Chapter 7 and 8 Presentation of the Scarlet Letter

Ya boi Fabian Fuentes brings you
Chap 7: Hester decided one day that she needed to deliver some embroidered gloves to the
governor’s hall. Her true intensions for going were to convince Governor Bellingham that she
should retain custody of Pearl. The governor feels that Pearl should be put in into a more Christian
environment. Hester puts Pearl into a "crimson velvet tunic …abundantly embroidered with
fantasies and flourishes of gold thread(Hawthorne 105)”. On the way to the mansion, some local
children see Pearl(who they do not like) and try to fling mud at her. Pearl retaliates by charging at
them while making threatening gestures. They then reach the mansion and inside they find a gold
plated suit of armor. When Hester and Pearl look into the suit, they can see the letter is enlarged
in the reflection. Pearl then looks into the nearby garden and demands to have a red rose.
Chap 8: The governor, Roger Chillingworth, the reverend John Wilson, and Arthur Dimmesdale are
there to greet Hester and Pearl. The governor then states that Pearl looks like a red rose due to
her outfit. The governor says that Hester is not fit to raise the child but Hester argues back. They
then question Pearl to see if she is being raised correctly. They ask “who made thee( Hawthorne
115)”, to which Pearl replies that she was plucked from the rose bush. The governor decides that
the child should be removed which, Hester testifies that she would rather die. Dimmesdale steps
forth with a hand over his heart and argues that God has obviously given Pearl to Hester for some
divine reason, and that it would meddle with the ways of the Lord to take Pearl away from her.
The governor is persuaded to let Hester keep Pearl to which, they go about their day. As the two
are walking home, they are spotted by Mistress Hibbins. She invites Hester to go in the forest and
meet the “Black Man”. After Hester declines the mistress says “"We shall have thee there
anon!(Hawthorne 120).
The theme presented by the author in these
chapters are morality and consequence.
Hester’s decisions have landed her with the
consequences of being shunned and the
responsibility of child rearing. There is a
figurative link between the letter, Pearl and
the rose bush. They represent a wild passion
between Hester and her lover.
Chap 7: The author compares Pearl to the red rose when she
demands to have one in the garden. She also represents fury
when she chases off the children on the way to the mansion.
Chap 8: example of foreshadowing is when Mistress Hibbins
invites Hester into the forest to meet the Black Man. This
figure is not a positive one, and experiences later on won’t be
positive either. Another example is when Dimmmesdale puts
his hand over his heart since he feels pain from his past and
Hester’s. Pearl also makes a gesture with Dimmesdale’s hand
that shows the two have some sort of connection.
Hawthorne chooses a rose to represent the
wild passion within Pearl. Think of an object
that represents your qualities and write or
draw it.
1:Who does Mistress Hibbins want Hester to meet?
2. What gesture does Dimmesdale make when he
steps forward to protest the decision?
 3. What object does Pearl demand to have in the
 4. What object does Hester look at to see the
enlarged reflection of the letter.
5. Who does Pearl think is her maker?