National Computational Science Alliance NCSA CRUMBS Volumetric Analysis Tools From Drosophila Sperm to Star Formation Create a Quantitative Mathematical Model (Splines) of 3D Substructure in Data Volume Confocal Microscopy by Tim Carr, UChicago Simulation by Dinshaw Balsara, NCSA, on PSC T3E Possible to Use to Track Perturbations Through Spacetime Visualizations and CRUMBS Software by Rachael Brady, NCSA National Computational Science Alliance Using NCSA Virtual Director to Explore Structure of Density Isosurfaces of 2563 MHD Star Formation Red Iso = 4x Mean Density Yellow Iso = 8x Mean Density Red Iso = 12x Mean Density Isosurface models generated by Vis5d Choreographed with Cave5D/VirDir Rendered with Wavefront on SGI Onyx Simulation by Dinshaw Balsara, NCSA on PSC T3E/256 (3000 cpu-hours); Visualization by Bob Patterson, NCSA National Computational Science Alliance Thunderstorm 1988 Batch Process Scientific Visualization Simulation of a Severe Thunderstorm-Scale Tens of Kilometers MS_Study-Numerically-Modeled-Severe-Storm-Wilhelmson.html National Computational Science Alliance Multiple TornadoesThe Real Thing Observation of a Multiple Landspouts-Each on Scale of Tens of Meters National Computational Science Alliance Multiple Tornado Simulation Analysis in the CAVE using Virtual Director Yellow Iso = Vorticity Trajectories = Wind Flow Grey Iso = Rainwater Cloud Donna Cox, Robert Patterson, Stuart Levy, NCSA Virtual Director Team Bruce Lee & Bob Wilhelmson, 3000 cpu-hour CM-5 Simulation National Computational Science Alliance