Behavioral Economics & Sustainability

Sonification of fMRI Data
Nik Sawe
Music 220C
• PhD studies assess decision-making on
environmental issues through
• Neural activation suggests underlying
physiological bases for framing effects,
heuristics, affect (emotion) and their
impact on decision-making
How We Image the Brain
• Functional MRI
allows us to take
realtime pictures of
the brain’s response
to stimuli.
• Using headsets and
hand input devices,
can present subjects
with a wide range of
The BOLD Signal
BOLD: Blood Oxygenation
fMRI evaluates brain
activity indirectly, by
measuring changes in the
local amount of
oxygenated blood
Complex regressions
account for fluctuations
due to heart rate,
breathing, etc.
Validity confirmed
through optogenetics
Motivations for Sonification
• Can hear patterns
of activation that
would be less
obvious through
visualization of
time courses
Motivations for Sonification
• May be able to hear “conversations”
between different brain regions that would
be less obvious through traditional
neuroimaging analyses
• Intuitive level of interpretation that may
provide clues for further analytic techniques
Limitations of fMRI
• Poor temporal resolution
– One pass through each brain region every 1-2
seconds (most often 2)
Limitations of fMRI
• Poor temporal resolution
– One pass through each brain region every 1-2
seconds (most often 2)
• For most study designs, need many
repeated trials in one person to get an
accurate read
Translatable fMRI Outputs
Sonification Methodology
Built in R from a simple initial formula
– Pitch: 128 * [(Xi – Xl)/(Xh-Xl)]
– Velocity: 128*Pi
Xi : signal at timepoint i
Xh: maximum signal
Xl: minimum signal
Pi: a given network's proportional contribution to
the total signal strength of all sampled
networks at timepoint i
Sonification Methodology
Use these new values as downstream MIDI
values, convert to MIDI file via Java
First trial: utilized data from one subject in my
first study (environmental philanthropy to
save parks threatened with potentially
destructive land use development)
Used 3 networks: attentional, visual, default
mode network
Visual Cortex Quartet
Final project: Sampled from the visual cortex
as subject undergoes retinotopy
Sonification Methodology
Program had several stages:
• Scale converter: created array of MIDI
values based on desired scale
• Instrument filter: selected valid (in scale
range) notes for a given instrument
• Signal to MIDI converter: Gated signals
below a threshold value (5%) and did not
play them
Sonification Methodology
• Velocity based upon relative prominence of
the voxel signal given other voxels’ activity
• Duration based on arbitrary equation of:
– ((128-note value)+velocity)/20
The Next Step
• Scan whole brain while watching a silent film
• May obtain complementary EEG data
• Will have PCA networks to work with, as well
as a wealth of regions
• Signals do not all have to be pitch modulation
Mapping Ideas
• Activity in the attendant PCA network helps
define duration and velocity for each region,
based on its relative contribution
• Talairach (spatial) coordinates define
surround sound mapping
Mapping: Anterior Insula
• Handles “negative arousal” / response to
physiologically as well as morally aversive
• Control how discordant the note selection is
in other regions
Nucleus Accumbens
• Handles “positive
arousal”/reward/approach behavior
• Control weighting towards major scales
• May be able to make a balancing equation
of AI vs Nacc
Mapping: Amygdala
• Fear/apprehension/anxiety region
• Control tempo, accelerating at tense
• Control percussive
• Trigger clusters
Mapping: Fusiform Gyrus
• Recognizes faces: triggering of voice
Parahippocampal Gyrus
• Spatial/landscape encoding
• Spatial manipulation of samples/Doppler?
Incorporation of EEG
• Since temporal resolution is only 2 sec
passes, would be good to have variation that
decides interleaving of notes
• This interpolation can be decided by
activity in relevant EEG signals