Book: Microelectronic Circuits, 4 th Ed. By A.Sedra & K.Smith, Oxford


King Saud University

College of Engineering

Electrical Engineering Department

EE 315: Analog and Digital Electronic Circuits ةيمقرلاو ةيلثامتلا ةينورتكللاا رئاودلا

First Semester 1430/1431 14/10/1430 H(3.10.2009 G)

Instructor: Prof. Shuja A. Abbasi

Office: Room 2C94, Tel.: 46-76729

Book: Microelectronic Circuits, 4 th

Ed. By A.Sedra & K.Smith, Oxford University Press


The course is designed to introduce the students to the analysis and the understanding of analog and digital electronic circuits used in a variety of applications.


Two interim examinations

1 st

exam. on Sunday 15/11/09 (27/11/1430); 5=30 PM

2 nd

exam. on Sunday 3/1/10 (17/1/1431); 5=30 PM

Quizzes, Home work, Tutorial, Project, etc.

Final exam.( covers the entire course content )




Course Contents:

Linear and nonlinear op-amp applications: inverting and non-inverting amplifiers, integrator, difference amplifier. Differential amplifier. Current Mirror. Negative and positive feedback. NMOS and CMOS inverters, CMOS and pseudo NMOS logic gates, pass-transistor logic, dynamic logic.

BJT digital circuits: TTL, and ECL logic.

Teaching Schedule:

Week # 1: Introduction to Electronic Circuits, The Ideal Op Amp.

Week # 2: Analysis of circuits containing ideal Op Amps, Applications of Op Amps.

Week # 3: Effect of finite open loop gain and bandwidth. The BJT differential pair.

Week # 4: Small-signal operation of BJT differential pair, Common mode gain and CMRR, Biasing in

BJT ICs, the current mirror, MOS Differential Amplifiers.

Week # 5: Current source, the Wilson current source, MOS Current sources; Active load and multi stage amplifiers.

Week # 6: Feedback, Basic topology, ideal situation, practical situation.

Week # 7: Introduction to Digital circuits, Introduction to CMOS inverter.

Week # 8: Design and performance analysis of CMOS inverter.

Week # 9: CMOS logic gate circuits.

Week # 10: Pseudo NMOS logic circuits.

Week # 11: Dynamic operation of BJT digital circuits

Week # 12: TTL logic.

Week # 13: ECL logic.

Week # 14: Pass Transistor logic circuits; CMOS Dynamic logic circuits.

Goals: To Provide students with an understanding of and experience with the analysis and design of

Analog and Digital electronic circuits.

Attendance Policy: According to KSU policy, every student should attend atleast 75% of the course classes (including tutorials) held. Those who fail to fulfill this requirement will fail in the course.

Course Learning Outcomes:

1Analyzing various analog and digital electronic circuits.

2Designing various analog and digital electronic circuits.

3Learning identifying, design formulation and solution of various designs problems for analog and digital electronic circuits.

4Simulation of analog and digital electronic circuits using state of the art EDA tools.

Design experiences: 1. Design of various types of analog electronic circuits.

2. Design of various types of digital electronic circuits

Relationship to ABET Learning Outcomes (a - k):

Outcome A: By taking up analysis of various analog and digital circuits.

Outcome C: By teaching how to design analog and digital circuits needed for applications in various fields of Engineering.

Outcome E: By giving analog and digital circuit design problems.

Outcome K: By teaching design and simulation through state of the art EDA tools.
