EUROPLANE PROJECT Bremen November 15th 2007 COMPONENT 2: ANALYSIS OF REGIONAL AIRPORTS’ CONSTRAINTS AND CHALLENGES SWOT ANALYSIS INDEX This report introduces workshop participants to the main elements and the results of SWOT analysis carried out within Europlane Project Component 2 The presentation is organised into the following sections METHOD METHOD MAIN RESULTS MAIN RESULTS SWOT ANALYSIS IN THE EUROPLANE PROJECT REGIONAL CHARACTERISTICS CURRENT REGIONAL PROFILE (E.G. CULTURAL, GEOGRAPHICAL, HISTORICAL CHARACTERISTICS) TOURIST FLOWS ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS AIRPORT CHARACTERISTICS TECHNICAL DATA DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS TECNO-ECONOMICAL DATA METHOD METHOD BRAINSTORMING WITH AIRPORT AND REGIONAL REPRESENTATIVES MAIN RESULTS DISCUSSION WITH AIRPORT AND REGIONAL REPRESENTATIVES SWOT ANALYSIS IDENTIFICATION OF STRENGTHS, WEAKNESSES, OPPORTUNITIES AND THREATS TOWARDS AIRPORT DEVELOPMENT ELABORATION OF POSSIBLE DEVELOPMENT CONCEPTS IDENTIFICATION OF DEVELOPMENT STRATEGIES AND/OR AIRPORT MARKET NICHES IMPACT’S EVALUATION SYSTEM The SWOT analysis is a tool for assessing the feasibility of a specific strategic choice/competitive strategy and it allows the auditing of an organization and of its environment. It analyses main internal and external factors that define company positioning in the market. It is based on a matrix composed by 4 boxes. COMPETITORS’ ANALYSIS METHOD METHOD INTERNAL FACTORS MAIN RESULTS (UNDER CONTROL) a) b) STRENGTHS: … … (+) EXTERNAL FACTORS (OUT OF CONTROL) OPPORTUNITIES: a) b) … … a) b) WEAKNESSES: … … (+) (-) a) b) … … THREATS: (-) IMPACT’S EVALUATION SYSTEM All the factors individuated during the analysis are matched in a “crossed” way, as shown in the table below. IMPACT OPPORTUNITY It allows to fully take the opportunity It allows to partially take the opportunity It doesn’t allow to take the opportunity It prevents from taking the opportunity It contrasts with the threats It doesn’t safeguard us from the threat It makes it suffer the threats completely - It makes it difficult to take the opportunity It makes it suffer the threats partly 0 It doesn’t impact It doesn’t impact ++ STRENGTH + 0 METHOD METHOD -WEAKNESS MAIN RESULTS THREAT It nullifies the threats The SWOT analysis doesn’t include some exogenous aspects that could influence, directly or indirectly, the whole air transport sector acts of terrorism, wars and similar items, causing an immediate contraction of demand due to the perception of a lack of safety in air transport and a subsequent contraction, with a shift to other transport modalities, due to a loss of competitiveness by air transport as a consequence of the lengthening of embarking operations (due to new security rules) high increase of fuel prices, with such a rise of tariffs causing a loss of competitiveness by air transport ANCONA AIRPORT: IMPACT MATRIX METHOD MAIN RESULTS MAIN RESULTS Ancona Genova Albenga IMPACT MATRIX It is then possible to quantify the total impact in a synthetic way by adding each individual impact. OPPORTUNITIES TOTAL MAIN RESULTS STRENGHTS METHOD METHOD TOTAL WEAKNESSES THREATS TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL DEVELOPMENT CONCEPTS The development strategy has been translated into actions with different impacts on the airport (airport company), its territory (the Region) and Europlane partners. METHOD METHOD AIRPORT MAIN RESULTS TERRITORY EUROPLANE PARTNERS ANALYZED AIRPORTS Italian partners were involved in this part of the project: the SWOT analyses were focused on Genova and Albenga Airports in Liguria Region and on Ancona Airport in Marche Region (*). METHOD METHOD LIGURIA REGION ALBENGA ANCONA GENOVA MAIN RESULTS (*) THE SWOT ANALYSIS FOR THE AIRPOT « CORRADO GEX » OF AOSTA VALLEY HAS BEEN ALREADY CARRIED OUT. MARCHE REGION MARCHE CHARACTERISTICS: GEOGRAPHICAL Marche Region is situated in central Italy, overlooking the Adriatic Sea. Its territory is divided in four Provinces Ancona, the regional capital Pesaro and Urbino Macerata METHOD Ascoli Piceno PESARO URBINO MAIN RESULTS MAIN RESULTS Ancona Genova Albenga ANCONA MACERATA ASCOLI PICENO MARCHE CHARACTERISTICS: INFRASTRUCTURES Marche Region has quite a good and well balanced infrastructural situation, mostly thanks to road and rail infrastructures that guarantee good connections with northern and central Italy. Road infrastructures 150 100 METHOD Bank and other services Rail infrastructures 50 0 MAIN RESULTS MAIN RESULTS Ancona Genova Albenga Telecommunication networks Port infrasstructures Energy infrastructures INFRASTRUCUTRAL INDEX Source: Guglielmo Tagliacarne Istitute Marche Central Italy Italy MARCHE CHARACTERISTICS: TOURIST FLOWS Tourists from Germany represent about 18% of total foreign tourists (2006 data), followed by French and English tourists (about 7% each). METHOD With regard to Italian flows, Ancona Genova Albenga from Lombardia, Lazio and 7% MAIN RESULTS MAIN RESULTS tourists UNITED STATES 5% 18% 4% 6% 7% 6% 5% Emilia-Romagna represent 48% of total national arrivals (2005 data). FOREIGN TOURIST ARRIVALS - 2006 - SHARE ON TOTAL MARCHE FOREIGN TOURIST ARRIVALS Source: elaboration on Istat data ANCONA AIRPORT: CHARACTERISTICS METHOD Ancona-Falconara “Raffaello Sanzio” airport is located about 20 km from Ancona city centre. The airport is well connected to the surrounding territory by road (motorway and highway), by bus (regular line connecting Ancona city centre to the airport) and by train (just in front of the airport there is a railway station connected to Ancona and other local towns). The airport is situated in the middle of the Adriatic Coast and its position between a large port and a road rail distribution hub (Jesi), makes it a good area for an intermodal transport centre. MAIN RESULTS MAIN RESULTS E14 Ancona Genova Albenga SS76 Source: elaboration on plan ANCONA AIRPORT: COMPETITORS Ancona-Falconara airport has to face the competition of other regional airports: Forlì, Rimini, Pescara and Perugia, situated in a 2-hour radius from Ancona. METHOD FORLÌ RIMINI ANCONA PERUGIA MAIN RESULTS MAIN RESULTS Ancona Genova Albenga PESCARA ANCONA AIRPORT: STRENGTHS METHOD MAIN RESULTS MAIN RESULTS Ancona Genova Albenga Good point to point connections Recent and technologically developed airport infrastructures without restrictions on aircrafts movements 24/7 operativeness and good meteorological conditions throughout the year, no slot constraints and infrastructures adequate for even higher traffic flows High tourist interest of the Region: relevant incoming national and international tourist flows in the region and high regional attractiveness (beaches, gourmet itineraries, historic towns, religious shrines, etc.) and favorable geographical position (gateway to central Italy) Good intermodal accessibility to the airport High regional average pro capita income and well-established and dynamic manufacturing district generating relevant import/export flows 35-year long and complete concession allowing the management company to formulate long-term development plans Management company structure (Aerdorica S.p.A.), involving regional Public Bodies and leading industrial companies of the area ANCONA AIRPORT: WEAKNESSES METHOD MAIN RESULTS MAIN RESULTS Ancona Genova Albenga Availability of few regular connections to hubs (lack of flights to Frankfurt, London and Paris) and high tariffs (due to lack of competition between airlines) Critical economic and financial situation of the management company Average low quality of regional hotel facilities and Marche population weak aptitude for hospitality Marche population low willingness to travel (negative effects on outgoing flows) and lack of confidence in the airport by tourist users (tourists, travel agents, tour operators) Almost monopolistic position of national flagship airline in the airport (offering high tariffs and low quality services) High competitiveness within the airport catchment area (Forlì, Perugia, Pescara and Rimini within a 2 hour radius from Ancona) and low population density and dispersion of the population in the regional territory ANCONA AIRPORT: OPPORTUNITIES METHOD MAIN RESULTS MAIN RESULTS Ancona Genova Albenga Completion of air terminal in order to fully exploit its potential and to optimize use of the old terminal Airport management company reorganization, enhancing competences available within the company, and rationalization of companies controlled by Aerdorica Rail connections to the city centre with a dedicated station (currently there is a regular bus service linking the airport to the city centre) Chances to exploit synergies deriving from proximity to Ancona port and to Jesi centre for integrated logistics and intermodality Availability of areas for the development of nonaviation activities (parking, retailing, advertising, etc.) ANCONA AIRPORT: THREATS METHOD MAIN RESULTS MAIN RESULTS Ancona Genova Albenga Competitor strengthening Reduction in the number of airlines operating in the airport (creating then a dependence on even fewer carriers than nowadays) Changes in the structure of the airport management company due to current critical economic and financial situation Bilateral agreements between States restricting operations mainly to Rome and Milan airports New motorway link to Rome (that way Rome might enlarge its catchment area to include Ancona) ANCONA AIRPORT: IMPACT MATRIX Airport management company reorganization and rationalisation of controlled companies Rail connection sto the city center Development of intermodality and sinergies with port and freight village Development of non aviation activities TOTAL Competitors strengthening Reduction in the number of airlines Changes in the management company strucutre (stronger presence of public bodies) Bilateral agreement between states New motorway link to Rome TOTAL Good point-to-point connections + + + 0 + +4 + + 0 0 + +3 +7 Good infrastructures and no restrictions on aircraft movements 0 + 0 + + +3 + + 0 0 0 +2 +5 No congestion/ 24/7 operativeness/ infrastuctures adeguate for traffic development 0 + 0 + + +3 + + 0 0 0 +2 +5 High tourist attraction of the region/favorable geographical position + + + 0 + +4 + + 0 + + +4 +8 Good intermodal accesssibility + 0 ++ + + +5 + 0 0 0 0 +1 +6 High pro capita income/industrial development 0 0 0 + + +2 + 0 0 + 0 +2 +4 Complete concession: flexibility in services offering + + 0 0 + +3 + 0 0 0 0 +1 +4 Management company structure: bilance between private and public bodies + 0 + + 0 +3 0 0 0 0 0 0 +3 Ancona Genova Albenga +5 +5 +5 +5 +7 + 27 +7 +4 0 +2 +2 + 15 + 42 0 0 0 - - -2 - - 0 - - -4 -6 Critical economic and financial situation of Aerdorica - - 0 0 - -3 - -- - 0 0 -4 -7 Weak tourist facilities/ weak aptitude for hospitality 0 0 0 0 - -1 - 0 0 - 0 -2 -3 Low willingness to travel/lack of confidence 0 0 0 0 - -1 0 - 0 0 0 -1 -2 Monopolistic position of national flagship airline 0 0 0 - 0 -1 0 - - 0 0 -2 -3 High competitiveness within the catchment area + high dispersion of population TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL Improvable hub connections TOTAL WEAKNESSES STRENGHTS METHOD MAIN RESULTS MAIN RESULTS THREATS Terminal upgrading OPPORTUNITIES 0 0 - 0 - -2 - - 0 - - -4 -6 -1 -1 -1 -2 -5 - 10 -4 -6 -2 -3 -2 - 17 - 27 +4 +4 +4 +3 +2 + 17 +3 -2 -2 -1 0 -2 + 15 ANCONA AIRPORT DEVELOPMENT CONCEPTS On the basis of the analysis carried out it appears that main opportunities for Ancona-Falconara airport development consist in the strengthening of scheduled connections (in particular, increase of low-cost links and upgrading of those to hubs) and, subordinately, in the increase of charter segment, which is strictly linked to the development of an integrated territorial marketing policy in collaboration with local stakeholders. METHOD MAIN RESULTS MAIN RESULTS Ancona Genova Albenga A precondition for traffic development is represented by the internal reorganization of the management company (which is currently ongoing), by the rationalization of controlled companies and by a cost-reduction policy. On the other hand, it is then fundamental to create the technical and structural conditions (e.g. using of the old terminal after renovation) for the development of non aviation activities, also exploiting the chances deriving from the presence of the rich and well developed regional industrial and commercial segment. IMPACT ON THE REGION AND ON EUROPLANE PARTNERS Planned actions short-term: group and company reorganization, cost reduction policy + strengthening of scheduled connections (low cost and hubs) medium-long term: development of incoming flows (charter), linked to an integrated territorial marketing policy + development of nonaviation activities METHOD ANCONA AIRPORT ACHIEVEMENT OF THE TARGET CONFIGURATION FOR TRAFFIC VOLUMES AND COMMERCIAL APPROACH BETTER MANAGEMENT EFFECTIVENESS AND FINANCIAL SITUATION MAIN RESULTS MAIN RESULTS Ancona Genova Albenga POSITIVE IMPACT ON EMPLOYMENT OF COMMERCIAL ACTIVITIES ON SITE TERRITORY DEVELOPMENT OF ACTIVITIES LINKED TO TOURISM AND POSITIVE IMPACT ON EMPLOYMENT BENCHMARKING AND/OR TRANSFER OF TERRITORIAL MKT KNOW-HOW TRANSFER OF ORGANIZATIONAL AND MANAGERIAL KNOW-HOW DEVELOPMENT OF OPERATIONAL SYNERGIES TRANSFER OF NON AVIATION ACTIVITIES KNOW-HOW EUROPLANE PARTNERS LIGURIA CHARACTERISTICS: GEOGRAPHICAL Liguria Region is situated in northern Italy, overlooking the Ligurian Sea. Its territory is divided in four Provinces Genova, the regional capital Imperia Savona La Spezia METHOD MAIN RESULTS MAIN RESULTS Ancona Genova Albenga LIGURIA CHARACTERISTICS: INFRASTRUCTURES Liguria region has a very good infrastructural situation, mostly thanks to the high score in port infrastructures (Genova, Savona and La Spezia ports). Road infrastructures 700 600 500 METHOD 400 Bank and other services 300 Rail infrastructures 200 100 0 MAIN RESULTS MAIN RESULTS Ancona Genova Albenga Telecommunication networks Port infrastructures Energy infrastructures INFRASTRUCUTRAL INDEX Source: Guglielmo Tagliacarne Institute Liguria North-West Italy Italy LIGURIA CHARACTERISTICS: TOURIST FLOWS Tourists from Germany represent about 20% of total foreign tourists (2005 data), followed by French (13%), American and Swiss tourists (10% each). With regard to Italian flows, tourists from Lombardia and Piemonte represent about 57% of total national arrivals (2005 data). METHOD 6% 5% MAIN RESULTS MAIN RESULTS Ancona Genova Albenga UNITED STATES 10% 13% 10% 20% 3% 3% FOREIGN TOURIST ARRIVALS - 2005 - SHARE ON TOTAL LIGURIA FOREIGN TOURIST ARRIVALS Source: elaboration on Istat data GENOVA AIRPORT: CHARACTERISTICS Genova “Cristoforo Colombo” airport, built on an artificial peninsula about 6 km from the town centre, has a very good position for accessibility to the main transport infrastructures: the motorway and the main roads are directly connected to the airport. METHOD MAIN RESULTS MAIN RESULTS Ancona Genova Albenga GENOVA AIRPORT: COMPETITORS The catchment area of Genova airport is at the same time interesting and highly competitive: it is less than 200 km from many international airports (Torino Caselle, Milano Malpensa, Milano Linate, Pisa e Nizza) and has a main catchment area of about 1.5 million people. METHOD Caselle Nizza MAIN RESULTS MAIN RESULTS Ancona Genova Albenga Malpensa Linate GENOVA Pisa GENOVA AIRPORT: DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMS The airport development could be strongly influenced by the so called “Fresco”, which is a Renzo Piano project based on an industrial and commercial reorganization of the waterfront. In particular the “Fresco” envisages to move the runway to an artificial island, just in front of the present position, connected to the land with tunnels and with a people mover system. METHOD MAIN RESULTS MAIN RESULTS Ancona Genova Albenga THE AIRPORT TODAY Fonte: Waterfront and Territory Agency THE PROJECT GENOVA AIRPORT: STRENGTHS Good connections to hubs (Milano, Rome, Munich) and new flights to be started shortly METHOD MAIN RESULTS MAIN RESULTS Ancona Genova Albenga No restrictions to aircraft movements, thanks to favorable meteorological conditions throughout the year and technical characteristics of the airport (adequate to host airline bases) The airport is not congested: there are no slot constraints, great growth in traffic can be achieved and managed without infrastructural investments (availability of apron for aircraft parking and areas for cargo activities) and check-in and embarking operations can be carried out very quickly Favorable position as regards the town of Genova (city airport) and the port Aeroporto di Genova S.p.A. has the complete concession for the airport management: that guarantees a great flexibility in the offering of services GENOVA AIRPORT: WEAKNESSES METHOD MAIN RESULTS MAIN RESULTS Ancona Genova Albenga Lack of regular point-to-point connections (low cost carriers), charter and cargo High tariffs (for airlines and consequently for passengers) Obsolete machinery and structures (fingers, boarding walkway,etc.) Difficulties in connections with the city center: hourly frequency of the Volabus service, critical highways viability with high risk of traffic jams due to Genova junction, lack of dedicated rail connections even if the railway is situated close to the airport Lack of connections with the catchment area (negative impact on outgoing traffic) Highly competitive catchment area (6 airports situated within a 200 km ray from Genova) with consequences both on incoming and outgoing flows The morphological characteristics of the region are not favorable for incoming flows (extended form, difficulties in land connections, scattered tourist attractions, small hotel facilities) Stagnant local economic situation and population with a high percentage of elderly people (with low willingness to travel and low using of internet for the purchase of low cost tickets) and foreigners (low willingness to spend) Unbalanced management company structure (Aeroporto di Genova S.p.A.) GENOVA AIRPORT: OPPORTUNITIES METHOD MAIN RESULTS MAIN RESULTS Ancona Genova Albenga Building of one of Europe’s biggest marinas close to the airport area; this could help the development of general aviation traffic Rail connection to the Sestri Ponente station (possible impact on outgoing traffic) Development of non aviation activities generating opportunities not only for passengers but also for residents. This goal might be achieved through the concentration of some services in the airport (e.g. consolidation of coaches in the airport) Development of incoming flows exploiting chances deriving from Genova and Savona cruise traffic (high traffic potential with Eastern Europe): fly & cruise “Open skies” process and overcoming bilateral agreement constraints for the opening of extra UE international routes (agreement mainly focused on Rome and Milan): opportunities for new connections might be generated (e.g. Morocco, TiranaAlbania, Miami-USA) Development of cargo segment through the exploitation of part of the yards situated in the Cornigliano area (ca. 30.000 m2) and the enlargement of the cargo terminal for more efficient embarking and disembarking operations Development of the Erzelli hi-tech village close to the airport (incoming flows due to the organization of international congresses, foreign scientists moving to the hi-tech center, etc.) The realization of the new link between A26 and A7 - the so called “Gronda di Ponente” -, and of the “Gronda di Levante”, deviating traffic from the city junction will decongest it and improve the airport accessibility The Genova-Ventimiglia railway line doubling could help the widening of the airport catchment area, opposing the competition of Nice airport The realization of the high capacity railway line Genova-Milano: it could allow the widening of the catchment area towards Milano area (through Tortona and Novi Ligure) GENOVA AIRPORT: THREATS State of the roads worsening due to a lack of interventions on mobility METHOD MAIN RESULTS MAIN RESULTS Ancona Genova Albenga New constraints for the airport development (e.g. close areas dedicated to activities not linked to the airport mission) Higher competition due to the implementation of specific actions by the direct competitors (e.g. new routes opening, free bus service from the Genova area in order to attract passenger to the different airports, etc.) and/or to the rising of new competitor/development of the existing ones GENOVA AIRPORT: IMPACT MATRIX Among opportunities, some medium-long term interventions have been included too, as the Erzelli high-tech village creation, the GenovaVentimiglia railway line doubling, the new highway line, and the high capacity line for Milano. In order to focus the analysis on a short term period the impact of these opportunities should not be considered. Development of non aviation & concentration of services in the airport area Incoming: cruise traffic New connections thanks to “open skies” opportunities Development of cargo activities through the exploitation of existing yards Realization of a new highway junction - “gronda di Ponente e Levante” Incoming/outgoing: Ge-XXmiglia railway line doubling Implementation of high capacity railway line GenovaMIlano State of the roads worsening due to a lack of interventions on mobility New constraints to airport development Increase of competition (competitors strengthening) TOTAL Good hub links (Mi, Rm, Munich) & new links (e.g. Madrid) 0 + ++ + ++ + + + + 0 + 10 0 0 + +1 + 11 No restrictions to operativity / aircrafts dimensions + 0 + + ++ + + + + + + 10 0 0 + +1 + 11 No congestion/quick check-in/traffic increase can be managed without investments STRENGTHS Ancona Genova Albenga + + + + ++ + + + + 0 + 10 0 0 0 0 + 10 Favorable position (city airport) + ++ ++ + 0 + 0 + + + + 10 + 0 + +2 + 12 Complete concession: max flexibility in the supply of services 0 0 + 0 + 0 0 0 0 + +3 0 0 + +1 +4 + 48 TOTAL +3 +4 +7 +4 +7 +4 +3 +4 +4 +3 + 43 +1 0 +4 +5 Lack of point-to point connections, charter flights and cargo 0 - - - 0 - - - - 0 -7 0 0 - -1 -8 High tariffs - - - - - - - - - - - 10 0 0 -- -2 - 12 Obsolete machinery and structures - 0 - - - 0 0 0 0 -- -6 0 - - -2 -8 Outgoing/incoming: criticalieties in links to the city centre (volabus/highways status/rail) 0 0 - - 0 0 0 0 0 0 -2 - 0 - -2 -4 Outgoing: lack of connections with the catchment area 0 0 - 0 - 0 0 0 0 - -3 - 0 - -2 -5 Outgoing/incoming: high competition within the catchment area 0 0 0 - - 0 - 0 0 0 -3 -- - - -4 -7 Incoming: morphological characteristics of the territory/lack of tourist services 0 0 - - - 0 0 0 0 0 -3 - 0 - -2 -5 Outgoing: stagnant economic situation and low average income - 0 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 - -3 0 0 - -1 -4 TOTAL DEBOLEZZE Development of Erzelli high tech village Outgoing/incoming: rail link to the train station of Sestri Ponente TOTAL METHOD MAIN RESULTS MAIN RESULTS THREATS Realization of a marina close to the airport (general aviation) OPPORTUNITIES Unbalanced company structure TOTAL TOTAL 0 0 - - - 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 - -1 -4 -3 -2 -8 -7 -6 -2 -3 -2 -2 -5 - 40 -5 -2 - 10 - 17 - 57 0 +2 -1 -3 +1 -2 0 +2 +2 -2 +3 -4 -2 -6 - 12 -9 GENOVA AIRPORT DEVELOPMENT CONCEPTS On the basis of the analysis carried out it appears that the main opportunities for Genova airport development consist in the focusing on incoming flows (mainly linked to tourist and congresses), which is strictly linked to the development of an integrated territorial marketing policy in collaboration with local stakeholders. METHOD MAIN RESULTS MAIN RESULTS Ancona Genova Albenga In particular increase of low cost point to point connections improvement of hub links development of the charter segment on long distance routes On the other hand, it is then fundamental to create the technical and structural conditions for the development of non aviation activities devoted not only to passengers but also to Genova population, thanks to the airport’s favorable position from the city centre. IMPACT ON THE REGION AND ON EUROPLANE PARTNERS Planned actions short-term: priority to incoming-flow development (low cost, charter and point to point), linked to an integrated territorial marketing policy medium-long term: development of non-aviation activities METHOD GENOVA AIRPORT MORE EFFICIENT USE OF AIRPORT INFRASTRUCTURES MAIN RESULTS MAIN RESULTS Ancona Genova Albenga EUROPLANE PARTNERS BALANCE BETWEEN AVIATION AND NONAVIATION REVENUES RATIO BENCHMARKING AND/OR TRANSFER OF TERRITORIAL MKT KNOW-HOW POSITIVE IMPACT ON EMPLOYMENT IN TURISM/HOTEL SECTOR TERRITORY POSITIVE IMPACT ON EMPLOYMENT OF COMMERCIAL ACTIVITIES ON SITE TRANSFER OF NON AVIATION ACTIVITIES KNOW-HOW ALBENGA AIRPORT: CHARACTERISTICS The airport “Clemente Panero” of Villanova d’Albenga is about 8 km from the centre of Albenga and 36 km from Imperia. The airport has a very good position in term of road accessibility (less than 4 km from the motorway and 7 km from Alassio, reachable with a highway in 10 minutes). METHOD MAIN RESULTS MAIN RESULTS Ancona Genova Albenga VILLANOVA D’ALBENGA Source: elaboration on plan ALBENGA AIRPORT: BUSINESS AREAS The development strategy of the airport, mainly focused on business aviation, is organized into four business areas METHOD BUSINESS AVIATION CHARTER TRAFFIC SCHEDULED TRAFFIC CARGO MAIN RESULTS MAIN RESULTS Ancona Genova Albenga DEVELOPMENT OPPORTUNITIES: COLLABORATION WITH NEIGHBOURING AIRPORTS SATURATED OR SPECIALIZED IN OTHER SEGMENTS, SKY OVERCROWDING, VERY LIGHT JET INTRODUCTION, BARYCENTRIC POSITION EXPLOITMENT DEVELOPMENT OPPPORTUNITIES: INCOMING TRAFFIC BY EXPLOITING TERRITORY TOURISM POTENTIAL AND DESEASONALIZING TOURISM FLOWS DEVELOPMENT OPPORTUNITIES: IMPLEMENTATION OF CONNECTIONS WITH NATIONAL HUBS DEVELOPMENT OPPORTUNITIES: IMPLEMENTATION OF TRAFFIC LINKED TO LOCAL PERISHABLE GOODS FOR DISTANT DESTINATIONS ALBENGA AIRPORT: STRENGTHS Authorization for night flights and favorable meteorological conditions all over the year METHOD New air terminal with high traffic potential (up to 200 passengers - arrivals and departures - at the same time, with a theoretical maximum of 2 millions pax per year, considering an average of about 60 pax per movement) Good road accessibility MAIN RESULTS MAIN RESULTS Ancona Genova Albenga High tourist interest of close areas (incoming traffic): West Riviera and Côte d’Azur, Sanremo Casino and Savona cruise terminal Within the airport area there is a customs office (head office of Imperia customs) with possibility of 24/7 operations ALBENGA AIRPORT: WEAKNESSES Scheduled traffic: few and not very usable links Restrictions on aircrafts movements (depending on aircraft dimensions) due to runway technical characteristics METHOD MAIN RESULTS MAIN RESULTS Ancona Genova Albenga Outgoing traffic: limited catchment area (even if with widening opportunities) Outgoing and incoming traffic: high competition within the catchment area (closeness to Genova, Milano Malpensa and Linate, Cannes, Nice, Torino) Incoming traffic: lack accommodation system of a structured tourist Management company structure (AVA S.p.A.) with a high concentration of local public bodies (absence of a private shareholder active in the air industry) and critical financial situation with negative consequences on investment chances ALBENGA AIRPORT: OPPORTUNITIES Development of business aviation and very light jet segments: favorable position within the Mediterranean basin (chances to reach several destinations in a 2.000 mile radius) Development of business aviation: collaboration with neighbouring airports (e.g. Cannes and Nice, saturated airports or focused on scheduled traffic) METHOD MAIN RESULTS MAIN RESULTS Ancona Genova Albenga High development of business aviation in Europe with a “skies overcrowding” process and then the necessity for a decentralization of traffic in smaller airports Development of charter traffic (after the removal of technical restrictions to aircrafts movements): direct commitment of local stakeholders for the definition of integrated tourist packages Development imbalance) of cargo traffic (possible criticalities due to traffic Development of non aviation activities: availability of areas close to the airport Shifting of the Albenga railway station and Genova-Ventimiglia railway line doubling, with improvement of airport accessibility (shuttle link with the station) ALBENGA AIRPORT: THREATS Medium-term market volatility: several regional airports have already been privatized and if the METHOD privatization procedures are not quickly carried out some chances might be missed The stop of the second rotation of the Rome flight due MAIN RESULTS MAIN RESULTS Ancona Genova Albenga to a lack of volumes would further reduce the availability of the service with particular regard to incoming flows from Rome ALBENGA AIRPORT Among opportunities, some medium-long term interventions have been included too, as the shift of the Albenga railway station and the GenovaVentimiglia railway line doubling. In order to focus the analysis on a short term period the impact of these opportunities should not be considered. OPPORTUNITIES Development of non aviation activities using available close areas Shift of Albenga train station + GE-XXmiglia railway line doubling Stop of the second rotation of the Rome flight Development of cargo segment - local productions Medium term market volatility Incoming: charter traffic with the involvement of local stakeholders + cruise sector +6 New traffic due to “skies overcrowding” (shit of traffic vs smaller airports) 0 Collaboratoon with close overfilled airports 0 Business aviation development + introduction of very light jet 0 No restriction on operation within the day and throughout the year + + + + + + 0 +6 No traffic congestion /wide potential of the air terminal + + + + + + 0 +6 0 0 0 +6 Good road accessibility + + + + + + + +7 0 0 0 +7 Incoming: high tourist interest of the area + + + ++ 0 + + +7 + 0 +1 +8 Custom in the airport area 0 0 0 + + 0 0 +2 0 0 0 +2 +4 +4 +4 +6 +4 +4 +2 + 28 +1 0 +1 + 29 Scheduled traffic: few connections 0 - 0 - 0 - - -4 - - -2 -6 Restriction to aircraft movements 0 - - - 0 - 0 -4 0 0 0 -4 Outgoing: limited catchment area 0 0 - 0 - - - -4 - -- -3 -7 Outgoing/incoming: high competition within the catchment area - - - - 0 - 0 -5 - - -2 -7 Incoming: lack of territorial marketing - 0 - -- 0 - 0 -5 -- - -3 -8 Unbalanced shareholders mix - - - - - - 0 -6 -- -- -4 - 10 -4 -5 -6 -2 -6 -2 - 28 -7 -7 - 14 - 42 +1 0 -1 0 +2 -2 0 0 -6 -7 - 13 TOTAL WEAKNESSES Ancona Genova Albenga STRENGTS MAIN RESULTS MAIN RESULTS TOTAL TOTAL METHOD THREATS -3 TOTALE TOTAL TOTAL ALBENGA AIRPORT DEVELOPMENT CONCEPTS On the basis of the analysis carried out it appears that the main opportunities for Albenga airport development consist in the focusing on business aviation traffic and, subordinately, on charter traffic. METHOD MAIN RESULTS MAIN RESULTS Ancona Genova Albenga This segment would then allow the airport to fully exploit its strengths (position, infrastructures, high tourist potential of area), guaranteeing a niche positioning. In particular for business aviation it is fundamental to implement marketing actions with regard to main potential clients creation of a network with other regional airports in cooperate for the charter it is essential to promote an integrated marketing policy specific and the order to territorial An essential point in order to facilitate the achievement of these goals could be the involvement of a private shareholder active in the air industry, able to introduce financial resources and know-how for airport development. IMPACT ON THE REGION AND ON EUROPLANE PARTNERS Planned actions short-term: involvement of a private shareholder in the airport company medium-long term: development of incoming flows (business aviation and charter), linked to an integrated territorial marketing policy METHOD ALBENGA AIRPORT OPTIMIZATION/ SATURATION OF AIRPORT PRODUCTIVE CAPACITY STARTING UP OF COOPERATION WITH AVAILABILITY OF FINANCIAL NEIGHBOURING RESOURCES FOR AIRPORTS INVESTMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS MAIN RESULTS OF KNOW-HOW FOR DEVELOPMENT Ancona Genova Albenga TERRITORY POSITIVE IMPACT ON EMPLOYMENT ON TOURISM/ HOTEL SECTOR DESEASONALIZATION OF TOURISM FLOWS BENCHMARKING AND/OR TRANSFER OF KNOW-HOW IN BUSINESS AVIATION TRANSFER OF KNOW-HOW DEVELOPMENT OF SYNERGIES IN BUSINESS AVIATION EUROPLANE PARTNERS S.p.A. Sede: METHOD Piazza della Vittoria 11 A/8 16121 Genova Tel. + Fax + Uffici: MAIN RESULTS Via Camperio, 14 20123 Milano Tel. + Via delle Coppelle, 35 00186 Roma Tel. + Fax + Via Sonnino, 77 09100 Cagliari Tel. +