Prep Writing Lab policies and procedures


Skills for Success, Connections for Life


ASC General Area - BACA 207

Writing Center – BACA 207

Prep Writing – BACA 207

Math Lab – BLRC 200

Prep Reading – BTEC 206

Welcome to the ASC


• ASC General Line: 813-259-6598

• Writing Center: 813-253-7962

• Prep Writing: 813-253-7934

• Prep Math: 813-253-7839

• Prep Reading: 813-253-7934

Hours of Operation:

• Monday – Thursday 8:30am – 7:30pm

• Friday 9:00am – 1:00pm

• Prep Reading is closed on Fridays.

Skills for Success, Connections for Life

Our focus is promoting active learning and improving student understanding and application of concepts and methods associated with a particular subject area or academic skill.


We aim to help students achieve a successful college experience; to assist students in becoming independent learners who actively participate in their college career; and to provide the necessary resources and academic services that will enhance student academic achievement.

ASC – We Are Here to Assist You.

We Want you to Succeed!

What is your purpose in attending college?

What motivates you?

In order to have a successful college experience a student must find the motivation to devote time to study.

• Many factors can influence study time:

– Work

– Family/Children

– Obligations

– Friends

– Time

How do you manage to find the time to study?

Remember to Never Lose Sight of why you are attending school.

ASC Services

• Supplemental Learning Study Groups

• Active Learning Strategies

• Group/Individual Study Areas

• Student Success Workshops

• Review Sessions

• Subject Specific Study Tools and Resources

• Retakes (Prep Reading/Writing)

• Computer Access

Supplemental Learning Overview

We provide learning assistance to students in various academic subject or skill areas.

One of the ASC’s primary services is Supplemental Learning = Active Learning Study Sessions.

SL sessions are conducted by Supplemental Leaders who facilitate group study.

SL’s are students who have been selected by a faculty member.

- Earned an A in the course area.

- Demonstrate competence and model student behavior in academic subject or skill area.

Supplemental Learning focuses on creating a consistent study schedule throughout the term.

- Study sessions focus on current course material covered within the week.

- Use of active learning and study skill strategies to master course content.

SL model adapted from UMKC program. Students who actively study earn ½ letter grade or higher in the course and do not require remedial assistance.

Supplemental Learning allows a student to identify the following:

- learning styles

- academic goals for the course

- strengths/areas of improvement as a student

Skills for Success, Connections for Life

Student Success Workshops

The Academic Success Center


How to Use a Graphing Calculator

Workshop on

Tuesday, January 20 th

6:30pm – 7:30pm – Basic/Advanced Functions

- BLRC 200

Monday, January 26 th

12:00pm – 1:00pm – Basic/Advanced Functions

- BLRC 200

Prep Math

Student Success Workshops

BLRC 200

Workshop Time Frame:

10:30am - 12:30pm

How to install and use MyMathLab and Course Compass

Friday 1/9

Understanding and overcoming complications in word problems

Friday 1/16

Understanding and working with the rules of exponents

Friday 1/23

Steps for simplifying an expression and the solving of an equation

Friday 2/6

Prep Math

Student Success Workshops

BLRC 200

Workshop Time Frame:

10:30am - 12:30pm

Factoring of a polynomials

(Taking a GCF, Grouping and using Trial & Error)

Friday 2/13

Understanding fractions and how to work with them

Friday 2/20

Solving word problems by Systems Of Linear Equations

(more than one variable using substitution & addition elimination methods)

Friday 4/3

BHCC Writing Center



• – College Writing Basics

• –Analyzing Literature

Fri, 2/13 - CLAST Review (10:30-12:30)

• – Analyzing Poetry

• - Research Paper Blues?


• – Introducing Quotes

• - Research Paper Blues?


• - Improving Vocabulary

- Final English Exam Review

Mid-Term English Review

Weekly Grammar College

Mondays 2:45 – 3:45

Thursdays 5:30-6:30

Academic Success Center


Skills for Success, Connections for Life

Writing Center

BHCC Writing Center

BACA 207A – Inside the ASC

PH. 813-253-7962

• RESOURCES to facilitate student learning

• SERVICES to provide help

– Review Writing

– Reinforce Writing and/or Grammar Skills

• PROCEDURES/POLICIES to encourage writing growth while ensuring academic integrity

• E-Mail:

BHCC Writing Center Resources

• College dictionaries, thesauruses, and MLA Handbooks ,

APA Style Guide, Chicago Manual of Style, American Chemistry


• Copies of all English texts, some notes

• Rock Music CD’s - listen, enjoy, improve your vocabulary

• Handouts on grammar, writing, documentation, Internet resources, sample papers, sample worksheets

• Small library of other texts and resources for writing in the disciplines

– Art, Political Science, Humanities, Creative Writing, Business Writing,

Public Speaking, and the Sciences

• Qualified, trained advisors (B.A.)

BHCC Writing Center Services

• One-on-one consultations

• Review of any writing assignment, at any stage of completion from any class, any campus

– research papers, essays, speeches, lab reports, reaction papers, résumés, personal statements, etc.

• Review of self-editing skills

• Review of grammar skills

BHCC Writing Center

Review Process


Students Sign in ASC Who’s Next AND WC



WC Tutor asks a.

Assignment guidelines b.

Stage of writing: planning, drafting, near final c.

Particular concerns of student


(A)Tutor reads material, making only checks in margin OR

(B) Student reads while tutor takes notes

4. Concerns are discussed in order of importance a.

Organization and development b.

Clarity, tone, and grammar c.

Punctuation and format

BHCC Writing Center Policy

• We ensure that student papers are autonomous works

– 45-minute sessions

– two times per paper

• WC Online reporting requires appointments

– Access via writing center Web page:

– writingcenter.aspx

– Schedule is accessible 24/7

– Walk-ins can often make instant appointments

BHCC Writing Center

Reporting Process

• Summary of topics discussed sent to faculty

• Student privacy is guarded

– attitudes, concerns, complaints, frustrations, progress (or lack of ) are NOT recorded

– freedom to “vent” or to work through difficulties without the intimidating eye/ear of instructor.

• Student visits seen by faculty as positive

BHCC Writing Center

Have a great writing experience at HCC!

Take action to improve your writing by starting early, revising often, and applying new skills.

Be persistent in improving your writing.

Have the maturity to know that everyone’s writing can improve.

Writing Center staff welcomes ALL students!

Skills for Success, Connections for Life

Math Lab

Math Lab

policies and procedures

At the Math Lab, we are committed to helping students successfully complete the mathematics courses that will serve as the foundation for their future college success. For the students, on both a walk-in basis and during designated hours , we provide group study sessions, workshops, computer areas that have access to MyMathLab, individual and group study areas, and individual peer tutoring assistance.

Group study sessions are pre-scheduled times for students to come in for additional review and practice exercises on topics that parallel class instruction

(Practice Problems are used during this time - not homework or class assigned problems) .

Student Success Workshops are specific hours throughout the term that focus on a particular course objective. The topics offered in workshops assist in mastering skill sets necessary to do well in mathematics.

Math Lab

policies and procedures

We ask that the following guidelines be followed to Enhance Assistance Received:

Student Preparation:

1. Students must sign-in and out at the front desk for the correct service they need assistance with. (student ID # required)

2. Must have the necessary study materials to receive assistance

(book, pencil, paper, and class notes).

Lab Etiquette

 No Food or Drink.

 Please be courteous, and turn your cell phone off.

 No Electronic Devices.

 Computers are for academic purposes only.

 Be polite, and keep noise levels down.

Skills for Success, Connections for Life

Prep Writing

Prep Writing Lab

policies and procedures

There are four ways to earn credit for lab time


Study Sessions are pre-scheduled times for students from a specific class to come in for peer review or to complete their weekly lab work with their scheduled SL leader or lab assistant.


Open lab times are specific hours for those who have conflicts with scheduled study session times. Students who use open lab time will be given the same work and individual attention as those who are able to attend the study session times for their specific class section.


Individual help with course material is available from 8:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. with either the lab assistant or supplemental leaders. We are happy to review lecture notes and textbook chapters with you.


Computer based assignments on the book’s website are also available when your lab work is finished.

Prep Writing Lab

Policies and Procedures

Signing in and out:

• We are happy to have you come into the lab anytime you need help, but you can only receive credit for two hours a week.

• Remember to sign in at the front desk. This is how we calculate your hours. On the signin system, your instructor’s name will be followed by a section number. Make sure that you select the appropriate section number. If you have any questions regarding which service to sign in for, please ask the front desk person, an SL, or a lab assistant. We are always here to help you!

• When you are finished, be sure to sign out at the front desk. This is essential if you want credit for your time in lab.

Prep Writing Lab

Policies and Procedures

Completing assignments:

• Once you’re signed in, check your professor’s folder for lab assignments. The work in your professor’s folder will always correspond to the work you are doing in class. If you have finished your work for the week, there are computer-based assignments for you to work on. You are also free to study or work on homework.

• Once you have your assignment, take your lab folder out of the filing cabinet. This folder will have your name on it. If you are going to work with an SL, lab assistant, or study group, you will need to sign up for a study session on WC online. This will send a report to your professor showing him or her that you are participating in study sessions.

• When your work is finished, an SL or lab assistant will sign off on it to ensure you receive credit for your lab time.

• Your completed work stays in your lab folder all semester.

Lab Etiquette

 No Food or Drink.

 Please be courteous, and turn your cell phone off.

 No Electronic Devices.

 Computers are for academic purposes only.

 Be polite, and keep noise levels down.

Skills for Success, Connections for Life

Prep Reading

Prep Reading Lab

policies and procedures

There are four ways to earn credit for lab time


Study Sessions are pre-scheduled times for students from a specific class to come in for peer review or to complete their weekly lab work with their scheduled SL leader or lab assistant.


Open lab times are specific hours for those who have conflicts with scheduled study session times. Students who use open lab time will be given the same work and individual attention as those who are able to attend the study session times for their specific class section.


Individual help with course material is available from 8:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. with either the lab assistant or supplemental leaders. We are happy to review lecture notes and textbook chapters with you.


Computer based assignments on the book’s website are also available when your lab work is finished.

Prep Reading Lab

Policies and Procedures

Signing in and out:

• We are happy to have you come into the lab anytime you need help, but you can only receive credit for two hours a week.

• Remember to sign in at the front desk. This is how we calculate your hours. On the signin system, your instructor’s name will be followed by a section number. Make sure that you select the appropriate section number. If you have any questions regarding which service to sign in for, please ask the front desk person, an SL, or a lab assistant. We are always here to help you!

• When you are finished, be sure to sign out at the front desk. This is essential if you want credit for your time in lab.

Prep Reading Lab

Policies and Procedures

Completing assignments:

• Once you’re signed in, check your professor’s folder for lab assignments. The work in your professor’s folder will always correspond to the work you are doing in class. If you have finished your work for the week, there are computer-based assignments for you to work on. You are also free to study or work on homework.

• Once you have your assignment, take your lab folder out of the filing cabinet. This folder will have your name on it. If you are going to work with an SL, lab assistant, or study group, you will need to sign up for a study session on WC online. This will send a report to your professor showing him or her that you are participating in study sessions.

• When your work is finished, an SL or lab assistant will sign off on it to ensure you receive credit for your lab time.

• Your completed work stays in your lab folder all semester.

Lab Etiquette

 No Food or Drink.

 Please be courteous, and turn your cell phone off.

 No Electronic Devices.

 Computers are for academic purposes only.

 Be polite, and keep noise levels down.

Disability Services :

The College fully complies with provisions of the

American Disabilities Act (ADA). If you require an accommodation due to a physical disability or learning impairment, you should contact the Office of

Services to Students with Disabilities.

Contact Person: Nicole Lambert

Office of Services to Students with Disabilities

BSSB 109

(813) 253-7914


