Chapter 2 The Internet and World Wide Web Chapter 2 Objectives Discuss how the Internet works Define Webcasting Understand ways to access the Internet Describe the uses of electronic commerce (e-commerce) Identify a URL Identify the tools required for Web publishing Know how to search for information on the Web Describe the types of Web pages p. 2. 2 Recognize how Web pages use graphics, animation,audio, video, and virtual reality Explain how e-mail, FTP, newsgroups and message boards, mailing lists, chat rooms and instant messaging work Identify the rules of netiquette The Internet What is a network? p. 2.2 A collection of computers and devices connected together via communications devices and media • Modems • Cables • Telephone lines • satellites The Internet What is the Internet? p. 2.2 Also called the Net A worldwide collection of networks that links millions of businesses, government agencies, educational institutions, and individuals The Internet What are some of the services found on the Internet? instant messaging e-mail Web message board chat file transfer p. 2.3 Fig. 2-1 History of the Internet How did the Internet originate? ARPANET Networking project by Pentagon’s Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) p. 2.3 Goal: To allow scientists at different locations to share information and work together on military and scientific projects Goal: To function even if part of the network were disabled or destroyed Became functional in September 1969 History of the Internet What is a host node? p. 2.4 University of California at Los Angeles Also called a hub Any computer that directly connects to a network Often stores and University of transfers data and California at messages Santa Barbara Provides network connections for other computers Four original nodes on ARPANET Stanford Research Institute University of Utah History of the Internet How has this network grown? Today More than 100 million host nodes 1984 More than 1,000 host nodes 1969 Four host nodes p. 2.4 History of the Internet What is NSFnet? The National Science Foundation’s network Five supercomputer centers Connected to ARPANET in 1986 NSFnet ARPANET The Internet p. 2.4 History of the Internet Who provides the structure for the Internet today? Networks from corporations, commercial firms, and other companies Telephone companies Satellite companies p. 2.4 Cable companies Government History of the Internet Who controls the Internet? The Internet is a public, cooperative, and independent network No single entity controls or owns the Internet Several organizations advise and define standards World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) • Oversees research and sets standards and guidelines p. 2.4 Internet2 (I2) • Internet-related research and development project • Develops and tests advanced Internet technologies Technology Trailblazer Tim Berners-Lee Created the World Wide Web Director of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) at MIT Click to view Web Link then click Tim Berners-Lee p. 2.4 How the Internet Works What is an Internet Service Provider (ISP)? p. 2.5 A business that has a permanent Internet connection Provides temporary connections to individuals and companies for free or for a fee Regional ISP Provides access to the Internet through one or more telephone numbers local to a specific geographic location National ISP Provides local telephone numbers in most major cities and towns nationwide May also provide a toll-free number How the Internet Works What is a point of presence (POP)? An access point on the Internet p. 2.5 Accessed by dialing a telephone number Select a service provider with at least one local POP telephone number How the Internet Works What are other service providers? Online Service Provider (OSP) • Supplies Internet access • Has many membersonly features that offer special content Click to view Web Link then click Service Providers p. 2.5 Wireless Service Provider • Company that provides wireless Internet access Company on the Cutting Edge America Online World’s leading online service provider Services include electronic mail, software, computer support services, Internet access Founded in 1985 by Stephen M. Case Click to view Web Link then click AOL p. 2.6 How the Internet Works What are ways to access the Internet? 1 Regional Internet Service 2 National Provider’s Internet POP Service 3 Online Provider’s Service’s POP Local POP 4 Wireless Online Internet Service Service (special members-only Provider content) 2 1 3 4 local call local call p. 2.5 Fig. 2-2 long-distance call local call toll-free call toll-free call local call How the Internet Works How can you connect to the Internet? High speed connection • Employees and students • Computers part of a local area network (LAN) • Connect to service provider through a high-speed connection line leased from local telephone company Dial-up access • Home or small business • Computer , modem, regular telephone line • Dial into an ISP or OSP Newer high-speed technologies • Home and small business • Digital subscriber line (DSL) – provides connections over p. 2.6 regular copper telephone line • Cable modem- provides connection through cable television network How the Internet Works What are three parts of an Internet connection? Server • Computer that manages the resources on a network • Provides a centralized storage area for resources such as programs and data • Also called a host computer Click to view Web Link then click Backbone p. 2.6 Backbone • Inner structure of the Internet • Communications lines that carry the heaviest amount of traffic Client • Computer that can access the contents of the storage area on the server How the Internet Works 1: You initiate an 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: 8: How might data travel the Internet using a connection? Step 3 action to request A modem telephone line data from converts the the digital signals Internet. Data from (request) the computer travels through into analog signals, Data telephone lines to a whichmay are pass through or local ISP.oneby understood The regional ISP more routers telephone lines. uses lines, leased before reaching its The national ISP from a telephone final destination. routes data across company, to senda Data moves from the country to data to aISP national national to a another national The server ISP. local ISP and then ISP. retrieves the to a a destination requested data and server. sends it back through the Internet backbone to your computer. p. 2.7 Fig. 2-3 Regional ISP Step 5 Step 1 Step 2 Step 4 National ISP Local ISP Step 6 Internet backbone Step 8 Step 7 National ISP How the Internet Works What is an Internet protocol (IP) address? Number that uniquely identifies each computer or device connected to the Internet Four groups of numbers, each separated by a period Number in each group is between 0 and 255 IP address first part identifies network p. 2.8 Fig. 2-4 last part identifies specific computer How the Internet Works What is a domain name? Text version of an IP address Components are separated by periods Each domain name represents one or more IP addresses IP address Domain name identifies top-level domain p. 2.8 Fig. 2-4 How the Internet Works What is a top-level domain (TLD) abbreviation? Identifies the type of organization associated with the domain Sometimes called dot com when TLD is com p. 2.8 Fig. 2-5 How the Internet Works What systems control domain names? Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) Group that assigns and controls TLDs Domain name system (DNS) System on the Internet that stores the domain names and their corresponding IP addresses p. 2. 8 DNS server Translates the domain name into its associated IP address The World Wide Web What is the World Wide Web (WWW)? p. 2.9 Also known as the Web A worldwide collection of electronic documents Each document on the Web is called a Web page Can contain text, graphics, sound, and video Can contain built-in connections to other documents A Web site is a collection of related Web pages The World Wide Web What is a Web browser? Also called a browser Software program that allows you to access and view Web pages Two popular browsers for personal computers • Netscape • Internet Explorer p. 2.9 Fig. 2-6 The World Wide Web Step 1 How can you establish a connection and start the Web 1 Double-click an browser? Step 2 icon on the desktop, such as 2 If you areExplorer, not Internet connected to the to start your Internet browser.already, 3 Connection to the your computer Internet attemptsoccurs to and a home establish a page displays. Shown connection with a here is an AOL service provider. home page. Your If necessary, click home page may the Connect vary. button. p. 2.10 Fig. 2-7 Step 3 Internet Explorer icon The World Wide Web What is a home page? Starting page for a browser Provides information about the site’s purpose and content Some Web sites also refer to their starting page as a home page p. 2.10 The World Wide Web What is downloading? The process of receiving information, such as a Web page, onto your computer from a server on the Internet Can take from a few seconds to several minutes p. 2. 11 You can speed up the display of pages by turning off the graphics and displaying only text in most Web browsers The World Wide Web How do Web-enabled handheld computers and devices access the Web? Use a special type of browser designed for their small screens Microbrowser – software program that accesses and displays Web pages that contain mostly text Also called a minibrowser p. 2.11 Fig. 2-8 Microbrowser for a Web-enabled cellular telephone Microbrowser for a Webenabled handheld computer The World Wide Web What is a hyperlink? Also called a link Built-in connection to another related Web page or part of a a Web page Allows you to obtain information in a nonlinear way p. 2.12 The World Wide Web How can you identify a link? p. 2.12 Link can be a word, phrase, or image Text links usually are underlined or in a color different from the rest of the document A graphical link may change its appearance when you point to it The shape of the pointer on the screen changes to a small hand with a pointing index finger when you position it on a link or point to the link Click the link to activate it The World Wide Web How do you navigate a variety of links? Some links display a different color Some links are when you point underlined. to them. Click Click the link to Some links are the link the to display graphical display associated images.its Click associated Web sitetoor the link Web site or page. display its Web page. associated Web site or Web page. pointer p. 2.12 Fig. 2-9 The World Wide Web What is surfing the Web? Links can point to an item on the same Web page, a different Web page at the same Web site, or a separate Web page at a different Web site in another city or country The activity of jumping from one Web page to another is surfing p. 2.12 The World Wide Web What is a Uniform Resource Locator (URL)? Unique address for a Web page Browser retrieves a Web page by using the URL Also called a Web address Type the URL into the address text box on the browser and press the Enter key to display a Web page address text box p. 2.13 Fig. 2-10 The World Wide Web What are the parts of a URL? protocol domain name path Click to view Web Link then click URLs p. 2.13 Fig. 2-10 The World Wide Web What is a Web server? A computer that delivers (stores) Web pages you request The same Web server can store multiple Web sites p. 2.13 Fig. 2-10 The World Wide Web What is a search engine? A software program you can use to find Web sites, Web pages and Internet files Search text A word or phrase entered in the search engine’s text box Also called keywords Click to view video p. 2.14 Spider A program that reads pages on Web sites in order to find Web pages that contain the search text Also called a crawler or bot The World Wide Web What is a hit? Any Web page name that lists as the result of a search 363 hits hit p. 2.14 Fig. 2-11 The World Wide Web What are some widely used search engines? p. 2.15 Fig. 2-12 The World Wide Web What is a directory? An organized set of topics Used by a search engine to aid in locating Web sites Each major topic has related subtopics p. 2.15 Fig. 2-13 The World Wide Web What are the six basic types of Web pages? advocacy Web page news Web page p. 2.16 business/marketing Web page informational Web page portal Web page personal Web page The World Wide Web What is an advocacy Web page? Contains content that describes a cause, opinion,or idea Purpose is to convince the reader of the validity of the cause, opinion, or idea p. 2.16 Fig. 2-14a The World Wide Web What is a business/marketing Web page? Contains content that promotes or sells products or services Often allow you to purchase products or services online p. 2.16 Fig. 2-14b The World Wide Web What is an informational Web page? Contains factual information p. 2.16 Fig. 2-14c The World Wide Web What is a news Web page? Contains newsworthy material Stories and articles relating to current events, life, money, sports, and the weather p. 2.17 Fig. 2-14d The World Wide Web What is a portal Web page Often called a portal Offers a variety of Internet services from a single, convenient location p. 2.17 Fig. 2-14e The World Wide Web What services are often found on a portal? search engine local , national, and worldwide news free personal Web pages p. 2. 17 e-mail sports and weather instant messaging newsgroups or message boards reference tools shopping malls and auctions chat rooms calendars The World Wide Web What is a Web community? A Web site that joins a specific group of people with similar interests or relationships Usually offer special services to facilitate communication among members newsgroup or message board p. 2.17 e-mail online photo albums chat room The World Wide Web What is a wireless portal? p. 2.17 A portal specifically designed for Web-enabled handheld computers and devices Attempt to provide all information a wireless user might require Services include search engines, news ,stock quotes, weather, maps, e-mail, calendar, instant messaging, and shopping Company on the Cutting Edge Co-founded by Jerry Yang and David Filo in 1994 Started as a series of lists to organize favorite Web sites Today more than 166 million visitors Click to view Web Link access 189 million then click Yahoo! pages daily p. 2.17 The World Wide Web What is a personal Web page? A Web page maintained by a private individual who normally is not associated with any organization Reasons: job hunting, sharing life experience with the world p. 2.17 Fig. 2-14f The World Wide Web What is multimedia? Any application that integrates text with other elements Often used for Web pages to add appeal Multimedia Web pages often require more time to download because they contain large graphics and video or audio clips audio graphics p. 2.18 animation virtual reality video The World Wide Web What is a graphic? Also called a graphical image A digital representation of information such as a drawing, chart, or photograph First media used to enhance textbased Internet p. 2.18 Fig. 2-15 The World Wide Web What are the formats for graphics files on the Web? p. 2.18 Fig. 2-16 The World Wide Web Which two formats are most popular for the Web? JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group) GIF (Graphics Interchange Format) p. 2.19 Also uses compression techniques to reduce file sizes Works best for images with only a few distinct colors, such as line drawings, single-color borders, and simple cartoons Graphical image that uses compression techniques to reduce the file size Smaller sizes result in faster downloading of Web page The more compressed the file, the smaller the file, but the lower the quality The World Wide Web What is a thumbnail? A small version of a larger graphical image Used because graphics files can be time consuming to display Usually click thumbnail to display the fullsized image p. 2.19 Fig. 2-17 The World Wide Web What is animation? p. 2.19 The appearance of motion created by displaying a series of still images in rapid sequence Can make Web pages more visually interesting or draw attention to important information or links Animated GIF uses computer animation and graphics software to combine several images into a single GIF file The World Wide Web What is a marquee? Text that animates by scrolling across the screen Pronounced mar-KEE * * * * add interest with animation p. 2.19 * * * * The World Wide Web What is audio? Music, speech, or any other sound Individual sound files that you download to your computer music speech other sound p. 2.20 Click icon to hear audio clip. Press the Esc key to cancel. The World Wide Web What is MP3? A popular technology that compresses audio Reduces an audio file to about one-tenth of its original size while preserving the original quality of the sound MP3 file are easily copied from the Web Controversy with respect to copyright infringement Click to view video p. 2.20 The World Wide Web How can you play MP3 files? Most current operating systems contain a program called a player • plays audio in MP3 files on your computer Portable audio devices called MP3 players • play MP3 files Click to view stored on CD or Web Link miniature storage then click MP3 p. 2.20 Fig. 2-18 media plays music stored on CD plays music stored on clik! disk The World Wide Web What is streaming audio? Also called streaming sound Enables you to listen to the sound as it downloads Many radio and television stations use streaming audio to broadcast Two accepted standards • Windows Media Player • RealAudio – a Click to view component of Web Link then click RealPlayer Streaming Media p. 2.21 Fig. 2-19 The World Wide Web What is video? Consists of fullmotion images that are played back at various speeds Most video also has accompanying audio p. 2.22 Fig. 2-20 video The World Wide Web What video formats are used on the Web? MPEG standard (Moving Pictures Experts Group) Individual video files that you must download completely before you can play them on the computer p. 2.22 Streaming video Allows you to view longer of live video images as hey download to your computer Two widely used standards • RealVideo – a component of RealPlayer • Windows Media Player The World Wide Web What is a Web cam Also called a cam A video camera whose output displays on a Web page Shows images that change regularly Web cam p. 2.22 The World Wide Web What is virtual reality (VR)? The use of computers to simulate a real or imaged environment that appears as a three-dimensional (3D) space VR world – a 3D site that contains infinite space and depth Used for games as well as many practical applications p. 2.22 Fig. 2-21 The World Wide Web What is pull and push technology? Pull Obtaining information by requesting it from a site Relies on a client to request a Web page from a server ticker tape pushed to desktop from Microsoft Investor Web site p. 2.23 Fig. 2-22 Push Server automatically downloads content to your computer at regular intervals The World Wide Web What is Webcasting? Another name for push technology Delivers information at regular intervals without you having to request it Information can be viewed whether you are online or offline ticker tape pushed to desktop from Microsoft Investor Web site p. 2.23 Electronic Commerce What is electronic commerce? Also known as e-commerce A financial business transaction that occurs over an electronic network such as the Internet p. 2.24 Fig. 2-23 Electronic Commerce What are the three types of e-commerce? Business to consumer (B-to-C or b2C) Sale of goods to the general public Consumer to consumer (C-to-C or C2C) One consumer sells directly to another Business to business (B-to-B or B2B) p. 2.25 Businesses providing goods and services to other businesses Electronic Commerce What are some features of e-commerce? Electronic storefront • The place where a customer visits an online business Shopping cart • Allows the customer to collect purchases Online auction • Site where you can bid on an item being sold by someone else Click to view Web Link then click e-Commerce p. 2.25 Technology Trailblazer Masayoshi Son Helped to bring Japan to the forefront of the digital age Founded Softbank Corporation in 1981 By 1995, Softbank controlled one-half of the personal computer software in Japan Click to view Web Link then click Masayoshi Son p. 2.25 A leading member of Japan’s Prime Minister’s IT Strategy Council Web Publishing Step 1 Step 2 What is Web Publishing? The development and maintenance of Web pages 1 Plan: Think about issues that could affect the design of the 2 Analyze Web site.and Design: Sketch a design of the Web page on paper. Create the Web site in 3 Create: a software package such as 4 Deploy: word processing. Copy (upload) the Web site from your hard disk 5 Maintain: to a Web server. Visit and revise your Web site regularly to be sure it is working and current. p. 2.26 Fig. 2-24 Step 4 Step 5 Step 3 Web Publishing What is needed for creating Web page? Also called Web page authoring Hardware • Digital camera • • • • p. 2.28 Scanner Sound card Microphone PC camera Software to prepare HTML a current word • HTMLUse (hypertext markup processing program language) • A set of special codes that format a file for use as a Web page • Created with either: • Word processing package • Web page authoring software Web Publishing What is a plug-in? An additional program that extends the capability of a browser Many plug-ins can be downloaded at no cost from the Web Click to view Web Link then click Plug-ins p. 2.28 Fig. 2-25 Web Publishing How do you deploy a Web site? Locate a Web server to store your site • Provided by many ISPs and OSPs at no additional cost • Provided by a Web hosting service for a monthly fee Click to view Web Link then click Web Publishing p. 2.29 Upload, or copy, the site to the Web server Web Publishing What else might be needed to create a Web site? Apply to an official registrar for a specific domain name Register site with search engines • Submission service: a Web-based business that helps register your site Webmaster Click to view Web Link then click Submission Services p. 2.29 Individual responsible for maintaining a Web site and developing Web pages Other Internet Services What is e-mail? Electronic mail The transmission of messages and files via a computer network Use an e-mail program to work with messages Messages can be simple text or include an attachment such as a graphical image or word processing document create forward send Click to view Web Link then click E-mail p. 2.31 receive store print delete Other Internet Services Step 1 How do you send an e-mail message? Step 2 1 Start an e-mail program and point to the New Mail 2 Click the New Mail Message button to display 3 Message Enter the button recipient’s e-mail Step 4 the Message window and subject, 4 address, Click the the Insert File button the message in the to attach a JPG file Message 5 window When Sallyareceives thethe econtaining picture to mail message, shethe opens message. Locate file on the to view the its yourJPG hardfile disk and click picture. name. An icon for the file displays. Click the Send button to send the message. p. 2.30 Fig. 2-26 Step 3 Step 5 Other Internet Services What is an Internet e-mail address? A combination of a user name and a domain name that identifies a user so he or she can receive Internet e-mail user name or user-ID A unique combination of characters that identifies you p. 2.31 Fig. 2-27 at domain name Identifies the mail server Other Internet Services How can you get e-mail? Most ISPs and OSPs provide an Internet e-mail program and a mailbox on a mail server as a standard part of their Internet access services Some Web sites provide e-mail services free of charge address book mail server Allows you to store a list of names and e-mail addresses The server that contains the mailboxes mailbox p. 2.33 Storage location usually residing on the computer that connects you to the Internet Other Internet Services What is a POP server? Post office protocol server When a message arrives at the recipient’s mail server, the message transfers to a POP or POP3 server POP server holds an email message until the recipient retrieves it with his other e-mail software POP3 is the newest p. 2.32 version Other Internet Services How does an e-mail message travel? 1 Using e-mail software, you create and send a 2 Your software contacts message. service 3 software Software on on your the mail provider’s mail server. determines the 4 server The mail server transfers bestmessage route fortothe data a POP3 5 the When the recipient uses and sends the message, server. e-mail software to check which travels along for e-mail messages, the Internet routers to the message transfers from recipient’s mail server. the POP3 server to the recipient’s computer. p. 2.32 Fig. 2-28 Step 1 Step 2 Step 5 mail server Step 4 Internet routers Step 3 mail server POP server Other Internet Services What is FTP? File Transfer Protocol An Internet standard allows you to upload and download fines with other computers on the Internet p. 2.33 Fig. 2-29 file download window Other Internet Services What are some FTP terms? FTP server A computer that allows users to upload and download files using FTP p. 2.33 FTP site A collection of files that reside on an FTP server anonymous FTP Anyone can transfer some, if not all, available files Other Internet Services What is a newsgroup? An online area in which users conduct written discussions about a particular subject A user sends a message to the newsgroup Other users in the newsgroup read and reply to the message Usenet The entire collection of Internet newsgroups p. 2.33 News server A computer that stores and distributes newsgroup messages Other Internet Services What is a newsreader? A program that enables you to access a newsgroup article A previously entered message post To add an article to a news group thread Also called threaded discussion p. 2.33 The original article and all subsequent related replies Other Internet Services What is a message board? A type of discussion group that dos not require a news reader Also called a discussion board Click to view Web Link then click Message Boards p. 2.34 Fig. 2-30 Other Internet Services What is a mailing list? A group of e-mail names and addresses given to a single name When a message is sent to a mailing list, every person on the list receives a copy of the message Subscribe or unsubscribe to mailing list to add or remove your name from the mailing list p. 2.34 Fig. 2-31 Some are known as LISTSERVs Other Internet Services What is a chat? A real-time typed conversation that takes place on a computer Real-time means that you and the people with whom you are conversing are online at the same time A chat room is a location on an Internet server that permits users to chat Click to view Web Link then click Chat Rooms p. 2.35 Fig. 2-32 A chat client is a program on your computer that allows you to chat Technology Trailblazer Lavonne Luquis Journalist Started LatinoLink, the first general interest Web magazine for Latinos Now known as More that 280,000 visitors each month Click to view Web Link then click Lavonne Luquis p. 2. Fig. 2- Other Internet Services What is instant messaging (IM)? A real-time Internet communications service • Notifies you when one or more people are online • Allows you to exchange messages or files or join a private chat with them Click to view Web Link then click Instant Messaging p. 2.36 Fig. 2-33 Karen’s message immediately displays on Katy’s computer screen because she is online Katy’s response to Karen message sent from Karen to Katy Other Internet Services What is netiquette? Internet etiquette Code of acceptable behaviors users should follow while on the Internet Click to view video p. 2.37 Fig. 2-34 Netiquette • Read In e-mailthe groups FAQ (frequently and chat rooms: asked Golden Rule: Treat questions) • Avoid Use abbreviations Keep emoticons messages sending spam or tobrief posting express for phrases flames others as you • Use emotion such your as user name for your • Proper • Internet Abusive spelling junk or insulting and mailgrammar personallike use only would them to : )messages BTW Smile by the way • Be• polite Unsolicited message sent to • Do not assume material is treat you. • DoFYI : (not many Frown participate for recipients your information inat flame oncewars • accurate Avoid offensive or up tolanguage date for what it’s worth : lExchanges •FWIW Indifference of flames Never private • Do notread use someone’s all capital letters which is e-mail the :\ Undecided IMHO equivalent in myof humble SHOUTING! opinion • Clearly :o Surprised TTFN identify ta ta for a spoiler now •TYVM Message thank that you reveals very much a solution to a game or ending to a movie or program Summary of the Internet and World Wide Web The Internet History of the Internet How the Internet works The World Wide Web Electronic commerce Web publishing Other Internet services Netiquette Chapter 2 Complete