September 1 2 Labor Day (No School) Week 1 Goals: Welcome back, Expectations, Summer Reading, Annotating for context, Basic Research skills 8 9 Week 2 Goals: Summary MODE, AP Literary Analysis, Effective presentations. Picture day Supplies check, Parent signature DUE Journal #1 Research share out: add to your book annotations as you watch presentations. HW—poster project 15 16 Week 3 Goals: Grammar diagnostic, Theme statements, Annotating for Theme, Timed Write: expectations, diagnostic, scoring, Vocabulary Journal #2 ARITS AP Book card DUE, write down strongest theme (keep) self score Vocab 1-7 diagnostic, correct HW—Vocab lists 1-7 flashcards due Fri. #1-2 on Q-A handout 3 4 5 6 First Day of School Turn in summer reading annotations and reflection. First day “quiz,” student info notecard English Folder: HW— complete expectation and grade book wkst., get supplies MLA entry task. Complete table of contents & add to folder. Review expectations, expectation and grade policies wkst., correct. HW—study class policies for quiz, read “To Be Young…” passage and figure out MLA citation and name the 8 sections. Discuss Expectations, grading policy Quiz and correct Return annotations, feedback. Bring ARITS play to class all month. Annotation practice with defining unknowns, context, terms HW—Define research term and create MLA citation Share research with partner, finalize definition, MLA citation. HW— Read & annotate ARITS introduction, get Supplies, parent signature due Mon. 10 11 12 13 Group ARITS poster project presentations—fill in book cards Move in con Sub ARITS AP Book card work time HW— ARITS AP Book card DUE MON. HW—Vocab lists 1-7 flashcards due 9-20, Read Group ARITS poster project, work time. Finalize Group ARITS poster project ARITS AP Book card instructions Group ARITS poster project presentations— fill in book cards HW—book cards, flashcards 7 14 “Timed Write” tips 17 Grammar diagnostic Read student handbook pgs. 9-12 (summary example) Q minus A handout, Summary exercise: thematic focus—due tomorrow. 18 19 Q-A #1-3 DUE, edit and finalize summary, discuss thesis statements ICW #1 Diagnostic Time Write (Q minus A) Unit 2 EA #1 Debrief ICW #1, scoring activity. HW— Vocab 1-7 flashcards Vocab 1-7 flashcards DUE Correct grammar diagnostic 20 21 HW—read “Narrative” article, highlight main pts. HW—read “Time Write tips” pg. 37 in English folder 22 23 24 Week 4 Goals: Annotating for context, MODE, Theme, purpose, Reflective Narrative MODE, MLA, Vocabulary Open House Journal #3 Practice annotation on “The Ashen Guy…” article. HW—annotate “To Be Young, Gifted and Black” for types of imagery, narrative qualities 25 Self assess annotations and turn in. Return summer reading reflections, discuss narrative MODE. Reflective Narrative writing workshop pgs. #1-2. Reflective Narrative writing workshop pg. 3234 through #4 HW--#4-8 HW—start drafting essay 26 GOTH—MAD LIB, Finish correcting Grammar Diagnostic, Loop 6 Journal Qs #1 Reflective Narrative writing workshop—handwritten draft DUE tomorrow 27 Vocab 1-7 QUIZ Reflective Narrative draft DUE. Edit using writer’s checklist in Eng. Folder. Label/highlight narrative qualities HW—typed “To Be Young, Gifted and _____”—draft DUE Mon. 28 October Week 5 Goals: Reflective Narrative MODE—editing and revising, MLA. Assessing and correcting common grammar errors. Common literary themes. Vocabulary, Reading for main ideas 6 Week 6 Goals: Expository and summary MODE—writing practice. Reading for main ideas. Purpose/function of stories. Vocabulary acquisition. 30 1 2 Journal #4 MLA diagnostic Quiz Typed draft DUE, peer edit, check MLA format HW--Upload to Blackboard tonight, login to Office 365 Archetypes—use article to complete chart HW—use Grammarly report (if possible) to edit and complete final draft tonight, bring typed copy tomorrow Mid quarter Reflective Narrative FD DUE Unit 1 EA #1 Finish Archetypes chart, ARITS unit reflection 7 8 Vocab List 8 packet Complete summary of Mythology 13-23 and turn in (formative). HW-- Read 24-36 in myth book, add to intro/ch.1 notes for each section (13) Score summaries Complete summary of Mythology 24-36 and turn in (formative). HW—add to Ch. 1 notes: Read 36-47, take notes on 2-3 main points for each section (10 total) HW-- read/highlight main pts. in “What is Mythology ?” 9 Intro/Ch. 1 notes DUE HW—Read 65-72, complete 10-sent. summary on Greek Creation Myth (summative) 3 GOTH— Loop 6 Journal Qs #2 Return ICW #1, selfassess grammar. HW—read/highlight main pts. in “Greek and Roman…” section of Mythology article 10 GOTH—Loop 6 Journal Qs #3 Mid quarter grade distribution Creation myth 10-sent. summary DUE (summative) HW—read 72-77 4 5 Vocab 1-7 TEST Discuss Mythology article Mythology book check out. HW--Read intro 13-21 SAT test Intro/Ch. 1 notes: Write 10 main points 11 12 PSAT registration deadline Vocab List 8 packet DUE Mythology study guide, family tree, myth/vocab mash-up (last 5 min.) HW—vocab flashcards due Wed., read Ch. 4, review for quiz 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Week 7 Goals: Literary Picture retake day Myth/vocab mash-up entry task Open book Mythology Quiz (formative) Correct Mythology Quiz Hero Journey overview HW—Vocab flashcards, read one of the hero stories in your myth book (you choose). Complete hero chart. PSAT test 8 am Vocab List 8 flashcards DUE, review. HW—read a second hero story in your myth book (you choose). Complete hero chart. GOTH—Loop 6 Open Note Quiz (practice) Objects. Correct together and turn in. Start agreement wkst. Due 10-24 HW—finalize hero chart with specific details for each story. Homecoming Con Vocab List 8 Quiz Hero chart wkst. DUE for check. Library Survey Hom ecomi ng 26 themes and archetypes, Understanding mythology allusions, Vocabulary assessment, The Hero’s Journey, Grammar 20 Week 8 Goals: AP Literary Analysis, selfassess writing, MODES: Compare/Contrast and Synthesis, Common traits among myths, Grammar 21 Journal: Craft thesis statement for hero myths, share, discuss Vocab List 9 packet Nominees for Q. Awards 22 ICW #2 Heroic Journey HW--Read/highlight “Creation” section of Mythology article Review MODES, prep for ICW HW—vocab 9 27 Week 9 Goals: Synthesizing multiple sources to examine common traits, theme, The Writing Process, Vocabulary, Grammar, Short story writing 23 24 25 Read over World creation story handout, answer Qs 1-4 Check out texts/sources for world creation assign Compare/Contrast and SYNTHESIS MODEs HW—read 1st story & take notes SUB GOTH—Loop 6 Agreement practice, turn in. Work Time Vocab List 9 packet DUE Evaluate ICW #2 theses, finalize Q. #4 in World packet, debrief. Synthesis ex. handout HW—write thesis for essay HW—World creation story synthesis essay packet with brainstorm DUE Mon, RD (typed) due Tues. 28 29 30 World creation story packet with brainstorm DUE for check World creation myth synthesis essay Typed RD DUE Peer editing, revision time, Discuss MODES Vocab List 9 cards DUE, Review FD DUE with works cited, RD attached. Create rough draft works cited together Reflection journal Share example myth, narrative, myth qualities? HW--Write your own myth brainstorm, study vocab HW—read 2nd story 31 GOTH—Loop 6 Test (objects, s-v, prn-ant. agreement) Handback narrative essays—review strengths, areas for improvement. Short story packet, Start drafting myth HW—study vocab 1 2 Vocab List 9 Quiz Writing Time HW-- Myth short story RD due Mon. SAT Test November 3 4 Week 10 Goals: Quarter 1 ends Vocab Lists 1-9 review Myth RD DUE Peer editing, work time HW—Myth short story FD DUE tomorrow Vocab summative assessment, Applying editing and revision processes, identifying objects and proofreading for agreement errors, literary analysis tools 10 Week 11 Goals: Vocab acquisition, applying literary analysis tools identifying objects subject complements; diagramming a sentence, Writing a cohesive comparison essay, 17 Week 12 Goals: Assessing writing strengths and areas for improvement, summative unit assessment, introducing new unit content, identifying verbals, vocab assessment , reviewing/writing an effective summary, 24 Week 13 Goals: Vocab acquisition, unit goals/skills overview, reviewing/writing an effective summary, outlining literary analysis 11 Veteran’s Day (No School) 5 National College Fair Myth short story FD DUE HW--Read Troy story: pgs 185-210. On your own paper, make chart of which humans & gods/goddesses were on which side and briefly describe each (Trojans v. Greeks) 12 Vocab List 10 packet DIDLS Qs for poems DUE (attach to back of packet) Score all parts of DIDLS packet and hand in. 18 Highlight ICW #3 Review for Final Unit TEST—organize notes, handouts to study. 19 Mythology TEST (summative) HW--Start OD intro notes in OD intro packet. 6 7 Compare/Contrast MODE correct Trojan/Greek chart DUE, correct and keep, on the back: Answer Trojan War reading and grammar Qs GOTH—Objects and Agreement TEST Correct Trojan War Qs (DUE), collect Qs & charts HW—read “Using DIDLS…” powerpoint on website and complete wkst. Qs 1-10 13 Review ICW #2 (complete journal #8) Share DIDLS in small groups, complete group notes, compare/contrast, themes, and turn in. 25 26 Correct Odyssey book one 10-sent summary. Odyssey study packet Quotation outline handout—apply to Book I—due tomorrow end of prd. HW—Vocab 11 packet notes, keep. Complete assigned DIDLS Qs for both “Helen” poems—DUE Mon. w/packet 15 16 Vocab List 10 packet ICW #3 HW—get copy of The Odyssey by Wed. Pick up final unit test study guide, start studying. 20 21 22 Vocab List 10 review, flashcards DUE GOTH—Loop 7 Journal #2 Correct tests Discuss ICW #3 scores Reflective Journal entry Start reading Book I together HW--Odyssey: Finish OD Must have Odyssey books by today!—5 point check. HW—OD intro notes in OD intro packet SUB—SVL meeting Vocab List 11 packet Handwritten Odyssey book I 10-sent summary draft DUE. HW—type final, print and upload to Blackboard (req.) “Helen” Poems discussion—take 14 GOTH—Loop 7 Journal #1 9 Read ICW #3 example essays, write down writing tips. Organize notes/handouts for Helen poems HW—vocab 10 packet Odyssey film clip— write down OD’s qualities as you watch HW—get copy of The Odyssey by Wed. 8 Vocab Lists 1-9 TEST Discuss DIDLS wkst. Qs 1-10 27 Vocab List 11 packet DUE 23 Vocab List 10 Quiz OD intro notes packet DUE, correct Review summary MODE, hand back last summative summary. Continue reading Book I intro notes in OD intro packet , start reading Odyssey HW—read and summarize book I. book I in your own words (10 sent.) 28 Thanksgiving (No School) 29 30 (No School) Book I outline wkst. DUE at end of period HW— highlight, read Books II-IV summaries 2013 December 1 Week 14 Goals: Vocab assessment, Reading comprehension, choosing and analyzing appropriate theme-related quotations, reviewing/writing an effective literary analysis: revision, editing and publishing a final version, effective annotation. Practice with identifying verbals and complements. 8 Week 15 Goals: Comprehensive vocab assessment, Reading comprehension, reviewing/writing an effective literary analysis: revision, editing and publishing a final version. Practice with identifying verbals and complements. 15 Week 16 Goals: New vocab acquisition, Applying Reading comprehension, reviewing/writing an effective literary analysis: revision, editing and publishing a final version.(summative paragraph writing assessment). Verbals and complements summative assessment 2 Food Drive Starts Return outline wksts. Write rough draft of book I quotation pp by tomorrow. (HW) HW—read V-VIII sums., highlight 9 Vocab List 1-11 Discuss book IX, start book X HW—read Book X, record thematic quotes; complete paragraph draft for 9 or 10. 16 Vocab List 12 packet Peer edit 11/12 paragraph Review, discuss Books XIII-XX summaries HW— read Book 21 3 Peer edit book I rough draft paragraphs Review books 1-8 HW--Write Book I final draft Quotation paragraph. 4 Vocab List 11 flashcards DUE, review Book I paragraph DUE and discuss (formative) Navigating your learning handout. HW—Annotate handout selection (pg. 154-155), Due tomorrow 5 Mid Quarter Musical GOTH—,phrases, complements #1-2 “Navigating” handout DUE and discuss HW—read Book IX, record plot events, thematic quotes 10 11 12 Book X pop quiz! 9/10 paragraph RD DUE, peer edit. Review Book I comments, edit and revise for final 9/10 draft. Start Book 11 HW— Final draft 9/10 paragraph due tomorrow, uploaded to Blackboard Final draft paragraphs for book 9/10 DUE (formative) labeled and uploaded Musical GOTH—staple phrases, complements #3-4 to old packet: complete and turn in. Finish 11, start reading Book 12 Work time HW—finish Book 12, complete paragraph draft for either 11 or 12. HW—study for test, compete 11/12 draft, start reading summaries XIII-XX 6 7 Musical SAT Test Vocab List 11 Quiz Musical Listen to book 9 HW—read Book IX, record plot events, thematic quotes 13 Mid quarter grades mailed, Musical Vocab List 1-11 TEST Discuss 9/10 paragraphs, examples. Book XII Qs? Work time HW—11/12 draft DUE MONDAY. Read and highlight Books XIII-XX summaries 14 Musical Do Your Part @ Hart 17 18 19 20 21 Final 11/12 OD paragraph DUE (summative) labeled and uploaded Listen to book 22 Books 21-22 Pop Quiz GOTH—phrases and complements TEST What do you think of the ending? Optional Final 21/22 OD paragraph DUE (summative) Complete book card for the Odyssey, due Jan. 7 HW—vocab 12 packet Vocab List 12 packet DUE, correct Work time: Book card for the Odyssey, due Jan. 7 Simpson’s Odyssey “Scrooge” Mad Lib Winter Break Starts Correct phrases, complements #3-4 HW— Highlight HW—catch up on reading, optional book 21/22 final versions due Thursday summaries for Books XXIIIXXIV, vocab 12 packet final optional 21/22 OD paragraphs DUE TOMORROW HW—book card 2013 January 5 Week 17 Goals: Timed write practice: applying previous learning to a new poetry comparison and analysis prompt., reviewing and applying hero’s journey and archetypes 12 Week 18 Goals: Reviewing and analyzing writing, applying the writing process, vocabulary review, types of clauses, parallel structure, making connections between different genres 19 Week 19 Goals: making 6 26 8 Odyssey book card DUE ICW #4 Review ICW #3 HW—Odyssey review wkst. Review Odyssey book card requirements, work time HW—book card due tomorrow Odyssey review wkst. DUE Fri. HW—vocab 12 cards 13 Vocab 12 redo quiz, academic honesty activity Optional Clauses #3-4 DUE Sirens prompt analysis wkst HW--Highlight ICW #4, ICW #4 typed REDO DUE Fri. Vocab List 1-12 review due Fri. 20 MLK, Jr. Day (No School) connections between different genres, final summative assessments in reading, writing, vocabulary and grammar Week 20 Goals: 7 Journal #10 Grade reports. Vocab List 12 review 14 Sirens prompt analysis wkst.— finish, turn in Types of clauses, Parallel structure wkst.—due Thurs. HW—grammar and vocab, ICW #4 typed REDO DUE Fri. 9 10 GOTH—Clauses practice #1-2 Clauses practice #1-2 DUE, correct HW--Optional Clauses #3-4 DUE Monday. Vocab List 12 Quiz Odyssey review wkst. DUE @ end of prd. HW—read “Ulysses”, define unknowns in margin Hand back OD book card rubrics, file HW—Odyssey review wkst. 15 16 17 Organize old grammar resources to use for final Grammar/vocab work time GOTH—types of clauses, Parallel structure wkst. DUE, correct Odyssey Reading test review—complete annotations to prep for final on Wed. Jan. 22 OBWAT –start film notes MLK Con SUB ICW #4 REDO DUE, typed with original essay attached Vocab List 1-12 review DUE OBWAT cont. film notes HW—study for Odyssey Reading test, complete review annotations HW--Vocab List 1-12 review DUE tomorrow 21 Finish OBWAT. Update notes (due on finals day at latest) OD review—create OD journey map, rename chapters HW—study for OD final test, complete review annotations, study vocab, grammar 27 28 Semester Break Day (No School) Semester 2 starts Rubber Chicken Con Quarter Awards Journal: OD reflection Vocab List 13 packet Review class policies HW—update folder, get 3 color highlighters, notecards 22 Odyssey Reading TEST (return review) HW—study for vocab, grammar final tests, OBWAT film notes charts DUE tomorrow 29 HSPE persuasive essay practice—outline response HW—Persuasive scavenger hunt discussion post to Blackboard DUE Mon. 23 Semester 1 Finals 2,4,6 OBWAT film notes charts DUE, correct Vocab List 1-12 TEST Grammar FINAL TEST Correct Odyssey reading test 24 11 18 25 Semester 1 Finals 1,3,5 OBWAT film notes charts DUE, correct Vocab List 1-12 TEST Grammar FINAL TEST Correct Odyssey reading test 30 31 SUB GOTH—Misplaced, dangling modifiers wkst. HW—Persuasive scavenger hunt discussion post to Blackboard DUE Mon. HW—vocab, supplies Vocab 13 packet DUE English folder, notecards and 3 highlighters check Draft HSPE 5 paragraph essay response and turn in. HW—Persuasive scavenger hunt discussion post to Blackboard DUE Mon. 2014 February 2 9 Persuasive techniques list handout 16 3 4 5 Persuasive scavenger hunt discussion post to Blackboard DUE Journal: Persuasive MODE writing unit HSPE persuasive essay: highlight for logos, ethos, pathos and label parts of argument (see pg. 16) Start HSPE persuasive devices intro packet work time pg. 70 HW—respond to 2 peer discussion board posts using pers. Language by Fri. HSPE persuasive devices intro packet work time Grades mailed home Vocab 13 cards DUE, review HSPE persuasive devices intro packet w/ brief SOAPSTone DUE HW—read, highlight persuasive MODE pgs. in Eng. folder. Use this language as you respond to 2 peer discussion posts. 10 Journal: analyze your tattoo argument Print 1 text you posted, write brief SOAPSTone, DUE, share and discuss Vocab List 14 packet 17 President’s Day (No School) 23 24 Vocab List 1-14 review MLK annotations DUE SOAPSTone feedback and work time SOAPSTone overview (see pg. HW--Complete a brief (1-2 sent. each) SOAPSTone for Antony speech and attach to back—due tomorrow 6 GOTH— Misplaced, dangling modifiers Quiz, correct Capstone class presentation HW—use persuasive terms when you respond to 2 peers’ discussion board posts 11 12 13 Highlight ICW #5, score ex. essays, Return to folder. Choice argument article post reading Qs #1-7 and either #1 or 2 writing Qs Choose argument article –pre-reading Qs, read and annotate. HW—vocab 14 packet Vocab List 14 packet DUE GOTH—Correct modifiers quiz, complete Illogical, improper comparisons wkst. and turn in. Choice argument article Qs work time 18 Choice argument article Qs work time—DUE at end of period. 25 MLK annotations and SOAPSTone DUE, MLK SOAPSTone Quiz HW--Ghandi/Batman annotations and SOAPSTone (both SUMM.) 19 20 Vocab List 14 cards DUE, review Formal SOAPSTone DUE GOTH— Correct Illogical, improper comparisons, complete Fragments wkst. HW— read MLK Context article read, annotate, SOAPSTone MLK speech, Formal SOAPSTone (Formative) 26 Ghandi/Batman annotations and SOAPSTone (both SUMM.) DUE Review ICW #5,strengths/weaknesses, outline example choice text for potential essay HW—vocab, grammar 27 GOTH—Correct Fragments wkst, Complete “revising runons” wkst. 7 8 Vocab 13 Quiz 2 Peer discussion posts (partner and your choice, use persuasive terms) DUE Mini-ICW #5 non-fiction language prompt diagnostic—only complete paragraphs 1 and 2 (as if you were writing afull essay) HW—Print 1 text you posted, write brief SOAPSTone, turn in Mon. 14 15 Valentine’s School Break Day (No School) Potential Snow Makeup Day 21 22 Vocab List 14 Quiz Work Time—apply persuasive terms to MLK speech, write formal SOAPSTone 28 Mid Quarter 1 SAT Test ICW #6 (SUMM.) rhetorical analysis language prompt Vocab List 1-14 TEST Finish outline activity? 2014 March 2 3 AP test sign up starts Vocab List 15 packet Discuss ICW #6, highlight, score, reflect 4 District Persuasive Essay, research resources handout, review & finalize your PE essay, conduct research HW—get copy of Julius Caesar 9 10 Mid quarter grades distributed District Persuasive Essay—typed rough draft DUE Peer edit drafts. HW—final essay, works cited, reflection DUE Wed.. 16 17 Vocab List 16 packet HSPE Reading test overview, Questions? HW—find and print the JC reading Qs from my website. Use these as you read (not turned in) 23 24 Orchestra festival Annotation requirements, Who’s Who, handout Act I, scene i Quiz re-annotate: I, i as per requirements, HW—I, ii, lines 1-185 (up to when JC reenters scene) 5 6 SUB—SVL meeting Drama performance Drama performance Drama performance AP Language mult. choice practice GOTH— Correct “revising run-ons” wkst. Run-ons, fragments Quiz Vocab List 15 packet DUE Must have JC book by Thursday 3-13 for 5 points Vocab 15 work time HW—“revising runons” wkst. 11 12 Meet in Library Edit your persuasive essay—fully develop evidence and persuasive appeals Meet in Library Final District Persuasive Essay with works cited and writing reflection DUE at end of prd. (SUMM.) HW—flashcards and JC book HW—essay, works cited, reflection DUE tomorrow Score AP Language mult. choice practice, discuss 13 HSPE expository theme statement and elaboration practice—finish and turn in. HSPE expository theme statement and elaboration practice 19 20 HSPE test— READING Vocab work time Vocab work time GOTH— Comma usage wkst. JC Timeline wkst. JC Timeline wkst. JC video Act I: annotate as you follow along with the film. JC video Act I: annotate as you follow along with the film. Start Act I characterization handout 14 Score, discuss essays. HSPE test— WRITING Finish annotations for I, ii, lines 185-end District Persuasive Essay, research resources handout, review & finalize your PE essay, conduct research AP test sign up ends 18 25 Review synthesis essays JC book DUE for Vocab List 15 cards DUE, review HSPE test— WRITING Band/Choir festival 7 HW--Vocab 16 packet ($5 in the bookroom, or bring any copy of the play that you can write on….you could even print it all from the web.) 15 Vocab 15 Quiz 21 22 Vocab 16 packet DUE Journal Summ. reflection: Write a persuasive letter to the OSPI evaluating the effectiveness of their 2014 HSPE test and prompts JC timeline wkst DUE at end of period HW--- Read Act I, scene I, annotate unknowns 26 27 28 Band/Choir festival Vocab List 16 cards DUE, review Act I characterization handout—complete and turn in HW—I, iii Band/Choir/Orchest ra trip SUB—SVL meeting GOTH— Comma usage Quiz Band/Choir/Orchestra trip Vocab List 16 Quiz Discuss Act I Read fallacies in Argument article, fill in ex. in Persuasive Devices in JC handout—due 4-25 HW—finish annotating II, i HW—II, i (start) 8 29 Band/Choir/ Orchestra trip 2014 April 30 31 Vocab List 1-16 review wkst. due Fri. Journal, II, I pop quiz! Translate II,i lines 10-34 into your own words (see handout) Start part 1. HW—finish part 1 13 By Tues, 4-30, you will need to obtain or check out red 10th grade textbook from the bookroom 20 14 Vocab List 17 packet Acts I-II TEST (open book) HW—vocab packet (first 2 pages) 21 Optional Antony appeals chart due to Blackboard Act III, ii-iii pop quiz 1 Quarter 3 ends Finish Act II translation (parts 2-4). Turn in all parts of translation handout— DUE at end of prd. 2 Sports Recognition Con Vocab review work time 15 Journal Score/discuss Acts III test Watch III, i. Identify persuasive devices in Act III work time—be sure you have the old list of persuasive devices HW—annotate III, i 22 Annotations check-in: possible passages? Work Time: Persuasive devices packet— focus on Act III, ii HW—IV, i, vocab 17 cards HW—IV, i-ii, vocab 17 cards 28 HW—JC book annotations HW—II, iv 5 Spring Break Starts HW—II, ii Study guide Qs check 5 pts. Journal: Review ICW #6 strengths/weaknesses Work Time: persuasive devices packet— focus on Decius speech Acts III-V open book TEST(summative book card) 4 Vocab List 1-16 review wkst. due Vocab List 1-16 TEST JC film Discuss Act II HW—Acts I-II TEST Mon.. Make sure you are caught up on reading/annotations HW—II, iii 16 All Juniors take SAT Finish watching III, i. III, I Pop Quiz! Identify persuasive devices in Act III work time HW—Grammar, read/annotate III, ii-iii by Mon, vocab packet 23 Vocab List 17 cards DUE, review 29 JC book annotations DUE, score together Journal: JC unit reflection Lion king/JC video HW—explore Potential I-search topics using red textbook 17 Q3 grades mailed Student survey in the library GOTH—Correct colon, semicolon wkst. Colon, semicolon Quiz HW— annotating III, vocab 17 packet 24 Seussical GOTH—Punctuating quotes, MLA wkst. ICW #7 (summative) HW—all book annotations done by 4-29 HW—IV, i-iii 27 3 GOTH—Commas Test B; Colon, semicolon wkst. 30 Highlight, debrief ICW #7 HW—Pers. Devices packet due tomorrow, V, i-v by Mon. 1 18 19 Vocab List 17 packet DUE Listen to III, ii HW— finish annotating III to the end of scene iii Optional Antony appeals chart due to Blackboard by 4-21 7:30 am. 25 26 Seussical Delayed start for CP presentations—short periods Vocab List 17 Quiz JC Persuasive devices wkst. DUE (summative) Watch Act V film scenes, annotation work time Seussical HW—finish reading the play HW—annotations, study for Acts III-V test on Monday 2 3 Red literature book Isearch explanation handout, resources Meet in Library Meet in Library Bloomsday Part I work time Confirm research topic. Prom SAT Test Work Time: Consider research topic/question HW—confirm research topic tomorrow HW—read red textbook resource(s), obtain resources to help answer your research question. HW—read red textbook resource(s) HW—read red textbook resource(s) 2014 4 May 5 AP Chem, Environ Sci, Psych 6 AP Computer Science, Spanish, Art History Discuss, correct Punctuating quotes, MLA wkst. pg. 1, A, keep Example I-Search handout— start Qs #1-4 SUB—SVL meeting Meet in Library: Write parts I-II of paper HW—Write parts I-II of paper 11 12 AP Bio, Music, Physics Journal MLA Pop Quiz (grasshoppers), correct and turn in. Part III writing time, bring draft of I-III for Wed. activity 18 25 HW—write at least 2 paragraphs for part III 19 May Week 13 AP US Gov, French MLA entry task—killer bees quote embedding activity. Complete and turn in. Use AP Research tips handout in English folder for techniques (read it carefully). HW—bring parts I-III draft so far to class tomorrow. I-Search rough draft parts I-III due Fri., 20 Syntax Inventory of parts IIII so far DUE at end of period. (see directions on page 14 in your English folder). HW—bring materials to work on essay EOC Algebra 21 Hand back works cited RDs-discuss MLA rules, tips, etc. Parts I-IV revision work time. Use check list to self edit, discuss Review Blackboard final draft submission directions for final drafts due Friday Update essay and bring draft tomorrow. for writer’s checklist inventory 28 EOC Algebra Journal—I-Search reflection SAT prep SUB—SVL meeting Meet in library Meet in Library Hand back RD papers, discuss. Works Cited rough draft DUE, peer edit. In margin, write out how you would parenthetically cite each of these sources in the text of your paper HW—part IV of paper Work on part IV, use writing checklist in English folder 26 Memorial Day (No School) 7 Mid Quarter ends AP Calculus Get Part I of I-Search paper checked off (DUE TODAY), discuss examples Correct, discuss MLA punctuating quotes wkst B,C Example I-Search handout—finish Qs #5-9 HW--Part I-II rough draft DUE tomorrow 14 APUSH, German, AP Euro HW—parts I-IV check off tomorrow 27 8 AP Lit, Japanese Meet in Library Part I-II rough draft DUE, print and turn in at end of period. HW—part III, print and bring articles to class for work time. 15 Mid quarter reports distributed AP World GOTH—MLA, citation and punctuation rules TEST I-search work time HW—rough drafts due Wed (parts I-III ) 22 GOTH—SAT prep Incoming soph. mtng. during PAWS in aud. I-Search paper return— handwrite corrections and turn back in. Peer edit I-II drafts and return. Revise this weekend. Basic MLA format, review quick reference handout and entry task, pg. 10 in I-Search packet Qs Work time for part III of ISearch paper or vocab 116 x-word 16 Meet in library 10 JR Lilac Parade 17 Lilac Parade I-search RD parts I-III DUE— (must be submitted to Blackboard) HW—annotated Works Cited rough draft DUE Monday 23 24 Meet in Library Writer’s checklist Inventory of paper DUE at end of period. (see directions on page 13 in your English folder). I-Search final drafts DUE via Blackboard AND paper copy due in class at end of prd. Reread I-Search final draft rubric one last time, revise and update. 29 EOC Algebra Drama performance SAT prep with Sally Pfeifer SAT prep 9 AP Lang, Stats 30 EOC Algebra Book check in at start of period. SAT prep I-Search redos due at 8 am. LAST DAY TO TURN IN 2nd SEM. MISSING/REDO/ MAKEUP WORK 31 June 1 2 3 EOC Biology EOC Biology Vocab List 1-17 review assignment Senior Finals 3 4 EOC Biology Senior Finals 4,6 5 EOC Biology Move Up Con Vocab List 1-17 review DUE I-Search presentations I-Search presentations 6 Senior Finals 1,2 7 SAT Test GOTH—Final review I-Search presentations I-Search presentations HW—Vocab 1-17 review 8 Graduation 5:00 9 11 12 Finals Finals Last Day of School ICW inventory sheets: fill out and update, keep writing folders Vocab List 1-17 TEST Vocab List 1-17 TEST 2nd Semester Ends Grammar Final Grammar Final Final Journal Reflection, take home English folders Final Journal Reflection, take home English folders Quarter Awards Quarter Awards Organize old vocab tests, check/highlight roots that you missed in order to know what to study for the final. Junior English AP summer assignment info: Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell 15 10 5th Ave. Awards 16 Potential Snow Makeup Day 17 Potential Snow Makeup Day 18 13 14 Potential Snow Makeup Day 19 20 21 26 27 28 Potential Snow Makeup Day Semester grades mailed 22 23 29 30 24 25 2014