Notes from Community Meeting


Lepperton Community School Hall Public meeting

Firstly thank you to everyone who attended the community meeting on the 3 rd of December. What follows are some answers to the comments raised at the meeting.

In regards to the issue raised about selling the Hall and retaining the land for conversion into a green area. Alternative uses for the land were considered should the school build a hall. These are discussed in more detail below. Also retaining the land is included as an option in the council proposal.


The retaining of the land and sale of the hall creates no benefit to the building of a new hall on school grounds, and in fact may mean that the project may not be financially viable. The projected costs of a new hall are $800k (Ministry of Education figures), The school will need to raise around $530k in order to build a hall as the Education

Department funding does not cover the full cost of a hall and is expected to provide only $270k at most (to be based on final plans).

And indeed the MOE funding available appears to only be on offer for a hall built as part of the rebuild. The proceeds from the sale of the hall alone (no land) will more than likely contribute only a small part of the $530k required and the balance will have to be raised from the community, if we are to proceed.

Currently we appear to have the Council and Ministry working together to achieve our vision, and it is an opportunity that the Hall Committee and School Board wish to take full advantage of.

It may be impractical for the Lepperton Community to raise potentially $530k should the hall land not be sold.

A potential compromise?

If the council was to sell the hall and land to a developer (or as one lot with a covenant on the land regarding subdivision allowing for a 3 lot subdivision with sections at

500m2. It would leave a remaining 500m2 (27*19) that could be vested back to the Hall Trust (or appropriate other entity) for free to be used as a public space.

This along with a commitment from the council to vest the use of the adjacent paper road to the Trust (no structure would be able to be built on the Road) to use as green space (this would provide another 400m2 of space).

The above scenario could allow for both the sale of enough land and area to provide funds for the new hall and provide a green space area.

Please take some time to read the comments attached and get back to either myself (021-275-8096) or Ian McCaul (06-754-8937) should you have any questions. We have also included anther copy of our vision and detail around the operation of the proposed hall.


Lepperton Community School Hall Public meeting

Issue raised Response

Will Fees for Hireage remain the same?

Will ability for Hireage remain the same?

Will the community loose access?

We anticipate no change to hiring fees – our vision is to have a facility that is available for use by the community – it only needs to cover costs and our belief is that the new hall will have lower maintenance costs than the existing one.

It is possible that hall usage costs may increase in the current hall –as 2 out of the last 3 years have run at a loss and there is only $5,000 in the bank.

We understand that there is commentary in the community that hall use will be restricted. This is incorrect


No group or person has been told they will not be able to use a new combined Community and

School Hall


Our mission is to accommodate all existing Hall usage and in fact allow for additional usage if required.

What will be the location on the School site? At this stage this is still to be decided as plans for the new school have not been finalised. As part of the school development process there will be opportunities for public consultation which will include placement of buildings – including the hall

How will the new hall building allow for

Non-school users/ (non-parents) to use the hall

Our vision is to have a hall that can be used separately from the school, this could be achieved:


It could be a separate building


Suitable landscaping to isolate the hall from other facilities


If not a separate building then separate access/ ability to close off the hall from the rest of the school


Separate facilities such as cooking and toilets

Hall Foot Print/reduction in play space

Will Alcohol be permitted

Will the current hall site (land only) have a value in the future to the community.

The new school buildings will occupy less land than the current spread out buildings, also the removal of the school house will ensure that play space is actually increased with the building of the new school.

Yes, but within community guidelines established by the Hall Committee and definitely not during school hours or during event involving children.

One would first need determine what usage that land would have? – a park , toilets, camping?

The current hall site is .2023 ha (1/2 acre).

In addition there is a paper road alongside the hall that is .1370ha (1/3 rd acre).


Lepperton Community School Hall Public meeting

Why was the selling of the hall only and retaining the land not considered.

Could the hall land be retained and used for parking.

Any other future use of the land from the current hall?

Although it has not been discussed at any point it may be worth investigation of converting this paper road area into a park like area. This could provide a green area whilst still allowing for the disposal of the hall and its land.

The new hall project is estimated to costs approx. $800k. With the ministry only funding 1/3 rd of that and the assumption that the sale of the hall only could yield around $50k, ($220k less than currently possible with the sale of the hall and land). This could leave approximately $485k that would need to be raised from the local community.

It was felt that the time spent to raise this level of fundraising would delay the project significantly and potentially increase the risk of not in fact raising sufficient funds to build a new hall.

One other issue to consider would be that if the Hall was sold and the land retained then funding would need to be obtained to develop the land for future use. In addition time would be needed to determine what the retained land would actually be used for and who would maintain it.

Alternative uses for the hall site were considered. These included the use of the land for a play centre, a park and a car park.


The School Board are in favour of retaining the play centre on the school grounds. We believe this makes for an easier transition between play centre and school and is more practical for parents with children in both centres.


A park was considered, however the School board and Hall Committee believed that there was sufficient green space on school ground, a playground, a pool and hard surface areas to provide suitable park like facilities.


After consultation with Roading representatives from the council it was determined that alterations to the current road layout, parking provided on the school grounds and road safe policies could provide enough parking without having to utilise the hall land for this purpose.


Lepperton Community School Hall Public meeting

An 800k budget for the new hall?

Sale /opening time lag

This is the figure quoted by Ministry to build a new hall that has the same facilities as the current hall.

Even with the Hall and land proceeds the community will need to raise around 265k

The school board has already begun planning on ways to raise these funds through a combination of corporate sponsorship, accessing funding agencies and donations.

It is expected that the new school/hall is some two years off. If we can be assured of accessing the current hall sale proceeds when it is sold, then there will be a way that we can complete the new build before closing the current hall. The continual supply of community hall facilitates is one of our key criteria in the new build. This of course would have to be done in conjunction with the NPDC and

Education Ministry.

Traffic calming

Loss of public land within the town.

Police vetting of Hall Users What about safety of Children with outsiders coming in

More ability needed to have others involved in the running of the current and proposed


Lepperton will loose history

The school is currently working with the NPDC on several roading initiatives to slow traffic and make the town safer. These will commence in the new year.

Given the area available at the school the board did not view this as an issue. However we are now talking to the NPDC to identify if there are other areas of land available within the Lepperton area. In addition to the Hall land there is a designated paper road alongside the hall that we could attempt to have converted to a “green area”

Currently no such vetting is carried out so this would be an additional constraint. We would envisage that the Hall Committee would be able to monitor this as they currently do by ensuring the hall is available to the local community whom we know. Security for our children is paramount and any new hall will during school hours be able to be kept separate from the school.

New Hall Committee personnel are welcome – contact Ian McCaul. The new hall will have a

Community Committee that will manage the Hall in partnership with the school so it will be important to have a mix of school reps and non-school reps within that group.

The School Board and Hall Committee will work together to ensure history regarding the old hall is retained in the new hall. At this stage exactly how is uncertain but it could be in the form of art work, furniture , notice boards etc


Lepperton Community School Hall Public meeting

What is the risk of a failed deal and being left without a hall at all

It is the School Board and Community Hall Committee’s intention not to commit to any deals until we are assured of the success. We will not see the town left without a Hall if we proceed along the path of our proposal.

However :

Given the council view expressed below - it is our belief that if we do nothing then there is a great possibility that in future years the NPDC will seek to dispose of the Hall. Maintenance costs will exceed the value of the Hall, or the Hall will not meet the NPDC building standards for community buildings. In these cases there is the possibility the Lepperton Community will be left without a functioning Hall.

Yes a possibility but with modern building practices and materials we believe this can be minimised. What about the noise - loud group in hall or loud children outside

Will the school take control of the hall

Touch Rugby will go

Will there be any public toilets

People will see it as a school hall and this could potentially cause them to use it less

Not at all, the existing management structure for the hall will continue (separate to the school).

However there will be equal representatives from the school and community on the committee.

The provision of grounds for touch rugby usage is a separate issue and not affected by the Hall decision.

The School Board are committed to continuing to have Touch Rugby at the School

Yes the current hall has one that is available by obtaining a key from the Lepperton Store. We can incorporate the same in the new hall if that is what the community want.

The hall will continue to be promoted as a public facility and indeed this will be a key role of the Hall committee to ensure its usage in increased.


Lepperton Community School Hall Public meeting

What is the councils intention for Rural Halls in general?

Key principles are:

• That urban halls and community centres will meet the foreseeable recreation, cultural, social and sporting needs of the community.

• The Council’s intention is to discontinue its ownership of rural halls.

• Council owned facilities are only part of a network of halls, community centres and meeting facilities available to the community.

• Council owned halls or community centres will comply with all relevant safety standards.

• Council owned halls or community centres will be accessible to members of the community regardless of age or physical ability.

• Community partnerships can consist of the Council providing land for third party facilities, building community facilities on third party land, joint building ventures, sponsorship and third party funding, or leasing parts of a facility to third parties. The Council will investigate community partnerships for halls or community centres where partnerships may offer a benefit to the community and meet a recognised demand for halls or community centres.

• The Council will ensure that there is a geographical spread of halls and community centres throughout the district and that the size and range of hall facilities offer sufficient variety to ensure a range of uses.

• Major capital investment in halls or community centres will be considered as part of the Council’s Long

Term Council Community Plan Process.

Where opportunities exist for divestment the Council will seek and consider the views of the community.


Lepperton Community School Hall Public meeting

Issue Raised Response

The School is the hear t of the community

Children’s safety can be improved by not having to cross the road

Bigger hall will accommodate children and parents

New building/ reduce maintenance – future proofing

Bigger space/better floor

Where will hall revenue go?

Will the Hall require more involvement to manage

That is one of the aims of this process. To create a school that is a key part of the community with facilities that can be used by families long after children may have left the school

The school board is currently working with Council representatives to make Lepperton safer for children, regardless of the outcome of the hall decision. However clearly not having to have a class of children cross a busy main road to use the hall would increase safety.

Yes currently the hall can only accommodate around 150 people in order to meet fire safety regulations. With a school role predicted to be around 200 in 5-10 years this will clearly not be big enough.

Yes the new hall will be expected to have a longer useful life and lower maintenance costs due to it being built with modern technology and products. With the council signalling their withdrawl from funding Community Hall’s,the ongoing maintenance of the existing building is a real issue with responsibility potentially falling on the community.

Yes the new Hall will be approximately have a court space of 25*14 approximately twice the current hall space, and be made of modern flooring materials.

All hall revenue will be controlled by the hall committee and be used to fund:


Repairs and maintenance


Enhance facilities in Hall


Subsidise community events

Once built it is envisaged that it will require no more administration than is currently done.


Lepperton Community School Hall Public meeting

More teaching space

Will the Hall Committee stay Yes - as above it will be essential to have community representatives assist with the management of the hall

Access to Ministry Funding Yes we have an allowance for a new hall as part of the new build. However it is only for a hall smaller than the existing Community Hall. This allowance may not be available in the future and if not completed as part of the school build will be a separate funding request and be significantly longer in time frame if at all.

Will there be a management agreement

Who stops the “Riff Raff”

Yes- a great area for the school to practice dance, sports, presentations/shows as well as be used for teaching space – although we anticipate the new school will have sufficient teaching space within itself.

Yes one will be drafted, however it must be noted that the Hall Committee and School have worked well together for many years and we see no reason why this should change.

Hopefully by proper consideration being given when the hall is rented this will not be a problem, however if it does the current rules prevail and Hall representatives and the community can manage.

What are council contributing Council are contributing up to $270k to this project from the hall sale proceeds. This is requiring a special council vote and it is not in line with council policy. This is more than likely a one off offer and may not be available again. It was negotiated because this was seen as a great model of community, education ministry and NPDC working together to provide facilities.

Will there be toilets/ kitchens Yes all facilities that are in the existing hall will be in the new one.

