Week of Oct. 8, 2012 Pre-AP ELA Pre-Reading On

Week of Oct. 8, 2012
Monday :
1. Inservice
1. Bellwork www week
2. K-W-L of Features
and characteristics
of expository essays
3. Game about
expository writing.
Give dry erase
boards to each
table and have each
table write the
answers to the
following game
1. Inservice
1. Bell work: Analogies
2. Theme vs. Topic reader's
workshop. Create a 2
column foldable with
headings Topics and
3. Infer the implicit theme of
a work of fiction,
distinguishing theme from
the topic.
4. Have students identify
topics and then write two
theme statements for each
Ticket out the door
assessment: Name 5
things you learned today
about expository essays.
Bellwork: Count and Noncount nouns Answer p. 2-3
Grammar's Favorite
Aliens in Scope Sept 24
issue on count and noncount nouns. Write 2
sentences in journal under
bell work section that
include 2 count nouns and
2 sentences that include
non-count nouns.
2. In Writing Coach turn
to page 148 and read
mentor text aloud. What is
the author's controlling
idea on p. 148-149? Which
fact, detail, or quotation
On-Level ELA
1. Inservice
1. Bellwork www
wk #5
2. 3. K-W-L
writing. Give
dry erase
boards to each
table and have
each table
write the
answers to the
Ticket assessment:
Name 5 things you
learned today about
expository essays.
1. Bellwork: Analogies
2. Review: Why is theme
important to the author
and reader? How is the
topic of a story different
from its theme?
3. Read examples of theme
and topic on p. 318-319 in
Lit book."The Drum". "The
Dog and His Reflection"
and "The Stray Cat"
4. How does a reader find
clues to theme? p. 320
*Title *Plot and Conflict
*Characters and Actions *
Setting and Images. Read
Gombei and the Wild Ducks
on p. 321 in Lit Book.
5. Think about an important
life lesson that you have
learned in school, such as
Bellwork: Count and
Non-count nouns
Answer p. 2-3
Grammar's Favorite
Aliens in Scope Sept 24
issue on count and noncount nouns. Write 2
sentences in journal
under bell work section
that include 2 count
nouns and 2 sentences
that include non-count
2. In Writing Coach turn
to page 148 and read
mentor text aloud. What
is the author's
controlling idea on p.
148-149. Which fact,
do you think most strongly
supports the author's
thesis? Why?
"Teamwork is the best way
to accomplish something."
or Cheaters never win."
3. Read"Charles" in
Chicken Soup for the Soul
Vol # 3 p. 242. What is the
controlling idea of
"Charles?" Compare and
contrast the controlling
idea or thesis statement in
the two stories. How are
they alike and different?
Begin writing an
expository paper about
how you can make a
difference in your school,
home, neighborhood, or to
a particular individual.
detail, or quotation do
you think most strongly
supports the author's
thesis? Why?
3. Read"Charles" in
Chicken Soup for the
Soul Vol. # 3 p. 242.
What is the controlling
idea of "Charles?"
Compare and contrast
the controlling idea or
thesis statement in the
two stories. How are
they alike and different?
Begin writing an
expository paper about
how you can make a
difference in your school,
home, neighborhood, or
to a particular
ELA: Bellwork: SAM
Bellwork: Analogies
2. Continue working on
your idea of how you can
make a difference in your
home, school, or
community. Make sure
you have a clear
controlling idea or thesis
statement. Complete the
essay by the end of the
period. Take last 5 minute
to share ideas in a
roundtable discussion for
each table, then turn in
papers. Ask each person to
identify their friends
controlling idea. Write 4
controlling ideas you
heard on a sheet of paper
and turn in at the bottom
of your essay for an
2. By table, or with a partner:
Think about an important life
lesson that you have learned in
school, such as "Teamwork is the
best way to accomplish
something." or Cheaters never
win." Develop an idea for a fable
in which the main character
learns as important lesson. Make
sure you clearly state the theme of
your story. 3. Write fable and
share it with the class.
1. ELA: Bellwork: SAM
2. Continue working on
your idea of how you can
make a difference in
your home, school, or
community. Make sure
you have a clear
controlling idea or thesis
statement. Complete the
essay by the end of the
period. Take last 5
minute to share ideas in
a roundtable discussion
for each table, then turn
in papers. Ask each
person to identify their
friends controlling idea.
Write 4 controlling ideas
you heard on a sheet of
paper and turn in at the
bottom of your essay for
1.Bellwork test over www
wk #5 words
2.Find a partner and read
the student model on p.
150-151 in Writing Coach
to each other. Use
Reader's Eye and Writer's
Eye on p. 150 and 151 as
an assessment. With
partner discuss how the
writer organized the three
points of comparison.
Was this organization
effective? Label transition
words. Write a thesis
statement for the article
in your own words.
an assessment.
Bellwork: Analogy test 2. Before
reading The Dog of Pompeii in
Interactive Reader p. 132:Set
purpose for reading by asking :
Why might a dog take risks for a
friend? Would you take risks for a
friend? Discuss among table for 35 minutes.
3. Define historical fiction: A
fictional story set in the past that
may include real places and real
events of historical importance.4.
Identify characteristics of
historical fiction? 5. How does
historical fiction differ from other
types of fiction? Show youtube :
1. http://www.youtube.com/watc
ated Pompeii Rediscovered
2. Skip minutes 19-24
1. Bellwork test over
www wk #5 words
2. Find a partner and
read the student
model on p. 150151 in Writing
Coach to each
other. Label
transition words.
Write a thesis
statement for the
article in your own