American History Review Packet Name: P ______ Use your

Name: _______________________________________ P __________
American History Review Packet 1
Use your resources:
Resource # 1: notebook, worksheets, handouts, graphic organizers, notecards (this is where your index
cards come in handy once again).
Resource # 2: textbook, BEEP, links on my website
use a separate sheet of paper and answer in detail if you cannot find what you are looking for in your
Resource # 1 to answer the following questions/statements.
Remember to put a check over each question, statement, or event as you do/go through the chapters
to make sure that you have not skipped anything. You are going to do great!
Chapter 4
The Union in Peril page 154 Re-read this chapter
-Briefly summarize the Civil War – differences between the North and the South – cultural and economical.
-Issues regarding slavery/politics: The Compromise Line of 1820 (the 36 30’ line N of the line free states/S of the
line slave states; What was the Compromise of 1850?; Fugitive Slave law?; New Mexico and Utah territories
(popular sovereignty)?; Underground Rail Road?; Who was Harriet Tubman?; Uncle Tom’s Cabin by Harriet
Beecher Stowe?; Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854?; Lecompton Constitution a series of proslavery acts- led to bloody
violence in Kansas - Bleeding Kansas; Free- Soil Party?; Abolitionist John Brown (Raid at Harpers Ferry Va.)?;
-New political parties: Slavery issue divides the Whig party, Know-Nothings, Democrats –
N Whigs/S. Douglas; S Whigs/John. Breckenridge; the Republican Party/Abraham Lincoln; Constitutional Union
Party/John Bell. page 164
- Supreme Court Case: Dred Scott Case – Dred Scott v Sandford 1857, Supreme Court Chief Justice Roger Taney;
page 162 and page 166-167.
-Election of 1860 Lincoln-Douglas Debates - Lincoln wins – The Southern secession begins with South Carolina, and
delegates from the secessionist states formed the Confederate States of America (the Confederacy)
Union- President Lincoln (He wanted to Preserve the entire USA (the Union) -Union’s Strength – more people,
wealthier society, industrialized, greater food production, strong Navy, an extensive railroad system
Confederacy- President Jefferson Davis -Confederacy’s Strength – “King Cotton,” home front advantage, qualified
first rate military generals and leaders, highly motivated soldiers
Military Strategies:
Union: -Anaconda Plan – blockade Atlantic, control the Mississippi River and capture confederate capital of
Richmond- page 169 (Scott’s Great Snake)
Confederacy: Defensive
Battles: Fort Sumter (The War begins) page 168;
-First Battle of Bull Run/Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson page 169;
-Antietam/Sharpsburg – Bloodiest Day page 171;
-Gettysburg – Bloodiest Battle in the War-Union’s first turning point page 176;
-Vicksburg-Union’s second turning point page 179;
-Total War: Ulysses S. Grant commander of all Union armies and William Sherman commander of the military
division of the Mississippi - changed the course of the war. Sherman’s March to the Sea in the spring of 1864- by
Mid-November he had burned most of Atlanta. Sherman’s victories inspired the North and helped Lincoln win
reelection page 180-181;
-Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation;
-Merrimack(South) & Monitor(North) were the first ironclads(iron ships) in battle page 182
The results of the Civil War: – Lee surrendered to Grant at Appomattox Court House on April 9, 1865 page 181
-page 174/and 182 income tax was introduced; N- economy prospered; S- economy declined
Name: _______________________________________ P __________
American History Review Packet 2
-16th President Abraham Lincoln: - The 13thAmendment- the end of slavery page 182. What was the
Reconstruction? - the Freedman’s Bureau of 1865?; the Proclamation of Amnesty and Reconstruction-10% Plan?;
page 184-185
Lincoln was assassinated by John Wilkes Booth on April 14, 1865, five days after Lee surrendered to Grant at
- 17th President Andrew Johnson: -What was the Congressional Reconstruction page 186-188 -the Military
Reconstruction Act of 1867? -the Tenure of Office Act of 1867-Johnson’s impeachment/found not guilty; The 14th
Amendment –former slaves are now citizens page 185
-18th President Ulysses S. Grant: won the 1868 presidential election “The Civil War hero.” The 15th Amendment –
no one can be kept from voting because of “race, color, or previous condition of servitude.” –former slaves have the
right to vote. Page 186; the first African-American senator was Hiram Revels page 188. With no economic
prosperity the newly freed slaves became sharecroppers
-Rise of KKK- page 188
Florida History: pages between the end of chapter 4 and beginning of chapter 5 (page 199 FL 1- 199 FL 2)
- South Carolina was the first to secede from the Union on 12/20/1860 and Florida seceded on 1/10/1861, Alabama,
Georgia, Louisiana, and Texas also seceded during this time. The following month the Confederacy was formed. No
Civil War battle was fought in Florida, however Florida provided more beef to both Confederate and Union troops
than any other region, and for the 30 years was the nation’s leading cattle exporter. Salt, pork, and cotton was also
provided to the Confederacy. Florida’s citrus production began to grow. Federal troops occupied Tallahassee on May
10, 1865.
Chapter 5
Changes on the Western Frontier page 200
-Life as a Native American/as a settler
- Native American: Great Plains (Buffalo was everything) –their belief system-spirits- they did not believe that any
person should own the land - Conflicts between settlers and Native Americans-settlers believed in owning land. What
was the Dawes Act of 1887? page 206
- Settlers: People wanted to settle in the West because of gold/silver. -What was the Transcontinental Railroad-who
built it? the Homestead Act of 1862? page 215; the Morrill Land Grant Act of 1862? Page 217; What was the Pacific
Railway Act of 1962?
-Battles: Massacre at Sand Creek page 204; Treaty of Fort Laramie page 204; -What was life like on a reservation?
Battle of Wounded Knee page 207 brought the Indian wars to an end.
- A Century of Dishonor by Helen Hunt Jackson page 206 – had the same impact as Uncle Tom’s Cabin by Harriet
Beecher Stowe/for Slaves- in that Helen Hunt Jackson exposed the hardship of the Native Americans and rose
sympathizers support to assimilation.
-section 3: The Farmers and the Populist Movement:
-What was the Grange organization founded by Oliver Kelley? Page 220-221; What did the Populist Party want?
page 221; What did the “Cross of Gold” speech by William Jennings Bryan signified? page 223.
-Look over graphic organizer on page 226.
Florida History: pages between the end of chapter 5 and beginning of chapter 6 (page 227 FL 1- 227 FL 2)
-Henry B. Plant fixed war-ruined railroad lines and bought two railroad companies – his railroad empire controlled
more than 2,100 miles of track. His Tampa Bay Hotel served as the headquarters of Theodore Roosevelt during the
Spanish- American War, and was the first hotel to use electricity. His Hotel is now the University of Tampa .
-Henry Flagler made his fortune as a partner in the Standard Oil Company. He built Florida East Coast Railway from
the N all the way to Key West. Both Henry Plant and Henry Flagler linked Florida’s farms to Northern markets.
-James Deering builds the estate Villa Vizcaya in 1916.
Chapter 6
A New Industrial Age page 228
-The expansion of industry-natural resources fueled industrialization and inventions
-Edwin Drake-used steam engine to drill for oil/now removing oil from beneath the earth’s surface became practical
Name: _______________________________________ P __________
American History Review Packet 3
-The Bessemer process-this technique involved injecting air into molten iron to remove the carbon and other
impurities- now it’s a more lighter, more flexible, and rust-resistant metal -this method turns iron into steel – and
produced over 90% of the nation’s steel. Now it is used to build railroads, bridges, skyscrapers with steel frames, and
machinery. page 231-232
-Thomas Edison perfected the incandescent light bulb, the phonograph, movie camera, invented an entire system for
producing and distributing electrical power-made it safe and less expensive, this allowed manufacturers to locate their
factories anywhere in the nation.
-Alexander Bell invented the telephone – it was a worldwide communications network.
-The Age of the Railroads – new time zones were created.
- Supreme Court Case: Munn v. Illinois 1877, The Grangers (members of the Grange a farmer’s organization)
demanded governmental control over the railroad industry –there were railroad abuses, fixed prices for example kept
farmers in their debt. Result of the case- the states won the right to regulate the railroads for the benefit of farmers and
consumers. Now the federal government had the right to regulate private industry to serve the public interest. page
-section 3: Big Business and Labor: page 241
-Industrialist Andrew Carnegie –the Carnegie Steel Company; John D. Rockefeller – Standard Oil Company;
and J.P. Morgan – Banker; They were called the “Robber Barons” used vertical, and horizontal integration, trusts, had
monopolies, believed in the theory of social Darwinism,
-What is the Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890 page 244.
-Labor unions rose because of the poor working conditions in factories, the American Federation of Labor (AFL) –
Samuel Gompers, American Railway Union (ARU) –Eugene V. Debs; Strikes turn violent- The Great Strike of 1877,
the Haymarket Affair/Chicago’s Haymarket Square 1886, the Homestead Strike 1892, the Pullman Company Strike
1894; page 245-248
-The Panic of 1893 page 248
-Government usually sided with employers.
Florida History: pages between the end of chapter 6 and beginning of chapter 7 (page 251 FL 1- 251 FL 2)
-Cubans began to settle in Florida in the late 1800s looking for factory work. By the 1900s they came because of
political reasons. Sugar, coffee, and the tobacco(cigar) trade expanded. Workers traveled between Havana, Cuba,
Tampa and Key West. During the Cold War they came fleeing Fidel Castro’s regime. The Federal immigration
authorities began to use the Miami New Tower (which was vacant) in 1962 to process Cuban exiles. The building was
now called the “Ellis Island of the South.”
Chapter 7 Immigrants and Urbanization page 252
- Section 1: Immigrants Describe the “old immigrants (people who came to the U.S before 1890s Northwestern
Europe, farmers) v. the new immigrants (people who came after the 1890s Southern and Central Europe unskilled
laborers)” (worksheets/handouts)
-What was the push/pull factor? Describe the conditions/experience of Ellis Island/Angel Island.
(worksheets/handouts) page 256-257
-What is a melting pot? nativism, the Anti-Asian sentiment/Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882, and the Gentlemen’s
Agreement of 1907/1908? (worksheets/handouts) page 258-259
-Section 2: Challenges of Urbanization
-What was life like in the cities? Page 262-Why was Jacob Riis’ photographs so significant?
-Urban problems – housing, tenements, mass transit, water, sanitation, crime, the Great Chicago Fire of 1871; page
-What was the Social Gospel Movement? the establishment of the settlement houses? Who was Jane Adams and why
was she so significant? Page 266
-The settlement houses helped cultivate social responsibility toward the immigrants and urban poor/salvation army.
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American History Review Packet 4
-Section 3: Politics in the Gilded Age page 267
-The Rise of the Political Machines, Who were the political Bosses? And how were the immigrants involved? What
was graft? - kick backs, find jobs, get licenses, Page 269
-What was the Tweed Ring scandal? Who was Boss Tweed, head of Tammany Hall NYC. Page 269 and 273.
Florida History: pages between the end of chapter 7 and beginning of chapter 8 (page 273 FL 1- 273 FL 2)
-The Inlet Lighthouse between Daytona Beach and Cape Canaveral was renamed Ponce de Leon in 1927. During
WWII the lighthouse became the barracks for Coast Guardsman who stood watch for enemy submarines.
-Henry Flagler’s Florida East Coast Railway was finished in 1912 – it ran from Jacksonville along the Atlantic coast to
Miami and through the Everglades to Key West.
-The fight for equality continues in Florida. – Florida was the first state to require railroads to carry AfricanAmericans in separate cars. Florida enacted a number of Jim Crow laws until the passage of the Civil Rights Act in
Chapter 8 Life at the Turn of the 20th Century page 274
Section 1: Science and Urban Life -Technology brought about the growth in city life. Skyscrapers were built,
engineers and architects like Frederick Olmsted designed plans for urban planning. New streets, parks like central
Park in NYC. The transit system was built – underground moving cables, transformed urban transportation. Page
-A revolution in printing, published more books, magazines, and newspapers- new demand for the reading public –
increased literacy among people page 279
-Airplanes –brothers Orville and Wilber Wright successful flight on December 17, 1903 page 279
-Photography explosion- in 1888 George Eastman introduced his Kodak camera. page 281
Section 2: Expanding Public Education - After the Civil War, states passed laws requiring children to attend school.
The curriculum emphasized reading, writing and arithmetic. Some went on to high school. page 283
-Racial discrimination – by 1890 fewer than 1 percent of black teenagers attended high school. page 284
-Education for immigrants was encouraged in order to quickly “Americanized” them. page 284
-Expanding Higher Education – between 1880 – 1920 college enrollments quadrupled. They offered more courses, by 1900 from about 9 million African Americans only 3,880 were in attendance at colleges or professional schools.
- African American Booker T. Washington believed that, racism would end once blacks acquired useful labor skills,
and proved their economic value to society, and by attending vocational schools. By 1881, he headed the Tuskegee
Normal and Industrial Institute.
- W.E.B. Du Bois, was the first African American to receive a doctorate from Harvard in 1895, believed that Blacks
should seek a liberal arts education so that the African-American community would have well-education leader “talented tenth” immediate inclusion into mainstream American Life. DuBois disagreed with Booker T.
Washington’s gradual approach. page 285.
Section 3: Segregation and Discrimination – What was the poll tax, grandfather clause, segregation laws, Jim Crow
laws page 287
-Supreme Court Case: Plessy v Ferguson 1896 – Ruling: The Court ruled that separate-but-equal facilities for
Blacks and Whites did not violate the Constitution. page 287/290-291 (handout/political cartoon)
-High violence for African Americans, and discrimination. What is debt peonage? page 289
-Mexican workers/and Chinese immigrants were also segregated in schools, neighborhoods, and jobs page 289
Section 4: The Dawn of Mass Culture – Americans had more time to enjoy life, bicycling, tennis, sports. Page 294
- The Vaudeville Theatre, the circus, films/movies, page 298-299. American Leisure/ amusement parks, Wild West
Shows page 211
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American History Review Packet 5
-Because of the new technologies of printing, more books in circulation like Mark Twains books, The Adventures of
Huckleberry Finn, newspapers, many people were informed faster. Page 296
-There were new ways to sell merchandise, urban shopping/department stores/chain stores, radio advertising/printed
advertising, buying through the mail became common, Montgomery Ward and Sears Roebuck’s catalog launched in
1872, and now people in small towns may also order the modern day items. page 296-297
Florida History: pages between the end of chapter 8 and beginning of chapter 9 (page 303 FL 1- 303 FL 2)
-In 1903 President Theodore Roosevelt established Pelican Island as the first wildlife reservation.
-In 1915 The Dixie Highway began its construction. It was named Dixie Highway to mark 50 years of between of
peace between the North and South (The Civil War)- The highway connects –N -Ontario, Canada, to Florida City,
Florida and south of Miami.
-In 1916 Sidney J. Catts was elected governor of Florida- Prohibition Party nominee. He succeeded in ratifying the
18th Amendment – which banned the sale of alcohol.
-With the Florida East Cost Railroad nearby, and the creation of the Dixie Highway, Thomas Hastings shipped
thousands of bushels of potatoes to northern markets making his farm the Potato Capital of Florida.
Chapter 9 The Progressive Era page 304
-Section 1: The Origins of Progressivism – What were the four goals of Progressivism? Page 307
-The promotion of moral improvement. Women like Florence Kelley were behind the Progressive Movement. What
was the WCTU, page 307 –Temperance Anti-Saloon League
-Who were the Muckrakers and what did they write about? Page 308
-Reformers like Robert La Follette led the way in regulating big business. Reformers wanted better working
conditions, and to stop child labor. page 310-311
-Child Labor Act of 1916 prohibited the transportation across state lines of goods produced with child labor (look at
the photojournalism – on page 311.
-Describe the difference between a social, political, and economic reforms – the 17th Amendment – the direct election
of senators. Page 312
-Section 2: Women in Public Life –What was the NACW and NAWSA? page 315-316
-Who was Susan B. Anthony and what was her role in the woman’s suffrage? page 315
-What was the 3-Part strategy for suffrage? page 316
-Section 3: 26th President, 1901-1909, Theodore “Teddy” Roosevelt’s Square Deal – progressive reforms
-Trust-busting –Antitrust policies page 319
-What happened during the Coal Strike in 1902? page 320
-What was the Meat Inspection Act? –Remember The Jungle by Upton Sinclair page 230
-What was the Pure Food and Drug Act of 1906? page 322
-Roosevelt set aside 1.5 million acres of water-power sites and 80 million acres of land and established more than 50
wildlife sanctuaries and several nation parks to conserve natural resources in the nation. page 323
-Section 4: 27th President, 1909-1913, William H. Taft, Progressivism Under Taft –
-He consolidated Roosevelt’s reforms.
- Section 5: 28th President, 1913-1921, Woodrow Wilson, his progressive platform was called the New Freedom
-He supported strong governmental role in economic affairs page 330
-He supported small business and free-market competition and characterized all business monopolies as evil. page 331
-What is the Clayton Antitrust Act of 1914, and Federal Trade Commission (FTC) of 1914 page 333
-The New tax system – Underwood Act which reduced tariff rates for the first time since the Civil War page 333
-Ratified the 16th Amendment –legalizing the federal income tax on individuals and corporate profits.
-What was the Federal Reserve System? page 334
-The 19th Amendment – Women win suffrage – In 1920 the amendment was ratified and women were granted their
right to vote.
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American History Review Packet 6
Florida History: pages between the end of chapter 9 and beginning of chapter 10 (page 339 FL 1- 339 FL 2)
-Cuban independence leader Jose Marti came to Tampa in November 1891 to solicit support for their independence
from Spain.
-On February 15, 1898, the U.S. Battleship Maine, was anchored in the Havana harbor when a mysterious explosion
destroyed the ship, killing 266 of the 354 sailors onboard.
- 25th President William McKinley (1897-1901) - declared war on Spain on April 24, 1898 blaming Spain for the
explosion. “Remember the Maine!” became the rallying cry for the Spanish-American War. Seven camps were set up
at DeSoto Park, Fort Brooke, Palmetto Beach, Port Tapa, Tampa Heights, Ybor City, and West Tampa.
Chapter 10
America claims an Empire page 340
-Section 1: Imperialism and America – Imperialism – the policy in which stronger nations extend their economic,
political, or military control over weaker territories. Alfred T. Mahan of the U.S. Navy urges the government officials
to build up American naval power in order to compete with other powerful nations. – As a result nine steel-hulled
cruisers were built between 188-1890 page 342-343
-Imperialism – a thirst for new markets-new materials-and a belief in Social Darwinsim
-America acquires Alaska, American sugar planters overthrow of Queen Liliuokalani of Hawaii. The U.S builds a
naval base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. page 344
-Section 2: The Spanish-American War – after the emancipation of Cuba’s slaves, American capitalist began
investing millions of dollars in large sugar can plantations on the island. Jose Marti – a Cuban poet and journalist in
exile in NYC launched a revolution in 1895. “Cuba Libre!”
-What was yellow journalism? What was the DeLome Letter? Page 347-348 - Remember your handout/and map on
page 349.
-In early 1898, President William McKinley ordered the U.S.S. Maine (warship) to Cuba to bring home American
citizens in danger from the fighting between Cuba and Spain, and to protect American property. It was blown up.
America declared war on Spain.
-The first battle was in the Philippine Islands- the Filipinos wanted their independence from Spain -U.S. had support of
Filipinos. -U.S Commodore George Dewey opened fire on the Spanish fleet. Page 349
-The War in the Caribbean – Roosevelt and his Rough Riders won a second victory in the Battle of San Juan Hill page
-The war was won in only 15 weeks, so it was called, “a splendid little war” by Secretary of State John Hay.
-The results of the war –Treaty of Paris – Cuba was freed from Spain, The U.S. acquired Guam, Puerto Rico and paid
$20, million for the Philippines to Spain page 350-351
-Section 3: Acquiring New Lands page 352
-Puerto Rico: Congress passed the Foraker Act of 1900, which ended military rule and set up a civil government. page
-Cuba: The Teller Amendment – which stated that the U.S. had no intention of taking over any part of Cuba. U.S.
insisted that Cuba add to its constitution several provisions known as the Platt Amendment-which made Cuba a
protectorate of the U.S. page 354
-Filipinos rebel leader Emilio Aguinaldo believed the U.S had promised independence – Philippine-American War
after three years 1899-1902, U.S set up a government similar to the one it had established for Puerto Rico. page 355
-U.S. Secretary of State John Hay issued policy statements called Opened Door Notes – addressed to imperialist
nations proposing that the nations share their trading rights with the U.S. – creating equal trade with China, and no
monopoly by any nation with China.
-What was the Boxer Rebellion? 357
-Section 4: America as a World Power page 359, U.S. builds the Panama Canal (re-read how U.S. got its permission
to build it) page 360
-Roosevelt Corollary to Monroe Doctrine –he warned that disorder in Latin America might “force the U.S…. to the
exercise of an international police power.” – U.S. would now use force to protect its economic interest in Latin
America. Page 362
-What is Dollar Diplomacy? page 362; the Mexican Revolution? page 363
Name: _______________________________________ P __________
American History Review Packet 7
Florida History: pages between the end of chapter 10 and beginning of chapter 11 (page 369 FL 1- 369 FL 2)
-Military bases in Florida during WWI, Pensacola Naval Air Station, Naval Base at Key West, and Camp Johnston
Army Base at Jacksonville.
-Remember to look at the DBQ’s throughout the textbook. –Pictures; posters; maps; political cartoons.
Chapter 11
The First World War page 370
-section 1: WWI Begins - What were the causes of WWI? MAIN/ or MANIA (militarism, alliance, imperialism, ,
nationalism; Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand page 374; U.S. Proclamation of Neutrality of 1914, What
was “no man’s land, trench warfare, page 376. The sinking of the Lusitania killing 128 Americans in 1915 page 378;
What was the Sussex Pledge? The Zimmerman telegram of 1917; U.S. declares war on April 6, 1917. Who made up
the Central and Allied Powers?
-section 2: American Power Tips the Balance – Selective Service Act page 382, new weapons, convoy system,
technology at war page 384
-section 3: The War at Home – Congress giver power to President Wilson, the War Industries Board encourages
companies to use mass-production techniques to increase efficiency. 20% increase in production for the war.
Rationing food, Food Administration under Herbert Hoover instead of rationing – one day a week meatless, another
sweetless, two days wheatless, two other days porkless – all for the war effort; Committee on public information –
propaganda/buy bonds page 390, attacks on Civil liberties increased-anti-immigrant hysteria pate 391; Espionage Act
of 1917 and sedition Acts of 1918. Many people migrate to the cities to find work/factory work/racial prejudice.
Women in the war –work outside of their homes
-section 4: Wilson Fights for Peace - What are the fourteen points? page 399, Armistice 11/11/1918. The Treaty of
Versailles –page 400.
Florida History: pages between the end of chapter 11 and beginning of chapter 12 (page 409 FL 1- 409 FL 2)
-Florida Land/Real estate boom after WWI Easy credit led to investments or buying land cheap to resell for a profit.
New towns were founded, Palm Beach, Delray Beach, Fort Lauderdale, Miami Beach and Coral Gables. This region
was nicknamed the “Gold Coast.”
Chapter 12 Politics of the Roaring Twenties page 410
-section 1: Americans Struggle with Postwar Issues – A wave of nativism, and isolationism swept the nation after
WWI. A fear of communism, “the red scare” led to governmental decisions/new ideologies. What were the Palmer
Raids, the Sacco and Vanzetti case, page 413, the rise of the KKK, and quota system pate 415.
-A time of labor unrest – the Boston police strike, the steel mill strike, coal miners strike, labor movements lose their
-section 2: The Harding Presidency – The teapot dome scandal page 421. What was the Kellogg-Briand Pact of 1928?
-section 3: American industries flourished, the automobile, the airplane. The urban sprawl was appealing, new
modern conveniences, household electrical appliances/advertising for new luxury items. Good were bought on credit
(installment plan) – relook at the political cartoon on page 426.
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American History Review Packet 8
Florida History: pages between the end of chapter 12 and beginning of chapter 13 (page 431 FL 1- 431 FL 2)
- Zora Neale Hurston living in Fort Pierce (her home is a National Historic Landmark and is part of the Zora Neale
Hurston Dust Tracks Heritage Trail), travels throughout Florida collecting folktales from African Americans.
- Ernest Hemingway lives in Key West, is a poet, wrote short stores, novels won a Pulitzer Prize, Nobel Prize in
-Hurricane of the 1920s –the Great Miami Hurricane killed approximately 373 people. Lake Okeechobee flooded,
Tampa Bay Hurricane.
-Housing bubble bursts in Florida.
Chapter 13
The Roaring Life of the 1920s page 432
-section 1: Changing Ways of Life – What was prohibition, the 18th Amendment, the speakeasies, bootleggers, the
rise of organized crime, and foundamentalism? Page 436-438. What was the significance of the John T. Scopes trail
page 438?
-section 2: The Twenties Woman - Who were the flappers and what was the double standard? page 441
Relook at the DBQ on page 442.
-section 3: Education and Popular Culture – School enrollments rose, news coverage also rose with radio/radio
audiences were tuned in to everyday news. Entertainment, the arts, and literary works rose as well. George Gershwin,
Jewish composer.
Section 4: Harlem Renaissance – remember the class documentaries, the celebration of African American culture.
The NAACP was founded 1909 page 453, The following people below represented a portion of the great social and
cultural changes that swept America in the 1920s -Marcus Garvey believed that African Americans should build a
separate society/and encouraged his followers to return to Africa. He founded the Universal Negro Improvement
Association (UNIA) page 454- Claude McKay- novelist, poet; Langston Hughes – poet, Zora Neale Hurston –
novelist, poet, books of folklore, Paul Robeson, actor, Louis Armstrong – trumpet player, Edward Kennedy
“Duke” Ellington, jazz pianist and composer, Bessie Smith blues singer.
Florida History: pages between the end of chapter 13 and beginning of chapter 14 (page 461 FL 1- 461 FL 2)
-Mary McLeod Bethune opened a school in Daytona for African Americans. Founded the National Council of Negro
Women and became the first African American to head a federal agency. In 1923 her school merged with Cookman
Institute and became the Bethune-Cookman College. Her home is on the campus.
-The Great depression in Florida found many migrant workers living in housing with no plumbing or electricity.
Chapter 14
The Great Depression Begins page 462
-section 1: The Nation’s Sick Economy - The 1920s living on credit, engaging in speculation, buying on margin.
466-467. President Herbert C. Hoover is elected the 31 st President in the election of 1928. The stock market crashes
on 10/29/1929 its knows as Black Tuesday. There is a financial collapse – leads to the Great Depression – remember
the documentaries. What was the Hawley-Smoot Tariff? page 471.
-section 2: Hardship and Suffering During the Depression – No jobs, no money, GDP drops and unemployment rises.
Shanytowns/Hoovervilles, soup kitchens, bread lines in all areas of the nation, dust bowl no direct reflief from the
-section 3: President Hoover struggles with the depression. – direct intervention – What was the Federal Home Loan
Bank Act, the Reconstruction Finance Corporation page 481. What was the Bonus Expeditionary Force/Bonus Army
page 482.
Florida History: pages between the end of chapter 14 and beginning of chapter 15 (page 461 FL 1- 461 FL 2)
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American History Review Packet 9
- The poll tax is repealed – people do not have to pay annual fees to remain registered voters. Fruit flys destroyed
grapefruit crops, and citrus fruits, and a quarantine rules prevented any fruits or vegetables from entering the state,
infected plants were uprooted and fields were burned/sprayed with insecticides. The Stat’s citrus production went
down sixty percent. The paper industry, however, expanded.
Chapter 15
The New Deal page 486
-section 1: A New Deal fights the Depression - Franklin D. Roosevelt wins the election of 1932 he is the 32 nd
President. He has a “can do” attitude and projected an air of friendliness and confidence that attracted the American
people. Side charts. He passed over 15 major New Deal legislation –laws that helped the American people. He
regulated the banks- Glass-Steagall Act of 1933-establisheds the FDIC Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
reassuring customers that their money is safe; Federal Securities Act of 1933 made corporations liable for an
misrepresentations in their stock offerings. What is the Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA), Civilian Conservation
Corps (CCC), the National Industrial recovery Act (NIRA), Federal Farm Loan Act pages 490-492
-section 2: The Second New Deal takes Hold – Eleanor Roosevelt a social reformer helps and advises her husband,
very active. More relief for the American people; what was the Works Progress Administration (WPA) National
Youth Administration, the Wagner Act and the Social Security Act? page 498-501
-section 3: The New Deal affects many Groups - Mary McLeod Bethune was a close friend of Eleanor Roosevelt
and a strong supporter of the New Deal. She helped organized the “Black Cabinet.”
-section 4: Culture in the 1930s - The rise of motion pictures and radio – Gone with the Wind, Orson Wells/radio
program – The War of the Worlds, In the arts –depiction of the great depression in American, music about the
firsthand tragedies of the depression, books like The Grapes of Wrath were written.
-section 5: The Impact of the New Deal - As the Federal government stepped in it became very powerful. It
established new policies which helped with the recovery of the Great Depression.
Florida History: pages between the end of chapter 15 and beginning of chapter 16 (page 525 FL 1- 525 FL 2)
- Florida had 172 military installations throughout the state during WWII. The Pan-American Airways (Pan-Am) had
its air terminal on Dinner Key – today its is the Miami City Hall.
Chapter 16
The War Looms page 526
-section 1: Dictators Threaten World Peace – What is totalitarianism? Page 529 The rise of Joseph Stalin, Benito
Mussolini, fascism; Adolf Hitler, Nazism; The Civil War in Spain; What were the Neutrality Acts, page 535
-section 2: War in Europe - What is appeasement? Page 538 Hitler plans were to absorb Austria and
Czecholsovakia(called Sudetenland) into the Third Reich, German troops marched into Austria unopposed. Munich
Agreement was signed and Sudetenland was turned over to Germany. Hitler signs an non-aggression pact with Stalin
in order to take over Poland and divide it between them. Blitzkrieg in Poland 9/1/1939 page 539. World War II
What countries made up the Allied Powers? the Axis Powers?
-section 3: The Holocaust – The persecution begins and Jews are targeted. What were the Nuremberg Laws of 1935.
Kristallnacht, page 543, The final solution – genocide, the ghettos, concentration camps/mass exterminations remember the documentary/handouts,
Name: _______________________________________ P __________
American History Review Packet 10
-section 4: America Moves towards War - President Roosevelt (FDR) runs for a third term. What was the Cash and
Carry Policy? Lend-Lease Act of 1941? The Selective Training and Service Act? page 550-552 What was the
Atlantic Charter? What was the Pearl Harbor attack? 12/7/1941 – the date that will live in infamy page 555 –
remember the documentaries.
Florida History: pages between the end of chapter 16 and beginning of chapter 17 (page 559 FL 1- 559 FL 2)
-Jacqueline Cochran organized and headed the Women’s Air force Service Pilots (WASP) female pilots.
-U-boats sand 24 freighters along the north-south corridor of Florida’s east coast
-Florida citizens volunteered (the Civil Air Patrol - CAP) to use their own small planes to bomb U-boats, fly searchand-rescue missions and provided military transport – supervised by the U.S. Army Air Forces.
-The Florida Citrus Commission created frozen orange concentrate juice for the government to ship to the soldiers.
Chapter 17 The United States in World War II page 560
-section 1: Americans join the war effort – The Selective service and the GI page 563; Women’s Auxiliary Army
Corps (WAAC) -handouts; A Production Miracle – across the nation factories were converted to war production.
Rosie the Riveter (posters of women doing men’s job) What did the he office of Price Administration (OPA), the War
Production Board (WPD) do? Scientists create improvements in radar, sonar detections, new weapons, the atomic
bomb and Advisory Committee on Uranium, the Manhattan Project. What was rationed? Page 567-568
-section 2: War for Europe and North Africa - The U.S. and Britain join forces – What was the Battle of the Atlantic
page 570 The Eastern Front and the Mediterranean, - The first great turning point came in the Battle of Stalingrad
page 571. The Allies Liberate Europe – What was D-Day? The Battle of the Bulge? – remember the documentaries –
handouts page 574-576 Hitler shoots himself and a week later General Eisenhower accepts the unconditional
surrender of the Third Reich. The war in Europe ends V-E Day.
-section 3: The War in the Pacific - What was Island hopping? the Battle of the Coral Sea; Battle of Midway; Iwo
Jima; Okinawa page 579-583, What happened in Hiroshima, Nagasaki. – Japan surrendered 8/14/1945. What
happened at the Yalta Conference, Potsdam Conference page 585. What happened during the Nuremberg trials page
-section 4: The Home Front – Economic gains, the GI Bill of Rights, the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE), the
internment of Japanese Americans page 594 the Japanese American Citizens League (JACL) page 595.
- Supreme Court Case – Korematsu v U.S of 1944. Page 596-597. – Japanese confinement
Florida History: pages between the end of chapter 17 and beginning of chapter 18 (page 599FL 1- 599 FL 2)
-In 1948 The Everglades undergo land reclamation
-The Florida’s Korean War Veterans’ Memorial is located near the capital building in Cascade Park.
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American History Review Packet 11
Chapter 18 Cold War Conflicts page 600
-section 1: Origins of the Cold War - Hope for the world – United Nations (UN) - Harry S. Truman wins the election
– 33rd President 1945-1953. What was the Potsdam conference? page 604 The Soviet Union – Stalin installs
communist governments (satellite nations) page 605. Winston Churchill, used the phrase “Iron curtain” to describe the
division between a free world, and the control of Moscow in Europe. Re-read the personal voice of Winston Churchill
on page 605. U.S. establishes a policy of containment. The Cold War in Europe –
-Truman Doctrine of 1947 – to support free people who are resisting outside pressures (communism) The Marshall
Plan of 1947 providing aid to all European nations that needed it. – re look at the DBQs on page 606.
-The two super powers U.S. and the Soviet Union struggle in Europe. What was the Berlin airlift page 607 - What
was the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) page 608.
-section 2: The Cold War Heats Up – SEATO was created in 1954, and it is like NATO, but with Asian countries.
Like Germany Korea developed into two nations one communist and one free. North Korea was supported by the
Communist South Korea was supported by the U.S. – N Korean forces crossed the 38th parallel the division between
N and S Korea and attacked S Korea. General D. MacCarthur launches a counterattack with his UN troops .
MacCarthur recommends attacking China, Truman strongly disagrees about how best to proceed in the Korean War.
There was a stalemate, and a truce/armistice ended the war in 1953 with no advantage to either side.
-section 3: The War at Home - The fear of Communist (Red Scare) influence led to President Truman issuing
executive orders setting up the Federal Employee Loyalty Program. Other agencies of investigation of possible
Communist influence inside and outside of the U.S. government were created. What was the House Un-American
Activities Committee (HUAC), the Hollywood Ten page 617, being blacklisted? Spy cases stun the nation, who was
Alger Hiss, and Ethel and Julius Rosenberg? page 619. What was McCarthyism?
-section 4: Two nations live on the edge - There was a race for the H-bomb, policy of brinkmanship policy was a
buildup of nuclear weapons. U.S./Soviet Union. The formation of the CIA- there were covert actions in the Middle
East and Latin America/Guatemala page 624. –What was the Warsaw Pact, what happened during the summit in
Geneva? The Eisenhower Doctrine – U.S. would defend the Middle East against an attack by any communist country.
The Space race begins with the launching of Sputnik. A U-2 is shot down – Francis Gary Powers. Page 626.
Florida History: pages between the end of chapter 18 and beginning of chapter 19 (page 631 FL 1- 631 FL 2)
-Florida’s population increases form 1.9 million to 2.7 million after WWII. The landscape changed because of the
new housing construction –new production of turfgrass/sod were introduced.
Chapter 19 The Postwar Boom page 632
-section 1: Postwar America - GI Bill of Rights, with the growing population new communities called suburbs
William Levitt used an assembly-line method to mass-produce homes – called Levittown. President Truman supports
Civil Rights – What was Truman’s Fair Deal? page 639
-Dwight D. Eisenhower won the election 34 th President. 1953-1961
-Supreme court case – Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka - page 640 – handout
-section 2: The American Dream in the Fifties – Corporations formed conglomerates which is a major corporation
that includes a number of smaller companies in unrelated industries. Franchise is developed at this time page 642. The
Baby-boom (1946-1964) explosion (population grew after WWII).
-There were advances in medicine- Dr. Jonas Salk developed a vaccine for the crippling disease poliomyelitis (polio),
how to books- like Dr. Benjamin Spock – Common sense Book of Baby and Child Care 1946, women’s roles were
redefined , page 644. More leisure time in the fifties. The automobile was a necessity, and the interstate highway
system, and it stimulated production/provided jobs. page 646. Consumerism/new products/buy now, pay later and the
advertising age rose.
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American History Review Packet 12
-section 3: Popular Culture – Mass media- television-Federal Communications Commission (FCC) regulating
telephone, telegraph, radio and other communications industries. A subculture emerges – beat movement, rock “n”
roll, jazz. African Americans were still segregated from the dominant culture.
-section 4: The Other America - The Urban poor – the White flight – millions of middle-class Americans left the
cities for the suburbs taking with them economic resources. In the inner cities poverty grew – what was the urban
renewal. page 661 What was the National Housing Act of 1949? Housing and Urban Development (HUD)? page 661
Poverty leads to activism – who were the Mexican braceros? The Native Americans continue their struggle – What
was the Termination policy of 1953. page 663
Florida History: pages between the end of chapter 19 and beginning of chapter 20 (page 667 FL 1- 667 FL 2)
-The first U.S. manned space flight takes off from Cap Canaveral. President John F. Kennedy’s “New Frontier”
extended to outer space, and in May 1961 he challenged the nation to land a man on the moon by the end of the
decade. The space enter at Cape Canaveral, Florida, expanded research and launched 22 manned missions into space
in the 1960s. In 1969, the Apollo 11 space mission was the first to land men on the moon. Since then, every NASA
space exploration mission has been launched from Cape Canaveral, Florida.
Chapter 20 The New Frontier and the Great Society page 668
-section 1: Kennedy and the Cold War – John F. Kennedy won the election – 35th President (1961-1963) The
televised debate affected votes. Kennedy was in favor of Civil Rights. His military policy – flexible response – the
crises over Cuba – Fidel Castro takes over Cuba. What was the Cuban dilemma? page 673 What was the Bag of Pigs
Invasion? What was the Cuban Missile Crisis? Page 674
-Khrushchev (Soviet Union) determination to contain communism – the construction of the Berlin Wall page 677.
What was the hot line? - Limited Test Ban Treaty? page 678
-section 2: The New Frontier – The Promise of Progress – Since Kennedy did not have a popular mandate he tired to
play safe politics. – he stimulated the economy, the creation of Peace Corps, Alliance for Progress, page 680. The
race to the moon (NASA) re look at the DBQ’s on page 681. But was also aware of the communist treat and often did
not stand down with the Soviet Union. (remember all of the political cartoons – nuclear weapons – etc.) Use of
propaganda during the Cold War was high.
-He was assassinated in Dallas Texas by Lee Harvey Oswald an ex-Marine on 11/22/1963.
-section 3: The Great Society – Lyndon Baines Johnson – became president after Kennedy died. 36th President
(1963-1969) – What was the war on poverty? page 688. Economic Opportunity Act (EOA) page 688. He wins the
election of 1964. Re look ant the DBQ on page 690. He increases funds towards education, establishes
Medicare/Medicaid, Immigration Act of 1965. Court under Chief Justice Earl Warren (Warren Court) relook at
the worksheets/handouts/political cartoons of these Supreme Court Cases. page 691-692. Remember your
Supreme Court Case packets.
Florida History: pages between the end of chapter 20 and beginning of chapter 21 (page 697 FL 1- 697 FL 2)
-Bob Martinez becomes Florida’s first Latino governor in 1979.
-The Sit-in protests in Jacksonville – lunch counter sit-ins in Woolworth stores across the South – and in
-In May 26, 1956 - Tallahassee bus boycotts – Two Black college students were arrested for refusing to give up their
bus seats to white passengers.
-Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. visits St. Augustine in 1964 to speak at rallies.
-In 1957 – Seminole Tribe of Florida adopts its constitution.
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American History Review Packet 13
Chapter 21 The Civil Rights page 698
-section 1: Taking on Segregation – remember all of the documentaries. – remember your supreme court case
packets. - After WWII, the developing of the Civil Rights Movement became stronger, and African Americans began
to challenge the Jim Crow Laws page 702 - Who was Thurgood Marshall?
-Supreme Court cases Plessy v. Ferguson page 701 –handout “equal but separate” Supreme Court case Brown v.
Board of Education of Topeka page 702 / 708-709– handout/political cartoons.
-segregation – NACCP, Little Rock 9, page 703 Montgomery bus boycott was led by Martin Luther King Jr., Rosa
Parks, Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) and Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC)
or snick, sit ins.
-section 2: The Triumphs of a Crusade - Desegregation in schools, in luncheon counters, in cities. Kennedy sends in
the Federal Marshals to protect the Freedom Riders. Demonstrations all over the nations (look at the handout/map)
What was the March on Washington page 714. Freedom Summer, the Selma Campaign page 715-716.
-What was the Voting Rights Act of 1965? Page 716.
-section 3: Challenges and Changes in the Movement – What is de factor segregation/de jure segregation? page 718.
Who was Malcolm X, the Nation of Islam? page 719. What was the Black Panthers; Black Power – Stokely
Carmichael -Dr. King was assassinated - look at your handouts. What was the Civil Rights Act of 1968? page 722.
What was Affirmative Action? page 723. Relook at page 725.
Florida History: pages between the end of chapter 21 and beginning of chapter 22 (page 727 FL 1- 727 FL 2)
-In 1985 Florida erects a state memorial honoring Vietnam War veterans.
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American History Review Packet 14
Chapter 22 The Vietnam War Years page 728
-section 1: Moving Toward conflict - review your graphic organizer/handouts - America supports France in
Vietnam/France ruled Vietnam as a colony. During WWII – Japan ruled and after WWII Ho Chi Minh formed
Vietminh in N Vietnam. When France comes back to rule again, Vietminh drive out the French, President explains the
domino theory page 731, and continues to support President Ngo Dinh Diem in South Vietnam’s non-communist
regime. Although he was an oppressor to his people – he was not communist. Buddhist monk protest see page 734
The Geneva Accords temporarily divides Vietnam along the 17 th parallel. Map on page 733. What happened in the
Gulf of Tonkin (the USS Maddox)- The Tonkin Gulf Resolution - the Vietnam War had become Americanized.
-section 2: U.S. Involvement and Escalation – President Johnson increases U.S. involvement by sending tens of
thousands of U.S. soldiers to fight in Vietnam. General William Westmoreland continued to request for more troops
to help the Army of the Republic of Vietnam (ARVN) page 737. This is a different kind of war because U.S. troops
could not tell who was their enemy –see tunnels of the Vietcong page 738, and were also fighting a guerilla war, and
the terrain which was laced with booby traps and land mines. –look at your handouts. U.S. drooped napalm, sprayed
Agent Orange, and conducted search-and-destroy missions. Because of the television – critics charged a credibility
gap was growing strong between what the government was saying and what was really happening (T.V. coverage of
the war)- Some of the Great Society programs were suffering because the money was used finance the war.
-section 3: A Nation Divided – Soldiers were called into combat by the draft, many women also joined in the
Vietnam war – American Red Cross and the U.S. Organization – remember your handout. What was the New Left?
the Students for a Democratic Society (SDS)? the Free Speech Movement? page 722 – There are protest every where
Remember our class debate – Doves/Hawks
-section 4: 1968: A Tumultuous Year – The Tet Offensive Turns the War – remember like the ancient Trojan Horse
– During the Vietnamese week long celebration of their New Year’s Eve celebration – the coffins contained weapon –
Vietcong agents – and they continued to attack U.S. embassy in Saigon, villages, and this turned public opinion
because America thought that the war would end soon, and this showed that the Vietnamese were not stopping. Look
at President Johnson’s picture on page 750 – tired and overwhelmed – he cannot run for another term. Riots every
-section 5: The End of the War and its Legacy – Richard M. Nixon won the election and became 37th President (19691974) He had a plan – Vietnamization page 755, What was the My Lai Massacre? What happed at Kent State
University -student protest? page 756 – What were the Pentagon Papers? page 757. As U.S. troops pull out of
Vietnam –Communist N Vietnam invade the capital of S Vietnam and they fell, What was the War Powers Act? page
761. How did Americans feel before, during and after the Vietnam War? - Many were cynical about their
Florida History: pages between the end of chapter 22 and beginning of chapter 23 (page 765 FL 1- 765 FL 2)
-During the 1800s thousands of Seminoles were forced to relocate from Florida to Oklahoma, several hundred
survived in the Everglades. The Seminoles of Florida were officially recognized in 1957. In 1970, the Indian Claims
Commission awarded the Florida and Oklahoma tribes a total of $12.3 million for land that had been taken from them.
-In 1971, Walt Disney World opens in Orlando, however, Walt Disney died before the park was finished.
-Marjory Stoneman Douglas’s lifelong battle to protect the Everglades culminates with the Presidential Medal
of Freedom. She was born in Minneapolis, Minnesota, and moved to Miami in 1915 to work as a journalist at
the Miami Herald, her father was the editor. She wrote short stores, The Everglades: River of Grass. She
pushed for environmental protection and helped reverse years of damage to the Everglades.
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American History Review Packet 15
Chapter 23 An Era of Social Change page 766
Many lives have been lost/killed/ like young Emmett Till (remember the documentary – open casket), to
Martin Luther King Jr., John F. Kennedy, and countless of people in the Civil Rights Movement- not only for
African Americans, but also for minorities – so it continues.
-section 1: Latinos and Native Americans Seek Equality – the Latino presence grows as the fight for equal
opportunities and respect for their culture and heritage. Who was Cesar Chavez?; What was the United Farm
Workers Organizing Committee (UFWOC)? page 770; La Raza Unida (The People United) page 770; American
Indian Movement (AIM) page 771 – the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act?– the Alaska Native
Claims Settlement Act of 1971? page 772-773.
-section 2: Women Fight for Equality – What is feminism? Page 776; What was The Feminine Mystique?; the
National Organization for Women (NOW) Who was Gloria Steinem, and Phyllis Schlafly? –the Equal Rights
Amendment (ERA) page 779
-Supreme Court Case – Roe v. Wade page 779.
-section 3: Culture and Counterculture – Youth freedom, from Vietnam protest, to leaving school to create what they
hoped would be an ideal community of peace, love and harmony. – no restriction in behavior New types of art, pop
art, war songs, freedom songs, “Woodstock” the festival of peace and love page 783. New sounds like the Beatles.
-Conservative attack the counterculture – and rally behind Richard Nixon.
Florida History: pages between the end of chapter 23 and beginning of chapter 24 (page 791 FL 1- 791 FL 2)
-President Nixon flew from his Key Biscayne home to Orlando to meet with 400 editors. He discussed the 1973 breakin at the Democratic National Committee headquarters in the Watergate office building. He told the American people
that, “I am not a crook.”
-April 1980, Fidel Castro agreed to allow his Cuban people to flee the country by boat from the Mariel harbor.
Thousands of exiles came every day to Florida. 124,776 refugees came– President Carter ended the boatlift in October
Chapter 24 An Age of Limits page 792
-section 1: The Nixon Administration – What is New Federalism, revenue sharing, the Family Assistance Plan
(FAP)? page 795 What was the Watergate scandal? page 796 – Remember the political cartoons What was the Southern strategy? page 797 Nixon slows integration? He appoints conservative judges to the Supreme
Court. Review your handouts – What is stagflation? - Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) page
799. His foreign policy of détente – visits China/Moscow – signs SALT I Treaty page 801.
-section 2: Watergate: Nixon’s Downfall – what is impeachment/the cover-up/Saturday Night Massacre – re-read the
handouts. Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein of the Washington Post report the break-in. page 804. The fall of a
President – he releases the tapes – and then resigns. 25 members of the Nixon Administration were convicted and
served prison terms for crimes connected to Watergate.
Name: _______________________________________ P __________
American History Review Packet 16
-section 3: The Ford and Carter Years – Vice President Gerald R. Ford becomes 38th President (1974-1977) he gives
Nixon a full pardon. Inflation and unemployment are high.
Jimmy Carter wins the election becomes the 39 th President (1977-1981) – and begins to confront the energy crisis –
National Energy Act page 813; What is the human rights? Page 815; What happened in the Panama Canal? Page 815
-Why did the détente collapse? The Camp David Accords – agreement with Egypt and Israel page 816 look at the map
on page 816. What was the Iran Hostage crisis? Page 817
-section 4: Environmental Activism – Rachel Carson, a marine biologist, published a book, Silent Spring. What was
she fighting for? page 821. April 22, 1970 was the first Earth Day. What is the Environmental Protection Agency
(EPA) - What happened in Three Mile Island? page 822 re look at the accident page 824
-Supreme Court case – Regents of the University of California v. Bakke page 814 and 818/819.
Florida History: pages between the end of chapter 24 and beginning of chapter 25 (page 827 FL 1- 827 FL 2)
-Florida population grows to fourth largest in the U.S.
-Carrie Meek born in Tallahassee, was elected to the state House of Representatives and 1982, was the first Black
woman elected to the Florida Senate; elected to the U.S. Congress and first African American elected to Congress
from Florida since Reconstruction.
-Ileana Ros-Lehtinen grew up in Miami’s Little Havana and was the first Hispanic woman (Cuban) to be elected to the
state House of Representatives; to the Florida Senate; to the United States Congress; and was also chairman of the
House Foreign Affairs Committee.
Chapter 25 The Conservative Tide page 828
-section 1: A Conservative Movement Emerges – What were entitlement programs; the New Right;
Affirmative action required employers and educational institutions to give special consideration to women, African
Americans, and other minority groups, even though these people were not necessarily better qualified. Page 831
Many conservatives saw affirmative action as reverse discrimination.
-What was the conservative coalition; and the Moral Majority founded by Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson? Page 831
-Ronald Reagan wins the election and becomes the 40th President (1981-1989)
-section 2: Conservative Policies Under Regan and Bush – What is Reaganomics – remember the documents – What
was the Strategic Defense Initiative/Star Wars? The national debt – tax cuts helped the rich, while social welfare cuts
hurt the poor.
-President Reagan appoints Sandra Day O’Connor the first woman to the Supreme Court. page 836.
-Geraldine Ferraro of New York was a member of the U.S. House of Representatives and was the first woman on a
national ticket as a vice presidential candidate
-section 3: Social Concerns in the 1980s – AIDS, just say “no campaign; the education in U.S. is declining A Nation
at Risk. What was the Urban crisis? Page 841. Women work towards pay equity, and African Americans and women
make political gains. Page 844. The Gay Rights Movement continue.
Name: _______________________________________ P __________
American History Review Packet 17
-George H.W. Bush wins the election and is the 41st President (1989-1993)
-Supreme Court case – Webster v. Reproductive Health Case Services page 840.
-section 4: Foreign Policy After the Cold War –
-Mikhail Gorbachev is the general secretary of the Communist Party in the Soviet Union. What is glasnost?
Perestroika, the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF) page 849
-Gorbachev resigns as Soviet President – New President is Boris Yeltsin, Bush and Yeltsin issue a formal statement
declaring the end of the Cold War – they sign the START II pact.
- The Berlin Wall comes down end of 1989/1990. A symbol of the end of the Cold War– page 850
-Communism continues in China – What happened in Beijing’s Tiananmen Square –Chinese students.
-Central American and Caribbean Policy – page 851 – remember the political cartoons/and handouts
-What happened in Nicaragua- Sandinistas/Contras; Grenada and Panama.
-What was the Iran-contra scandal? terrorist groups/7 American hostages in Lebanon/Reagan/selling illegal arms –
weapons to Iran for its war against Iraq. – re look at the political cartoon on page 852.
The Persian Gulf War, and Operation Desert Storm? page 853-855
– President Bush was forced to raise taxes despite his campaign pledge “read my lips, no new taxes” page 838 because
of the rising deficits and recession that began in the 1990-1992. The economy was week and the tax hike hurt his reelection.
Florida History: pages between the end of chapter 25 and beginning of chapter 26 (page 857 FL 1- 857 FL 2)
-Janet Reno was the first woman to serve as U.S. attorney general –appointed by President Clinton – she was born in
-John Ellis “Jeb” Bush born in Texas moved to Miami in 1980, he became a two-term governor.
-In the 2000 Presidential election ; dispute over votes between George W. Bush and Al Gore – Supreme court
-1992, Hurricane Andrew – intense hurricane devastated Miami and new building codes were created.
-August 2005, Hurricane Katrina – moved across Florida’s southern tip and into the Gulf of Mexico, struck near
New Orleans and killed 1,836 people, making it one of the most deadly storms in U.S. history.
-October 2005, Hurricane Wilma – was the most intense hurricane ever recorded in the Atlantic basin. It devastated
the Yucatan peninsula before coming to Florida. The storm struck the Florida Keys and moved across the Everglades,
killing 35 people and causing more than $20 billion in damage.
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American History Review Packet 18
Chapter 26 The United States in Today’s World page 859
-section 1: The 1990s and the New Millennium - William J. Clinton wins the election and is the 42nd President
He appoints his wife First lady Hillary Rodham Clinton to head the team for the affordable health care reform plan.
page 861.
-He reduced the federal budget deficit, lowered taxes, and created programs aimed at helping children – federal budget
had a surplus – the economy rebounded unemployment fell and the stock market soared to new heights. He reformed
welfare –from welfare to jobs because of the strong economy.
- Crime and Terrorism - What happened in Columbine High School – Colorado; Oklahoma City/Timothy McVeigh;
World Trade Center –bombed in 1993, and again in 9/11/01; Pentagon Building
- New Foreign Policy Challenges – Maintaining strong relations with Russia and China became a major goal for the
Clinton administration. -The Cold war is over
-President Clinton uses U.S. troops to end conflicts overseas – helps Haiti. Yugoslavia/broke apart into five nations in
1991, in Bosnia Serb militias under Slobodan Milsevic began “ethnic cleansing” President Clinton helped negotiate a
peace agreement-and also sent troops to join NATO to ensure the deal. Three years later, Serb forces attacked ethnic
Albanians in Kosovo again U.S. and NATO allies launched air strikes against Serbian targets in 1999 – Serbs backed
-What is the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) ; World Trade Organization (WTO)?
-Partisan Politics and Impeachment
-Republicans take control of congress – after the failure of President Clinton’s health care plan – Republican
congressman Newt Gingrich began to turn voters’ dissatisfaction with Clinton into support for Republicans and drafted
a document called the Contract with America – (items promised – term limits, a balanced budget amendment, tax
cuts, tougher crime laws, and welfare reform voters gave republicans control of both houses of Congress and Newt
Gingrich was chosen as the new Speaker of the House.
-During President Clinton’s second term he was impeached. – He was accused of improperly using money from land
deal with the Whitewater Development Company to fund his 1984 gubernatorial reelection campaign. – He allegedly
lied under oath about having an improper relationship with a young White House intern.
- Clinton admitted that he had an improper relationship with the young woman, but denied lying about the incident
under oath or attempting to obstruct the investigation.
-The House of Representatives approved two articles of impeachment, charging the president with perjury and
obstruction of justice –the senate fell short of the 67 votes – a two-thirds majority – required to convict him. So,
Clinton remained in office and apologized for his actions – He was the second president to be impeached.
George W. Bush won the election and becomes the 43rd President (2001-2009) – the television networks projected that
Al Gore would win Florida, Pennsylvania, and Michigan states in electoral votes that would ultimately decide the
winner of the race. – the networks recanted their original projection about Al Gore’s victory in Florida – there was a
recount – and the battle was taken to the Supreme Court – page 866
-Supreme Court case – Bush v. Gore 2001 – the results was to stop the recount in Florida for votes – and declared
Bush the winner of the 2000 Presidential election
-Under the Bush Administration – antiterrorist measures were formed – after the 911 terrorist attacks Bush signed an
antiterrorist bill into law – the creation of the Department of Homeland Security; Patriot Act
-The Afghan government was harboring Osama bin Laden and his al-Qaeda terrorist network who were believed
responsible for the 911 attacks. What was the war against Iraq? Page 867
-Under Bush’s second term – discontent about the war grew; and was also criticized over its response to Hurricane
Katrina. (see Florida History above)
Name: _______________________________________ P __________
American History Review Packet 19
- Barack Obama won the election and became the 44 th (first African American) President (2009- ______ )
Under his administration he pushed for an economic stimulus package to combat the recession, he fulfilled a campaign
promise of health care reform, he drew up plans to end combat operations in Iraq and in Afghanistan – and combat
terrorism. Osama bin Laden –al-Qaeda leader was killed in Pakistan by special forces. page 868
-section 2: The New Global Economy – What was the service sector? Downsizing? page 870 – The high-tech
industries – Bill Gates; NASDAQ, and dotcoms? page 871 –relook at your handouts. What was the change in the
global economy – General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT); NAFTA?
-International competition – caused some American workers to worry about massive job flight to countries that
produced the same goods as the United States but a at lower cost. U.S. businesses frequently moved to less
economically advanced countries – like Mexico where wages were lower. page 873
-section 3: Technology and Modern Life – entering the information age and the information superhighway, internet,
telecommute, What was the Telecommunications Act of 1996 page 878 review your handouts/charts.
-What were the advances in the scientific field – again review your handouts/charts.
-What was the space exploration? the importance of the Hubble Space Telescope/intergalactic views 879
-Remember keep checking the live feed on the NASA website.
-Biotechnology – the Human Genome Project –DNA- genetic engineering altering our DNA - our food source page
-Medical progress – treatments for diseases like cancer/AIDS – not cure – but treatments for a better quality of life.
MIR – to detect or diagnoses current/future health problems.
-section 4: The Changing Face of American – what is the urban flight? page 882; gentrification? The aging America
and the Baby Boomers – living longer/healthier/ Social Security benefits – re look and review your
handouts/charts/and map of elderly in America.
-The debates over immigration policy – what was proposition 187? page 886
-Remember to
Use your resources:
Resource # 1: notebook, worksheets, handouts, graphic organizers, notecards (this is where your index
cards come in handy once again).
Resource # 2: textbook, BEEP, links on my website
use a separate sheet of paper and answer in detail if you cannot find what you are looking for in your
Resource # 1 to answer the following questions/statements.
Remember to put a check over each question, statement, or event as you do/go through the chapters
to make sure that you have not skipped anything.
Help each other, and have study groups – remember make enjoyable historical experiences together :0)
forget to go to BEEP/ and my links for the EOC practice tests.
And don’t
You are going to do great!
You are going to do great!
You are going to do great!
Name: _______________________________________ P __________
American History Review Packet 20