JUNIOR CONSERVATOIRE APPLICATION FOR BURSARY ASSISTANCE 2015/16 The Junior Conservatoire is pleased to confirm that we have obtained funding from the Leverhulme Trust and the Wolfson Foundation to provide bursaries for children and young people with outstanding musical talent and who, for financial reasons, would otherwise be unable to benefit from our courses in 2015/16. ELIGIBILITY Families of students from the Advanced and Music First courses are eligible to apply. Bursaries are allocated according to proven family circumstances and are awarded as remission of basic course fees. Basic Advanced Course fees include a 45 minute principal study lesson and – where studied – a 30 minute additional study lesson. Joint principal study students are eligible to apply on both instruments. Furthermore a playing standard of Grade 6 and above is required for additional studies to be considered for bursary assistance (Advanced course only) bursary assistance for extended lessons may only be given in exceptional circumstances Music First students need to be of Grade 3 level or above to qualify for a bursary. Students may be asked to audition for an award. Core course fees for Music First include a 30 minute principal study lesson we regret that Mini Music students and those having tuition through the Community Lessons scheme are not eligible to apply for funding HOW TO APPLY Applications must be made on the Junior Conservatoire Bursary Application Form (overleaf), submitted on behalf of the student by their parents/carers. Documentary evidence of parents’/carers’ total income must accompany each application. Please send photocopies, not originals. Please return completed bursary application forms by 12th June 2015. Please be aware that we are obliged to report all our donors with individual reports on the progress of recipients of their funds in accordance with strict deadlines. Late applications may not be considered. Notification of the outcome will usually be made approximately 6 weeks before the start of term. For students leaving full-time secondary education – e.g. gap year students Although bursaries may in some circumstances be awarded to ‘gap’ year students, priority will be given to those in full-time secondary education. Gap year students should apply as follows. In addition to submitting the bursary application form below, you should outline your reasons in writing for an additional year’s support. This should be approximately one A4 page long and make reference to the following 1) the reason for the gap year 2) the necessity for a further year’s study on the Advanced Course 3) a learning strategy for the year 4) how living costs will be met NB - applications must contain this information in order to be considered PRINCIPLES AND CONDITIONS OF ALLOCATION Bursary applications are considered by the Junior Conservatoire Bursary Committee which comprises the Head of the Junior Conservatoire, the Pre-College Manager, the Vice Principal (Resources), and/or the Head of Finance. Bursaries are allocated according to proven circumstances and are awarded as reduction of Junior Conservatoire fees. Students in receipt of bursaries are expected to take part in all elements of the Advanced Course or Music First courses, unless there are overriding mitigating circumstances. Bursaries are offered on the following general conditions 1 all applicants must declare on this application form any funding for Junior Conservatoire courses obtained from other sources (eg LEA, Trust Fund, scholarship) 2 that you declare any funds that subsequently become available to you so that financial assistance may be offered to other eligible students 3 that you repay any Bursary received if studies are terminated before the end of the Academic Year, July 2016 4 that your son/daughter attends each Saturday that their course is in session unless he/she is ill, in which case suitable documentation (e.g. a doctor’s letter) may be requested 5 that your son/daughter participates as required in their course activities (orchestras, choirs etc.) and these must take precedence over all outside activities on Saturdays 6 that your son/daughter undertakes to work hard to make good progress in all areas of the course. YOUR RESPONSIBILITY Your acceptance of a bursary will be deemed to indicate acceptance of the above conditions. Any failure to observe them may result in your being asked to repay that part of the Bursary represented by (for example) an absence for which prior approval has not been given. Any such repayment will be used to finance other eligible students and enable us to account to our donors for every penny of the money we receive. RETENTION OF BURSARIES Bursaries are given for one academic year at a time. Should you wish to request funding for a further year of study, please submit a new bursary application form. If studies are terminated before the end of an academic year, bursary recipients will be asked to repay the assistance awarded for that year. Any queries? Please ring the Junior Conservatoire on 02920 391365. STRICTLY PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL APPLICATION FOR BURSARY ASSISTANCE 2015/16 Please refer to the information above before completing this form. Incomplete forms will not be processed. 1 INFORMATION ABOUT THE STUDENT Full name .................................................................................................... Date of Birth ........................................... Address ....................................................................................................................... County: .................................................... Post code ............................................... 2 INFORMATION ABOUT THE STUDENT’S FAMILY Name of Parent/Carer 1 ......................................................................................... Name of Parent/Carer 2 ......................................................................................... Employment status: Parent/Carer 1 Parent/Carer 2 (Please tick as appropriate) Employed Self-employed Unemployed Profession, business or trade ........................................ ........................................ Name and address of employer or address of business ........................................ ........................................ ........................................ ........................................ ........................................ ........................................ Please state the number of any dependent children and any other relatives living in the household who are wholly or mainly dependent on the parents/carers, including the student for whom this application is being made. .................... 3 ANNUAL INCOME OF PARENTS/CARERS Please complete all relevant sections below showing gross income from all sources for the Tax Year 2014/15 and enclose documentary evidence. Parent/Carer 1 Parent/Carer 2 Gross income for tax year 2014/15 Earned income £.................... £.................... All pension income £.................... £.................... State benefits, credits, allowances and support £.................... £.................... Child Support or Maintenance Allowance £................... £.................... Any additional income (eg interest, property, capital gains, benefits in kind etc.) Please give details: £................... £.................... ............................................................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................................................... TOTAL PARENT/CARER INCOME PER ANNUM 4 £................... £................... OTHER SOURCES OF FUNDING Please indicate any other sources of funding you have secured for your son/daughter's Junior Conservatoire place Amount Name of Organisation/Individual Trust/Charity Funding £................... ............................................................... Local Education Authority £................... ............................................................... School £................... ............................................................... Scholarship £................... ............................................................... Prize money £................... ............................................................... Donation from family member £................... ............................................................... Other £................... ............................................................... TOTAL £................... 5 FURTHER INFORMATION Please give any further information that you consider relevant to this application: .................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................... 6 DECLARATION I/We declare that, to the best of my/our knowledge and belief, I/we have answered truly and fully the questions set out on this form. In the event of being granted an award, I/we undertake to inform the Head of the Junior Conservatoire immediately of any material change in my/our financial circumstances, and I/we are aware that I/we must apply annually for renewal. I/We give permission for the Head of the Junior Conservatoire, at her/his discretion, to communicate any of this information to granting bodies or charitable trusts, in confidence, where this might be useful in securing financial assistance. Signature(s): Parent/Carer 1................................................................Date............................. Parent/Carer 2................................................................Date............................. Please ensure that you answer all questions accurately, and include photocopies of documents proving income. Please return to the Junior Conservatoire Office by Friday 12th June 2015. For Office Use Only: Bursary Committee Decision: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Fees per term: Eligible £ Ineligible £ Total £ P2P per term £ Bursary per term £ Date………………………………………