SOMEDAY YOU WILL REAP WHAT YOU SOW India: The New Global Business Opportunity Arun Maira The Boston Consulting Group San Francisco PRESSURES ON COMPANIES IN DEVELOPED COUNTRIES Need for innovations in products and business models Intense competition between firms in developed countries in their own developed country markets Competition between firms for customers in developing countries Emerging of new competitors from developing countries Pressure on prices and margins CII- Symposium on “India!-The New Global Business Opportunity - 11 Apr '05, San Francisco -1- THREE OUT OF FOUR EXECUTIVES PLAN TO INCREASE INNOVATION SPENDING IN 2005 How will your company’s investments in innovation change this year? Percentage of respondents 2004 2005 100% 74% 80% 64% 60% 40% 31% 21% 20% 5% 5% 0% Decrease No change Increase Source: BCG 2005 ITC Survey CII- Symposium on “India!-The New Global Business Opportunity - 11 Apr '05, San Francisco -2- MOST EXECUTIVES ARE NOT SATISFIED WITH THE RETURN ON INNOVATION SPENDING Are you satisfied with the financial return on your investments in innovation? Percentage of respondents 100% 80% 51% 48% 51% 52% 49% 52% 49% 48% World wide Asia Europe North America 60% 40% 20% 0% Source: BCG 2005 ITC Survey No Yes CII- Symposium on “India!-The New Global Business Opportunity - 11 Apr '05, San Francisco -3- Case Study: Automobiles INCREASED COMPETITION IN DEVELOPED MARKETS REQUIRES INCREASING INVESTMENTS IN NEW CAR MODELS Average life of new models (Europe) Number of vehicle models(1) Life (years) 16 14 Increasing models and decreasing sales per model (US Market) 1500 14 1050 1000 12 550 500 9.7 9.2 10 8 0 8.0 7.5 6 7.5 7.4 9.1 7.2 7.2 8.0 1980 6.7 Avg. total sales per model(2) 5.1 7.2 4.5 6.0 4 1999 5.1 30000 4.6 2 20500 15000 20000 10000 0 0 80 82 84 86 88 90 92 94 96 Year of introduction 1980 1999 (1) Total number of models of cars and light trucks (2) Average total annual sales per model Source: Automotive News CII- Symposium on “India!-The New Global Business Opportunity - 11 Apr '05, San Francisco -4- Case Study: Automobiles INDIAN AUTOMOBILE INDUSTRY HAS DEVELOPED CAPABILITIES UP THE VALUE CHAIN Global average development cost of new car > $600m R&D/Product development Tata Indica- $350 m M & M Scorpio- $150 m Very high quality: 1 Japan Quality Medal and 5 Deming Prize Winners- largest number outside Japan Component manufacture Exports growing 30% per annum; 80% to 'developed' countries Low capital intensity, BEP <100k units/ annum BEP is 150-200k units/ annum) Assembly (Global Total Manufacturing Cost 20- 30 % less than USA CII- Symposium on “India!-The New Global Business Opportunity - 11 Apr '05, San Francisco -5- Case Study: Healthcare and Pharma COSTS OF MEDICINES AND HEALTHCARE SOARING IN DEVELOPED COUNTRIES 1.8 1.6 CAGR UK: 9.2% CAGR Ger: 6.2% Total USA Healthcare Spending US$ Trillion US$(‘000s) Annual Household Expenditure on Healthcare 1.4 1.2 1.8 1.4 1 1.2 0.8 1 0.6 0.8 0.4 0.6 0.2 0.4 0 0.2 2001 2002 UK 2003 Germany 2004 (EST) CAGR: 10.9% 1.6 0 2000 2001 2002 Source: EIU, Literature Review CII- Symposium on “India!-The New Global Business Opportunity - 11 Apr '05, San Francisco -6- Case Study: Healthcare and Pharma R&D COSTS & PRODUCTIVITY OF US PHARMA PROBLEMATIC CII- Symposium on “India!-The New Global Business Opportunity - 11 Apr '05, San Francisco -7- Case Study: Healthcare and Pharma LOW COST, HIGH QUALITY MEDICAL CAPABILITIES AVAILABLE IN INDIA Healthcare Cost Differential Cost Saving Quality a Key Factor 850 Gall Bladder Transplant 80% 8000 4400 Heart Surgery 91.2% 50000 Bone Marrow Transplant 30000 400000 92.5% 600 Salary: Nurse 50000 98.8% 4000 Salary: Doctor 180000 0 40000 20000 USA 60000 80000 US$ 97.7% Not just cost advantage: •The success rate in the 43,000 cardiac surgeries till 2002 was 98.5% •India's success in 110 bone marrow transplants is 80% India Source: IBEF, Literature Review CII- Symposium on “India!-The New Global Business Opportunity - 11 Apr '05, San Francisco -8- Case Study: Healthcare and Pharma COST EFFECTIVE AND GOOD QUALITY DRUG DEVELOPMENT AND MANUFACTURE DEVELOPMENT (Example: Disease- Psoriasis) USFDA Approved Plants Outside USA DRUGS IN USA • Cost of developmenthundreds of million dollars India 61 Italy 60 • Amgen antibody- $10.00/ dose Spain • Cost of treatment- $20,000 China INDIAN DRUG • Time for development- 3 years • Cost of development- $4 m! • Cost of treatment- $50 !! CII- Symposium on “India!-The New Global Business Opportunity - 11 Apr '05, San Francisco 25 22 Taiwan 9 Israel 7 Hungary 5 0 20 40 60 80 -9- INDIA HAS A LARGE RESERVOIR OF HUMAN RESOURCES Reaping What You Sow Potential surplus population in working age group (2020) Ireland Russia 0M U.K. -2M -17M -3M France U.S. Czech Italy 2M 2M -2M Turkey Israel 4M 5M 0M Egypt Mexico -6 M -1M Republic Iraq Iran 3M China Pakistan 19 M 47 M India -10 M -9M Japan 7 M Bangladesh 5M Vietnam 4M Philippines Malaysia 1M 5M 3M Indonesia Brazil Note: Potential surplus is calculated keeping the ratio of working population (age group 15 – 59) to total population constant Source: U.S. Bureau of the Census International Data Base; BCG Analysis CII- Symposium on “India!-The New Global Business Opportunity - 11 Apr '05, San Francisco - 10 - SOMEDAY REAPING WHAT YOU SOW INDIA'S LEGACY INDIA'S OPPORTUNITIES • Vertical integration • Small volumes, but growing • Logistics & infrastructure problems MASS MANUFACTURING CII- Symposium on “India!-The New Global Business Opportunity - 11 Apr '05, San Francisco Small volume, high variety, low cost mfg REMOTELY PROVIDED SERVICES INDIA'S STRENGTHS • Domain knowledge • Software capabilities • Remote delivery possible - 11 - INDIA EMERGING AS A "KNOWLEDGE SERVICES" HUB IN THE WORLD Skilled people; Low costs; IT capabilities; English Remotely delivered services Industry Transaction processing Design and analysis Information Tech Research and developmen t Pharma/Healthcare Education Services Chemicals Value added tourism Leisure tourism Auto/ engineering Financial Services Import of customers to service in India Source: BCG Analysis CII- Symposium on “India!-The New Global Business Opportunity - 11 Apr '05, San Francisco - 12 -