Discovering Computers 2008 Chapter 2 The Internet and World Wide Web Defining the Internet The Internet is a collection of ________ ________ that are used for ________ and _______ communications and for ________ exchange. The Internet What are some services found on the Internet? E-mail Web File transfer 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Chat Message board Instant messaging (1) (3) (2) p. 68 Fig. 2-1 (4) (5) (6) Next Other Internet Services E-mail Transmission of Messages Over Internet Messages May Include Attachments Files, Graphics, Audio, Video Virus Volume 1.4 Billion Active Accounts Worldwide 183 Billion E-mails Sent Daily in 2006 World population? History of the Internet How did the Internet originate? ARPANET Goal: To allow scientists at different locations to share information p. 68 Networking project by Pentagon’s Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) Goal: To function if part of network were disabled Became functional ____?_____ Next Internet Development Milestones 1969 Arpanet 1980’s NSF connects Internet 1989 Tim Berners-Lee 2003 Web2.0 Myths About the Internet The Internet is Free Someone Controls the Internet The Internet and World Wide Web are One and the Same The Internet Who controls the Internet? No one — it is a public, cooperative, and independent network Several organizations set standards c c World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Oversees research, sets standards and guidelines Click to view Web Link, click Chapter 2, Click Web Link from left navigation, then click W3C below Chapter 2 p. 51 Next History of the Internet How has the Internet grown? Today More than 350 million host nodes 1984 More than 1,000 host nodes 1969 Four host nodes p. 69 Next Defining the World Wide Web The WWW is a retrieval system which organizes data into _____ _____ and the pages are connected to each other via __________. Multiple pages are called a _____ _____. The computer that contains the Web pages is a ______. The World Wide Web What are the twelve basic types of Web sites? Portal Advocacy p. 61 – 63 News Blog Informational Wiki Business/ Educational Entertainment Marketing Network Content Aggregator Personal Next How the Internet Works How can you connect to the Internet? Slow-speed technology Dial-up access modem in your computer uses a standard telephone line to connect to the Internet Connection must be established each time you log on. Slow but inexpensive p. 51 - 52 High-speed connection DSL, cable modem, fixed wireless, Wi-Fi, and satellite modems Connection is always on— whenever the computer is running Next Internet Mechanics Access Providers ISP (Internet Service Provider) OSP (Online Service Provider) Member-only Features AOL MSN Wireless How to Connect Internet Service Providers Local ISP Earthlink – National ISP Telephone Companies AT&T TV Service Providers DirecTV Colleges & Universities Online Service Providers AOL MSN Cybercafes Copy Service Stores Free ISP ml Libraries Employers What are ways to access the Internet? The World Wide Web What is a Web browser? Program that allows you to view Web pages Microsoft Internet Explorer Opera p. 54 Firefox Chrome Safari Netscape Next Google Chrome Google Maps Sally’s Recipes YouTube Blogger Google search engine iGoogle = individual Gmail The World Wide Web How does a Web browser display a home page? Step 2. Web browser looks up the home page setting Step 3. Step 1. Click the Web browser program name Step 4. The home page displays in the Web browser p. 55 Fig. 2-5 The Web browser communicates with the access provider’s server to retrieve the IP address. The IP address is sent to your computer. Next Hyper Text Transfer Protocol – HTTP – Web 1.0 The World Wide Web How can you recognize links? Pointer changes to a small hand when you point to a link A link can be text or an image Text links are usually underlined and in a different color p. 57 Fig. 2-7 Next The World Wide Web What is a URL? Unique address for a Web page A web server delivers the Web page to your computer p. 56 Fig. 2-6 Next World Wide Web Web Addressing URL (Uniform Resource Locator) Unique Address for Page Located on Web Server protocol path domain name How the Internet Works What is a domain name? Text version of Internet protocol (IP) address Number that uniquely identifies each computer or device connected to Internet p. 53 - 54 Figs. 2-3 – 2-4 Next Internet Protocols Gopher is a retrieval system at the University of __________which provides a hierarchical menu system. FTP sites allow users to retrieve data and programs to their own computer. Telnet allows users to connect to a host and perform operations. Other Internet Protocols What is FTP? File Transfer Protocol Next Internet standard that allows you to upload and download files with other computers on Internet p. 2.33 Fig. 2-29 file downlo dialog box Subdomain How the Internet Works What is a domain name? Text version of Internet protocol (IP) address p. 74 Figs. 2-4 – 2-5 Number that uniquely identifies each computer or device connected to Internet Evolution of the Internet Other Internet Services What is an e-mail address? Name that consists of a user name and domain name that identifies the user p. 70 Fig. 2-19 Next Other Internet Services What is an e-mail address? Combination of user name and domain name that identifies user so he or she can receive e-mail User name or user-ID A unique combination of characters that identifies you at Domain name Identifies the mail server Next p. 2.31 Fig. 2-27 URL: E-Mail: Other Internet Services How does an e-mail message travel? Step 1. Using e-mail software, you create and send message Step 2. Your software contacts software on your service provider’s outgoing mail server Step 4. When recipient uses e-mail software to check for e-mail messages, the message transfers from incoming mail server to recipient’s computer Step 3. p. 70 Fig. 2-20 Software on outgoing mail server determines best route for data and sends message, which travels along Internet routers to recipient’s incoming mail server Next The World Wide Web A plug-in is a program that extends the capability of a Web browser The World Wide Web Two types of search tools are search engines and subject directories Search engine Finds information related to a specific topic Subject directory Classifies Web pages in an organized set of categories The World Wide Web What is a subject directory? Search tool with organized set of topics and subtopics Lets you find information by clicking links rather than entering keywords p. 80 Fig. 2-12 The World Wide Web What is a search engine? Program used to find Web sites and Web pages by entering words or phrases called search text Spider / Crawler / Bot p. 57 - 60 Fig. 2-8 Netiquette = Code of acceptable Internet behavior The World Wide Web What is a home page? The first page that a Web site presents Often provides connections to other Web pages p. 76 Fig.2-1a Next The World Wide Web What is a portal? A Web site that offers a variety of services from one, convenient location, usually for free p. 82 Fig. 2-13a Searching, sports, e-mail, news, weather, auctions, Web communities (Web sites that join people with similar interests) Next The World Wide Web What is downloading? p. 76 The process of a computer receiving information Depending upon connection speed, downloading can take from a few seconds to several minutes Public domain vs. Shareware Next The World Wide Web What graphics formats are used on the Web? BMP JPEG PNG (pronounced JAY-peg) (pronounced ping) GIF (pronounced JIFF) TIFF Graphic format comparisons p. 84 Fig. 2-16 Next The World Wide Web What is video? Consists of full-motion images with sound played back at various speeds MPEG (Moving Pictures Experts Group) is popular video compression standard p. 88 Fig. 2-20 Next Other Internet Services What are newsgroups and message boards? Newsgroup Online area where users discuss a particular subject Message board Type of discussion group Many Web sites use message boards because they are easier to use Click to view Web Link, click Chapter 2, Click Web Link from left navigation, then click Newsgroups and Message Boards below Chapter 2 p. 95 Fig. 2-28 Next Other Internet Services What is a mailing list? Group of e-mail addresses given a single name When a message is sent to the mailing list, everyone on the list receives the message To add your name to a mailing list you must subscribe to it; to remove your name you must unsubscribe Click to view Web Link, click Chapter 2, Click Web Link from left navigation, then click Mailing Lists below Chapter 2 p. 97 Fig. 2-29 Next What is Web2.0 ? Interactive rather than static Uses “cloud” computing Separates form from content – Web 1.0 used html » Programmer creates content – Web 2.0 uses XML » User creates content » Collaboration Web 2.0 Applications Listed at: • Example • Web 1.0 Web 2.0 Double-click Adsense Kodak Express Flickr Web 2.0 Web 2.0 Defined The Machine is Using Us Social Networking Social Networking without Partying List of Social Networking Website Criticism of Web 2.0 Why some consider Web2.0 another bust