NMDOT FORMS MANAGEMENT SOLUTION PROJECT P R O JE C T M A N A GEM E N T PLA N (PMP) EXECUTIVE SPONSOR – TOM CHURCH, NMDOT CABINET SECRETARY, DESIGNATE BUSINESS OWNER – BRUCE OAKELEY, NMDOT ISM BUREAU CHIEF PROJECT MANAGER – SAL HERNANDEZ, INTEGRATUS SOLUTIONS ORIGINAL PLAN DATE: DECEMBER 13, 2013 REVISION DATE: JANUARY 2, 2014 REVISION: 2.2 REVISION HISTORY................................................................................................................................................. 3 1.0 PROJECT OVERVIEW ......................................................................................................................................... 4 1.2 FUNDING AND SOURCES .............................................................................................................................................4 1.3 CONSTRAINTS ..........................................................................................................................................................5 1.4 DEPENDENCIES .........................................................................................................................................................5 1.5 ASSUMPTIONS.....................................................................................................................................................6 1.6 INITIAL PROJECT RISKS IDENTIFIED..............................................................................................................................7 2.0 PROJECT AUTHORITY AND ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE .............................................................................. 8 2.1 STAKEHOLDERS ........................................................................................................................................................8 2.2 PROJECT GOVERNANCE STRUCTURE .............................................................................................................................9 2.2.1 Describe the organizational structure – Org Chart .....................................................................................9 2.2.2 Describe the role and members of the project steering committee ............................................................9 2.2.3 Organizational Boundaries, interfaces and responsibilities ........................................................................9 2.3 EXECUTIVE REPORTING............................................................................................................................................10 3.0 SCOPE ............................................................................................................................................................ 10 3.1 PROJECT OBJECTIVES ..............................................................................................................................................10 3.1.1 Business Objectives ...................................................................................................................................10 3.1.2 Technical Objectives ..................................................................................................................................10 3.2 PROJECT EXCLUSIONS ..............................................................................................................................................11 3.3 CRITICAL SUCCESS FACTORS .....................................................................................................................................11 4.0 PROJECT DELIVERABLES AND METHODOLOGY ............................................................................................... 12 4.1 PROJECT MANAGEMENT LIFE CYCLE ..........................................................................................................................12 4.1.1 Project Management Deliverables ............................................................................................................13 4.1.2 Deliverable Approval Authority Designations ...........................................................................................15 4.1.3 Deliverable Acceptance Procedure ............................................................................................................19 4.2 PRODUCT LIFE CYCLE .........................................................................................................................................19 4.2.1 Technical Strategy .....................................................................................................................................20 4.2.2 Product and Product Development Deliverables .......................................................................................21 4.2.3 Deliverable Approval Authority Designations ...........................................................................................22 4.2.4 Deliverable Acceptance Procedure ............................................................................................................22 5.0 PROJECT WORK .............................................................................................................................................. 23 5.1 WORK BREAKDOWN STRUCTURE (WBS) ....................................................................................................................23 5.2 SCHEDULE ALLOCATION -PROJECT TIMELINE ................................................................................................................24 5.3 PROJECT BUDGET ...................................................................................................................................................24 5.4 PROJECT TEAM ......................................................................................................................................................25 5.4.1 Project Team Structure, Roles and Responsibilities ...................................................................................25 5.5 STAFF PLANNING AND RESOURCE ACQUISITION..................................................................................................26 5.5.1 Project Staff ...............................................................................................................................................26 5.5.2 Non-Personnel resources ...........................................................................................................................26 5.6 PROJECT LOGISTICS ...........................................................................................................................................26 5.6.1 Project Team Training ...............................................................................................................................27 6.0 PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND CONTROLS ...................................................................................................... 27 6.1 RISK AND ISSUE MANAGEMENT.................................................................................................................................27 6.1.1 Risk Management Strategy .......................................................................................................................27 6.1.2 Project Risk Identification ..........................................................................................................................28 6.1.3 Project Risk Mitigation Approach ..............................................................................................................28 PAGE | 1 6.1.4 Risk Reporting and Escalation Strategy.....................................................................................................28 6.1.5 Project Risk Tracking Approach .................................................................................................................29 6.1.6 ISSUE MANAGEMENT ................................................................................................................................29 6.2 INDEPENDENT VERIFICATION AND VALIDATION - IV&V .............................................................................................29 6.3 SCOPE MANAGEMENT PLAN ....................................................................................................................................30 6.3.1 Change Control ..........................................................................................................................................30 6.5 COMMUNICATION PLAN ..........................................................................................................................................31 6.5.1 Communication Matrix .............................................................................................................................31 6.5.2 Status Meetings ........................................................................................................................................31 6.5.3 Project Status Reports ...............................................................................................................................31 6.6 PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT (PROJECT METRICS) ......................................................................................32 6.7 QUALITY OBJECTIVES AND CONTROL ................................................................................................................32 6.7.1 quality Standards ......................................................................................................................................33 6.7.2 Project and Product Review AND ASSESSMENTS ......................................................................................33 6.7.3 Agency/Customer Satisfaction ..................................................................................................................34 6.7.4 PRODUCT DELIVERABLE ACCEPTANCE PROCESS .......................................................................................34 6.8 CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT .....................................................................................................................38 6.8.2 Project Repository (Project Library) ...........................................................................................................38 7. 0 PROJECT CLOSE ............................................................................................................................................. 39 7.1 Administrative Close .....................................................................................................................................39 7.2 Contract Close ..............................................................................................................................................39 PAGE | 2 REVISION HISTORY REVISION NUMBER DATE COMMENT 1.0 July 27th, 2007 DoIT Project Management Plan template 2.0 December 30th, 2013 Initial creation of PMP from DoIT template 2.1 January 2nd, 2014 Revised to add rough scheduling and project task details 2.2 January 3, 2014 Revised to add Section 6 specifics and other content updates 2.3 PAGE | 3 1.0 PROJECT OVERVIEW The New Mexico Department of Transportation relies thoroughly on the forms catalog it presently has implemented within its agency. The information management practices around the usage of these documents are essential to the functioning of its business. There have been over three hundred forms identified as used for different areas within the agency. These forms are currently created using an older methodology, which makes the information management practices cumbersome, manual-intensive and prone to human errors and delays. The manual process calls for forms to be printed and then delivered (via mail or fax) to the agency. The form submission process is decoupled from the process flow. Furthermore, These forms reside on an aging system that requires it to be replaced before it begins to degrade service within the agency. NMDOT has chosen to modernize and substantially improve the form submission process. Modernization Improvements will include digitizing the document submission process as well as improving the form submission lifecycle, this will reduce process times and errors. The intrinsic benefits include creating a more productive and responsive agency thereby increasing customer satisfaction. 1.2 FUNDING AND SOURCES SOURCE AMOUNT NM STATE ROAD FUND $500,000 PAGE | 4 ASSOCIATED RESTRICTIONS APPROVERS 1.3 CONSTRAINTS The following factors can potentially restrict the project by scope, resource, or schedule. NUMBER DESCRIPTION Time – Project will need to be closed out by June 30th 2014 1 Budget – Project not to exceed $500K 2 Scope – Project scope need not exceed existing project estimates and increased scope be addressed/approved or denied by Project Steering Committee Software – Project technical deliverables need to be developed with Adobe LiveCycle software and related tools Resources - Project will need to be completed with a mix of NMDOT and Contractor resources Budget – Project cannot cause a dramatic shift in operational cost. 3 4 5 6 Process – Project will adhere to applicable DoIT methodology 7 Agency – Project will adhere to applicable NM State and NMDOT policies and regulations. Agency – Project technical deliverables to meet existing service agreements and response times. Infrastructure – Software must be configured and operate alongside existing NMDOT infrastructure without disrupting ongoing business service. 8 9 10 1.4 DEPENDENCIES Mandatory dependencies are dependencies that are inherent to the work being done. D- Discretionary dependencies are dependencies defined by the project management team. This may also encompass particular approaches because a specific sequence of activities is preferred, but not mandatory in the project life cycle. E-External dependencies are dependencies that involve a relationship between project activities and non-project activities such as purchasing/procurement NUMBER DESCRIPTION TYPE M,D,E 1 ACTIVE DIRECTORY - ENSURE A PROPER MANAGEMENT INTERFACE EXISTS FOR THE ACTIVE DIRECTORY MANAGEMENT AS WELL AS ENSURE CONTENT IS UP TO DATE M, E 2 TRAINING - DELIVER PROPER DEVELOPMENT TRAINING FOR FORMS AND PORTAL DEVELOPERS M 3 INSTALLATION AND CONFIGURATION - ENSURE THE PROPER HARDWARE, SOFTWARE AND INFRASTRUCTURE IS MADE AVAILABLE M, E 4 ORGANIZATIONAL BUY-IN - ENSURE EXECUTIVE AND SME BUY-IN M PAGE | 5 NUMBER DESCRIPTION TYPE M,D,E FOR NEW TECHNOLOGY AND PROCESS 5 TECHNOLOGICAL - ENSURE PROPER IMPLEMENTATION OF TBD APPROACH (ELECTRONIC V DIGITAL SIGNITURES) M 6 ORGANIZATIONAL - ENSURE SUBJECT MATTER EXPERTS ARE EXCESSIBLE – BOTH FUNCTIONAL AND TECHNICAL SME’S ARE REQUIRED M 1.5 ASSUMPTIONS NUMBER DESCRIPTION 1 All system users exist in NMDOT’s Active Directory. All system users are internal to the agency. 2 3 4 5 PAGE | 6 Business rules for form data and routing relating to existing forms are known and fixed. Servers and client workstations meet or exceed the minimum requirements of the technology stack. The form templates will be developed using a proper common format. If such a format is not possible, then the form will be provided in an alternative format and will be served as fill and print forms. Project team will have access to functional and technical SMEs 1.6 INITIAL PROJECT RISKS IDENTIFIED [Risk 1 Active Directory] Probability EXPECTED Description – Active Directory entries are incorrect thus effecting forms with workflow Mitigation Strategy – 2 fold strategy Initial and On-going 1. Initial – There is an initial effort to clean up Active Directory entries in bulk, especially for those Users/Groups identified as prospects for forms with workflow. 2. On-going – An interface will be developed for the Human Resources department to actively monitor and update Active Directory entries. Major Events (Hire to Fire) will trigger an resource to update the Active Directory. Contingency Plan 1. Continuous efforts to clean up the Active Directory entries on a regular interval [Risk 2 – Software Features] Description - Features and Probability LOW capabilities of the product may be wrong, incomplete, or too complex and that may not satisfy the requirement. PAGE | 7 Impact MEDIUM Mitigation Strategy 1. Complex scenarios were given to Vendor during a Proof of Concept initiative when evaluating software. 2. Additionally, ensure that all functionality is defined before development begins. Contingency Plan 1. Co-Develop more difficult scenarios with Vendor or engage them for support as needed 2. Extend product, as needed with custom integration layers. [Risk 3 – Software Training] Probability LOW Description – Resource training on software is inadequate or has not taken place Impact HIGH Impact MEDIUM Mitigation Strategy 1. Training Plan to be developed for technical developers and support staff 2. Engage Vendor for development as needed Contingency Plan 1. Engage Vendor for development or support as needed and engage in over-the-shoulder development until adequate training plan can be established. [Risk 4 – End User Adoption] Description – End users are Probability LOW slow to adopt forms development Impact HIGH Mitigation Strategy 1. Continuously involve end users at the appropriate level of detail. Contingency Plan 1. Executive mandate of solution set 2.0 PROJECT AUTHORITY AND ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE 2.1 STAKEHOLDERS NAME STAKE IN PROJECT ORGANIZATION TITLE Bruce Oakeley Responsible for the modernization of the Forms Portal and the replacement of the existing legacy system. NMDOT Informatio n Systems Bureau Chief Gilbert Archuleta Key actor in regard to all forms relating to employee information NMDOT Human Resources Bureau Chief Julie Atencio Responsible for oversight of NMDOT forms, and managing changes and additions to NMDOT’s forms catalog. NMDOT Acting Inspector General PAGE | 8 2.2 PROJECT GOVERNANCE STRUCTURE 2.2.1 DESCRIBE THE ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE – ORG CHART 2.2.2 DESCRIBE THE ROLE AND MEMBERS OF THE PROJECT STEERING COMMITTEE N/A 2.2.3 ORGANIZATIONAL BOUNDARIES, INTERFACES AND RESPONSIBILITIES Main communication interface is between Project Managers from Integratus Solutions (Contracting Vendor) and the assigned Team Leaders.. The primary methods utilized will be the Status Report/Briefing, ad-hoc meetings, electronic mail, and phone conversations. Interaction may occur directly between the technical components of all teams. However, overall task direction can only come from the Project Manager. Final decisions will be made at the Steering Committee or Executive Level. PAGE | 9 2.3 EXECUTIVE REPORTING Project status will be communicated to the Executive level on a weekly basis, reports will be at an aggregate level and outline any major risk and or issues. Executives can contact project management at any time for ad-hoc reporting as it relates to project status. 3.0 SCOPE 3.1 PROJECT OBJECTIVES 3.1.1 BUSINESS OBJECTIVES NUMBER DESCRIPTION Bus. Objective 1 Reduce cost associated to support and maintenance of Legacy Forms Portal. Bus. Objective 2 Replace the manual-intensive Legacy Forms Portal with a modern more robust digitized form system. Bus. Objective 3 Reduce human errors and delays with an improved process and forms workflow. Bus. Objective 4 To provide electronic routing and signature for our agency’s most widely and frequently-used forms. Bus. Objective 5 Create a more productive and responsive agency by reducing form processing cycle times, thereby increasing customer satisfaction. 3.1.2 TECHNICAL OBJECTIVES NUMBER DESCRIPTION Tech. Objective 1 To put a solid framework in place for managing forms and form data, electronic or digital signatures, and reporting needs. Tech. Objective 2 Modernization of Legacy Forms Portal falls in line with agency effort to modernize systems. Tech. Objective 3 Minimize business impact and make transition to a new system as seamless as possible Tech Objective 4 Integrate new Forms portal into existing architecture Tech Objective 5 Create a mechanism for the Human Resources organization to manage Active Directory entries. PAGE | 10 3.2 PROJECT EXCLUSIONS Number of reports to be converted to digital workflow is not yet defined, during the planning phase the final number of conversion eligible reports will be defined and project plan will be adjusted accordingly. 3.3 CRITICAL SUCCESS FACTORS Identify the critical success factors for achieving success in this project. Metric are key to understanding the ability of the project to meet the end goals of the Executive Sponsor and the Business Owner, as well as the ability of the project team to stay within schedule and budget. See also section 6.7 Quality Objectives and Controls. NUMBER DESCRIPTION CSF - 1 AGREEMENT ON PROJECT SCOPE, GOALS AND TIMELINE CSF – 2 MANAGE SCOPE AND CHANGES EFFECTIVELY CSF – 3 MANAGE RISKS AND ISSUES TO RESOLUTION/REMIDIATION CSF – 4 EFFECIVELY MANAGE RESOURCES (RIGHT RESOURCE FOR THE JOB) CSF – 5 PROMOTE USER INVOLVEMENT CSF – 6 EFFECTIVELY MANAGE PROJECT TIMELINE CSF – 7 FACILITATE EXECUTIVE INVOLVEMENT CSF – 8 REMOVE POLITICAL AND TECHNICAL BARRIERS CSF – 9 QUICKLY RESOLVE TECHNICAL BREAK-FIX CSF – 10 FACILITATE USER ACCEPTANCE CSF – 11 EFFECTIVELY MANAGE PROJECT BUDGET CSF – 12 PROMOTE EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATIONS PAGE | 11 4.0 PROJECT DELIVERABLES AND METHODOLOGY 4.1 PROJECT MANAGEMENT LIFE CYCLE Phase Summary of Phase Key Deliverables Initiation Evaluation of business problem domain; research of potential solutions Project Charter Project Scope Business Requirements – Business Case Assumptions Constraints Authorization to proceed with planning Project Management Plan Critical success factors Work Break down Structures Project Schedule JAD Session System Requirements Specification, Working installation of LiveCycle ES Server (test environment, production environment) LiveCycle forms Migration and Development End-user documentation End-user training Technician and form designer training Deliverable or Product Acceptance Lessons Learned Planning Implementation Closeout PAGE | 12 Identification and documentation of specific business and technical requirements Installation of hardware and software for the solution; development of specific forms to implement workflow and esignatures Evaluation of new solution. 4.1.1 PROJECT MANAGEMENT DELIVERABLES Project Deliverables are work products or artifacts that are driven by the project management methodology requirements and standard project management practices regardless of the product requirements of the project. Project Charter Project Charter Document Deliverable Acceptance Criteria – Follow NM DoIT Standards and review by project management and project business owners. Standards for Content and Format – NM DoIT Standards Quality Review –Initial document creation followed by project management, executive and business owner review Project Status Reports Bi-weekly Project Status Reports, one to internal team members, and one to project stakeholders and oversight bodies. Deliverable Acceptance Criteria - Follow NM DoIT Standards and review by project management and project business owners. Standards for Content and Format - NM DoIT Standards Quality Review - Initial document creation followed by project management, executive and business owner review. Subsequently, reviewed by project team as a whole. Risk Assessment Report Initial Risk Assessment report, which will be reviewed and approved by all stakeholders. Deliverable Acceptance Criteria - Follow NM DoIT Standards and review by project management and project business owners. Standards for Content and Format - NM DoIT Standards Quality Review - Initial document creation followed by project management, executive and business owner review. Subsequently, reviewed by project team as a whole. PAGE | 13 Business Continuity Plan A specification describing what methods the project team will employ to ensure uninterrupted service to customers during the implementation phase. Deliverable Acceptance Criteria - Follow NM DoIT Standards and review by project management and project business owners. Standards for Content and Format - NM DoIT Standards Quality Review - Initial document creation followed by project management, executive and business owner review. Subsequently, reviewed by project team as a whole. Project Operations and Support Plan A document outlining the governance structure for the project, as well as team roles, responsibilities, and scheduling. Deliverable Acceptance Criteria - Follow NM DoIT Standards and review by project management and project business owners. Standards for Content and Format - NM DoIT Standards Quality Review - Initial document creation followed by project management, executive and business owner review. Subsequently, reviewed by project team as a whole. Project Test Plan & Strategy A document outlining the plan and strategies to be used to test functionality in the new system. Deliverable Acceptance Criteria - Follow NM DoIT Standards and review by project management and project business owners. Standards for Content and Format - NM DoIT Standards Quality Review - Initial document creation followed by project management, executive and business owner review. Subsequently, reviewed by project team as a whole. PAGE | 14 Project Management Plan Initial Project Management Plan, to Deliverable Acceptance Criteria - Follow NM DoIT be reviewed by all stakeholders Standards and review by project management and and the PCC. project business owners. Standards for Content and Format - NM DoIT Standards Quality Review - Initial document creation followed by project management, executive and business owner review. 4.1.2 DELIVERABLE APPROVAL AUTHORITY DESIGNATIONS DELIVERABLE NUMBER DELIVERABLE APPROVERS (WHO CAN APPROVE) Bruce Oakeley PRJ-DEL-001 Initiation - Project Initiation and Scope Focus Meetings Bruce Oakeley PRJ-DEL-002 Initiation - Initiation Phase Certification Form PRJ-DEL-003 Initiation - Project Charter Bruce Oakeley Bruce Oakeley PRJ-DEL-004 Initiation - Initiation Phase Certification Bruce Oakeley PRJ-DEL-005 Initiation - Form Evaluation and Enumeration Bruce Oakeley PRJ-DEL-006 Initiation - Identification of forms for electronic workflow & signature Bruce Oakeley PRJ-DEL-007 Initiation - Change Management process for implementation phase Bruce Oakeley PRJ-DEL-008 Initiation - Identification of workflow end points for top 30 priority forms. Bruce Oakeley PRJ-DEL-009 Initiation - Identification of workflow participant categories PAGE | 15 DATE APPROVED DELIVERABLE NUMBER DELIVERABLE APPROVERS (WHO CAN APPROVE) PRJ-DEL-010 Initiation - Project JAD Session Bruce Oakeley Initiation - System Requirement Specification (SRS) Bruce Oakeley PRJ-DEL-011 Bruce Oakeley PRJ-DEL-012 Initiation - System Requirement Specification (SRS) Evaluation and Review - Round 1 Initiation - Project Status Reports (Internal) Bruce Oakeley PRJ-DEL-013 Bruce Oakeley PRJ-DEL-014 Initiation - Initial Risk Assessment Report Bruce Oakeley PRJ-DEL-015 Initiation - Initial Business Continuity Plan Bruce Oakeley PRJ-DEL-016 Initiation - Initial Project Communication Plan Bruce Oakeley PRJ-DEL-017 Initiation - Initial Project Operations and Support Plan Bruce Oakeley PRJ-DEL-018 Initiation - Initial Project Test Plan and Strategy Bruce Oakeley PRJ-DEL-019 Initiation - Initial Project Management Plan Initiation - Initial Active Directory Update Plan Bruce Oakeley PRJ-DEL-020 Bruce Oakeley PRJ-DEL-021 Planning - Planning Phase Certification Form Bruce Oakeley PRJ-DEL-022 Planning - Revise Project Management Plan Planning - IV&V Selected and Contract Negotiated Bruce Oakeley PRJ-DEL-023 Bruce Oakeley PRJ-DEL-024 Planning - Project Status Reports (Internal) PAGE | 16 DATE APPROVED DELIVERABLE NUMBER DELIVERABLE APPROVERS (WHO CAN APPROVE) Bruce Oakeley PRJ-DEL-025 Planning - System Requirement Specification (SRS) Evaluation and Review - Round 2 Bruce Oakeley PRJ-DEL-026 Planning - Technical Architecture Document Planning - Revise Risk Assessment Report Bruce Oakeley PRJ-DEL-027 Bruce Oakeley PRJ-DEL-028 Planning - Revise Business Continuity Plan Bruce Oakeley PRJ-DEL-029 Planning - Revise Project Communication Plan Bruce Oakeley PRJ-DEL-030 Planning - Revise Project Operations and Support Plan Bruce Oakeley PRJ-DEL-031 Planning - Revise Project Test Plan and Strategy Bruce Oakeley PRJ-DEL-032 Planning - Revise Active Directory Update Plan PRJ-DEL-033 Planning - Initial Cutover Plan Bruce Oakeley Bruce Oakeley PRJ-DEL-034 Planning - Evaluate Electronic or Digital Signature Solution Planning - ELECTRONIC SIGNATURE - Signature Collection Plan Strategy Bruce Oakeley PRJ-DEL-035 Bruce Oakeley PRJ-DEL-036 Planning - DIGITAL SIGNATURE operations and support plan for digital sig. services. Bruce Oakeley PRJ-DEL-037 Planning - Determine Active Directory fields needed for Live Cycle function Bruce Oakeley PRJ-DEL-038 Planning - Determine which support staff will update non-GO portions of Active Directory PAGE | 17 DATE APPROVED DELIVERABLE NUMBER DELIVERABLE APPROVERS (WHO CAN APPROVE) PRJ-DEL-039 Planning - Technical Team Training Bruce Oakeley Implementation - Implementation Phase Certification Form Bruce Oakeley PRJ-DEL-040 Bruce Oakeley PRJ-DEL-041 Implementation - Updated Project Management Plan Bruce Oakeley PRJ-DEL-042 Implementation - IV&V Reports Submitted Bruce Oakeley PRJ-DEL-043 Implementation - Technical Architecture Approved Bruce Oakeley PRJ-DEL-044 Implementation - Project Status Reports (Internal) Bruce Oakeley PRJ-DEL-045 Implementation - LiveCycle ES4 Server Installation and Configuration Bruce Oakeley PRJ-DEL-046 Implementation - Active Directory Updates - Mass Update Bruce Oakeley PRJ-DEL-047 Implementation - Active Directory Updates - District Level Updates PRJ-DEL-048 Bruce Oakeley Implementation - ELECTRONIC SIGNATURE - Design / Develop web service interface for existing signature server Bruce Oakeley PRJ-DEL-049 Implementation - Design / develop scripting to extract and rename guid-named forms from OIG form server Bruce Oakeley PRJ-DEL-050 Implementation - Existing Form Migration Implementation - New Form Development Bruce Oakeley PRJ-DEL-051 PRJ-DEL-052 Implementation - Workflow Bruce Oakeley PAGE | 18 DATE APPROVED DELIVERABLE NUMBER DELIVERABLE APPROVERS (WHO CAN APPROVE) DATE APPROVED Development Bruce Oakeley PRJ-DEL-053 Implementation - Implement Electronic or Digital Signature Solution Bruce Oakeley PRJ-DEL-054 Implementation - Web Interface for Active Directory Organizational Maintenance Bruce Oakeley PRJ-DEL-055 Implementation - End User Training for AD Web Interface PRJ-DEL-056 Close - Closeout Phase Certification Bruce Oakeley Form Bruce Oakeley PRJ-DEL-057 Close - Final IV&V Reports Submitted PRJ-DEL-058 Close - Project Closeout Report Bruce Oakeley PRJ-DEL-059 Close - Lessons Learned Bruce Oakeley 4.1.3 DELIVERABLE ACCEPTANCE PROCEDURE Deliverables will be reviewed as follows 1. Deliverable owner will review for completeness 2. Deliverable will be peer-reviewed 3. Deliverable will be reviewed by all of its dependent owners and project management 4.2 PRODUCT LIFE CYCLE The Project Management has decided to use the approved DoIT Project Process as outlined in the DoIT memorandum and project certification timeline. PAGE | 19 4.2.1 TECHNICAL STRATEGY Discuss the key technical strategies for achieving success in this project: 1. All new development to adhere to existing NMDOT development “Best-Practices” practices 2. All new infrastructure to adhere to existing NMDOT “Best-Practices” architecture 3. All Hardware and Software to be easily extensible to “add-on” for future requirements and encompass “tried and true” technologies 4. Vendor support will be important to this project, to assist with implementation and to provide training to staff. 5. NMDOT Staff will become proficient using LiveCycle ES4 Designer to create forms, and also in using the workflow tool to model, test, and deploy form workflows. 6. A virtualized server environment will provide fault tolerance, failover, and loadbalancing (if needed). 7. Minimize technical knowledge needed by the end user 8. To develop deliverables in “waves” to allow end users to provide feedback for subsequent development 9. To ensure most complex developmental challenges are addressed and validated first 10. To ensure environment integrity (Dev, Test, Production) by having migration and/or build controls PAGE | 20 4.2.2 PRODUCT AND PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT DELIVERABLES At the highest level, the following are the project deliverables in terms of the work product delivered. LiveCycle ES Server Installation and Configuration Installation and configuration of the LiveCycle ES Server product and its related database (SQL Server) Deliverable Acceptance Criteria Standards for Content and Format Quality Review - Existing Forms Migration Inventory and Migrate existing agency forms to new Forms Server Deliverable Acceptance Criteria Standards for Content and Format Quality Review - New Form Development Identify and develop new agency forms to new Forms Server Deliverable Acceptance Criteria Standards for Content and Format Quality Review - Work Flow Development Create new work flows for new or migrated forms Deliverable Acceptance Criteria Standards for Content and Format Quality Review - Active Directory Web Interface for HR Staff LiveCycle will leverage Active Directory within the NMDOT to route form data based on PAGE | 21 Deliverable Acceptance Criteria Standards for Content and Format - organizational relationships; HR will be provided with a web interface to Active Directory to specify limited details such as Name, Email, Phone Number, and Manager. Quality Review - Electronic or Digital Signature Solution Signatures will be rendered using an in-house electronic signature database or more formal PKI-based Digital Signatures. Deliverable Acceptance Criteria Standards for Content and Format Quality Review - Active Directory clean up Clean up existing Active Directory entries and identify the entries needed for work flow Deliverable Acceptance Criteria Standards for Content and Format Quality Review - 4.2.3 DELIVERABLE APPROVAL AUTHORITY DESIGNATIONS DELIVERABLE NUMBER DELIVERABLE APPROVERS (WHO CAN APPROVE) PRJ-DEL-002 System Requirement Specification (SRS) Bruce Oakeley, Jeff Woodman PRJ-DEL-003 LiveCycle ES4 Server Installation Jeff Woodman PRJ-DEL-004 Redeveloped Electronic Forms Julie Atencio, Bruce Oakeley, Jeff Woodman (New and/or existing) PRJ-DEL-005 Active Directory Organizational Relationships Gil Archuleta, Bruce Oakeley, Jeff Woodman PRJ-DEL-006 Electronic or Digital Signature Solution Bruce Oakeley, Jeff Woodman 4.2.4 DELIVERABLE ACCEPTANCE PROCEDURE TBD PAGE | 22 DATE APPROVED 5.0 PROJECT WORK 5.1 WORK BREAKDOWN STRUCTURE (WBS) Identifier Work Package Description Definition/Objective Milestone/Deliverable WBS-001 Form identification and prioritization Determine total number of forms, and prioritize forms for electronic workflow All forms are cataloged in a spreadsheet, with prioritization. WBS-002 Software Installation / Configuration Prepare the LiveCycle server environment to host forms. Web portal is accessible on internal network; forms can be deployed to the web portal and accessed by end users. WBS-003 Active Directory Clean up Clean up existing Active Directory Entries Clean up Active Directory Entries WBS-004 Active Directory Entry Interface Create Interface for the ongoing Development of interface maintenance of Active Directory solution. Forms WBS-005 Form Design Forms receiving electronic workflow / signature must be redesigned in XDF format for LiveCycle Forms that are candidates for electronic workflow are deployed in LiveCycle format to the LiveCycle repository with electronic workflow and signature capability. WBS-006 Workflow / Form Testing Verify that developed forms behave as expected and that workflow participants are properly notified. Create Workflows; Test Workflows; ensure proper routing. PAGE | 23 5.2 SCHEDULE ALLOCATION -PROJECT TIMELINE Identifier Task/Activity Name Resource Name Milestone (Y/N) SA-001 Active Directory Configuration Conce Fresquez / District IT Staff SA-002 Web Interface for AD organizational relationship maintenance Jeff Woodman SA-003 Installation and configuration of LiveCycle ES Server SA-004 Form Development Effort/ Duration Start Finish Y TBD TBD Y TBD TBD Alfred Lopez TBD TBD Vendor / Implementation Team TBD TBD Dependent Task 5.3 PROJECT BUDGET Identifier Work Package or Budget Category PB-001 Professional Services PB-002 Adobe Live Cycle Training PB-003 Adobe Live Cycle TOTAL PAGE | 24 Cost 218,000 25,000 280,000 $ 523,000 5.4 PROJECT TEAM 5.4.1 PROJECT TEAM STRUCTURE, ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES Role RESPONSIBILITY NAME FUNCTIONAL AREA Executive Sponsor Provides direction at a high level based on business needs. Bruce Oakeley ISM Bureau Chief, NMDOT Stakeholder / Business Owner Oversees NMDOT Forms, and manages additions and changes to the form catalog. Julie Atencio NMDOT Acting Inspector General Stakeholder / Business Owner Oversees human resource operations for the agency, and is the owner of many of the forms Gilbert Archuleta NMDOT Human Resources Bureau Chief Technical Lead Overall supervision of technical project aspects Jeff Woodman Supervisor – NMDOT Web Team Implementation Tech Develops forms and workflow logic James Gomez NMDOT Web Team Implementation Tech Develops forms and workflow logic Brian Gutierrez NMDOT Web Team Implementation Tech Develops forms and workflow logic Matt Hunt NMDOT Web Team Implementation Tech Performs server configuration, assists with form development Alfred Lopez NMDOT Web Team Implementation Tech Develops forms and workflow logic Gabriel Vigil NMDOT I.T. Project Manager Project Management Sal Hernandez Contractor PAGE | 25 5.5 STAFF PLANNING AND RESOURCE ACQUISITION 5.5.1 PROJECT STAFF Estimated Hours Availability Skill Set Jeff Woodman 40 / week 90% Dev, Servers James Gomez 40 / week 90% Dev Brian Gutierrez 40 / week 90% Dev Matt Hunt 40 / week 90% Dev / Design Alfred Lopez 40 / week 90% Servers Gabriel Vigil 40 / week 90% Dev Sal Hernandez 40 / week 100% PM Resource Cost Estimate Work Product/Deliverable 5.5.2 NON-PERSONNEL RESOURCES Use this section to list services or product (HW/SW and such) needed for project Resource Cost Estimate Estimated units/hours Availability Source LiveCycle ES4 Suite 225,000 n/a n/a Adobe Windows 2008 R2 Standard Microsoft Oracle WebLogic Oracle Work Product/Deliverable 5.6 PROJECT LOGISTICS Project will be developed onsite at the NMDOT offices. All contractors/resources will need to conduct project meetings and development work on-site. Project Management will conduct regular meetings in relation to project status, requirements gathering, Issues and Risks and Change Control. PAGE | 26 5.6.1 PROJECT TEAM TRAINING The NMDOT forms project opens up the need for several areas of training as described below. Resource Cost Estimate Estimated Hours Availability Skill Set Work Product/Deliverable Technical Developers TBD 40 High Technical Developer Form Development Form Management Form Technical Support Product Technical Support End Users – Forms Application TBD 40 Medium Forms Analyst Form Development Form Management End Users – HR Application TBD 8 Medium HR Analyst Active Directory Updates Help Desk TBD 8 Medium Helpdesk Form Technical Support 6.0 PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND CONTROLS 6.1 RISK AND ISSUE MANAGEMENT 6.1.1 RISK MANAGEMENT STRATEGY There will be a formal strategy for how risks are identified, analyzed/ quantified, mitigated, reported, escalated and tracked. Identification – Any member associated to the project, whether internal or external, at any time can raise an issue or risk. The identification of an issue/risk must reach the project manager via email or in writing of the details behind the issue/risk. The project manager will keep a log of all of the identified issues. Analyze and Qualification – Each issue/risk will be analyzed and qualified as to its occurrence, probability of occurrence and surrounding factors needed to reproduce or identify the root cause. Mitigation – Once Identified and Qualified, the project team will need to come together, whether during the regular status meeting or via a special meeting to discuss options for mitigation for each issue/risk. The Issue/Risk will be given a functional and technical owner responsible for resolution. Tracking – The Project management shall keep an issue and risk log, which will be the subject conversation during the bi-weekly project status meeting. PAGE | 27 6.1.2 PROJECT RISK IDENTIFICATION The Project management will undertake a proactive risk management process. As part of this process we will evoke some or all of the following “Best Practice” approaches to and sources for identifying risks, which include: SWOT analysis (strength, weakness opportunity, threat) PESTLE (political, economic, social, technological, legal, environmental) Brainstorming Scenario Analysis/What if Analysis Working Groups and Project Meetings Agency knowledge One-on-One Interviews Process analysis with SMEs Stakeholder/Business Owner analysis The Project Management will undertake steps that will allow the project team analyze and interpreting information about the nature of each risk gathered during risk identification to determine the level of risk, based on the likelihood of it occurring, and the consequence if it were to occur. 6.1.3 PROJECT RISK MITIGATION APPROACH Each Issue/Risk will be qualified, once qualified and it is decided that mitigation is necessary, the Functional and Technical owner will work in tandem to propose, design and advise Project Management of the 6.1.4 RISK REPORTING AND ESCALATION STRATEGY Risks may/will change over the course of the project. Some risks may reduce or disappear altogether, others risks may increase and new risks might arise. To this end, the process of Identifying, Qualifying and Mitigating is a continual process. Project Management will hold BiWeekly issue/risk/resolution meetings to report and address all issues and risks. The frequency of this meeting may change based on the number or severity of issues/risks that are encountered. Project Management will provide an escalation process and outline thresholds where risks can be escalated to the next level of management for appropriate action. Project Management will leverage the existing Impact and Probability Hierarchies to govern the escalation process as follows Probability Levels: Certain, Expected, Likely, Possible, Unlikely Impact Levels: Very High, High, Medium, Low, Very Low All risks must be reported to team leads (Functional or Technical), if these risks are deemed to have merit or are above the Possible or Low thresholds they must be reported to project management. PAGE | 28 6.1.5 PROJECT RISK TRACKING APPROACH Project Management will be the sole owner and thus the system of record for Issue and Risk tracking. Project Management will use the DoIT Issue and Risk Log templates. The purpose of this mechanism is to: Provide current status of every Issue and Risk at any point in time Provide traceability of Issue and Risk information Provide information to monitor and review risks on an ongoing basis Report analysis of the risk to appropriate decision makers Communicate risk management information to the appropriate stakeholders DoIT templates include Project Risk Assessment Report Risk and Issue Log Issue Description and Resolution Long Form Risk Report Long Form 6.1.6 ISSUE MANAGEMENT Internal Issue Escalation and Resolution Process Project Management will manage Issues and Risks in the same manner. See section 6.1.1. Identification Analyze and Qualification Mitigation/Resolution Tracking External Issue Escalation and Resolution Process Issues External to the project team will be escalated according to the Entity for which the issue needs reporting – The Process shall be defined (but not limited to the following) Contracting Resources – Contact Vendor Escalate Vendor Senior Management Hardware - Contact Vendor Escalate to Client Support Manager Escalate to Sales Manager Escalate to Appropriate Senior Management Software - Contact Vendor Escalate to Client Support Manager Escalate to Sales Manager Escalate to Appropriate Senior Management 6.2 INDEPENDENT VERIFICATION AND VALIDATION - IV&V PAGE | 29 Project Management will work closely with all template and resources provided by DoIT to meet the necessary requirements for the Independent Verification and Validation (IV&V) process. In addition, Executive Ownership and Project Management will prepare a gate presentation for each phase of the project plan. Project Management will also be open to additional request as issued by the IV&V committee in an effort to be transparent and diligent. 6.3 SCOPE MANAGEMENT PLAN The Project management team will work to identify and baseline the scope of the project at the close of the imitation phase. Project management will allow changes to scope up until the end of the Planning Phase – after which scope will be base lined. If unanticipated changes in scope arise, Project Management will have a process in place to identify, assess and approve/decline the added scope. Project management will keep all team members informed of the scope changes impact as it relates to Time, Budget and Resources. Project Management will work closely with Business Owners, Executives and Project Team Members to address all facets of the proposed changes (Increases or Decreases) in scope. 6.3.1 Change Control Change Control Process This project will adopt the DoIT change control process that will work alongside the Issue and Risk management process. Once an issue/risk is identified and during the Analysis and Qualification stages, it will be uncovered if the Issue/Risk item will Increase/Decrease the scope of the project. The steps for Change Control Process are defined in the flow chart below. <Project Name > Change Control Process Change Control Board Core Team Process Flow between Core Team and Policy Stakeholders Project Issue Identified Expanding Scope, Cost, or Timeline NO Project Issue Identified Prioritize Alternative Solutions Analyze alternatives and SOE Invoke Change Control Process Document the Request Deliver Change Request Response Respond within 5 business days YES Document the Request Yes Need more Information? CCB Analyzes Solution Alternatives and Project Effect (Scope, Cost, Timeline) Change involves Process or Procedure Choices? NO Document the Decision YES ****All Identified Changes must be submitted and logged the “Project Change Request” form. PAGE | 30 Change Control Board (CCB) The Change Control Board shall comprise of the Executive Sponsor and the Business Owners BOARD MEMBER NAME FUNCTIONAL AREA Executive Sponsor Bruce Oakeley ISM Bureau Chief, NMDOT Stakeholder / Business Owner Julie Atencio NMDOT Acting Inspector General Stakeholder / Business Owner Gilbert Archuleta NMDOT Human Resources Bureau Chief 6.5 COMMUNICATION PLAN Project Management will formalize a communication plan that will address the dissemination of information to the different needs of the stakeholders. See Communication matrix section 6.5.1 . 6.5.1 COMMUNICATION MATRIX Please see the Project Communication Matrix.doc for details 6.5.2 STATUS MEETINGS Project Management will facilitate the following meetings: Weekly Project Status Meeting with Team Leads Bi-Weekly Project Status Meetings with Full Team Issue and Risk Meetings as needed Change Control Board Meetings as needed. 6.5.3 PROJECT STATUS REPORTS Project Management shall issue a Weekly Status Dashboard to all project stakeholders PAGE | 31 6.6 PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT (PROJECT METRICS) 6.6.1 Baselines Common Project Issue Area Category Measure Schedule and Progress Milestone Performance • Milestone Dates Work Unit Progress • Component Status • Requirement Status • Test Case Status • Critical Paths Tested • Problem Report Status • Reviews Completed • Change Request Status Incremental Capability • Build Content – Component • Build Content – Function Resources and Cost Personnel Financial Performance Availability Growth and Stability Product Size and Stability Functional Size and Stability Product Quality Defects Complexity Rework Development Performance • Earned Value • Cost • Resource Availability Dates • Resource Utilization • Lines of Code • Components • Database Size • Requirements • Function Points • Change Request Workload • Problem Reports • Defect Density • Cyclomatic Complexity • Rework Size • Rework Effort Process Maturity • Capability Maturity Model Level Productivity • Product Size/Effort Ratio • Functional Size/Effort Ratio 6.7 QUALITY OBJECTIVES AND CONTROL PAGE | 32 • Effort • Staff Experience • Staff Turnover 6.7.1 QUALITY STANDARDS No. Quality Standard Tracking Tool or Measure 1 Project phase is completed by the established finish date. • Project Schedule • Project Status 2 Project is completed within budget. • Project Charter • Project Status 3 Project reviews show contractors deliver requirements specified in the contract by due dates or pay penalties. • Vendor Contract • Final Customer Acceptance 4 Project issues are resolved and documented within 10 calendar days of identification or extensions are justified. • Issues Tracking 5 Project will be completed based on the original project scope and approved scope changes. • Project Charter • Project Plan • Control Change Request 6 Architecture shall conform to Best Practices or to the Agency Standard • Architecture Review 7 Business Requirements have been captured • Functional Documentation Signoff 8 Business Requirements have been meet • Project Signoff 9 Fully Trained staff • Training completion 6.7.2 PROJECT AND PRODUCT REVIEW AND ASSESSMENTS Review Type Quality Standard Functional Requirements Reviewer Reports All functional Functional requirements have Specification - SRS been captured Functional Team lead and Reviewed for understanding by technical team Status Reports Project Management Documents All project management documents complete and made available to stakeholders Executive and Business Owners Status Reports Technical Deliverables All technical work Technical product is compete Specification and has been unit document and system tested Technical Team lead Status Reports and Tested for completeness/accura cy by functional team Testing All testing phase complete and issues mitigated Functional and Technical Team PAGE | 33 Tools PMP and Related documents Testing Phase(s) Status Reports 6.7.3 AGENCY/CUSTOMER SATISFACTION Areas of Feedback When How Often Agency awareness Monthly Monthly Quality of communications Monthly Monthly Manages project tasks Monthly Monthly Productive Meetings Monthly Monthly 6.7.4 PRODUCT DELIVERABLE ACCEPTANCE PROCESS DELIVERABLE NUMBER DELIVERABLE FINAL APPROVAL PROCESS CUSTOMER ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA Sign-Off TBD PRJ-DEL-001 Initiation - Project Initiation and Scope Focus Meetings Sign-Off TBD PRJ-DEL-002 Initiation - Initiation Phase Certification Form PRJ-DEL-003 Initiation - Project Charter Sign-Off TBD Sign-Off TBD PRJ-DEL-004 Initiation - Initiation Phase Certification Initiation - Form Evaluation and Enumeration Sign-Off TBD PRJ-DEL-005 Sign-Off TBD PRJ-DEL-006 Initiation - Identification of forms for electronic workflow & signature Sign-Off TBD PRJ-DEL-007 Initiation - Change Management process for implementation phase Sign-Off TBD PRJ-DEL-008 Initiation - Identification of workflow end points for top 30 priority forms. PRJ-DEL-009 Initiation - Identification of Sign-Off TBD PAGE | 34 DELIVERABLE NUMBER DELIVERABLE FINAL APPROVAL PROCESS CUSTOMER ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA workflow participant categories PRJ-DEL-010 Initiation - Project JAD Session Sign-Off TBD Sign-Off TBD PRJ-DEL-011 Initiation - System Requirement Specification (SRS) Sign-Off TBD PRJ-DEL-012 Initiation - System Requirement Specification (SRS) Evaluation and Review - Round 1 Sign-Off TBD PRJ-DEL-013 Initiation - Project Status Reports (Internal) Sign-Off TBD PRJ-DEL-014 Initiation - Initial Risk Assessment Report Sign-Off TBD PRJ-DEL-015 Initiation - Initial Business Continuity Plan Sign-Off TBD PRJ-DEL-016 Initiation - Initial Project Communication Plan Sign-Off TBD PRJ-DEL-017 Initiation - Initial Project Operations and Support Plan Sign-Off TBD PRJ-DEL-018 Initiation - Initial Project Test Plan and Strategy Sign-Off TBD PRJ-DEL-019 Initiation - Initial Project Management Plan Sign-Off TBD PRJ-DEL-020 Initiation - Initial Active Directory Update Plan Sign-Off TBD PRJ-DEL-021 Planning - Planning Phase Certification Form Planning - Revise Project Management Plan Sign-Off TBD PRJ-DEL-022 Sign-Off TBD PRJ-DEL-023 Planning - IV&V Selected and Contract Negotiated PRJ-DEL-024 Planning - Project Status Reports Sign-Off TBD PAGE | 35 DELIVERABLE NUMBER DELIVERABLE FINAL APPROVAL PROCESS CUSTOMER ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA Sign-Off TBD PRJ-DEL-025 Planning - System Requirement Specification (SRS) Evaluation and Review - Round 2 Planning - Technical Architecture Document Sign-Off TBD PRJ-DEL-026 Sign-Off TBD PRJ-DEL-027 Planning - Revise Risk Assessment Report Sign-Off TBD PRJ-DEL-028 Planning - Revise Business Continuity Plan Sign-Off TBD PRJ-DEL-029 Planning - Revise Project Communication Plan Sign-Off TBD PRJ-DEL-030 Planning - Revise Project Operations and Support Plan Sign-Off TBD PRJ-DEL-031 Planning - Revise Project Test Plan and Strategy Sign-Off TBD PRJ-DEL-032 Planning - Revise Active Directory Update Plan PRJ-DEL-033 Planning - Initial Cutover Plan Sign-Off TBD Sign-Off TBD PRJ-DEL-034 Planning - Evaluate Electronic or Digital Signature Solution Sign-Off TBD PRJ-DEL-035 Planning - ELECTRONIC SIGNATURE - Signature Collection Plan Strategy Sign-Off TBD PRJ-DEL-036 Planning - DIGITAL SIGNATURE operations and support plan for digital sig. services. Sign-Off TBD PRJ-DEL-037 Planning - Determine Active Directory fields needed for Live Cycle function Planning - Determine which support staff will update non-GO Sign-Off TBD PRJ-DEL-038 (Internal) PAGE | 36 DELIVERABLE NUMBER DELIVERABLE FINAL APPROVAL PROCESS CUSTOMER ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA portions of Active Directory PRJ-DEL-039 Planning - Technical Team Training Sign-Off TBD Sign-Off TBD PRJ-DEL-040 Implementation - Implementation Phase Certification Form Sign-Off TBD PRJ-DEL-041 Implementation - Updated Project Management Plan Sign-Off TBD PRJ-DEL-042 Implementation - IV&V Reports Submitted Sign-Off TBD PRJ-DEL-043 Implementation - Technical Architecture Approved Sign-Off TBD PRJ-DEL-044 Implementation - Project Status Reports (Internal) Sign-Off TBD PRJ-DEL-045 Implementation - LiveCycle ES4 Server Installation and Configuration Sign-Off TBD PRJ-DEL-046 Implementation - Active Directory Updates - Mass Update Sign-Off TBD PRJ-DEL-047 Implementation - Active Directory Updates - District Level Updates TBD PRJ-DEL-048 Sign-Off Implementation - ELECTRONIC SIGNATURE - Design / Develop web service interface for existing signature server Sign-Off TBD PRJ-DEL-049 Implementation - Design / develop scripting to extract and rename guid-named forms from OIG form server Implementation - Existing Form Migration Sign-Off TBD PRJ-DEL-050 Sign-Off TBD PRJ-DEL-051 Implementation - New Form Development PAGE | 37 DELIVERABLE NUMBER DELIVERABLE FINAL APPROVAL PROCESS CUSTOMER ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA Sign-Off TBD PRJ-DEL-052 Implementation - Workflow Development Sign-Off TBD PRJ-DEL-053 Implementation - Implement Electronic or Digital Signature Solution Sign-Off TBD PRJ-DEL-054 Implementation - Web Interface for Active Directory Organizational Maintenance Sign-Off TBD PRJ-DEL-055 Implementation - End User Training for AD Web Interface TBD PRJ-DEL-056 Close - Closeout Phase Certification Sign-Off Form Sign-Off TBD PRJ-DEL-057 Close - Final IV&V Reports Submitted PRJ-DEL-058 Close - Project Closeout Report Sign-Off TBD PRJ-DEL-059 Close - Lessons Learned Sign-Off TBD 6.8 CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT 6.8.1 VERSION CONTROL The Project Team will strictly enforce version and Configuration control. All Development, Test and Production environments will have the same configuration. Code will be packaged and follow a promotion process. 6.8.2 PROJECT REPOSITORY (PROJECT LIBRARY) All Project documentation will be saved on NMDOT File Server system. The System will be backed up on a daily basis. All Project Management related documentation will be distributed via PDF and the Project Manager will manage changes. PAGE | 38 7. 0 PROJECT CLOSE 7.1 ADMINISTRATIVE CLOSE Formal Sign-off shall signify the close of each project phase and of the entire project once the work has been verified, delivered and accepted by the Business Owner. 7.2 CONTRACT CLOSE This project will consist of multiple contracts. A contract is deemed closed upon reaching the end of the contract or when a contract is terminated before he work is completed. PAGE | 39