Explore the Explorer - Julius Brenchley Collection

New World
Explorer and Collector
of Ethnography
30th November 1816
– 24th February 1873
Between 1849 and 1867 Brenchley travelled
from Maidstone around the world collecting
art, ethnography and natural history.
Travel was very
different in the 19th
Century in comparison
to today. To travel
around the world it
took a longer amount
of time. Brenchley
would travel on ships
across ocean and seas.
A photograph of H.M.S Curaçoa at Sydney Harbour. Brenchley
travelled to the Western Pacific on the ship in 1865.
Image courtesy of Maidstone Museum.
He travelled in canoes and small boats along rivers and lakes. He
walked or travelled on mule across land, hiked up mountains and
sled across icy conditions. It is remarkable how Brenchley
managed to transport home so many items of ethnography in such
pristine condition.
Native North America
Brenchley travelled to New York State in 1849
where he lived a forest life among a Native
American Tribe likely to have been the Wynadot
(Huron). Brenchley went on to explore the rest of
the United States, his journey took him along the
Missouri River and over the Rocky Mountains to
reach the Northwest Coast. He spent four years
on the Hawaiian Islands where he met his travel
partner Jules Remy, and then together they
explored California, New Mexico and entered
Indian Territory travelling to the Great Salt Lake.
Brenchley collected ethnographic
objects (an object illustrative of the
people or culture it originated from).
By looking at certain objects and
finding similarities between styles, it
is possible to identify where an object
originated from.
Snow Boots from the Inuit Tribe
Snowshoes from the Cree or Ojibwe Tribe.
Both items of footwear pictured
were used during winter snow
conditions. The material and
the style indicates that each
pair were used by different
tribes in different areas of North
America and Canada.
Why did Brenchley collect objects?
Read the two extracts taken from the Preface in Jottings during the Cruise
of H.M.S. Curaçoa among the South-Sea Islands in 1865 (1873: xvi).
“Though [Brenchley] left a large amount of notes made
during his journeys, he was more interested in collecting
material objects, illustrative and commemorative of his
varied travels, than devoting himself to literary descriptions
of them.”
“Thus, though travelling for his own instruction and
amusement, he spared neither cost nor trouble in
procuring what he thought would contribute to the
instruction and gratification of others.”
Discuss: Why do you think the collection of souvenirs was more important
to Brenchley than origin and meaning of each tribal object?
The Northwest Coast
The Brenchley Collection features a
large number of objects acquired
from the Northwest Coast of Canada
and the United States. No written
documentation is available therefore
it is difficult to locate the exact
provenance (origin) of many objects.
Where the object originates from
and which tribe made it can only be
guessed. To make identification even
more difficult many of the tribes
from the Northwest Coast, such as
the Tsimshian, Haida and
Kwakwaka’wakw, have a similar
artistic styles.
A Map of Northwest Coast Tribes
Objects of Curiosity
Explorers collected objects from around the world
and displayed them in Cabinets of Curiosities
symbolising various visited places. Many items
collected by Brenchley were made by Native
American tribes specifically for tourists. For
example, the Haida from the Northwest Coast
carved statues and pipes from Argillite, a soft
black rock. These objects were hugely popular and
some depicted authentic tribal designs of
supernatural beings. Most were carved to show
European or Euro-American scenes requested by
visitors themselves. This art became known as
Souvenir Art.
How did Julius
Brenchley acquire so
many objects for his
Most masks were used during ceremonies and rituals and possibly
have spiritual or religious significance. Do you think it was likely that
a Native American tribe would give away an object of significance?
Discuss the possible ways Mr. Brenchley came to own Native
American masks.
• Given as GIFT
• Acquired through TRADE
• FOUND. Many tribes disregarded objects once used
• Bought from sale as SOUVENIR ART
Key Terms
What do these words mean in
relation to the Brenchley Collection?