Project No XXXX ISSUE: 1 DATE: XXX Pre–Construction Information (Insert Project Title) Controlled Copy Number Prepared by Neil Emmison / Brian Mitchell .................................................…….… (Signature) …………………….… Date This document is the property of Network Rail Principal Designer It shall not be reproduced in whole or in part, nor disclosed to a third party, without the written permission of the document owner. Authorised on behalf of Network Rail as Client Representative Controlled copies will have a controlled copy number shown in RED. Any variation will be regarded as uncontrolled for information only. ..........................................………........ (Print Name) © Copyright 2015 Network Rail ............................................…….……. (Signature) …………………...… Date Project Manager Page 1 of 17 NRT/SSD//FRM/008 – Pre-Construction Information Pack Project No XXXX ISSUE: 1 DATE: XXX REVIEWED BY Prepared by: Job Title Signature Date Authorised by: Job Title Signature Date DISTRIBUTION LIST Issued to: Title/Company/Location: Telephone No: REVISION HISTORY Revision Nature of Change Page 2 of 17 NRT/SSD//FRM/008 – Pre-Construction Information Pack Date Project No XXXX ISSUE: 1 DATE: XXX CONTENTS 1. NATURE OF THE PROJECT AND CONSTRUCTION DESIGN MANAGEMENT (CDM) APPOINTMENTS 5 1.1 Introduction 5 1.2 Nature of project 5 1.3 Pre-construction brief & milestones 5 1.3 Health and safety goals for the project 6 1.4 CDM appointments 7 1.5 CDM Roles 8 1.6 F10 9 2. THE DESIGN 9 3. THE CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS 10 4. THE EXISTING ENVIRONMENT AND SITE RISKS 10 4.1 Planning, heritage, approvals and consents 10 4.2 Running lines and Adjacent Line Open (ALO) Working 10 4.3 Site specific hazards 11 4.4 Access points 12 4.5 Existing drawings 12 4.6 Ground conditions 12 4.7 Buried services 12 4.8 Unexploded Second World War ordnance 13 4.9 Location of temporary site accommodation 13 4.10 Welfare arrangements 13 4.11 Location of unloading, storage and parking areas 13 4.12 Traffic and pedestrian routes 14 4.13 Security of site 14 4.14 Emergency arrangements 14 4.15 Accidents, Incidents and Close Call Reporting 14 4.16 Worksafe Procedure 15 4.17 Existing structures 15 4.18 Location of contractor’s personal accommodation 15 5. LIFE SAVING RULES 15 6. WORKING ON OR NEAR THE LINE 15 7. CONSTRUCTION PHASE PLAN, WORK PACKAGE PLANS AND TASK BRIEFING SHEETS 16 8. CO-ORDINATION WITH NETWORK RAIL’S ONGOING BUSINESS 16 9. COMMUNICATIONS AND LIAISON 16 Page 3 of 17 NRT/SSD//FRM/008 – Pre-Construction Information Pack Project No XXXX ISSUE: 1 DATE: XXX 9.1 Project meetings 16 9.2 Provision of information 17 10. FORMAT OF RECORDS IN THE HEALTH AND SAFETY FILE 17 11. APPENDICES – Supporting Information 17 11.1 F10 Form 17 Page 4 of 17 NRT/SSD//FRM/008 – Pre-Construction Information Pack Project No XXXX ISSUE: 1 DATE: XXX 1. NATURE OF THE PROJECT AND CONSTRUCTION DESIGN MANAGEMENT (CDM) APPOINTMENTS 1.1 Introduction Network Rail has prepared this information pack to meet the requirements for the provision of information under the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations, 2015. This information should be taken into account by the Principal Contractor when developing its Construction Phase Plan, Work Package Plans and Task Briefing Sheets. Network Rail will do everything it can to facilitate the provision of (or access to) all relevant information. However: the responsibility for passing on relevant information to sub-contractors lies with the Principal Contractor and not Network Rail this document does not deal with those construction issues which are only within the Principal Contractor’s specialised competence. 1.2 Nature of project Precise details of the project are as described in the contract documentation, but in brief the works are as follows: [insert high-level details / scope of works here] It is anticipated that works will commence on [insert date] but no physical works shall be done until such time as: full mobilisation has been achieved, including the provision of welfare facilities where appropriate the Construction Phase Plan has been formally accepted by Network Rail relevant and significant work package plans have been accepted by Network Rail. 1.3 Pre-construction brief & milestones The following key activities and dates are intended as guidance only: Activity Estimated Date Contract award Designers risk review Design approved Page 5 of 17 NRT/SSD//FRM/008 – Pre-Construction Information Pack Project No XXXX ISSUE: 1 DATE: XXX Authorised for construction drawings issued Construction Phase Plan accepted by Network Rail Significant Work Package Plans accepted by Network Rail Mobilisation inc. welfare facilities to site Construction phase begins Testing / commissioning As-built drawings submitted to Client Health and Safety File supplied to Client. 1.3 Health and safety goals for the project The Principal Contractor shall, in consultation with the Project Manager, specify goals / targets for the project and provide details in the Construction Phase Health and Safety Plan. In deciding which to pursue the following topic areas, whilst not being mandated, shall be considered. Safety Management of fatigue / travelling time Site inspections (by whom and when) Scheduled use of Safety 365 Truck Health Health monitoring during the project duration, including: Drugs and alcohol Hand / arm vibration Page 6 of 17 NRT/SSD//FRM/008 – Pre-Construction Information Pack Project No XXXX ISSUE: 1 DATE: XXX Environment Noise Zero waste to landfill Energy saving technology introduced to designs Entry into BREAM / CEEQUAL schemes And all goals / targets shall be the subject of: a) suitable key performance indicators, and, b) report at project progress meetings. 1.4 CDM appointments The following are appointed under the CDM Regulations: Client: Network Rail Infrastructure Limited 1 Eversholt Street London NW1 2DN Client’s Representative Network Rail Telecom The Quadrant:MK Caldecotte Floor 2 Elder Gate Milton Keynes MK9 1EN Point of Contact Email address Phone Page 7 of 17 NRT/SSD//FRM/008 – Pre-Construction Information Pack Project No XXXX ISSUE: 1 DATE: XXX Principal Designer Network Rail Telecom The Quadrant:MK Caldecotte Floor 2 Elder Gate Milton Keynes MK9 1EN Points of Contact (1) Neil Emmison Email address Phone 07917 857221 (2) Brian Mitchell Email address Phone 07917 578345 Designer: Person acting on behalf of the Designer: Principal Contractor: Principal Contractor: Representative Client appointed Contractors: 1.5 CDM Roles A matrix providing an overview of the responsibilities of the various persons appointed under The Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015 is available here: Page 8 of 17 NRT/SSD//FRM/008 – Pre-Construction Information Pack Project No XXXX ISSUE: 1 DATE: XXX 1.6 F10 Where this project has been notified to the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) under the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015 a copy shall be displayed on site and either included herewith as an appendix, or issued as a controlled copy under separate cover. 2. THE DESIGN Designers shall: Take fully into account residual and existing risks that are identified in the health and safety file. Provide to the Project Manager and Principal Designers details of any significant risks identified during the design phase that should be added to the Project Risk Log and addressed during the site risk assessment. In particular they shall identify all sites that are: o in red zone prohibited areas o not accessible via an approved access point and safe cess o only accessible by crossing the track Refer to relevant sections of the Project Risk Log in respect of design, confirming that the risk log has considered the following: o significant hazards or work sequences identified by designers which cannot be avoided or designed out and, where appropriate, a broad indication of the precautions assumed for dealing with them o the principles of the design (structural etc.) and any precautions that might be needed or sequences of assembly that need to be followed during construction o health & safety information contained in earlier design, construction or as-built drawings, such as details of pre-stressed or post-tensioned structures o wheel-rail interface issues o passing clearances between trains and associated pantographs or shoe gear and infrastructure o any constraints on the works arising from the Railway Vehicle Compatibility Certificates governing the operation of the trains specified in the Sectional Appendix (details available from Vehicle Acceptance Specialists in NR) o electromagnetic compatibility o sighting of signals Participate fully in, and facilitate where necessary, design review meetings, including those that are inter-disciplinary. Take fully into account the Red / Amber / Green List Page 9 of 17 NRT/SSD//FRM/008 – Pre-Construction Information Pack Project No XXXX ISSUE: 1 DATE: XXX Ensure that, where required, any products specified in the design have been accepted by the Network Rail Acceptance Panel and have a valid Product Acceptance Certificate. Give full details of specific problems / risks where a contractor will be required to manage them or mitigate against them. Incorporate the requirements of The Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992 where appropriate. Provide details of the arrangements for the co-ordination of on-going design work and the handling / control of design changes. Provide details of any residual risks that may be present and require assessment / consideration during maintenance, repair, replacement, de-commissioning and demolition activities in the future. 3. THE CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS The Principal Contractor is responsible for making sure that, in respect of construction materials, the risk log referred to in (2) above considers the health hazards arising from them. Where particular precautions are required, either because of their nature or the manner of their intended use, these will have been clearly identified by the designer as hazards which cannot be avoided or designed out. In meeting the requirements of the above the Principal Contractor shall: take fully into account the Red / Amber / Green List ensure that, where required, any products specified in the design have been accepted by the Network Rail Acceptance Panel and have a valid Product Acceptance Certificate ensure that any residual risks are properly and effectively highlighted in the health and safety file and the Hazard Directory if appropriate. 4. THE EXISTING ENVIRONMENT AND SITE RISKS 4.1 Planning, heritage, approvals and consents The Client will: obtain any necessary planning and access consents provide details of existing agreements with outside agencies for reference by the Principal Contractor and Designers The Principal Contractor shall be responsible for the application of any Section 61 Consents required under The Control of Pollution Act, 1974 and any licensing requirements associated with the protection of species and habitats. 4.2 Running lines and Adjacent Line Open (ALO) Working The Principal Contractor shall refer to the Sectional Appendix, Periodic Operating Notice and Weekly Operating Notice for information about running lines and operational conditions. The Client shall provide details of cant and gradient should the Principal Contractor be required to use on-track plant. Page 10 of 17 NRT/SSD//FRM/008 – Pre-Construction Information Pack Project No XXXX ISSUE: 1 DATE: XXX The Principal Contractor shall take all reasonable steps to plan the works in such a way as they either take place outside of operational hours or in a protected green zone, and cannot foul an adjacent open line. If it is anticipated that the Principal Contractor’s works or that of his sub-contractors has the potential to foul lines open to traffic, the Principal Contractor will manage this risk and make sure that when planning access for ALO work and the work itself the following principles are followed: Where possible, working with an adjacent line open is to be avoided or eliminated Control plant to prevent the fouling of an open line Isolated the work or use physical barriers. When selecting a method of work, a risk assessment shall be carried out to determine that the level of risk is acceptable and that the controls implemented reduce the risks so far as is reasonably practicable. Further guidance: Network Rail “Guidance for Managing Plant Working next to lines open to traffic V2” Network Rail ALO Toolkit is available via Safety Central 4.3 Site specific hazards Every site shall be the subject of a site survey. The results shall be recorded on the NRT Site Survey Checklist and no works shall be carried out until the survey has been completed and the results issued. The Principal Contractor shall provide copies of all surveys to the Client and other contractors when requested to do so. Notwithstanding the results of the site survey, the Principal Contractor shall refer to the Hazard Directory for site specific hazards and the Project Manager will fully support the contractor when requested to do so. The Project Manager, Principal Designers and Principal Contractor shall all take cognisance of: any known hazardous material which may be stored at the site any special requirements regarding any local / special access arrangements such as the entry into sub-stations, electrical switch-rooms, telecom or signal equipment rooms, and areas with gaseous fire protection systems specialist information such as that contained in the Asbestos Risk Register or retained by local infrastructure maintenance units surrounding land uses and related restrictions, e.g. planning restrictions affecting health and safety and details of adjacent premises, especially sensitive sites such as schools or hospitals or adjacent construction sites existing traffic systems and restrictions, e.g. access for fire appliances, times of delivery, ease of delivery and parking Page 11 of 17 NRT/SSD//FRM/008 – Pre-Construction Information Pack Project No XXXX ISSUE: 1 DATE: XXX temporary traffic management in close proximity to level crossing existing structures, e.g. special health problems from materials in existing structures, which are being demolished or refurbished, any fragile materials which require special safety precautions, or instability problems previous structural modifications, including weakening or strengthening of the structure (particularly where demolition is included) ground conditions e.g. contamination, instability, possible subsidence, old mine workings or underground obstructions existing confined spaces designated by Network Rail working over water plant and equipment difficulties including cant, gradient and restricted access any specific constraints on the planned work that may arise from the design or method of work affecting trains operating on NR infrastructure. 4.4 Access points A list of available access points, and their classification, is contained in the hazard directory and their suitability shall be confirmed during the Site Survey. Where access is limited or non-existent no work shall be carried out without the Project Manager and Principal Designers being consulted. 4.5 Existing drawings The Project Manager will provide relevant drawings where they are available although it is recognised that where the Principal Contractor is undertaking design elements as well some may not be wholly relevant. 4.6 Ground conditions Notwithstanding the results of any site survey, the Principal Contractor shall fully consider the following: ground conditions underground structures water courses where they may affect the safe use of plant e.g. cranes, piling rigs, heavy goods vehicle movements, etc. 4.7 Buried services The Client will provide records of known buried services but in so doing it is recognised that: where the works are national the records can only be supplied on a site-specific basis applications for such records habitually take up to 7 weeks to satisfy. Notwithstanding the above, the contractor shall carry out a survey, employing trained and competent operatives utilising detection equipment approved by Network Rail, to verify the location and status of all previously advised services and to check for unrecorded services, prior to commencing any demolition, site clearance, or ground disturbance work. Page 12 of 17 NRT/SSD//FRM/008 – Pre-Construction Information Pack Project No XXXX ISSUE: 1 DATE: XXX The Principal Contractor / Principal Designer shall: establish a formal procedure to demonstrate that any unrecorded services located during the works are carefully checked to determine their nature and status record relevant information and provide this information to the Client / CDM Co-ordinator always assume that such services are present unless it is proven otherwise consult the current version of the Hazard Directory for the location of known hidden services comply with and be cognisant of Network Rail Company standards: o NR/L1/AMG/1010 – Policy on working safely in the vicinity of buried services o NR/L2/AMG/1020 – Buried services data provision o NR/L2/AMG/1030 - Working safely in the vicinity of buried services o NR/L2/AMG/1040 - Buried services data feedback. 4.8 Unexploded Second World War ordnance There is a risk of encountering live unexploded ordnance below ground across the rail network - this risk is higher in urban areas and places that were depots and sidings. Prior to commencing penetrative groundwork’s the Principal Contractor will undertake a desk study, using sources such as Bomb Census Maps and Records (held by ) to determine the risk of unexploded ordnance being present. The desk study describes any further action required and controls identified will be described within the Construction Phase Plan. CIRIA Publication C681 Unexploded Ordnance (UXO) a guide for the Construction Industry describes a methodology for the identification and control of (UXO) risk which should be applied to this project. 4.9 Location of temporary site accommodation Location of any temporary site accommodation should be identified by the Project Manager, Principal Contractor and Principal Designer during the site survey stage. Agreement should be sought from Network Rail in advance of any installation of temporary site accommodation. The use of Portakabin / SiBCAS cabins is encouraged. 4.10 Welfare arrangements All welfare arrangements shall conform to the CDM Regulations 2015 and NR/L3/INI/CP0036 - “The Provision of Welfare Facilities.” The Principal Designer and Principal Contractor shall ascertain whether the use of accommodation such as Portakabins or SiBCAS units is a feasible option in relation to providing adequate welfare facilities which will be sited away from the lineside and secure. All welfare arrangements shall be agreed with the Client and implemented before the commencement of any work. 4.11 Location of unloading, storage and parking areas The location of any unloading, parking and storage areas will be identified during site surveys. Agreement on these arrangements should be sought from Network Rail in Page 13 of 17 NRT/SSD//FRM/008 – Pre-Construction Information Pack Project No XXXX ISSUE: 1 DATE: XXX advance, including any restrictions on deliveries, vehicle movement restriction and waste collection. 4.12 Traffic and pedestrian routes Any proposed changes in traffic or pedestrian movements that the project may cause is to be identified at the survey stage and any proposed changes agreed with Network Rail in advance. Consideration should be given to the provision of and positioning of traffic management in relation to level crossings. 4.13 Security of site Notwithstanding the results of the site survey, consideration shall be given to the likelihood of trespass and vandalism at the location and all sites shall be secured appropriately. Where appropriate advice should be obtained from specialist sources. All access gates to the railway infrastructure shall be locked and secured at all times with approved padlocking. 4.14 Emergency arrangements The Principal Contractor shall devise emergency procedures and means of escape relevant to the site. Such details shall be provided in site induction processes and, where applicable, contained within work package plans and task briefing sheets. 4.15 Accidents, Incidents and Close Call Reporting Any accidents and incidents that occur shall be reported in line with: NR/L2/INV/002 – Accident and Incident Reporting and Investigation NR/L3/INI/CP0046 – The Reporting and Investigation of Accidents and Incidents within Investment Projects and Asset Management Works Delivery. Accidents and incidents should initially be reported to NDS 24:7 on 01908 723500 and then confirmed by using the approved form and sending it to the appropriate Route Control Centre: A copy of every form submitted should also be sent to Page 14 of 17 NRT/SSD//FRM/008 – Pre-Construction Information Pack Project No XXXX ISSUE: 1 DATE: XXX Close Calls shall be reported in accordance with the requirements, systems and processes outlined here 4.16 Worksafe Procedure The Principal Contractor and all other suppliers shall adopt the Worksafe Procedure: In support of it they shall: include full details of it in any induction training provided reinforce the message through toolbox talks, site briefings etc. report any instance of the Procedure being invoked to the Client’s Representative. 4.17 Existing structures It is not believed that demolition forms any part of this project. 4.18 Location of contractor’s personal accommodation All personal accommodation is banned on both Network Rail owned/leased land, and land being utilised as the worksite for construction of the works. 5. LIFE SAVING RULES The Principal Contactor will incorporate the “Life Saving Rules” [insert link] into the project via the Induction Process, team briefings and interactions with the workforce. As part of delivering the project the Principal Contractor will. Promote a fair culture by finding and tackling the root-cause of Rule breaking and clearly identify this in accident/incident reports Provide an environment where there is a culture to clearly push-back against unsafe requests by all project team members Provide positive responses and solutions to any issues raised Make sure everyone fully understands and takes responsibility Prioritise the safety measures that save lives Highlight areas where we can do better. The Principal Contractor’s management team will schedule a suite of activities to actively engage with the workforce to improve the safety culture on the project and drive the right behaviors. 6. WORKING ON OR NEAR THE LINE All work on or near the line (including walking as a group) will be managed in accordance with the requirements of NR/L2/OHS/019 “Safety of people working on or near the line”. The Management of Health & Safety at Work Regulations 1999 requires the employers to assess the risks associated with work, to take action to eliminate risks so far as reasonably practicable and to communicate the significant findings of the risk assessment to those who undertake the work. Where this assessment identifies a need for people to go on or near the Page 15 of 17 NRT/SSD//FRM/008 – Pre-Construction Information Pack Project No XXXX ISSUE: 1 DATE: XXX line consideration should be given to alternative means of carrying out the work which will remove this need. NR/L2/OHS/019 hierarchy of controls details a preference for the highest achievable safe system of work consistent with the nature, location, and duration of the work. Notes: All ES / COSS briefings will be undertaken face to face NR/L2/OHS/019 will be withdrawn on a phased basis throughout 2015 and replaced by the process to be known as “Planning and Delivering Safe Work.” Projects extending beyond the implementation date of the new process will be expected to fully comply and should plan to do so accordingly. 7. CONSTRUCTION PHASE PLAN, WORK PACKAGE PLANS AND TASK BRIEFING SHEETS The Project Manager, Principal Designer and Principal Contractor shall collaborate with each other in order for the Principal Contractor to: prepare the above documentation in accordance with the requirements of NR/L3/INI/CP0044 and submit this to the Project Manager for acceptance by the date agreed identify those work package plans that will be considered “significant” and therefore requiring acceptance by the Project Manager include all such details in their Construction Phase Health and Safety Plan. 8. CO-ORDINATION WITH NETWORK RAIL’S ONGOING BUSINESS Where the work has an interface with a station or depot the Principal Contractor shall identify the arrangements for notifying and seeking the approval of Station and / or Train Operating Companies for the proposed work. Similar arrangements shall be defined to allow for adequate consultations / liaison with Network Rails neighbours. 9. COMMUNICATIONS AND LIAISON 9.1 Project meetings The Principal Contractor shall define the arrangements for project meetings and in particular they shall: include details of the “standard” agenda ensuring that health, safety and environmental issues are featured indicate who shall attend the meetings indicate the frequency of the meetings indicate the location of all such meetings. Page 16 of 17 NRT/SSD//FRM/008 – Pre-Construction Information Pack Project No XXXX ISSUE: 1 DATE: XXX 9.2 Provision of information The Principal Contractor should make available the following information: As-built information List of hazards Hazardous substances, materials used etc. Manufacturers product information Commissioning & testing, and inspection certificates 10. FORMAT OF RECORDS IN THE HEALTH AND SAFETY FILE The Principal Designer shall: compile and issue the health and safety file / project file for the project agree, after consultation with the National Records Group, the Deliverable Document Matrix for the proposed works which shall be based on complete form NR/L2/INF/02202/QF703. Health and Safety (H&S) File Memorandum of Agreement and either include it herewith as an Appendix or issue a controlled copy of it to the Principal Contractor. The Network Rail Project Manager should verify and resolve CAD (Computer Aided Design) package compatibility for multi-disciplinary projects in accordance with NR/L2/INI/EDT/CP0091. The quantity, format and numbering of records should be as specified in NR/L2/INF/02018. The Principal Designer shall ensure the Health and Safety file is kept up to date during their appointment and handed to the Project Manager at project completion. Should their duties end prior to the Project Completion then the file should be passed to the Principal Contractor for completion and handover to the Client. All contractors / suppliers shall provide health and safety files / supporting information in support of all the above requirements. 11. APPENDICES – Supporting Information 11.1 F10 Form Page 17 of 17 NRT/SSD//FRM/008 – Pre-Construction Information Pack