Visual Imagery Strategy

The Visual Imagery Strategy
 Today- Part 1: Our Purpose: How well
you understand the information.
 Tomorrow- Part 2: Our Purpose: How
well you remember what you read.
 Effort Grade- Do you best and you’ll get
Pre-test directions
 As you read the text, stop at each dot.
 On your worksheet, next to the
appropriate number, write a little about
what you pictured in your mind while
 Read your SSR book when you’ve
Comprehension Pre-Test
 Yesterday, you read some text and wrote
notes about what you pictured as you
 Today, you’ll be completing Part 2 of the
pre-test, seeing how much you
remember about what you read.
What is reading?
 Naming the words you see
 Making your own sense of what you read
 Fitting the new stuff in with what you
already know
 Making meaning- understanding and
Effort =
What “images”
make a point
in these
Why do we read?
Why Learn SCENE?
 Other students like you:
Before strategy- 34% mastery on
After strategy- 86% mastery on
 If your grades improved from Fs
to Bs, how might you feel?
 S- Search for picture words
 Read just the first 2 or 3 sentences. While you
read, look for “picture words.” These are words
that you can turn into pictures in your mind.
 The food
smelled delicious.
 Example: Food
S- Search for Picture
Picture Word?
Picture Word?
Picture Words?
 In
 Our
 Where
 Freedom
 Hard
 Liberty
 Caring
 Music
 What
 Flight
 Around
 Bright
C: Create or change the scene.
 After you read the first few sentences, you
need to create a picture in your head
showing where this scene takes place.
 Answers the question: Where?
 So, what is a scene? A place, backdrop, or
C- Create or Change the
 Example: “I was so tired, so worn out,
inside my body and head and
outside where my muscles was, I
just fell into the bed with them
cornshucks just rustling under me. I
didn’t even wash up or take off my
clothes like my mama made me to
 What are some picture words?
C- Create or Change the
 Picture Words
• Create a scene
– A small, dark shack,
empty except for a
homemade sack bed
on the floor.
 “I was so tired, so
worn out, inside my
body and head and
outside where my
muscles was, I just
fell into the bed with
them cornshucks just
rustling under me. I
didn’t even wash up
or take off my clothes
like my mama made
me to do.”
E- Enter lots of details
 Details are the small parts of the
picture you are creating.
Color of hair
Wall color
Decorations in the room
Inside or outside
Sunny or dark
Crowded or empty
E- Enter Lots of Details
 “I was so tired, so
worn out, inside my
body and head and
outside where my
muscles was, I just
fell into the bed with
them cornshucks just
rustling under me. I
didn’t even wash up
or take off my clothes
like my mama made
me to do.”
Search for picture words
Create a scene
Enter details
- young black girl who looks
- lying on bed fully dressed in
an old, long dress and muddy,
worn boots
- dusty, grey dirt covers her
hands and her face is
streaked with sweat through
E- Enter Details
 Your turn: What details
do you see in this
section of text?
 An old black woman,
wearing a long grey
gown is holding a candle
in one hand and her
head is wrapped.
 She is shaking Clora’s
shoulder hard and
Clora’s eyes are barely
 “But the shakin’ kept up
and somebody, Miz Elliz,
was callin my name.
‘Clora, Clora child!
Wake up! Wake up!’ Miz
Elliz was the old woman
who watched out for the
babies while their
mamas was in the
 N- Name the parts
 Putting all of the information together
into one word picture.
 Example: I see a small, dark shack, empty except
for a homemade sack bed on the floor. There is a young,
thin black girl who looks exhausted. She is lying on bed
fully dressed in an old, long dress and muddy, worn boots.
Dusty, grey dirt covers her hands and her face is streaked
with sweat through dirt.
 E- Evaluate your picture
 Check your picture with what you read and
make sure it is accurate.
 What if you keep reading and you find that
something you pictured was wrong?
 Make the change to your scene.
SCENE Review
 S- Search for picture words
 C- Create the scene
 E- Enter lots of details
 N- Name the parts
 E- Evaluate your picture
SCENE grading
 Your “I see” statements need to have 6 parts.
 I see a small, dark shack, empty except for a
homemade sack bed on the floor. There is a
young, thin black girl who looks exhausted.
She is lying on bed fully dressed in an old, long
dress and muddy, worn boots. Dusty, grey dirt
covers her hands and her face is streaked with
sweat through dirt.
 Lime green- creates the scene- 1 point
 Blue- details from the text- 3 points
 Dark Green- details from my imagination- 3 points
Your Turn!
 Follow the SCENE steps to tell what you
see from this text.
 “I looked out over them beautiful fields,
up into that beautiful sky so full of soft
white clouds and the sun so warm and
good to shine down on this earth. I saw
tall beautiful trees, weavin’ and wavin’ in
the winds that come from all crost the