Open Source Movement in Indian Libraries: An Analytical Study Mallikarjun Dora Vikram Sarabhai Library IIM, Ahmedabad Bulu Maharana Lecturer, Sambalpur University And Shasikanta Jena Agenda Open Source Software (OSS) Why OSS OSS in Indian Libraries Open Source Library Management Software Open Source Digital Library/Institutional Repository Software Open Source Content Management Software Open Source Knowledge Base in India OSS Hopes and challenge What is Open Source Software ? • • • • • Source Code Free Redistribution Derived Works Non-Discriminatory Non-Restrictive Proprietary to Open Source Traditional Approach ( Brooks law) Open Source Approach ( Linus Law) Hierarchy Network Experts Peers Teams Communities Cathedral Bazaar Perfection Improvements Construction Evolution Why OSS? • • • • • • • • Cost Effectiveness Availability of Source Code Open Standard and Vendor independence Reduced Maintains Cost Better Quality Control Localization Legally Free Easy Evaluation Open Source and Libraries: The Principles and Philosophy • Sharing Information Freely with no restriction • In terms of user stratification both represent culture of collaboration and problem solving to fulfill internal and external needs. • Both depends on human interaction to improve their respective services. • Open access is the main philosophy behind both libraries and OSS Widely Used OSS Application Operating System Linux Web/ Proxy Server Apache/Squid Cache Web Browsers Firefox, Blogs Wordpress,Blogspot Wikis Media Wiki, TikiWiki Open Software, PDF Creator Content Management System Drupal, Joomla Instant Messengers Gaim, Pidgin Open Source Library Application Software Integrated Library Management System 1. KOHA 2. Evergreen Digital Library and Repositories 1. 2. 3. 4. Dspace Eprints Fedora Greenston Continue….. Metasearch Resolver 1. LibraryFind 2. CUFTS OPACs 1. Vufind 2. SOPAC 3. Backlight Open Source Software in Indian Library • • • • • • Greenstone (Digital Library) Dspace (Institutional Repository) Eprints (Institutional Repository) Koha (Library Automation and Management) Joomla (Content Management) Drupal (Content Management) These are the few software which are playing a great rule in library automation and management And last………… • NewGenLib First Indian open source library automation and management software Open Source DL/IR Software Greenstone Digital Library Software Suite of software for building digital library collection Developed by University of Waikato, New Zealand in cooperation with UNESCO and the Human Info NGO License under GNU General Public License Greenstone in India • There are a good number of libraries are already using Greenstone , few of them are • • • • Archieve of Indian Labour Indian Institute of Management, Kozhikode Indian Institute of Science Publication Database Electronics Thesis and Dissertation , IITB Indian Institute of Management, Kozhikode provide support for Greenstone in South Asia details you can visit through Open Source DL/IR Software Dspace Is a ground breaking digital institutional repository that captures, stores, indexes, preserves and redistributes the intellectual output of a university’s research in digital format. Developed jointly by MIT libraries and Hewlett Packard License under BSD distribution Dspace in India • More than 25 libraries are using Dspace for IR. • Few of them are IITK,IIMK, NCL, NIO, ISI etc. • A good number of workshop and advocacy programming running through out in India to support Dspace in india Organization like DRTC, INFLIBNET are supporting Dspace in India. Open Source DL/IR Software Eprints It is an open source software to build high quality high value repository for research article, thesis , scientific data, multimedia artefacts. Developed by School of Electronic and Computer Science, University of Southampton, UK Eprints Continue……. Eprints in India More than 8 institution are using eprints as Institutional Repository. Few of them are IISC, Bangalore , NAL Bangalore, National Center for Catalysis Research, IIT Madras IISC, Bangalore is one of the fastest growing repository in India and World, having collection near about 12,000. Open Source Integrated Library Software KOHA Is an integrated library management system for managing all major functions of a physical library Developed in 1999 by a small team of programmer, designer and librarian in New Zealand to fulfill the needs of Horowhenua Library Trust KOHA Feature • • • • • • • Faceted Navigation Browse by Most Popular Rss Feeds Amazon Reviews Virtual Shelves Book List Enriched Content- Images Virtual Shelves Book List KOHA in India More than 15 Institutes are using Koha A good number of workshop have been conduct to promote koha. Large Academic and research libraries are also look in to koha for their library management. Delhi Public Library is the chain of public library using koha. And Big news is kerala govt declaration of using koha in all govt. library. Open Source Integrated Library Software NewGenLib It is an integrated library management system developed jointly by Kesavan Institute of Information and Knowledge Management (KIIKM) and Verus Solution Pvt. Ltd. (VSPL). Continue….. NewGenLib Feature: Web based functional module Compatibility with different standard Z39.50 client for federated searching Unicode 3.0 complaint RFID integration Support Multi user and multiple security level NewGenLib Continue…… 122 libraries are using NewGenLib. Not only in India its used outside India also. Banaras Hindu University, Goa University, Osmania University, Bangalore University are few of them. Open Source Content Management Software (CMS) What is CMS: • Content Management System is a computer application used to create, edit, manage and publish content in a consistently organized fashion . • It has multifunctional application. It is capable to create a powerful portal website in a matter of minute. • Create web content without knowing any code. • Content stored in a database back-end and edited/create with web programming language. Joomla ( Drupal ( Drupal Drupal is a free software package that allows an individual or a community of users to easily publish, manage and organize a wide variety of content on a website • • • • • • • • Community web portal Discussion sites Corporate web sites Internet Application Personal Websites E-commerce application Social Networking Sites Library Websites OSS Knowledge Base In India • • • • • Workshops Conferences Training programmes LIS Courses Projects OSS Benefit • Access to source code and ability and right to modify it • No License Fee • Flexibility and Customization • No Vendor lock in • Low risk of discontinued services • Integration with other systems • Support Choices • OSS Community • Documentation Benefit • Empowering Indian Libraries in the cutting edge of library budget due to its low start up cost • Libraries of all kind and size can use open source software like koha, newgenlib, library manager • Indian Libraries can maintain their local variation Hopes • Small libraries will take full advantage of library automation and management software • Large libraries are now taking interest on open source • Kerala govt declare to automate all the govt. libraries with koha library automation software. there are will be more in pipeline…. • More and more libraries are bending towards open source solution OSS Challenge • Steep learning curve • Risk of discontinued community involvement • Nobody is really responsible in case any problem OSS Challenge • Library Professional should have to acquire adequate knowledge to acquainted with open source software • May be initial cost is zero supporting the software over life time may involve considerable cost. • There is no customer support although there are forum Conclusion: • ILS adoption make its almost Inevitable that it will represent an increasing portion of the library automation landscape on coming year. Set of companies came out and support of open source e.g Liblime, openlx (india) for koha • OSS provide direct and active role to librarian to reshaping their libraries. • GSDL, Dspace, GNU E-prints, KOHA are the most Popular open source software used in Indian Libraries. • There is a need of more workshops to help library professional to learn OSS, seeing the vast scope of OSS in Indian Library Market. • Libraries of all kind and all sizes are beneficiaries of the open Source Software. • OSS needs a well planned direction, standard practices, appropriate policies and legislations for its growth in Indian Libraries In India open source software will have to come and stay in a big . way for the benefit of our billion of people Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Thanks