Course Title - Client Site

Setting Up Products
Intuit Financial Services University
Business Financial Solutions Certification
Course Title
Section Objectives
By the end of this section, you will know how to set up and maintain the following
 Challenge Manager
 Balance Reporting
 Stop Payments
 Book Transfers
 Money Transfers
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Challenge Manager
Course Title
Security Center - Challenge Manager
Bank Users use the Challenge Manager service to add and remove challenges for selected
services, customers, and/or users. After a challenge is added, the selected user will be
challenged when attempting to access the chosen service.
NOTE: If your financial institution plans to have the same challenge points for all customers
(both Bank and Corporate) and users belonging to those customers, please proceed with
learning how to add these challenge points. Otherwise, if your financial institution plans on
applying specific challenge points to individual users, please skip this section as it is covered
again in the Setting Up Corporate Customers and Users (for Bank Personnel) section.
To add challenges:
Step 1: Click the Find/Refresh button in the Services field and select one or more services.
Step 2: Click the Find/Refresh button in the Customers field and select one or more
Corporate or Bank Customers.
Step 3: Users will be displayed for the selected Customer(s). Click the Find/Refresh button in
the Users field and select one or more users.
Step 4: Choose “Challenge Once/Session” if the user should be challenged only once per
login or “Challenge Always” if the user should be challenged every time they attempt to access
the service.
Step 5: Click the Add Challenge(s) button.
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Security Center - Challenge Manager (cont’d)
To view and/or remove challenges:
Step 1: Click the View Challenge(s) button (in previous screenshot).
Step 2: Click the Find/Refresh button to display the list of challenges.
Step 3: Select one or more challenges to be removed.
Step 4: Click the Remove Challenge(s) button.
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Balance Reporting
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BR Admin – BAI Type Codes
BAI Type Codes – Bank Users use the BAI Type Codes service to add and manage Bank
Administration Institute (BAI) type codes and description for Balance Reporting activity.
To add a BAI type code:
Step 1: Enter a Code and/or Name for the BAI Type Code and click Add.
Step 2: Enter the details for the BAI Type Code.
Step 3: Click Add.
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BR Admin – Transaction Groups
Transaction Groups – Bank Users use the Transaction Groups service to create groups of
transactions that contain one or more Bank Administration Institute (BAI) type codes in order to
allow Corporate Users to customize output for Same Day (batch) and Previous Day reports.
NOTE: When a Transaction Group is set up by a Bank User it is available to all Corporate
Users permitted to Previous Day and Same Day (batch)Balance Reporting. However,
Corporate Users can be permitted to this service to set up their own Transaction Groups.
To add a Transaction Group:
Step 1: Enter the Code and Name for the new Transaction Group and click Add.
Step 2: Use the arrows between the “Inactive BAI Codes” box and the “Active BAI Codes“
box to move a BAI Code from being inactive to active (or vice versa).
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BR Quick Reports – Prev Day Setup
Prev Day Setup - Bank Users use the Previous Day Quick Report Setup service to add
and manage settings the system uses to produce Previous Day Quick reports for
Corporate Users. Use this service to:
• Define the report values for each Corporate User
• Choose to hide one or more of the data columns in the table section of the report
• Control whether the system displays totals for a specific value for a given day
To manage Previous Day Quick Report preferences:
Step 1: Click the Find/Refresh button.
Step 2: Select a Corporate Customer from the list and click the Change button.
TIP: Select “Default Preference” to define the same report values for all Corporate
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BR Quick Reports – Prev Day Setup (cont’d)
Step 3: Determine the following:
The column order for the Previous Day Quick Report
Whether the column displays for Corporate Users (Yes/No)
Whether totals display for the column (Yes/No)
The value that displays in the column. Display Value includes all BAI status and
summary type codes.
Step 4: Click Change.
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BR Quick Reports – Same Day Setup
Same Day Setup - Bank Users use the Same Day Quick Report Setup service to add
and manage settings the system uses to produce Same Day Quick reports for
Corporate Users. NOTE: This service is not available to financial institutions with Same
Day Real Time Balance Reporting.
Use this service to:
Define the report values for each Corporate User
Choose to hide one or more of the data columns in the table section of the report
Control whether the system displays totals for a specific value for a given day
To manage Same Day Quick Report preferences:
Step 1: Click Find/Refresh.
Step 2: Select a Corporate Customer from the list and click Change.
TIP: Select “Default Preference” to define the same report values for all Corporate
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BR Quick Reports – Same Day Setup (cont’d)
Step 3: Determine the following:
The column order for the Same Day Quick Report
Whether the column displays for Corporate Users (Yes/No)
Whether totals display for the column (Yes/No)
Step 4: Click Change.
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Stop Payments
Course Title
Stop Payment Overview
The Stop Pay product allows Corporate Customers to enter the following types of
stop pay request:
Inquiry – to determine if a check has been processed for payment
Stop – to request that the bank stop payment on an unpaid check
Cancel Stop – to request that the bank cancel a previous Stop request
Electronic Check Images – The Stop Pay product supports the display of electronic
check images. If the financial institution and the account support electronic imaging,
an electronic image of the check as well as a photocopy can be displayed. Electronic
check imaging requires custom programming and is available for the batch and online
communication methods.
NOTE: The type of stop pay requests that Corporate Users can enter along with the
availability of electronic check images will be dependent on the financial institution’s
Data Processing Vendor.
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Stop Pay – Stop Pay Setup
Stop Pay Setup – Bank Users use the Stop Pay Setup service to control how Corporate
Customers work with certain fields on the Stop Payment Selection page when they request
stop payments or stop pay inquiries.
NOTE: All of these settings (unless outlined below) allow a Bank User to indicate whether a
specific field on the Stop Payment Selection page should be “On” to display the field, “Off” to
hide the field, or “Req” to display the field and require the user to enter information.
Range stops – Set to “on” to allow users to enter a range of check numbers for Stop requests.
Inquiries – Set to “on” to allow users to submit an Inquiry request.
Range inquiries - Set to “on” to allow users to enter a range of inquires for Inquiry requests.
Photocopy delivery methods – Set to “on” to display the delivery methods on the Stop Pay
Input report. The delivery methods that are display (E-mail, Fax, or Regular mail) are selected
from the Photocopy Delivery Methods section on this screen.
Force default stop list item - Options that indicate what the Select Reason field displays. Set
to “on” to display “Please Select a Reason”. Set to “off” to display the first reason in list.
Stop Term – Set to “on” to display the Stop Term field which allows users to indicate the number
of months the Stop request is in effect. Stop Term options are selected from the Stop terms
section on this screen.
Disable $0.00 Stops – Set to “on” to not allow users to enter Stop requests with a zero amount.
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Stop Pay – Stop Pay Cutoffs
Stop Pay Cutoffs – Bank Users use the Stop Pay Cutoffs service page to establish global
daily cutoff times for Corporate Users inputting stop payment requests. The cutoff time is
the minute at which the system stops processing stop pay requests received from
Corporate Users and generates the posting file with activity (for a batch interface).
Requests entered after the cutoff will be queued for next day processing. Each day of the
week must have a cutoff time entered.
Cut-off times must be entered in military time. For example, enter:
 15:00 for 3:00 p.m.
 10:00 for 10:00 a.m.
 23:59 for no cutoff time
 00:00 for midnight
NOTE: The system does not process stop pay requests on holidays or non business days.
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Stop Pay – Stop Pay Response
Stop Responses – Bank Users use the Stop Response service to manage the response
messages that display when a Corporate Customer enters a stop pay request. The
response appears on the Stop Payment Confirmation screen to confirm the state of the
transaction. The system will be delivered with pre-defined set of responses.
To add a Stop Pay Response:
Step 1: Select a Request (Inquiry, Stop, Cancel Stop, or Photocopy) from the drop-down
and enter a Response and a Desc.
Step 2: Click Add.
Step 3: Enter the necessary information and click Add.
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Stop Pay – Stop Pay Response (cont’d)
To edit a Stop Pay Response:
Step 1: Click Search for a list of all current Stop Pay Reponses to appear.
Step 2: Select a Stop Pay Response from the list.
Step 3: Click Edit.
Step 4: Make any edits to the verbiage, font color and/or the action that will appear with
the response (i.e. Cancel, Stop, or Photocopy) and click Save.
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Book Transfers
Course Title
Book Transfer – Book Settings
Book Settings – Bank Users use the Book Settings service to add and manage the
Book Transfer settings that the system uses to build a posting file. These settings
control the following:
 Information that appears in the file header of the posting file
 Information that appears in the batch header of the posting file
 Options to use when generating or building the posting file
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Book Transfer – Book Settings (cont’d)
Immediate Destination: The American Bankers Association (ABA) number for the
receiver of the posting file.
Immediate Origin: The American Bankers Association (ABA) number for the originator
of the posting file.
Destination Name: The name of the receiver of the posting file.
Originator Name: The name of the originator of the posting file.
Company Discretionary Data: Information that assists in processing the posting file.
Company ID: A unique identifier for the company originating the discretionary data.
Create Posting file: Options that determine whether the system creates a posting file.
File Naming Method: A list of file naming methods that control how the system names
the posting files.
Static Filename: A user-defined file name the system uses to name the posting file.
Static Filename Option: A list of static filename options that determine if each file name
should be unique.
Create Posting File on Holidays: Options that determine whether the system creates
posting files on financial institution holidays. NOTE: If Yes, book transfers can be
scheduled for (and will process on) a holiday. If No, book transfers that are scheduled to
be processed on a holiday will be processed on the next business day.
Create Empty Posting File: Options that determine whether the system creates an
empty posting file when there are no items to post.
Future Date Limit: The maximum number of days in the future a Corporate Customer
can set as the processing date for book transfer transactions. (Max value: 999 days)
Process Book Transfers on Holidays: Indicates whether the system processes book
transfers on holidays. Select Yes to process on holidays. The default is No. NOTE: The
processing rules will not support the processing process on a Holiday that is not a
business day. Holidays are set via the Administration  Holidays service.
Process Book Transfers on Non-Business Days: Indicates whether the system
processes book transfers on non-business days. Select Yes to process on non-business
days. The default is No. NOTE: Non-business days are set via the Administration 
NonBusiness Days service.
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Book Transfer – Book Cutoffs
Book Cutoffs – Bank Users use the Book Cutoffs service to set up cut-off times for the
Book Transfer product. The cut-off times indicates the financial institution’s end of day
processing for each day of the week.
Cut-off times must be entered in military time. For example, enter:
• 15:00 for 3:00 p.m.
• 10:00 for 10:00 a.m.
• 23:59 for no cutoff time
• 00:00 for midnight
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Book Transfer – Book Responses
Book Responses - Bank Users use the Book Responses service to add and manage the
response messages that appear when a Corporate User submits a book transfer
transaction. The response appears on the Book Transfer Confirmation screen to confirm
the state of the transaction. The system will be delivered with pre-defined set of responses.
To add a Book Response:
Step 1: Enter a Code and a Name for a Book Response and click Add.
Step 2: Enter the necessary information and click Add.
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Book Transfer – Book Responses (cont’d)
To edit a Book Response:
Step 1: Click Search for a list of all current Book Reponses to appear.
Step 2: Select a Book Response from the list.
Step 3: Click Edit.
Step 4: Make any edits and click Save.
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Practical Applications
1. True or False: Both Corporate and Bank Users can be “challenged” (prompted for an
OTP or token response) when they access certain challenge point service(s) in BFS.
2. Which of the following Balance Reporting services can be permitted to Corporate
a) BAI Type Codes
b) Transaction Groups
c) Previous Day Quick Report Setup
d) Same Day Quick Report Setup
3. True/False: The financial institution cannot disable the ability for their Corporate
Customers to submit a range of stop payments.
4. How far in the future can the financial institution allow book transfers to be dated?
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Wire Transfers
Course Title
MT Admin – Wires Setup
Wires Setup – Bank Users use the Wires Setup service to manage money transfer
settings such as:
enabling features such as incoming wire reporting and drawdown request processing
how Corporate Customers work with certain money transfer requests fields, such as
beneficiary and intermediary bank information fields, Originator-to-Beneficiary
Information (OBI) field or Bank-to-Bank Information field
NOTE: The financial institution can request to have Intuit Financial Services disable
the domestic/international split which would remove the “Dom” and “Intl” columns from
the Wires Setup screen. Thus, there would be only one field for each setting on the
Wires Setup screen that would be used when Corporate Users submit both Domestic
and International wires.
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MT Admin – Wires Setup (cont’d)
Enable Incoming Wire Report?: Indicates whether the Incoming Wire Report feature is
available to Corporate Customers. This feature allows Corporate Customers to view
incoming wire activity on the Money Transfer Report page. NOTE: The checkbox will only
appear if the feature has been purchased and enabled for the financial institution.
Allow processing of Drawdown Request transactions?: Indicates whether the
Drawdown feature is available to Corporate Customers. NOTE: The checkbox will only
appear if the feature has been purchased and enabled for the financial institution.
Bank Routing Settings
Allow Free Form Beneficiary Bank in Free Form?: Indicates whether Corporate
Customers can enter free-form beneficiary bank information in free-form wires. If enabled,
Corporate Users can input the beneficiary bank via a Freeform Bank button and the system
will not cross check the bank against the Fed Bank list. However, the system still cross
checks any bank entered via the normal beneficiary bank text field on the Free Form screen.
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MT Admin – Wires Setup (cont’d)
Bank Routing Settings
Allow Intermediary Banks in Free Form and Templates?: Indicates whether Corporate
Customers can enter intermediary bank information in both free-form wires and templates.
Allow Free Form Intermediary Banks in Free Form?: Indicates whether Corporate
Customers can enter free-form intermediary bank information in free-form wires. If enabled,
Corporate Users can input the intermediary bank via a Freeform Bank button and the
system will not cross check the bank against the Fed Bank list. However, the system still
cross checks any bank entered via the normal intermediary bank text field on the Free Form
Allow Free Form Banks to be Saved in Templates?: Indicates whether Corporate
Customers can save free-form bank information in a money transfer template.
Restrict Debit Accounts for Domestic to Currency Type?: Indicates all domestic money
transfers are restricted to one specific currency.
Future Date
Number of days allowed: Indicates the number of days in the future a wire can be scheduled
by Corporate Customers. (Value from 0 – 365 days)
Allow future dating of FX (cross-currency) transfers?: Indicates whether or not future
dating of a wire involving cross currency (wire that has different sending and receiving
currencies) is allowed.
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MT Admin – Wires Setup (cont’d)
Originator to Beneficiary Information (OBI)
Length: Indicates the maximum number of characters that can be entered in the Originator-to
Beneficiary Information field. (Enter value from 0 – 140. Field will appear in 4 lines of 35
characters each.)
How customers affect repetitive transfers: Controls the Originator-to-Beneficiary Information
(OBI) field for repetitive (beneficiary information is included/saved) bank and customer defined
wire templates. The values are:
• Add To – For bank defined wire templates, Corporate Customers cannot change (but they can
add to) the information that was entered by the financial institution in the OBI field. For
customer defined wire templates, Corporate Customers can enter information in the OBI field.
• Modify – For bank defined wire templates, Corporate Customers can change information that
was entered by the financial institution in the OBI field as well as add their own information. For
customer defined wire templates, Corporate Customers can enter information in the OBI field.
• View - For bank defined wire templates, Corporate Customers can only view (as opposed to
editing) the information that was entered by the financial institution in the OBI field. For
customer defined wire templates, Corporate Customers cannot add information in the OBI field.
How customers affect nonrepetitive transfer: Controls the Originator-to-Beneficiary
Information (OBI) field for nonrepetitive (beneficiary information is not included) bank defined
wire templates and free form wires. The values are:
• Add To – For nonrepetitive bank defined wire templates, Corporate Customers cannot change
(but they can add to) the information that was entered by the financial institution in the OBI field.
For free form wires, Corporate Customers can enter information in the OBI field.
• Modify – For nonrepetitive bank defined wire templates, Corporate Customers can change
information that was entered by the financial institution in the OBI field as well as add their own
information. For free form wires, Corporate Customers can enter information in the OBI field.
• View - For nonrepetitive bank defined wire templates, Corporate Customers can only view (as
opposed to editing) the information that was entered by the financial institution in the OBI field.
For free form wires, Corporate Customers cannot enter information in the OBI field.
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MT Admin – Wires Setup (cont’d)
Bank to Bank Information
Length: Indicates the maximum number of characters that can be entered in the Bank-to-Bank
Information field. (Enter value from 0 – 210. Field will appear in 6 lines of 35 characters each.)
How customers affect repetitive transfers: Controls the Bank-to-Bank Information field for
repetitive (beneficiary information is included/saved) bank and customer defined wire templates.
The values are:
• Hide – For bank defined wire templates, the Bank-to-Bank Information field does not appear.
For customer defined wire templates, the Bank-to-Bank Information field does not appear.
• Modify – For bank defined wire templates, Corporate Customers can change information that
was entered by the financial institution in the Bank-to-Bank Information field as well as add their
own information. For customer defined wire templates, Corporate Customers can enter
information in the Bank-to-Bank Information field.
• View – For bank defined wire templates, Corporate Customers can only view (as opposed to
editing) the information that was entered by the financial institution in the Bank-to-Bank
Information field. For customer defined wire templates, Corporate Customers can only view (as
opposed to adding/editing) information in the Bank-to-Bank Information field.
How customers affect nonrepetitive transfer: Controls the Bank-to-Bank Information field for
nonrepetitive (beneficiary information is not included) bank defined wire templates and free form
wires. The values are:
• Hide – For nonrepetitive bank defined wire templates, the Bank-to-Bank Information field does
not appear. For free form wires, the Bank-to-Bank Information field does not appear.
• Modify – For nonrepetitive bank defined wire templates, Corporate Customers can change
information that was entered by the financial institution in the Bank-to-Bank Information field as
well as add their own information. For free form wires, Corporate Customers can enter
information in the Bank-to-Bank Information field.
• View - For nonrepetitive bank defined wire templates, Corporate Customers can only view (as
opposed to editing) the information that was entered by the financial institution in the Bank-toBank Information field. For free form wires, Corporate Customers can only view (as opposed to
adding/editing) information in the Bank-to-Bank Information field.
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MT Admin – Wires Setup (cont’d)
Value Date
Customer can enter on repetitive transfers: Controls the Value Date field on the
Money Transfer Data Entry 2 page for money transfer requests that use a repetitive
money transfer template. The values are:
• Disabled - The Value Date field displays but cannot be edited.
• Enabled - The Value Date field is enabled and Corporate Customers can enter a value
• Hide – The Value Date field does not appear.
Customer can enter on nonrepetitive transfers: Controls the Value Date field on the
Money Transfer Data Entry 2 page for money transfer requests that use a nonrepetitive
money transfer template. The values are:
• Disabled - The Value Date field displays but cannot be edited.
• Enabled - The Value Date field is enabled and Corporate Customers can enter a value
• Hide – The Value Date field does not appear.
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MT Admin – Wires Setup (cont’d)
Test Key Information
Level to Apply:
• Bank Status: Options that control the Test Key field on the Money Transfer Data Entry 2
page. The values are:
• Disabled - hides the test key field
• Optional – Corporate Customers can enter a test key
• Required – Corporate Customers must enter a test key
• Account: Options that indicate whether test keys apply to the bank or to specific
accounts. The values are:
• Account - the test key settings apply to specific accounts
• Bank - the test key settings apply to all Corporate Customers associated with the bank
Minimum/Maximum Length: The maximum number of characters Corporate Customers can
enter in the Test Key field when they add money transfer requests.
• Disabled - the system sets the maximum test key length to zero (0)
• Optional - a maximum test key length from 0 to 25 must be entered
• Required - a maximum test key length from 1 to 25 must be entered
NOTE: The maximum test key length must be equal to or greater than the minimum test key in
Validate entry value?: Indicates whether Corporate Customers must retype the test key when
they add money transfer requests. NOTE: When the checkbox is selected, the Retype Test
Key field appears on the Money Transfer Data Entry 2 page.
US dollar equivalent threshold for foreign currency transfers: The US dollar amount that
is the maximum limit wire transfer, for the foreign currency equivalent.
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MT Admin – Wire Cutoffs
Wire Cutoffs – Bank Users use the Wires Cutoff service to set up cutoff times for the
Money Transfer product.
IMPORTANT: At least one bank cutoff time is required (including financial institutions with a
real-time interface). If the financial institution is using two types of interfaces (e.g. real-time
for domestic wires and batch for international wires), at least two bank cutoff times need to
be established (one for each Payment Type).
Types of Wire Cutoff Times:
 Bank cutoff time – A default cutoff time defined for the financial institution on the
Bank Cutoff Time Entry screen. Bank Users indicate whether a money transfer
template or customer wire cutoff can override the bank wire cutoff time.
 Customer cutoff time – A cutoff time defined for each Corporate Customer on the
Customer Cutoff Time Data Entry screen. Customer cutoff times override the bank
cutoff time only if the cutoff override is set to Customer Cutoff on the Bank Cutoff Time
Data Entry screen.
 Template cutoff time – A cutoff time defined for each bank defined money transfer
template. Template cutoff times override the bank cutoff time only if the cutoff
override is set to Template Cutoff on the Bank Cutoff Time Data Entry screen. NOTE:
This cutoff time is set via MT Admin Wires Templates.
NOTE: If the financial institution allows cutoff time overrides, the system searches for a
cutoff time in the following order and uses the first cutoff time it finds as the wire cutoff time:
1. Template cutoff time
2. Customer cutoff time
3. Bank cutoff time
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MT Admin – Wire Cutoffs (cont’d)
To set up the Bank Cutoff Times:
Step 1: Select “Bank Cutoff Times” from the cutoff type dropdown. Click Add.
Step 2: Enter all cutoff information, including cutoff time (in military time). Click Submit.
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MT Admin – Wire Cutoffs (cont’d)
Cutoff time – The time that the system changes the processing date to the next business day.
Leadbank default cutoff time – Select “Yes” to indicate the cutoff time is the default wire
cutoff time for the bank. Select “No” to indicate the cutoff time is not the default wire cutoff
time for the bank. NOTE: There can only be one default cutoff time. All other cutoff times are
exception times and support special processing cases. If Yes is selected and a default cutoff
time exists, the system changes the other cutoff time to No. (Default is Yes.)
Cutoff override – The cutoff type that can override the bank cutoff time. Options are:
• Customer Cutoff (default)
• Template Cutoff
• Not Applicable - nothing can override the bank cutoff time
Payment type – The payment type associated with the cutoff time for the bank. Options are:
• Not Applicable (default) – use only if setting up only one bank cutoff time
• Fedwire
• Fedwire Taxes
• S.W.I.F.T.
Output method – Type of interface to be used for the selected payment type. Options are
configured during implementations (based on the financial institution) and may include:
• Real-Time – Displays for financial institutions who contracted for an online (Fundtech)
interface for domestic and/or international wires. If selected, wires are sent from BFS to
the financial institution's Fundtech PayPlus wire processing system. PayPlus performs
various checks (i.e., balance is sufficient) and sends the wire request to the Fed or
SWIFT. A Fed (or SWIFT) confirmation number is then sent back to BFS.
• Batch – SWIFT MT100 - Displays for financial institutions who contracted for the MT100
format for domestic and/or international wires. If selected, MT100 formatted wires are
made available for download via the File Load Admin  File Download service (or can
be pushed to (or pulled by) the financial institution via FTP).
• Batch - Fedwire - Displays for financial institutions who opted for the Fedwire format
option. If selected, Fedwire formatted wires are made available for download via the File
Load Admin  File Download service (or can be pushed to (or pulled by) the financial
institution via FTP).
• E-Mail Output - Displays for all financial institutions. If selected, details of the wire
request are emailed to the financial institution and the financial institution takes those
details and sends the wire information on to the Fed, SWIFT, or their correspondent
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MT Admin – Wire Cutoffs (cont’d)
Debit banks – The debit bank(s) associated with the cutoff time.
Currencies used – The sending and receiving currencies associated with the cutoff time.
Options are:
• Not Applicable (default)
• Non-USD to Non-USD
• Non-USD to USD
• USD to Non-USD
• USD to USD
Apply cutoff to amounts – Used to indicate whether the cutoff time applies to wire
amounts over or under a specific limit.
Based on – Indicates whether the information in the Apply Cutoff to Amounts field is
based on a credit or a debit amount. (Default is Credit Amount.)
FX contract # required – Indicates whether the cutoff time applies to wires that include a
foreign exchange (FX) contract number. An FX contract number is entered in the Custom
Rate Confirmation Number field upon a Corporate User adding a money transfer request.
Options are:
• Present - the cutoff time applies to wires with an FX contract number (default)
• Missing - the cutoff time applies to wires without an FX contract number
• Not Applicable - the cutoff time does not check for a FX contract number
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MT Admin – Wire Cutoffs (cont’d)
To enter a Customer Cutoff Time:
Step 1: Select “Customer Cutoff Times” from the cutoff type dropdown.
Step 2: Select a Corporate Customer from the list.
Step 3: Enter cutoff time for Customer. Click Submit.
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MT Admin – Wire Banks
Wire Banks – Bank Users use the Wire Banks service to add and manage the list of banks
(that Corporate Customers access for money transfer activity) either by manually
adding/editing the financial institution from the list or by importing financial institution
information from a file.
To download the Fedwire Banks directory, go to: To pull the entire directory, select the link
that reads “Receive All Fedwire Participants” and save this file. It is recommended to
update this file monthly. NOTE: If the “Receive All Fedwire Participants” file is uploaded
again, the system will intelligently update records that have been changed by the Fed. As
an alternative, Bank Users can pull only records that have been added, changed, etc. since
the last time they pulled down directory entries via the “Receive All updates since:” option.
To import files into the Money Transfer product:
Step 1: Select the Import File Type:
• FedWire (Domestic)
• SWIFT Basic (Add Only)
• SWIFT Full (Add plus update and delete)
Step 2: Click Import for the Money Transfer Bank Import Manager
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MT Admin – Wire Banks (cont’d)
Step 3: Click Browse... to locate the file.
Step 4: Click Import File.
Step 5: The user is returned to the Wire Banks screen (not shown-see previous
screen). Click View Import Detail to display the MT Import Detail report.
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MT Admin – Wire Banks (cont’d)
To add a wire financial institution:
Step 1: Enter the Routing #, Code, and Name of the financial institution. Click Add.
Step 2: Complete the appropriate fields. Click Add.
NOTE: Corporate Users are not notified of additions/changes to a wire bank. However,
Corporate Users will be notified of deletions (if the wire bank, that has been deleted, is used
in an existing template permitted to that user). Notification will be via the “MTBankTemplates”
and/or the “MTCustTemplates” Proactive Bulletin service as well as by marking the templates
as “Invalid” (with an *) in all services that display or use that template.
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Product Administration
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Practical Applications
1. How far in the future can the financial institution allow wires to be dated?
2. What are the 3 wire cutoff types?
3. Can one wire cutoff type override another type? If so, how?
4. How many cutoff times is a financial institution required to have?
a) One
b) Two
c) One for each interface
d) As many as they want
5. True/False: All financial institutions have the same options in their Output Method
dropdown on the Wire Cutoff service screen.
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Product Administration
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ACH Admin – ACH Settings
ACH Settings – Bank Users use the ACH Settings service to add and manage the ACH
Settings for the financial institution. These settings control:
• the email addresses used to send system messages, reversal requests, and ACH file
totals to the financial institution
• how the system builds and formats ACH files
• International ACH options
• ACH user processing options, such as deleting batches
• ACH Pass-Thru file validation and approval options
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ACH Admin – ACH Settings (cont’d)
ACH System
Future Date Default: The number of days in the future a user can manually change the
effective date for a batch or a payment request. (Max value: 365) NOTE: Bank Users can
change the default number of days in the Future Date field when they add ACH companies.
Warehousing (Y/N): An option that indicates when the system processes an approved
batch or payment request. If Yes, the system warehouses or holds approved batches and
payment requests until the date qualifies for processing and then the system processes
approved batches and payment requests a specific number of days before the effective
entry date. NOTE: The Effective Entry Date Default field for the transaction type code on
the Transaction Type Selection page controls the specific number of days. If No, the
system processes all approved batches and payment requests at the cutoff time,
regardless of the effective entry date.
Process Cutoff on Holiday (Y/N): Indicates whether the system runs the cutoff process
on holidays. Select Yes to run the cutoff process on holidays. The default is Yes.
System Email: The e-mail address at the financial institution to receive ACH-specific
messages for events such as missing company IDs.
Reversals Email: The e-mail address at the financial institution to receive reversal
requests from Corporate Customers.
Totals Email: The e-mail address at the financial institution to receive all ACH File Totals
forms sent from Corporate Customers.
Enable Recurring Payments: Indicates whether the system allows processing of
recurring payments. Select Yes to allow recurring payments. The default is Yes.
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ACH Admin – ACH Settings (cont’d)
ACH File
ACH File Format: Options that control how the system builds ACH files:
• Separate Customer Files - the system builds separate ACH files for each Corporate
Customer. (default)
• Single File per LeadBank (Separate Customer Files) - the system builds one ACH file
for the leadbank, which contains separate ACH files for each Corporate Customer.
• Single File per LeadBank (Batches Merged) - the system builds one ACH file for the
leadbank, which contains the merged batches for all Corporate Customers.
Custom Name for Single File: The file name the system uses to name ACH files.
NOTE: A custom file name can be entered if one of the Single File per Lead Bank options
in the ACH File Format field is selected. If this field is left blank, the system uses the
default naming format (see the in-product Help for exact format).
Overwrite Duplicate Files: Option that indicates whether the system overwrites
duplicate file names. Select Yes only if one of the Single File per Leadbank options in the
ACH File Format field was selected and a file name in the Custom Name for Single File
field was entered. Select No to have the system append all duplicate file names with an
underscore ( _ ) and a unique identifier to make the file name unique. The default is No.
Pad File with 9’s (Y/N): Option that indicates whether you want the system to include in
ACH files additional lines that contain 9s after the ACH File Trailer record (9 record). Use
this option to keep the number of records in ACH files divisible by 10. The default is Yes.
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ACH Admin – ACH Settings (cont’d)
ACH File (cont’d)
ODFI Routing Number: The routing number for the originating depository financial
institution. The first 8 digits are the ABA number and the last digit is the check digit.
Immediate Destination: The routing number for the ACH recipient (receiving point). The
value in this field displays in the ACH File Header record (1 record) for all ACH files.
Immediate Origin: The routing number for the ACH originator (sending point). The value in
this field displays in the ACH File Header record (1 record) for all ACH files.
Destination Name: The name for the immediate destination. The value in this field displays
in the ACH File Header record (1 record) for all ACH files.
Originator Name: The name for the originating depository financial institution (ODFI). The
value in this field displays in the ACH File Header record (1 record) for all ACH files.
Reference Code: Additional information that is relevant to the originator. The value in this
field displays in the ACH File Header record (1record) for all ACH files.
International ACH Options
Bank User Review: When set to Manual Review, Bank Users can manually review IAT
activity to ensure transactions meet OFAC requirements. The default is None.
Foreign Exchange Indicator: Option that indicates whether users can add batches when
the payment originates in USD or foreign currency and is paid in USD or a foreign currency.
Separate IAT file at Cutoff (Y/N): Option that indicates whether the system will generate a
file of IAT entries separate from the other ACH entries at the cutoff times. Select Yes to
generate a separate file, using all of the ACH settings for file name and type of file, at the
designated Lead Bank cutoff times. The default is No.
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ACH Admin – ACH Settings (cont’d)
Account Type for Batches/Participants
Enable G/L Accounts (Y/N): Option that indicates whether the Lead Bank permits batch
entries that use the General Ledger account type. Corporate Users select an account type
when they add entries to a batch. Select Yes to permit the General Ledger account type for
corporate customers. The default is No.
Enable Loan Accounts (Y/N): Option that indicates whether the Lead Bank permits batch
entries that use the Loan account type. Corporate Users select an account type when they
add entries to a batch. Select Yes to permit the Loan account type for corporate customers.
The default is No.
ACH User Process Options
Bank User Delete Batches (Y/N): Option that indicates whether Bank Users are allowed to
delete batches in the ACH Report . Select Yes to permit deletion of batches for Bank Users.
The default is No.
Corporate User Delete Batches (Y/N): Option that indicates whether Corporate Users are
allowed to delete batches in the ACH Report. Select Yes to permit deletion of batches for
Corporate Users. The default is Yes.
Free Form Addenda Data Required (Y/N): Option that indicates whether free-form
addenda is required for the Lead Bank. Select No to allow free-form addenda data to be
optional. Select Yes to require free-form addenda data. The default is Yes.
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ACH Admin – ACH Settings (cont’d)
ACH User Process Options (cont’d)
Import Batches as Disabled (Y/N): Option that indicates the status of all accepted
repetitive imported batches. Select Yes to set the status of all accepted imported repetitive
batches to Disabled. Select No to set the status of all accepted repetitive imported batches
to Active. The default is Yes.
Template Approval Allowed (Y/N): Option that indicates whether ACH users are allowed
to approve batch templates. If set to Yes, Bank and/or Corporate Administrators can set the
specific template approval requirement (i.e. none, same user allowed, same user required,
different user required) via ACH Admin  Permissions. The default is No.
No Activity Indicator: Option to have the system highlight participant records that have not
been activated within a specific time on the Edit Entries page. The default is 120.
ACH Pass-Thru Options
Apply Company ID validation to Pass-Thru Files (Y/N): Option to have the system
validate the ACH Company ID in the pass-thru file to the permitted ACH Company IDs of the
user submitting the file.
Require Approval for Pass-Thru Files (Y/N): Option to have the system require approval
for processing Pass-Thru files. If set to Yes, Bank Users can set the specific approval
requirements (i.e. none, same user allowed, same user required, different user required) for
a specific Corporate Customer via the Customer Settings – Bank Only button on the ACH
Admin  Permissions screen. The default is No.
Apply Limit Validations to Pass-Thru Files (Y/N): Option to have the system validate
amounts for pass-thru files according to established limits. If set to Yes, the pass-thru
process validates the batches and transactions within the file being processed to determine
if the transactions and the total batch amount exceed the user's limits set for the associated
ACH company. Customer and User Overall Limits are also validated. The default is No.
Business Financial Solutions:
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ACH Admin – Cutoffs
Cutoffs – Bank Users use the Cutoffs service to add and manage the following:
• Cutoff time - The time of day that the system collects all batches (with an Approved
status), generate one or more ACH files (using the ACH file format), place the ACH files
in the financial institution specified directory, set the current processing date to the next
working business day (for the last cutoff time defined for the day).
• Activation time - The time of day the system activates batches set as recurring.
NOTE: A cut-off time will need to be established for each day of the week (unless it is a nonbusiness day).
To set cutoff times:
Step 1: Select a day of the week and choose the “Cutoff Time” radio button.
Step 2: Enter a cutoff time and determine whether an empty file should be created if no
activity has been submitted by the Corporate Customer. Click Submit Changes.
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ACH Admin – Cutoffs (cont’d)
To set activation times:
Step 1: Choose the “Activation Time” radio button.
Step 2: Enter the activation time.
Step 3: Click Submit Changes.
NOTE: Activation times must be prior to the last cut-off time of the day. If the financial
institution’s cut-off times differ per day, the last activation time set here should not be after the
earliest last daily cut-off time.
For example, the last activation time should be prior to 13:00 if the cut-off times for the
financial institution are as follows:
Monday 15:00, 17:00
Wednesday 17:00
Thursday 16:00, 17:00
Friday 15:00, 17:00
Saturday 11: 00, 13:00
Sunday 11: 00, 13:00
TIP: It is recommended that the activation
time be set as early as possible in the
business day (not just prior to the cutoff
time) in order to give users time to approve
any batches prior to the last cutoff time.
Business Financial Solutions:
Product Administration
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Course Title
Practical Applications
1. How far in the future can the financial institution allow ACHs to be dated?
2. True/False: BFS does not allow for Recurring ACHs.
3. What is the default settings for each of the following:
Import Batches as Disabled (Y/N)
Apply Company ID validation to Pass-Thru Files (Y/N)
Require Approval for Pass-Thru Files (Y/N)
Apply Limit Validations to Pass-Thru Files (Y/N)
4. True/False: A cut-off time will need to be established for each day of the week
(unless it is a non-business day).
5. What is the difference between an ACH cutoff time and an activation time?
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Product Administration
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