Student Learning Outcomes

Preparing Students for the
Real World through
Participation in
“College Success Skills”
Presenter: Bonnie Gardner-Wannett, M.S.
Northern Virginia Community College
Virginia Community Colleges Career Coaches are
community college employees who are based in
local high schools to:
• Help high school students define their career
• Recognize community college and other
postsecondary programs, including
apprenticeships and workforce training, that can
help students achieve their educational and
financial goals
Through the VCCS Career Coaching program, coaches
at Northern Virginia Community College (NOVA), are
able to offer students the opportunity to enroll in
Student Development (SDV) 100.
This valuable course helps high
school students:
• learn college success skills
• earn required credit
• make successful transitions
to postsecondary life
Student Development (SDV) - College Success Skills is designed to:
•Assist students in making a successful transition to college
•Provide students with the academic tools for success
•Teach the skills of self-management and self-responsibility that
relate to being a successful student
•Learn how to make responsible choices about their academic,
personal, and career goals
•Provide information about the College and community
resources, the College’s policies and procedures, and the
processes of moving effectively through the educational system
Student Learning Outcomes
Student Learning Outcome #1:
Students will develop an understanding about the college and
campus community as well as the policies and procedures of the
college. Students will demonstrate an understanding of:
A. College policies and procedures
B. The college resources that support academic and student
success including: Student Services, Learning Resource Services,
Faculty Advising and Student Activities
C. The processes for academic/career planning using counseling
and advising services and college technology
D. How to acclimate to a multicultural and diverse learning
Student Learning Outcomes
Student Learning Outcome #2:
Students will develop skills for academic success. Students
will learn how to:
A. Develop note-taking, test-taking and study skills
B. Improve reading, writing and listening skills
C. Develop critical thinking skills
D. Identify their learning style and things they can do to
assure understanding
Student Learning Outcomes
Student Learning Outcome #3:
Students will develop self-management techniques as they
relate to being a successful college student. Students will
learn how to:
A. Develop skills necessary for effective time management
B. Explain the concepts of prioritizing and planning
C. Identify effective strategies for stress management
Student Learning Outcomes
Student Learning Outcome #4:
Students will develop the skills that will encourage
responsible decision-making in their academic, personal and
career plans
Students will learn how to:
A. Identify the steps in the goal setting process
B. Research information for career exploration and transfer
C. Identify effective strategies for effective personal financial
Aligning College Success Skills with
Workplace Readiness Skills
A 3-½ year research study at the
University of Virginia detailed the
views of 500 employers regarding skill
needs for entry-level jobs requiring less
than a four-year college degree. The
results of that study were summarized
in Virginia's Changing Workplace and
provided the foundation for the
Virginia's Workplace Readiness Skills
*Derived from
Virginia’s Changing Workplace: Employers Speak, 1997.
Martin, Julia H; Carrier, Achsah H; and Hill, Elizabeth A.
Virginia's Changing Workplace: Employers Speak.
Charlottesville, VA:
Weldon Cooper Center for Public Service
The 13 Virginia's Workplace
Readiness Skills include:
Problem-solving skills
Understanding the "big picture"
Work ethic
A positive attitude
Independence and initiative
Self-presentation skills
Transferring SDV 100 to 4 Year Universities
Benefits of the Class…
The Career Coaches say…
“The best and “consistent” thing I saw and
heard back from the “at-risk” students who
completed SDV 100 while in HS was a new
found confidence, in general, AND a specific
confidence that made them believe that they
CAN BE a college student. Wow! I have
witnessed how this new confidence has lead
them to a place they never thought they would
be… a success in school!”
Benefits of the Class…
The Students say…
“What I liked most about the class was that it
showed all of us the importance of going to
college and that not only the smartest kids
could get in and make it, but us average and
under average kids could too. We can all
make a difference, it showed us the value and
importance of a good education.”
Welcome to My Class
Celebrate and Embrace Diversity
Follow your ACTION Plan
Always be the LEADER in your own education!
Sandwich Personality Test/ Icebreaker
Ham & Cheese
Seafood Salad
Egg Salad
Tuna Salad
Chicken Salad
Diversity Exercises
Complete the activity attached in your handout, you have 5 minutes!!
Participants will experience the fact that we often subconsciously
limit our perspectives and alternative.
Action Plan
Create a plan for your educational experience. Include how you will
utilize your ACTION Plan to ensure that you are a successful student.
A = Attendance
C = Career Focused
T = Task Oriented
I = Get Involved
O = Opportunities
N = Network
Always be a LEADER in your Education!
On the table you will find a couple different diversity activities
that I use in the classroom as well as an example syllabus.
Please help yourself.
If you have ANY questions or would like a copy of anything that I
have covered today, please email me: