Los Angeles Pierce College Philosophy and Sociology Department PHIL 5: Critical Thinking and Composition (UC:CSU) (CSU GE AREA A3 • IGETC AREA 1B) Section 0564 Fall 2015 Instructor: Miguel Endara, Ph.D. Meeting: MW 2:15-3:40 BEH 1311 Office Hours: W 1:25-2:15 & by appointment, BEH 1306D Email: endarama@piercecollege.edu Required Texts Socratic Logic, Peter Kreeft, Edition 3.1, St. Augustine's Press. ISBN: 1-58731-808-3 Course Description "This is a basic introduction to some of the fundamental issues of philosophy and humanity that include topics such as knowledge and reality, the foundations of truth and science, and the nature of human consciousness/self.” (General Catalog course description) In this course, we will use PierceOnline, an online teaching environment. I will post all the relevant course information, including the syllabus, the grades, additional reading material, etc. on PierceOnline. Course Objectives The objectives of this course are stated below: 1.Ability to summarize an argument and evaluate an essay's arguments with respect to clarity of key terms, emotive use of language, informal fallacies, underlying assumptions and values, as well as validity, soundness, and strength of arguments; 2. Be able to synthesize various arguments presented in essays on a single topic, comparing and contrasting the main points; Methods of Meeting Student Learning Objectives 1 1. The diagramming of different arguments as well as the diagramming of responses to these arguments will be assigned that will allow the evaluation of the students to summarize an argument and evaluate an essay's arguments with respect to clarity of key terms, emotive use of language, informal fallacies, underlying assumptions and values, as well as validity, soundness, and strength of arguments 2. Students will be asked to synthesize various arguments presented in essays on a single topic, comparing and contrasting the main points through their required argumentative essay. Course Requirements and Grading: Reflection Papers (2) Argumentative Essays-3 phases 10 18 Homework Assignments (5) 24 Quizzes (2) 13 35 Exams (2) Total 100 Grading Scale: 90+ A 80-89 B 2 70-79 C 60-69 D 59- F Course Work Reasons for turning in assignments late, such as the hard disk crashing or running out of ink or the printer or computer not functioning well or any other, will not be accepted. Make sure to make multiple copies of each assignment in different media and make sure that you have plenty of ink or that you give yourself enough time to print the assignments in one of the LAPC computer labs. All homework and Reflection paper assignments must be turned in or emailed at the beginning of class on the day that it is due. I do not accept late assignments, unless these are turned it in with a medical note that explains why you could not turn them in on time All writing assignment must be well written, they must not contain spelling or grammatical errors, otherwise points will be deducted. I suggest that you take your work to one of the writing labs on Campus: 1) Pierce College Writing Lab: South Gym 5412 (818)710-2514 2) Pierce College Center for Academic Success Phone: (818) 719-6439 3) Pierce College Online Writing Lab See the following website for instructions:http://PierceOnLine.piercecollege.edu/course/view.php?id=6304 Argumentative Essay (18 points) I will post specific instructions on PierceOnline regarding this essay. 1) Argumentative Essay: You are to write a double-spaced, 12 -point font, 16-18 page essay and argument diagram in strict accordance to the format that I will post on PierceOnLine. Late phases will only be accepted if they are one class-session late but will be worth only 1/2 the points. You will need to email them to me if you cannot make it to class on the day that they are due. The essay is to be written in two phases: Phase I-2 points; Phase II-12 points. 3 You are to re-submit to me the original Phase I, along with my comments, when you upload Phase II. If you lose Phase I, it will cost you 5 points. Argumentative Essay (Phases II) Grading Criteria Rubric Maximum Points The formatting directions were followed, including the enthymeme instructions 3 The arguments were well constructed and written in your own words 2 The source for the counter-argument was stated in II.B. 1 The arguments are in the Standard Format, correctly diagrammed and the main diagram between 4 and 8 premises 4 Wrote in a clear, concise manner using proper spelling, grammar, and punctuation and the essay is in the APA Format 2 Total: 12 Exams: (35 points) There will be a midterm worth 17 and final exam, worth 18 points each. The final exam is not meant to be cumulative but there will be overlap from the midterm exam. The exams will consist of multiple-choice, and/or problem resolution questions. According to LAPC policy, I cannot allow to take the final exam earlier than its official date and time. Homework Assignments and Quizzes (24 pts) Homework assignments and quizzes are worth different number of points. You have the choice of emailing me the homework or of handing it in. Homework due is due on the date specified by the beginning of class. Late homework is not accepted. Reflection Papers (10 pts) 4 There will be 2 Reflection Papers due in the semester. Each reflection paper is to be written in 12point font and be 1-2 single-spaced pages in length. Each it is worth 5 points. You will need to see the "Reading, Homework, & Exam Schedule” section, below, to see what readings you will cover and when each paper is due. Each reading paper will contain at least three paragraphs: Paragraph 1: Clearly explain the main point of the article; what point is the author arguing for? Do not concern yourself with the argument itself, side points or responses to challenges of the main point. Paragraph 2+: Clearly explain how the author defends his/her main point. If there is more than one argument, place each argument in its own paragraph. The first sentence of the each paragraph should contain a summary of the argument contained therein. Again, do not concern yourself with side points. Last Paragraph: Clearly explain whether you agree with the author and why. I do NOT accept late Reflection Papers. Reflection Paper Grading Criteria Maximum Points Paragraph 1: The main point(s) of the article is/are clearly explained 1 Paragraph 2+: The argument(s) for the main point is/are clearly explained. Each argument has its own paragraph and each sentence begins with a summary of the argument contained therein. 3 Paragraph 3: The student stated and defended his/her view on the issue 1 Total: 5 Extra Credit There will only be one extra-credit opportunity that I will explain after the first exam. Important Issues 1) Please note that you are responsible for dropping this class. However, if by the end of the second week of class you have not showed up to class, I reserve the option to drop you by adding you to the "Exclusion Roster,” a roster that all instructors are required to turn in. 5 2) Each student is expected to do his or her own work. Study together, but work alone. There is to be no cheating on papers or homework. Plagiarism will not be tolerated. Plagiarism refers to quoting a sentence or paragraph without giving credit to the author. If I find one or more sentences or paragraphs taken from any source and included in the exam as if they came from the mind of the student, the student will fail the exam and I will also follow the University Rule 3335-31-02, which requires that "Each instructor shall report to the committee on academic misconduct all instances of what he or she believes may be academic misconduct.” Email me if you have questions about this issue. 3) Students with disabilities who need accommodations are encouraged to contact the instructor. Special Services is available to facilitate the reasonable accommodation process. The Special Services office is located in the Administration Building, Room 1024 and can be reached at (818) 719-6430. 4) If you need help paying for books and other college expenses, call the Financial Aid Office at (818) 719-6428 or see them in the College Services Building http://www.piercecollege.edu/offices/financial_aid 5) Laptops or other note-taking electronic devices may be used only for the purpose of taking notes. Electronic device use for any other purpose will not be allowed (this included texting on you cell phone). Also, talking to your fellow students, when you are not in groups, will not be allowed. 6) If you have an issue with any grade that I've given you, you have up to a week to make your issue known to me. Please do not wait until the end of semester for it will be too late then. DEADLINES - LAST DAY TO: LAST DAY TO ADD CLASSES ONLINE FOR FALL 2015 August 30 (Name will appear on the Instructor’s online roster) LAST DAY TO ADD CLASSES (In person at Admissions and Records with Add Permit issued by Instructor) September 11 LAST DAY TO SUBMIT AUDIT CARDS September 11 LAST DAY TO DROP OR CHANGE CLASSES ONLINE WITHOUT INCURRING FEES* Sunday, September 13 LAST DAY TO CLAIM A REFUND OF ENROLLMENT FEES AND NON-RESIDENT TUITION* September 13 LAST DAY TO DROP CLASSES ONLINE WITHOUT A GRADE OF “W” ** September 13 The No Penalty Drop Date is now the day before Census (end of the second week for fullterm classes). You must drop by that date or you will be assigned a 'W' for the class. 'W's' count against your total attempts. You can only attempt a class three times. That includes withdrawals, incompletes and substandard grades. Use your attempts wisely! 6 Readings, Assignments, Quizzes, & Exam Schedule (Subject to adjustment) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 8/31 Kreeft, 1-9 & Introduction 9/02 Kreeft 26-33 ("Homework 1” (5 pts) due beginning of class 9/09) 9/07 Labor Day – No class 9/09 Kreeft, 35-43 9/14 Kreeft, 47-53; Quiz on Universals (4 pts) 9/16 Kreeft, 47-53; ("Homework 2” (5 pts) due beginning of class 9/21) 9/21 Kreeft, 68-84 9/23 Kreeft, 68-84 ("Homework 3” file (4 pts) due beginning of class 9/28) 9/28 Kreeft, 84-102 9/30 Kreeft, 84-102; Quiz on fallacies (5 pts.) 10/05 Kreeft, 123-130 & 225-227 10/07 Kreeft, 123-130 & 225-227; Exam I Review 10/12 Exam I 10/14 Kreeft, 190-194 & 206-211 10/19 Kreeft, 206-211 ("Homework 4” (5 pts) due beginning of class 10/21) 10/21 Kreeft, 282-288 10/26 Kreeft, 282-288 10/28 “Essay Assignment Instructions” (PierceOnLine); Quiz on diagrams (6 pts); (Essay Phase I due beginning of class 11/02 (6 pts.)) 10 11/02 Classical Rhetoric 101 (PierceOnLine); (Reflection Paper 1 on "Letter from Birmingham Jail” due beginning of class 11/04 (5 pts.)) 11/04 11 11/09 Kreeft, 264-267; Martin Luther King, Jr. Letter from a Birmingham jail (PierceOnline) Kreeft, 342-343; Harvard's Short Guide to Philosophical Writing (PierceOnline) ("Essay Phase II due 11/23 (12 pts.)) 11/11 Veteran’s Day – No Class 12 11/16 No Class (Endara will be attending a philosophy conference) 11/18 No Class (Endara will be attending a philosophy conference) 7 13 11/23 Kreeft, 329-333 11/25 Kreeft, 329-333; The Sex Debate: Thomas Mappes, "Sexual Morality and the Concept of Using Another Person” (PierceOnline); ("Homework 5” due beginning of class on 11/30 (5 pts)) 14 11/30 12/02 The Sex Debate: Vincent Punzo, "Morality and Human Sexuality”; The Abortion/Embryo Status Debate: Steinbock, "Moral Status and Human Embryos” (PierceOnline) (Reflection Paper 2 on Lee & George, "Abortion” (5 pts) due beginning of class 12/07) 15 12/07 The Embryo Status Debate: Lee & George, "Abortion” (PierceOnline); 12/09 Review for Final Exam 16 12/14 Final Exam (2:15-4:15 pm) PierceOnLine Login Instructions If you are already registered you should have already been added to PierceOnLine. If you add the course, you have to wait 24 hours until you are added. If you add on Friday, you might have to wait until Monday or Tuesday before you are added. Access the PierceOnLine webpage, moodle.piercecollege.edu, read "Student Login” and follow the directions.On this same webpage you will find a number of tutorials and other information. If you have problems login in, click on the "Student Help” (located to the right of the "Students” box) and follow the instructions. 8