Product promotion strategy

Product promotion strategy
1 What is the role of promotion? What does it aim to achieve?
To inform, persuade and remind consumers about business products
2 List the four elements of the promotion mix.
- Personal selling
- Advertising
- Sales promotion
- Public relations
3 What is personal selling?
It involves activities of sale representatives directed at a customer to attempt at making a
4 Why can personal selling be much more persuasive than advertising?
Advertising is paid by a non-personal message but personal selling can allow you to talk
personally and one-on-one with the customer where you can try to relate to them and
explain more clearly to how they should buy the product
5 What is the main advantage of advertising?
The main advantage is that messages can be sent through electronics and can reach an
enormous amount of audience
6 List the five main forms of advertising media.
- Mass marketing
- Direct marketing catalogues
- Telemarketing
- Internet marketing
- Billboards
7 How does advertising differ from personal selling?
Advertising is a way that doesn’t need to talk one to one with the consumers and can just
throw up some signs, for example which could catch people’s attention. Personal selling
differs where its more socially interactive between the consumer and the trader which they
could discuss matters or so.
8 Examine the logos above and identify the businesses they represent.
- St. George
- Toyota
- Bp
- World wildlife fund
9 Which form of advertising would you choose for the following products? Give
reasons for your choices.
(a) Nike sports shoes
Personal selling: because you could tell the consumers which size would fit
“perfectly” and how good the quality the shoe is for your feet.
(b) School textbooks
Advertising media: because school textbooks are almost essentials to students so you could
just put up a blunt and straightforward sign
(c) A hairdressing salon
Advertising media: because you could make a wonderful add
(d) Toys for children
Personal selling: you could tease the kids with toys where they could do the persuading for
(e) Dell computers
Personal selling: you can explain the advantages it might have, more persuasive