
Instructor: Mohamed Eltabakh
Midterm Regulations
Midterm is Feb. 7th (11:00am – 12:30pm)
Covers until before the Views
You answer in the same exam paper
Closed-Book, One sheet is allowed for your notes
Topics Covered in Midterm
Entity-Relationship Model & ERD
Relational Model
Relational Algebra
SQL Commands
DDL: Creating tables
DML: inserts, updates, deletes, querying
Relational Algebra & SQL
Relational Algebra: Key Points
Understand the meaning of each operator and what it does, E.g.,
Selection (σc): selects certain tuples based on a condition (all columns)
Projection (πk): selects certain columns (All tuples)
Join (⋈C): joins tuples from one relation with another relation based on a
Practice how to combine these operators to answer queries
Performance rules:
Apply selection earlier whenever possible
Use joins instead of Cartesian product
Avoid un-necessary joins
SQL: Key Points
Understand the Select clauses and their order of
Practice the grouping and aggregation
Practice the nested queries
SELECT <projection list>
FROM <relation names>
WHERE <conditions>
GROUP BY <grouping columns>
HAVING <grouping conditions>
ORDER BY <order columns>;
Exercise (Warships)
ShipClass(name, type, country, numGuns, designYear, weight)
WarShips(shipName, className, builtYear)
Missions(missionName, date)
Results(shipName, missionName, status)
Ships having the same design belong to the same class. The class information
is stored in “ShipClass”. The ship information is stored in “WarShips”
Each ship may participate in multiple missions. The mission information is
stored in “Missions”
Each ship in a mission has a status as either ‘damaged’, ‘sunk’, or ‘ok’. This
information is stored in “Results”
Query 1
For classes with at least 10 guns, report the class name and country;
Query 2
List the warShips built after 1932
Query 3
Suppose there was an agreement prohibiting war-ships heavier
than 40,000 tons. Report the ship names and built year of ships
violating this agreement.
Query 4
Continue from the previous query, Find the ship(s) that violate the
agreement the least (i.e., the lightest ships violating the agreement)
Query 5
In the mission of “Sun Rising”, find the name and weight of the
ships involved
Query 6
Report ship name for ships that were ‘ok’ in one mission, but later
‘sunk’ in another.
Query 7
Report the names of ships damaged in the mission of “Sun Rising”.
Query 8
Report each shipName and the number of missions it participated in
(including 0 participation)
ER & Relational Models
Key Points
Remember the notations used in ERD
Mapping rules from ERD to relational model, E.g.,
Relationships cardinalities (1-1, 1-M, M-M)
Entity sets and weak entity sets
Primitive, derived, and composite attributes
M-M relationship  separate table
1-M relationship  take the key from the one-side to the many-side
1-1 relationship  take the key from either sides to the other side
ISA relationship  Many choices depending on its type
Remember to indicate the integrity constraints, most
important are:
Primary keys, Foreign keys
Airline Application
We have a set of planes, each plane can make many flights.
Each plane has properties such as: ID (unique identifier), model,
capacity, year in which it is built, and weight
Each flight has a departure city, arrival city, and it can make transit in
many other cities. Also each flight has the departure date, arrival date,
and the transit date in each of the transit cities (assume the ‘date’
captures both the date and exact time).
Each flight has some properties such as: FlightNum (unique identifier),
number of transit stops, number of passengers
For each city, we have an CityID (unique identifier), name, and country
Question 1
Design an ER diagram for the given application. The
diagram must include:
The entity sets, attributes, primary keys
The relationships with the correct cardinalities
State any assumptions that you make and affect your
Question 2
Extend your ERD in the previous question to capture the
following additional requirements:
Each flight has one captain, one assistant captain, and between 2
to 4 flight attendants
Each of the captain, assistant captain, and attendants have a
common set of properties such as: EmployeeID (unique identifier),
name, salary, and DoB
The same person can be captain on some flights and assistant
captain on other flights (basically same person can have different
roles (captain or assistant captain) in different flights).
Question 3
Map the ERD from the previous question (Question 2) to
the corresponding relational model
Provide the CREATE TABLE commands with the field names and
appropriate data types
Identify the primary keys and foreign keys in the relations