ALLEN ISD INTERNET SCAVENGER HUNT Directions: (5 pts-header; 10 pts-outline format; 5 pts 1-page; 5 pts/question) 1. Open Word, save file as Scavenger Hunt in BIM 1st Nine Weeks folder 2. Activate the Multilevel List (outline) feature and choose the format with 1. a. i. 3. Go to the Internet home page on your school computer and answer the questions below. 4. Each answer should correlate with the number or letter of the question. See reverse side of these directions for an example of how you should use the outline feature. 5. Add a header following the example on the reverse side of these directions. 6. Change the font and font size to fill one page. Follow teacher instructions for turning in. 1. The home page on your computer is what internet website? 2. How do you get from this homepage to the Allen ISD District website? 3. A superintendent of schools is like a CEO of a corporation, who is your superintendent? 4. Like most corporations, Allen ISD has a vision statement, what is it? (click “Team of 8”). 5. What day and date is the first school holiday? 6. Label Student Handbook, find the handbook and answer the following under a,b,c…: a. What pages contain the dress code? b. Which one CAN both guys and gals wear to class? pajamas, tight clothes, hats, torn clothes, chokers, spiked jewelry, bandanas, sunglasses, earrings in ears. c. What is the rule on facial piercings? d. What is the rule on tattoos? e. Is sagging or having boxers visible okay? f. How long should a skirt be? 7. How do you go from the District webpage to your school’s webpage? 8. Find your teacher’s webpage. Describe the picture on your teacher’s webpage. 9. Label with the name of your school (i.e. 10. Allen High School), then fill in: a. Name of the school’s head principal b. Name of your house principal followed by the House # (Ex. Jon Doe – House 100) i. Name of the Secretary ii. Name of the Attendance Clerk iii. Name of your counselor iv. Name of your College and Career Advisor 10. Find the College & Career Center website. List one item from the site you may use. 11. Locate the class syllabus and find “DECA.” What kind of organization is it? 12. What would you use Student Access for (under Student Tab)? 13. What is your personal school Google email address? 14. Label School Website and list two areas of the website you may use this year (a. b.)? Student Name 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Click Date & Time icon on ribbon Answer #1 Answer #2 Answer #3 Answer #4 Answer #5 Student Handbook a. Answer 6a b. Answer 6b c. Answer 6c d. Answer 6d e. Answer 6e f. Answer 6f 7. Answer #7 8. Answer #8 9. Allen High School (or other school name) a. Answer 9a b. Answer 9b i. Answer 9bi ii. Answer 9bii iii. Answer 9biii iv. Answer 9biv 10.Answer #10 11.Answer #11 12.Answer #12 13.Answer #13 14.School Website a. Answer 14a b. Answer 14b Class Name/Teacher/Period # Rubric: Header Outline Format Centered on 1 page 14 questions x 5 pts 10 10 10 70 Notice: 1. A couple of blank lines separate the header from the body of the document. 2. The font has been changed to fill one page. 3. DO NOT print unless instructed to do so by your teacher.