Chapter Four
Present Value
The Present Value
of One Future Payment
• Would you rather have $100 today or $105 in
one year?
• What does your answer depend on?
• What happens to your choice as the interest
rate rises? As the interest rate falls?
• Present value is the amount of money you
would need to invest today to yield a given
future return.
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Present Value
Present value is based in two ideas
1. You can determine how much money you have
available at different times
2. Interest is earned on past interest
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The Power of Compounding
• Compare $300 today vs. $350 in two years
• What does it depend on?
– Today, your principal (P) represents your entire
– What rate of interest will you earn?
• In one year: (1 + i) × P
– Where i is annual interest rate
• In two years: (1 + i)2 × P
– Compounding is earning interest on interest that
was earned in prior years
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Extend as many years as you would like
Value after N years = (1 + i)N × P
Compounding enables your money to keep working for
you, even without additions to the principal
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Compounding makes a
huge difference
P = $1,000, i = 8%
1 year: $1,080
5 years: $1,469
10 years: $2,159
25 years: $46,902
100 years: $2,199,761
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How much does the interest rate matter?
$1,000 × 1.08100 = $2,199,761
$1,000 × 1.07100 = $867,716
1% makes a BIG difference!!!
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• In discounting, we consider an amount to be
received in the future and ask how much it is
worth today.
• Example: Would you rather have $350 in one
year, or $300 today?
• What does it depend on? It is the same
question as “compounding”… only in reverse!
• How much would you be willing to give up today
to receive $350 in the future?
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F = (desired) future value
What P today is worth F in one year?
P = F/(1 + i) because (1 + i) × P = F
The term (1 + i) is the discount factor.
The term i is the rate of discount.
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Why Discount?
Key question
What is your rate of discount?
What would you do with $10,000 today?
What is the expected return?
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Discounting (cont’d)
• For a given F, what happens to P as i
• Is $350 in one year worth more or less
today as i rises? As i falls?
Key results
• Present value is inversely related to the
rate of discount
• Present value is inversely related to the
discount factor
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The General Form
of the Present-Value Formula
(1  i)
(1  i)
 ... 
(1  i )
• Used to calculate the present value of almost any
financial security
• Higher future amounts will yield a higher present value
• Higher rates of discount or discount factors will yield a
lower present value
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Different Types of Securities
• A way of describing the payments promised by a
financial security
Example: N = 1 year
F = $10,000
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Present Value of a Perpetuity
Perpetuity = financial security that never matures. It
pays interest forever, does not repay principal (eg. a
share of stock in a corporation)
Example: N = 1 year
F = $10,000
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Perpetuities (cont’d)
Would you ever want to own a perpetuity?
Is the present value really infinite?
How much would you pay for it?
To calculate: P = F / i
The present value of each successive payment
is less than the last…Therefore, even the
present value of a perpetuity is finite.
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Perpetuities (cont’d)
Present value of perpetuities
are also affected by the
rate of discount.
Compare the sensitivity of P to i
where F = $1,000
i = .08
P = $12,500
i = .05
P = $20,000
i = .02
P = $50,000
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Fixed Payment Securities
• Fixed-payment security:
The dollar payments are
the same every year so
that the principal is
• Amortization: The
process of repaying a
loan’s principal gradually
over time
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Fixed Payment Securities (cont’d)
Payment Timeline
To calculate present value:
1 N
1 (
1 i
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Present Value of a Coupon Bond
Coupon Bond: Pays a regular interest
payment until maturity, when face value is
repaid (e.g. most corporate & government
Face Value
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Present Value of a Coupon Bond (cont’d)
To calculate present value:
1 N
1 (
P = [F ×
(1  i)
interest payments are
fixed-payment security
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present value of
face value
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Payments More Than
Once Per Year
• Many securities require payments more
• Semi-annually: Government & corporate bonds
• Quarterly: Many stock dividends
• Monthly: Consumer & business loans
• Because of compounding, this frequency must
be accounted for in calculating present value
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Payments More Than
Once Per Year (cont’d)
• Time period needs to be adjusted to account
for payment frequency
• Assume that interest compounds each
period and N = number of periods to maturity
Example: 30 year mortgage at 9%
 N = 360 (12 months x 30 years)
 i = 0.0075 (0.09/12 months)
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Present Value & Decision Making
Comparing alternative offers
• A magazine subscription costs $50 for 1
year or $95 for 2 years. Which is better?
• Comparing coupon bonds: use one as
an alternative for the other; use the
interest rate on one bond as the rate of
discount on other bonds in the
secondary market
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Buying or Leasing a Car
Question: Given a choice, would you buy or
lease a car?
Answer: Financially there is not much
difference between buying and
leasing. Money paid today is worth
more than money paid in the future.
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Buying or Leasing a Car
Other factors matter in deciding to lease
– option value (check car out & see how used car
prices change)
– avoid transactions costs of selling
– added transactions if you keep car;
– limited mileage;
– car dealers love them because of higher turnover, so
it must be bad for you!
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Interest-Rate Risk
• Why does the price of a security change
when the market interest rate changes?
• This uncertainty is interest-rate risk
• Reflects a change in opportunities…
suppose you buy a bond paying 6% but
market rates rise to 8%. Does your bond
price rise or fall?
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Interest-Rate Risk (cont’d)
• Bond price = present
value of bond
• Present value of bond
inversely related to i
• Bond price inversely
related to i
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Interest-Rate Risk (cont’d)
Interest Rate Change Example
• A $1000 bond matures in one year and
pays $50 interest. Other 1-year bonds also
have interest rates of 5%.
P = $1050/1.05 = $1000
• What if market interest rate fell (just after
you bought it) to 4%?
P = $1050/1.04 = $1009.62
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Interest-Rate Risk (cont’d)
Example (continued)
• What if the market interest rate rose (just
after you bought it) to 10%?
P = $1050/1.10 = $954.55
Why did P change?
Market opportunity!
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Using Present Value Formula
to Calculate Payments
• Sometimes we already know present
value, but are concerned with size of
payments to be made to the lender…
Example: Mortgage loan
• P = $100,000
• monthly payments for 30 years (N = 360)
• annual interest rate = 6% (therefore i =
.06/12 = 0.005)
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Using Present Value Formula
to Calculate Payments
1 N
1 (
Example (cont.):
1 i
1 N
1 (
1 i
F = $100,000 ×
= $599.55
1 360
1 (
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Looking Forward or
Backward at Returns
Why would investors look forward or
backward at security returns?
– To calculate an expected return based on a
forecast they have received
– To evaluate different loan offers
– To determine the interest rate one will
receive on an annuity in retirement
– To compare a stock’s return to the average
(historical) market return
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Looking Forward or
Backward at Returns (cont’d)
To calculate, still solve for i in the formula
• Thus far, i = rate of discount
• Backward looking: i = past return
• Forward looking
(1) i = expected return (accounts for
probability of default)
(2) i = yield to maturity (average annual
return if held to maturity without default)
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Looking Forward or
Backward at Returns (cont’d)
Payments made by security on right-hand side of
equation, price on left-hand side, solve for i
One payment in one year:
(1 + i) × P = F, so i = (F/P) – 1
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Looking Forward or
Backward at Returns (cont’d)
One payment in more than one year (N years) in
the future:
(1 + i)N × P = F, so i = (F/P)1/N – 1
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Looking Forward or
Backward at Returns (cont’d)
• With a fixed-payment security, you know the payment
amount & price of security, and are looking for the
implied interest rate
1 N
1 (
1 i
• Cannot determine i as a function of just P and F, so
we must “guess, test & revise”
• Same holds true for coupon bonds
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Looking Forward or
Backward at Returns (cont’d)
• The same method can be used when there
are multiple payments per year
• In solving for i, note that i is not at an annual
rate, so you must multiply by number of
periods per year
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Policy Insight:
Annual Percentage Yield (APY)
• Annual Percentage Yield = The annual interest
rate that would give you the same amount you
would earn with more frequent compounding than
with the stated annual interest rate
• The U.S. government requires banks to
report APY on savings.
• APY offers a way to compare investment
with different periods of compounding.
• Example: Which is better to invest in?
A: 8.0% compounded annually
B: 7.95% compounded monthly
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Policy Insight:
Annual Percentage Yield (APY) (cont’d)
Example (cont.)
A: $1000 × 1.081 = $1080
B: $1000 × [1+(.0795/12)]12 = $1082.46
Option B is a better investment
To compare easily, define:
APY = [1 + (i/x)]x – 1
where compounding occurs x times per year
APY(A) = .08; APY(B) = .08246.
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