East Asia Unit Syllabus 2014-15 World History I - Mrs. Wiens ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS: 1. What were China's major defense concerns and how did they address these over the centuries? 2. What factors account for the rise of the Ming and Qing in China? 3. What factors brought about the decline of the Ming dynasty? 4. How was Japan unified in the 16th C and how did the Tokagawa Shogunate organize Japanese society and government? 5. What were the achievements of the Ming and Qing dynasties and the Tokagawa Shogunate? 6. Why did the Ming stop the Chinese voyages of exploration and what does that say about Chinese culture? 7. How did China and Japan respond initially to Westerners, and how did that response change over time? CLASS Tues, Sept. 9 1. Introduce China - Marco Polo and Father Ricci (Witness History CD HOMEWORK Judging the Mongols handout – and fill out chart. Vol 2 Ch 35), (Millenium video, #520, 0:00-8:00, Ghenghis Khan) 2. Judging the Mongols, Read p. 32-34, continue highlighting. Answer Qs 1-4 found on the back. Wed, Sept. 10 1. Debate Mongols 2. Introduce Zheng He (Cheng Ho); PBS DVD "1421" clip 3. Ming rise to power 1. Go over Reading #1 2. Great Wall video, #515, 27:0039:00) 3. Ming Voyages, background, and roles Reading #1 IN RED BOOK!!! Fri, Sept. 12 1. DEBATE - 3 groups 2. opt Write Document-Based Group Essay on whether Ming should end all voyages. Reading #2 Side One Mon, Sept. 15 1. Go over Reading #2 Side 1: Ming v. Qing 2. Catch Up Reading #2 Side Two Bring RED book to class tomorrow! Thurs, Sept. 11 Prepare role for debate on whether to continue voyages 3. PPT Quiz over Ming and Qing 4. Do Reading #2, Side 2 in class; begin Reading #3. Finish Reading #3 Tuesday, Sept. 16 Forbidden City DVD(copy) #215, 50 minutes- use video guide at end of unit packet – do not miss this!! Study and review Reading #3 Wed., Sept. 17 Celebrate U.S. CONSTITUTION DAY. What's Your Constitution IQ? Constitution Treasure Hunt TBA http://www.constitutionfacts.com/ 1. Kangxi’s “Sacred Edict” 2. Wang Youpu’s Sacred Edict Lecture: “Exhortations On Ceremony and Deference” 3. Head Shaving decree Thursday, Sept. 18 1. Foot Binding Reading aloud --do not miss this! Reading #4 Side One Bring RED book to class Monday!! Friday, Sept. 19 1. Reading #3 Review: Matrix Race in pairs (reading handout-file) 2. Ming to Qing" Powerpoint + RED text for maps 1. Japanese story-telling 2. Tokugawa Japan - An Introduction Power Point (RH) and Children's Magazine 3. http://www.usjapan.org/edomatsu/home.html 4. Introduce Shogun’s Edicts Reading #4 Side Two Tuesday, Sept. 23 1. Go over Edicts 2. Reading #4 ppt Quiz (15-point) Wed., Sept. 24 1. DVD: Japan: Memoirs of a Secret Empire Prepare for test over East Asia following teacher's instructions; use Study Guide Prepare for test over East Asia following teacher's instructions; use Study Guide Monday, Sept. 22 Edicts handout Prepare for Quiz over Reading #4 tomorrow Write Memoir Thursday, 1. Finish DVD - finish Part I, skip Write Memoir Study for East Asia test Sept. 25 II, view III. Memoir due tomorrow 2. Kaibara Ekiken "Common Sense Teachings for Japanese Children and Greater Learning for Women" document 3. Write Memoir-due tomorrow Friday, Sept. 26 Monday, Turn in Memoir Small groups complete chart in unit packet (Ming, Qing, Japanese) as review. White Board activity. Proper group stands when the answer is their country/empire: Yuan? Ming? Qing? Japan? Or any Combination? Review Sept. 29 Tues, Sept. 30 TEST STUDY