Administrator Guide Administrator Guide Silk Central TM Оглавление 1 System Administration ................................................................................................................. 2 1.1 Introduction .............................................................................................................................. 2 1.2 System Administration ......................................................................................................... 2 1.3 The Administration Unit ....................................................................................................... 3 1.4 Users ........................................................................................................................................... 5 1.4.1 Understanding User Management............................................................................ 6 1.5 Adding Accounts ..................................................................................................................... 7 1.6 Roles ............................................................................................................................................ 9 1.6.1 Adding New Roles........................................................................................................... 9 1.7 Groups ...................................................................................................................................... 10 1.8 Projects .................................................................................................................................... 12 1.8.1 Projects - Baselining.................................................................................................... 14 1.8.2 Baseline Comparison ................................................................................................... 15 Exercise 13-1: Project Baselining .......................................................................................... 15 1.9 Automated Testing Settings – Execution Servers .................................................. 16 1.9.1 1.10 Setting Up Execution Servers .................................................................................. 17 Cross Project Assets – Schedules .............................................................................. 20 1.10.1 Global Schedule Configuration ............................................................................ 20 1.11 Cross Project Assets – Report Templates ............................................................... 21 1.12 Cross Project Assets – Products, Versions and Builds ...................................... 22 1.13 Cross Project Assets – Platforms .............................................................................. 23 1.14 Cross Project Assets – List of Values ...................................................................... 24 1.15 Cross Project Assets – System Settings ................................................................ 24 1.16 Cross Project Assets – Log Files ................................................................................ 25 1.17 Silk Central Licensing...................................................................................................... 25 1 Administrator Guide Silk Central TM 1 System Administration 1.1 Introduction Now that you have completed the initial configuration of Silk Central Test Manager, the following sections will help guide you through the steps required to set up user accounts, projects, locations, products, platforms, and global schedules. This module will also guide you through the process of uploading files to the Web server. 1.2 System Administration • There are two types of Administration within Silk Central: – – • System Administration – A new set of configuration pages for system administration, database connectivity, creating Clients, Infrastructure administration and system diagnostics. • The default login is sysadmin/sysadmin • ‘sysadmin’ is the only login to access this area and has no access to the actual Silk Central user interface. The Administration Unit– The administration of the Silk Central user interface. The areas of interest are log files, system settings, user management, execution servers, schedules, report templates, products, versions and builds, platforms and list of values. All tasks are system wide (across all projects). • The default login is admin/admin • This account has the role definition of ‘SuperUser’ which has all privileges across Silk Central. The menus available to the user are: – Database: The current configuration information Silk Central is using. You can configure multiple databases, but only one database at a time is connected. – Clients: Distinct units within Silk Central to maintain a single installation. A client can be a Customer or a Division within a company. For example, if we create a client called Borland, the login will be Borland\admin to access the Silk Central user interface as ‘SuperUser’. – Infrastructure: Configuration settings from the Chart Servers, Email Server (used by Notifications Tab) and a System Proxy (used by Execution Servers). 2 – Administrator Guide Silk Central TM System Diagnostics: Used to retrieve diagnostic information and system log files. – Change Your Password: Change the ‘sysadmin’ account – Log out: Exit System Administration page. – Help: Online Help. 1.3 The Administration Unit Silk Central Test Manager’s Administration unit permits administrators to configure administrative settings. The Administration section is divided into seven pages, which in turn are divided into tabs: System page: Provides for configuration of the system application settings, database, or repository that Silk Central Test Manager will use to store and retrieve data; the charting server used to generate graphs and charts; the LDAP configuration server used to authenticate user access; the optional mail server used to email reports and status notifications; and the optional system proxy used to configure a proxy for your location. Projects page: Provides for project creation and editing, assignment of user groups and locations to projects, and setting projects active or inactive. Cross Project Assets : 3 • Administrator Guide Silk Central TM Products - create and organize product components, versions of products, and build numbers of product versions; • Platform - set up platform designations for test definitions. • List of Values - Value lists are used to populate custom properties within custom issue tabs that can be configured for Silk Central Issue Manager • Schedules - create global schedules for test executions • Report Templates - Provides a variety of core report templates you can easily use to transform data into presentation-quality information for analysis. These reports are created with Microsoft Excel or the Eclipse BIRT Report Designer. User’s page: Enables management of user accounts, groups, and roles, determining who has access to the Silk Central Test Manager installation, plus which projects each can access and with what privileges. Automated Testing Settings: • Locations - Provides for definition of Locations, which are logical containers for execution servers. Since Silk Central Test Manager supports worldwide distribution, it is desirable to group execution servers into locations. • VMWare Lab Manager Servers - VMware Lab Manager's integration with Silk Central Test Manager enables users to manage VMware Lab Manager directly from Test Manager's UI. Integrated functionality includes configuration deployment, test execution, result collection, and automatic undeployment of configurations. Test Manager can support multiple VMware Lab Manager installations and configurations. Configurations captured through LiveLink technology are viewed using VMware Lab Manager. • Load Test Agent Clusters - Use this page to manage SilkPerformer load-test agent-cluster files in support of dynamic workload assignment. • File pool - Used by SuperUsers, administrators, and project managers to upload/download files to/from the SCTM file pool on the Silk Central Web server (the front-end server). These files can be made available for the creation of new test definitions and monitors. Creating a test definition or monitor from an uploaded file does not remove that file from the file pool—it creates an independent instance. 4 Administrator Guide Silk Central TM Logs : • Audit Log - allows administrators to view all recorded Silk Central user activity. The log file stores all login and logout information, as well as all changes to the Silk Central database, for example projects, monitors, and schedules. • The front-end server, the application server, and the execution server write log files. These files provide valuable information for error analysis. Silk Central allows administrators to view, search, and download these files directly from its Web interface. Help: (not same as online help !) • Download product documentation (eg user guide , admin guide • Download addtional tools (eg Manual Testing Client or BIRT report designer) • View version information about SCTM and its subcomponents as wel as license information Note: For online users, all administrative permissions have been restricted. There will be no exercises that will modify administrative settings. This is a safeguard against affecting other online users and core server settings. 1.4 Users Adding user and group accounts permits multiple users to create projects and have access rights to those projects. By default, the “admin” SuperUser account is available in the setup installation with the password admin. Since this user has all administrative privileges, you should immediately designate a new password to prevent unauthorized access to these capabilities. • User access and security permissions are managed through: – Groups – Roles – Accounts 5 Administrator Guide Silk Central TM • SCTM includes one (1) user by default – Username: admin – Password: admin – Role: SuperUser 1.4.1 Understanding User Management Groups is the “middle layer” that holds the relationships between the 3 main entities of information : Projects , Account(Users), Roles. In simple words, a user with a certain role can be part of a group that will give access to a project and its related assets. 6 Administrator Guide Silk Central TM A user needs a role assigned before it can belong to a group. Groups will accept same user with multiple roles and different users with the same role Project access is controlled through group assignments, feature access is controlled through role assignment Access to Shared assets is depending on Project access, this is the case for Library assets but also for Locations (Execution Servers) Note: groups facilitate bulk assignment of users to projects 1.5 Adding Accounts To add a user account: 1. On the Administration -> Users page, click the Accounts tab. 2. Click the New User button to display the Add New User Account form. 3. Enter a login (user name) and password for the user. Enter the password a second time to confirm it is correct. 4. Click the Locked checkbox if you wish to prevent the user from logging in with the given credentials. This makes the user account inactive. 5. Enter the user’s first name, last name, and email address. This email address is used when the user selects Change Notifications. 6. Enter the user’s local time zone. Time zone information is used to display times and dates in the user’s local time zone. SCTM will make the necessary adjustments for you. 7 Administrator Guide Silk Central TM 7. Select a date format, a short date format, and the first day of the week. Selected date formats are presented to the user in lists, reports, and the calendar. The first day of the week determines the weekly view in reports. 8. Enter the page refresh time (in seconds). This setting determines the time interval at which report pages are refreshed automatically. Enter 0 (default value) if you do not want reports to refresh automatically. The page refresh time only affects pages that support automatic page refreshing. 9. Enter a CSV separator string. This string is used as a row separator for the user’s downloaded CSV files. Reports can be downloaded as CSV files. 10.Select a default execution server: The selected execution server will automatically default to blank. This setting is based on the current configuration of Silk Central. 11.Select a Group and Role Assignment from the respective drop-down lists, then click the Add Assignment button beside the drop-down list to add the group/role combination to the new user account. You must add at least one group and one role assignment to each user account before you can save it. 12.Click Save to store the new user account. 8 Administrator Guide Silk Central TM 1.6 Roles • Roles control the features or privileges that are available to a user. • Default SCTM roles include: – SuperUser: granted all privileges across Silk Central applications – Administrator: granted all privileges across Silk Central and Issue Manager – Project Manager: maintain projects for which they are responsible. They do not have write access to the Administration Unit. They also have all Issue Manager permissions for the projects they are assigned. – Test Manager: responsibilities include planning and execution of tests. They have full access to libraries of shared steps. They have full read access to the Requirements Unit. – Tester: granted the permission to plan and execute tests. Testers cannot delete tests. Testers have full read access to the Requirements Unit. They can view, create and edit all objects in the libraries of shared steps. – Analyst: granted to analyze the results of project assigned to them. They cannot modify project settings or schedules. Analysts only have read-only permissions. – Reporter: Includes the permissions of Analysts, additionally have the right to edit and delete reports in Advanced mode. 1.6.1 Adding New Roles To add a new user role: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. On the Administration -> Users page, select the Roles tab. Click the New Role button to display the Add New Role form. Enter a role name for the new group in the Name field. Enter a good description for the new role in the Description field. In the Permission Settings list, select the checkbox next to each setting you want to grant to this role. Selecting a top-level parent task automatically selects all child tasks of that parent. When some but not all child tasks of a parent task are selected, the parent task has a grayed-out checkmark, indicating partial permissions in that area. 6. Click Save to return to the User Roles page; the new role is saved and listed. 9 Administrator Guide Silk Central TM If a user has multiple roles within the same group, this will be indicated on the accounts tab group-column. 1.7 Groups Group accounts define access to selected projects. When assigned to a group, the user inherits all access rights for each project defined for that group account. Users 10 Administrator Guide Silk Central TM can be associated with one or more group account. Note that a user can be added to a group account with different roles. This allows for detailed and efficient management of user privileges. • Define access to projects • Users belonging to a group inherit all projects for that group • Users can belong to many groups with different roles • Default groups exist and new groups can be created To add a group account: 1. On the Administration -> Users page, select the Groups tab. 2. Click the New Group button to display the Add New Group form. 3. Enter a name for the new group in the Group Name field. 4. Enter a good description for the new group in the Description field. 5. Select a user with a role assignment from the respective drop-down lists, then click the Add Selection button next to the drop-down list to add the user/role combination to the new group account. 6. Assign an existing project to this group. You can use the Select All/Deselect All links to select/deselect all listed projects. 7. Click Save to return to the User Groups page; the new group is listed. 11 Administrator Guide Silk Central TM 1.8 Projects To begin working with Silk Central Test Manager, you must first create a Project. Projects serve as containers for related test assets and sets of tasks and results. Users with roles such as Project Manager and Analyst are given access to projects by being assigned to user groups that have rights to specified projects. Projects are created and maintained by administrators and SuperUsers. • Container for related test assets, tasks, and results. • Can be created and maintained by users with the role of : • – Administrator – SuperUser Can be accessible via users of role: – Project Manager – Analyst To create a project: 12 Administrator Guide Silk Central TM 1. On the Administration -> Projects page, click New Project to display the Add new project page. 2. Enter a project Name and Description. 3. Select the Project Owner. 4. To activate the project, select the Active checkbox; an unchecked box leaves the project inactive. 5. The Groups section includes a list of registered user groups. Select the Assigned checkboxes to specify the user groups to work with this project. 6. From the Locations list at the bottom of the page, select the location(s) from which this project’s tasks are to be executed. 7. Click Save to save your settings. You will be returned to the Projects page, and the new project is listed. 13 Administrator Guide Silk Central TM 1.8.1 Projects - Baselining A project baseline is a snapshot of a project at a given time and can be created for any project or even another project baseline. The last run of each execution definition in the project is also included in the project baseline. The schedule options included in a project baseline are initially set to none, to prevent losing the execution status of the last runs. An example usage of a project baseline is to save a snapshot of a project immediately after a release. The Baseline Comparison report in Test Manager shows the amount of test definitions that are currently different in the project compared to the project baseline. For more information on the report, refer to the Test Manager Help. For each new project baseline that includes an element of the Test Plan unit, the History page of the element includes an entry with links to the project baseline and the corresponding element in the project baseline. If the element itself was created as part of a project baseline, the first entry in the History page includes links to the original project and the corresponding element in the original project. When test definitions in the original project include calls to shared steps objects from libraries, you can define during the creation of the project baseline whether all calls are resolved or kept. The project baseline has the same visibility on the libraries as the original project. For more information on shared steps objects, refer to the Test Manager Help. Note: Project baselines can be created by the administrator, project manager, and SuperUser roles. • Provides a way to archive a major release of software. • Creates a project “snapshot” as a duplicate project which appears as “child node” in the list of projects (if the baseline is “active”) • Project Baselining provides: – An option to detach library assets and create additional asset versions. – The ability to compare baselines. 14 Administrator Guide Silk Central TM 1.8.2 Baseline Comparison • Compare TestPlans between: • Two different baselines. • A baseline and the current version. • Multi select rows by using shift + click (don’t use the project name column). • Right click to bring up context report: “Baseline Test Plan Comparison”. Exercise 13-1: Project Baselining Objective: Create a project baseline and use it to track changes. We have now reached a point in testing the ShopIT application that the test assets reflect the testing efforts that will be performed for this current release. In other words, we have reached a major milestone in the lifecycle of ShopIT. Before we start testing efforts and planning for the next release of the application under test, it is appropriate to snapshot our testing efforts by generating a project baseline. 1. Click on the Administration menu to navigate to the administration unit,. Within the Project Management section, select Projects. 2. In the list of projects, select your project. The bolded text will show the active project. 3. Click the Baseline Project icon from the Actions column. 15 Administrator Guide Silk Central TM 4. Enter the baseline name “ShopIT V6” and description “Baseline for V6”. Use the other default settings in Baseline Project dialog (This will create new versions for all assets in the original project, and detach library assets). 5. Click OK to start baseline generation. 6. Acknowledge the time warning by clicking Yes in the Baseline Project popup dialog. 7. After the baseline is created click Finish in the dialog. Note: It is not necessary to update the Source Control Profile(s) at this time. 8. Click Yes to activate the new baseline project. 9. Navigate to the Tests Unit and review the change history for your Test assets. For each Test, view the History tab. Note: You should see a new version has been created for every asset. 10. Create a new Test in a Test Container of your choice. 11. Select the Project List menu by hovering over the Projects: <your project name> menu. 12. Simultaneously select both your project and its baseline. Note: hold the Ctrl-key and click in the Project ID column to multi select in the list. 13. Right click on the selected lines and choose Reports->Baseline Tests Comparison from the context menu. 14. Review the report and validate that the changes are visible in the comparison report. You should see a new test listed based on the name created from Step 10 above. 1.9 Automated Testing Settings – Execution Servers • Used for configuring Execution Servers for automated test execution. • One location can have multiple execution servers. • Can be considered as cross project asset, access managed by project. 16 Administrator Guide Silk Central TM 1.9.1 Setting Up Execution Servers Silk Central’s execution servers are responsible for executing monitors and scheduled test definitions; for example, SilkTest/SilkPerformer scripts. To execute SilkTest and SilkPerformer tests, SilkTest and SilkPerformer software must be installed on the same computer on which Silk Central execution servers are installed. To configure a physical execution server: 1. Navigate to Administration -> Locations. 2. Select a Location link for the new execution server or create a new location • To create a new execution server, click the New Execution Server button. • To edit an existing execution server, click the respective Edit button in the Actions column. 3. Enter a Name and Description for the execution server. 4. Select the Physical execution server radio button. 5. Enter a valid IP address or hostname in the Hostname or IP address field. 6. Specify the port on which the execution server listens in the Port field. 17 Administrator Guide Silk Central TM Note: Select the Use SSL checkbox if you want to connect to the execution server via SSL. To connect to the execution server through a nonstandard SSL port, please refer to the related procedures. 7. Enter a responsiveness timeout in seconds in the Responsiveness Timeout field. 8. To assign keywords to this execution server click Keywords To configure keywords for an execution server 1. On the Assign Keywords dialog, select a keyword in the Select keywords list. All available, unassigned keywords are listed in the Select keywords column. If you are working with a new Test Manager installation you may not see any available keywords. NOTE: Though not visible on the Assign Keywords dialog, reserved keywords are created for each execution server that is configured for the system. These reserved keywords are only available when assigning keywords to execution definitions. 2. Select keywords in the Select keywords list that describe the environment on the execution server (platform, operating system, pre-installed applications). You can use your keyboard's CTRL and SHIFT keys to select multiple keywords using standard Windows multi-select functions. NOTE: The Select keywords field is auto-complete enabled. When you enter alphanumeric characters into this field, the field is dynamically updated with an existing keyword that matches the entered characters. Note that this field is disabled when multiple keywords are selected in the Select keywords or Assigned Keywords lists. 3. Click the Add (>) button to move the keyword into the Assigned Keywords list. 4. Click OK to save the keywords and close the Assign Keywords dialog. 18 Administrator Guide Silk Central TM To create new execution-server keywords 1. On the Assign Keywords dialog, enter an alphanumeric keyword into the Keyword field that describes the environment on the execution server (platform, operating system, pre-installed applications). The following characters can not be used in keywords: #$?*\,;'" NOTE: Keywords are case insensitive (for example, “Vista” and “vista” are handled as the same keyword). 2. Press the ENTER key. The new keyword is now available for assignment. 3. Select the Active checkbox to activate the execution server. 4. Click the Test Connection button to establish a test connection to the execution server. You will receive a message stating that the execution server has successfully been connected. If you receive an error message, ensure that your settings are correct, the network is configured properly, and the required software is installed on the execution server you are setting up. 5. Click OK to save your settings. The server now appears on the Locations tab in the list of available execution servers. Tests can now be run on this execution server. Note: Silk Central automatically creates a default location called Local. 19 Administrator Guide Silk Central TM 1.10 Cross Project Assets – Schedules 1.10.1 Global Schedule Configuration Silk Central lets you define global schedules that can be reused in Test Manager for the scheduling of execution definitions. Global schedules speed up the process of scheduling execution definitions, because you need only schedule those execution definitions that require special scheduling. Global scheduling can be useful in many circumstances, such as: • Scheduling your acceptance test execution definition to run just after each weekly build release • Running SilkTest or SilkPerformer automated scripts after-hours so the results will be available in the morning • Coordinating automated tests to run on multiple computers • Serving as a reminder for manual testers to execute their test sets on time Project schedules are defined in the same way as we did in the Executions Definitions section. To create a global schedule: 20 Administrator Guide Silk Central TM 1. Select the Schedules tab of the Administration -> Configuration page to display the Schedule Profile page listing all of the global schedules that have been created for the system. 2. Click the New Schedule button. 3. Enter a Name and a Description for the new schedule. 4. Define further schedule settings: • From: Specify a start date/time for the schedule by clicking the Edit icon • Interval: Specify the time interval at which an execution should repeat. The available range is from 1 minute to 36 days. • Adjust schedule to daylight saving time changes: Select this checkbox to have scheduled executions automatically adjust to daylight saving time. • Run: Specify the end date/time at which execution should end. Select Run forever or Run until a defined date/time. Click the Edit icon to make the adjustment. 5. Click the Add Exclusion button to define weekdays and time-of-day intervals at which the test definition Add Definite Run should not execute. Click OK to close view. 6. Click the button to define a point in time when the test definition must execute. Click OK to close view. 7. Click Save when you have finished defining the schedule. 1.11 Cross Project Assets – Report Templates Now, let's take a look at certain assets found in the Administration section that may be used across multiple projects. Reports Silk Central offers a variety of core reports that let you quickly and easily transform data into presentation-quality information for analysis. These reports are created with Microsoft Excel or the Eclipse BIRT Report Designer. SCTM provides a copy of the BIRT Designer tool under the Help -> Tools section. To customize reports created with Microsoft Excel, you need a copy of Microsoft Excel. The Report Templates screen allows users to download, modify, and share new report templates with other users. You may want to upload a report template after 21 Administrator Guide Silk Central TM you have edited it with BIRT Report Designer or Microsoft Excel. You can run a report only if you have access to the project to which the report is associated. SuperUser, Administrator, or Project Manager privileges are required to create and upload custom reports. You cannot upload or update reports with Analyst, Tester, or Test Manager privileges. You can upload .rptdesign or .xls files only. 1.12 Cross Project Assets – Products, Versions and Builds • A basis for Test Container assignment • Also, used by Issue Manager for defect assignment 22 Administrator Guide Silk Central TM 1.13 Cross Project Assets – Platforms • Used as an attribute for Tests Unit • Configuration property for Issue Manager 23 Administrator Guide Silk Central TM 1.14 Cross Project Assets – List of Values Value lists are used to populate custom properties within custom issue tabs that can be configured for Silk Central Issue Manager (Issue Tracking Configuration). See the Silk Central Issue Manager Administration Guide for details regarding custom issue properties and tabs. 1.15 Cross Project Assets – System Settings • Used to configure Cloud Providers – • LDAP Servers – • Configuration for Silk Central logins via LDAP server Load Test Agent Clusters – • Configuration for VMWare vCloud Execution Servers An integration with SilkPerformer Load Testing tool as workload assignment for Execution Servers VMWare Lab Manager Servers – Configuration for VMWare Lab Manager as virtualized computers used as Execution Servers 24 Administrator Guide Silk Central TM 1.16 Cross Project Assets – Log Files • Logs may be considered a type of administrative report. • Logging levels can be adjusted (see online Help). SCTM includes two types of logs: • Audit logs – Used to view user activity • Technical / Troubleshooting logs: Used to view communication between core architecture, Issue Manager & Test Manager modules. – – Technical logs are available from the Front-End Server, Application Server, and Execution Servers Used to view SCTM user, project or location activity • Audit Log: Enables administrators to view all recorded Silk Central Test Manager user activity. The log file stores all login and logout information as well as all changes to the Silk Central database (e.g., projects, monitors, schedules). • Front-end Server Log: Stores log files written by the front-end server service. Here the communications among the Core Architecture (CA), Issue Manager (IM), and Test Manager (TM) modules are logged. These files provide valuable information for error analysis. Silk Central allows administrators to view, search, and download these files directly from its Web interface. • Application Server Log: Stores log files written by the Application Server service. Similar to the front-end server, the modules logged are identical CA, IM, and TM messages. • Execution Server Log: Stores log files written by the Execution Server service 1.17 Silk Central Licensing • Silk Central Test Manager licensing is controlled via SilkMeter license keys. • SilkMeter is typically installed on the same machine as the Application Server. Network communications for SilkMeter typically uses port 5461. • Each key (left panel) defines feature access (right panel). 25 Administrator Guide Silk Central TM • Silk Central uses the following types of keys: – Silk CentralTestManager xx.x • – Silk CentralIssueManager xx.x • – The “Licenses” value allows a number of user access to Issue Management module. Silk CentralManualTesting xx.x • • The ”Licenses” value allows a number of users access to Test Management module. The “Licenses” value allows users to execute tests from the Manual Testing Window. Each user connecting online will acquire a license. When keys are in use, SilkMeter will show the user & machine that is consuming a license. This is a nice visual display to validate key usage. 26