Paper Data DPN First Name(s) Family Name Mentor Author 1

Paper Data
Author 1:
Author 2:
Author 3:
Author 4:
Author 5:
Author 6:
Corresponding Author:
File Name of Paper:
Paper Type:
Title of Paper:
First Name(s)
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Family Name
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Abstract: Abstract of 50-120 words (9 pt, italic) yyy yyy yyy yyy
yyy yyy yyy yyy -- Please use this file as a template to write
your paper. On the top of this page is paper data table. Fill
out the table with paper data but don’t change anything else!
yyy yyy yyy yyy yyy yyy yyy yyy yyy yyy
Key words: List 4-5 keywords (9 pt, italic, 5 words max)
(9 pt, normal) The paper must be written in English. Each
paper must give the clear answers on 5-What questions:
1) What is the problem (problem statement)?
2) What have been done by other people (literature - critical
3) What have I done (research course, method used, and
technical solutions)?
4) What are new (results)?
5) What to do as next (further research)?
The paper data which must be fullfiled in the paper data
table at the top of this page are:
 Authors of paper in the order how have to be published
 Dpn (daaam personal number)
 Mentor is the superviser in the “young” paper type
 Corresponding author is main author of the paper, he
submitting the paper and take care about everything related
to the publishing of paper
 Paper type: There are three publishing possibilities: a)
Proceedings of the 21st DAAAM International Symposium
("Symp" paper type) this paper is limited on two pages and
must be presented at the symposium; b) Proceedings of 4th
European DAAAM International Young Researchers´ and
Scientists´ Conference ("Young" paper type) this paper is
limited on two pages and must be presented at the
symposium, and c) Publishing of the paper in the Annals of
DAAAM for 2010 without presentation (“Annals” paper
type) this paper is limited on two pages without
 File name of Paper is created in the following way “dpn of
corresponding author”_”paper type”_”number of paper of
this type”_”submission”. Example my dpn is 54321 I want
to publish one paper in the Proceedings of Symposium and
one in the Annals. The names of the files will be:
 Title of Paper is textual name of paper.
2 columns, column distance 7 mm.
Both columns on the first and second page must be
finished exactly at the bottom of the page.
Use Times New Roman fonts, line spacing single. The font
formats are: paper title: 12 pt bold, capital letters; author's
name(s): 10 pt bold; key words: 9 pt, italic; chapter titles:
10 pt bold, capital letters left justified; subtitles: 9 pt bold,
numbered, left justified, upper and lower case; text: 9 pt
The paper is restricted to two full A4 pages like this
template. Use the whole space!
Avoid leaving a heading at the bottom of a column, with
the subsequent text starting at the top of the next page/column.
Use extra spacing (between earlier figures or sections) to push
the headings up to the top of the same column as its text. In
view of the tight page constrains, however, do please make the
fullest possible use of the text area.
Paragraphs should be justified, using single spacing.
3.2 Language, Style Spelling
 Use common technical terms.
 Do not try to create new English words.
 Spelling: Follow Merriam Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary,
Longman or Oxford Dictionaries.
3.3 Visual Aids at Conference
Visual Aids: Computer and beamer for Power Point
The publishing steps are explained at
Please read carefully and follow the steps. Additionally it is
very important to follow the next three instructions:
 Uploading of a Paper and photos of authors is organised
 Every author, co-author and other participants of DAAAM
2010 must be registrated
 Upload your paper to your Conftool Account. Use menu
“Your Submission” for upload of Paper. This is only way
how you can submit your Paper for DAAAM-2010!
Please inform your colleagues and friends about the 4th
European DAAAM International Young Researchers´ and
Scientists´ Conference! Thanks!
Those Papers which are not prepared exactly according to
the instructions and the template will not be accepted, and not
3.1 Layout (9 pt, bold)
 The paper has to be written in .docx format.
 Use DIN A4 Format (297 x 210 mm).
 Margins: top, bottom, left and right 20 mm each.
Questions? Problems? Please contact us on the following
address: (Miss Paulina Cesarec and
Mr Roman Kettler are ready and happy to help you).
All information you can find on:
Place table at the top or bottom of a column wherever
possible, as close as possible to the first reference to it in the
Tab. 1. Title of table, left justified, subsequent text indented
Figures have to be made in high quality, which is suitable
for reproduction and print. Don't include photos or colour
prints. The figures have to be placed at the top or bottom of a
column wherever possible, as close as possible to the first
reference to them in the paper.
Author(s) who submit manuscripts agree that the DAAAM
international editor 2010 (B[ranko] Katalinic) receives a full
and exclusive, worldwide, perpetual, non-revocable and
transferable license under copyright in the submitted work. The
licence especially covers, without limitation, all rights to make
the article available in the internet or databases or to cite to
reference, to cross-reference, to publish, reproduce and
distribute the article. However the author(s) are entitled to make
the following use of their work:
(1) to republish the article in any publication of which they are
an author or editor after the work has been published by the
DAAAM editor.
(2) to photocopy the article and distribute such photocopies and
distribute the electronic versions of the article for personal
or professional use, provided that any such copies are not
offered for sale.
(3) to make oral presentations of the work in any forum.
Any of the above mentioned use of the work must explicitly
identify prior publication in the Annals of DAAAM for 2010 &
Proceedings of the 21st International DAAAM Symposium,
ISSN 1726-9679, ISBN 978-3-901509-73-5, Editor B[ranko]
Katalinic, Published by DAAAM International, Vienna, Austria
2010, including page numbers.
Please read these instructions carefully. Prepare your paper
and data exactly according to the instructions. That is the
easiest and the most efficient way to have: a good published
paper, clear presentation and successful symposium. We are
looking forward to meet you in Zadar, Croatia in October 2010.
Fig. 1. Title of figure, left justified, subsequent text indented
Equations are aligned centred and numbered consecutively,
from 1 upwards.
√𝑎2 + 𝑏 2 = 𝑐
If a publication is referred to in the text, enclose the
author’s name and the date of publication within the brackets.
For one author, use the author’s surname and the date (Kusiak,
2006). For two authors, give both names & the date (Ueda &
Kusiak, 2007). For three or more authors, use the first author,
plus „et al.“, and the date (Katalinic et al., 2006). If giving a list
of reference, separate them using semicolons.
The best papers of the symposium will be published in
extended form in the DAAAM International Scientific Book,
hard cover, ISSN 1726-9687, and in the International Journal of
( Contributions in DAAAM Scientific
Book and DAAAM International Journal of Simulation
Modelling will be cross-referenced and available on Internet
under DAAAM International DOI:10.2507 Suffix. It is my
pleasure to inform you that the Annals of DAAAM and
Proceedings of International DAAAM Symposium since 2002
are included in the Index to the Scientific & Technical
Proceedings (ISTP/ISI Proceedings and ISTP CDROM/ ISI
Proceedings) of Thomson Reuters - Institute for Scientific
Information (ISI). ISI Proceedings provides Web access to
bibliographic information and author abstracts from papers
delivered at prestigious international conferences, symposia,
seminars, colloquia, workshops, and conventions. Available via
ISI Web of KnowledgeSM, it also includes powerful searching
and linking capabilities. More about ISI Proceedings you can
find at The papers published in
this Proceedings are available at Thomson Gale.
References have to include at least 5 items and have not to
be self-centred. The list of references has to be arranged
alphabetically according to the first author, subsequent lines
indented. Do not number references. Publications by the same
author(s) should be listed in order of year of publication. If
there are more than one paper by the same author(s) and with
the same date, label them a, b, etc. Please note that all
references listed here must be directly cited in the body of the
Alabar, B.; Kusiak, A. & Nanasi, J. (2007). Name of Book in
Italics, Publisher, ISBN, Place of Publication
Katalinic, B.; Park H. S. & Udiljak T. (2006). Name of Paper,
Available from: http://www.exact-address-of-site Accessed:
Kataumo, B.; Kusiak, A. & Nanasi, J. (2005). Title of
conference paper, Proceedings of xxx xxx, Katalinic, B.
(Ed.), pp. 14-17, ISBN, conference location, month and
year, Publisher, City
Kusiak, A. (2006). Name of paper. Name of Journal in Italics,
Vol., No., (month and year of the edition) page numbers
(first-last), ISSN
Ueda, K. & Kusiak, A. (2007). Name of paper, In: Name of
Book in Italics, Name(s) of Editor(s), (Ed.), page numbers
(first-last), Publisher, ISBN, Place of publication
*** (2006) - The National Statistics
Institute, Statistics Year Book, Accessed on: 2009-08-13
*** (1995) RFID machine vision drive gains at Sony ASAP
Hitchcook Publishing Company Assembly, pg.68, ISSN:
1050-8171, Vol 38, No.4, April 1995