Lesson Plans for Rachel Sanchez, 044

Lesson Plans for Rachel Sanchez, 044 - North Oaks Middle School
Week of Monday, October 20, 2014
Monday, October 20, 2014
Tuesday, October 21, 2014
Wednesday, October 22, 2014
Thursday, October 23, 2014
54 Day 55 Day 56 Day 57
Friday, October 24, 2014 Day 53
English Language Arts and Reading, English Language Arts and Reading, English Language Arts and Reading, English Language Arts and Reading, English Language Arts and Reading,
Grade 7
Grade 7
Grade 7
Grade 7
Grade 7
The student is expected to...
» Writing/Expository and Procedural
Texts. Students write expository and
procedural or work-related texts to
communicate ideas and information to
specific audiences for specific purposes.
» write a multi-paragraph essay to convey
information about a topic that contains a
clearly stated purpose or controlling idea.
The student is expected to... » identify,
use, and understand the function of the
following parts of speech in the context of
reading, writing, and speaking appositive
The student is expected to...
» Writing/Expository and Procedural
Texts. Students write expository and
procedural or work-related texts to
communicate ideas and information to
specific audiences for specific purposes.
Notes: Substitute for Kagan PD
» identify, use, and understand the
function of the following parts of speech in
Debrief: Why is becoming proficient at
the context of reading, writing, and
typing helpful? Focusing on learning how speaking[19A]
to type in preparation for publishing our
» identify, use, and understand the
essays and for the STAAR-A Writing
function of the following parts of speech in
Debrief: What does a strong controlling
the context of reading, writing, and
idea look like in an expository essay?
speaking appositive phrases.[19Aii]
Mini-lesson:Display bell ringer with a
focus on editing (spelling and
Mini-lesson: Display bell ringer and
review appositive phrases. Read aloud 3- capitalization) and give Type Mat
Debrief: How can I brainstorm and
4 point expository essays. Direct students directions. Instruct students to check and prewrite for the given expository writing
to highlight the controlling idea within each tutor their SAM. Have substitute review
essay. Then review lead, topic sentences, the appositive phrases homework with
students before exiting.
supporting evidence, and conclusions.
Mini-lesson: Display bell ringer with a
Finally, students will be given a quick write
focus on editing (spelling, capitalization,
Workshop: Students show how to set
where they will need to create a thesis
use of commas etc) & labeling parts of
their hands properly on the keyboard and speech. Read aloud expository writing
with the given information.
work on their individualized charts.
prompt and walk through the prewriting
Workshop: Students complete bell ringer
Kagan Structure/Strategy: Check and
and highlight the aforementioned
elements. Then students will pair up and Tutor.
Workshop: students complete bell
create a thesis from teacher given
ringer and begin brainstorming for their
Formative:Teacher observation of student essay. Students will complete their
activity and responses.
outlines individually.
Kagan Strategy/Structure:
Accommodations/Modifications/Extension Kagan Strategy/Structure:
Formative: Student responses and work. s:
Shortened, bulleted instruction, repeated Formative: teacher observation of student
Accommodations/Modifications/Extension review, extended time for processing and responses.
response, clarified vocabulary, etc.
Shortened, bulleted instruction, repeated
review, extended time for processing and
response, clarified vocabulary, etc.
The student is expected to...
» Writing/Expository and Procedural
Texts. Students write expository and
procedural or work-related texts to
communicate ideas and information to
specific audiences for specific purposes.
» write a multi-paragraph essay to convey
information about a topic that contains a
clearly stated purpose or controlling idea.
Debrief: Using my prewrite outline, what
writing tools can I use to help me create
my rough draft?
The student is expected to...
» write a multi-paragraph essay to convey
information about a topic that presents
effective introductions and concluding
» Writing/Expository and Procedural
Texts. Students write expository and
procedural or work-related texts to
communicate ideas and information to
specific audiences for specific purposes.
» identify, use, and understand the
function of the following parts of speech in
the context of reading, writing, and
speaking transitions for sentence to
sentence or paragraph to paragraph
Mini-lesson: Display bell ringer with a
focus on parts of speech and appositive
phrases. Read aloud the writing prompt
and review the prewriting strategies.
Debrief: What stage of the writing
process am I in, and how can I further
develop my essay?
Workshop: Students complete bell ringer Mini-lesson: Display bell ringer with a
and begin rough draft.
focus on editing. Then give station
directions (rough draft continuation,
Kagan Strategy/Structure:
ratiocination, clocking, or final draft
Formative: Teacher observation of
student work.
Workshop: Students complete rough draft
and continue through the aforementioned
Accommodations/Modifications/Extension stations.
Shortened, bulleted instruction, repeated Kagan Strategy/Structure:
review, extended time for processing and Assessment:
response, clarified vocabulary, etc.
Formative: Teacher observation of student
work and responses.
Shortened, bulleted instruction, repeated
review, extended time for processing and
response, clarified vocabulary, etc.
Monday, October 20, 2014
Tuesday, October 21, 2014
Shortened, bulleted instruction, repeated
review, extended time for processing and
response, clarified vocabulary, etc.
Wednesday, October 22, 2014
Thursday, October 23, 2014
54 Day 55 Day 56 Day 57
Friday, October 24, 2014 Day 53
English Language Arts and Reading, English Language Arts and Reading, English Language Arts and Reading, English Language Arts and Reading, English Language Arts and Reading,
Grade 6
Grade 6
Grade 6
Grade 6
Grade 6
The student is expected to...
» Research Standards
TEKS Research 22-25 Book Titles 20C
Debrief: How can I create a narrowed
research question?
Mini-lesson: Display Bell Ringer with a
focus on book titles and capitalization.
After viewing several research questions,
have students pair up and discuss how to
narrow their topics and formulate their own
research question within the 1960s.
The student is expected to...
» Oral and Written Conventions/Spelling.
Students spell correctly.[21]
» use spelling patterns and rules and print
and electronic resources to determine and
check correct spellings.[21B]
Notes: Substitute for Kagan PD
TEK Book Titles 20C
The student is expected to...
» Oral and Written
Conventions/Handwriting, Capitalization,
and Punctuation. Students write legibly
and use appropriate capitalization and
punctuation conventions in their
» use proper mechanics including italics
and underlining for titles of books.[20C]
» Oral and Written
Conventions/Spelling. Students spell
The student is expected to...
» Research Standards
» Research/Gathering Sources. Students
determine, locate, and explore the full
range of relevant sources addressing a
research question and systematically
record the information they gather.[23] »
identify the source of notes (e.g., author,
title, page number) and record
bibliographic information concerning
those sources according to a standard
» evaluate the relevance and reliability of
sources for the research.[24B]
Debrief: Why is becoming proficient at
typing helpful? Focusing on learning how
to type in preparation for publishing our
TEKS Research 22-25 Book Titles 20C
essays and for the STAAR-A Writing
Debrief: What is a bibliography? How do
Workshop: Students complete bell ringer
I cite different sources?
individually and then discuss formulating Mini-lesson:Display bell ringer with a
Debrief: How can I find the information I
and narrowing their research question
focus on editing & book titles, and give
Mini-lesson: Display bell ringer with a
need in order to write my research
with a partner. Students will submit their Type Mat directions. Instruct students to focus on book titles. Show Holt McDougal outline?
research question for review.
check and tutor their SAM. Have the
Sources PPT and give directives for filling
substitute review the grammar homework in students source cards.
Mini-lesson: Discuss how to search for
Kagan Strategy/Structure:
before class ends.
reliable and relevant sources using the
Complete bell ringer. internet, books, and journals.
Workshop: Students show how to set
Students take notes on PPT and create
Formative: Teacher observation of
their hands properly on the keyboard and the template for their source cards.
Workshop: students work in stations to
student responses. Students completion work on their individualized charts.
uncover four facts for each source that
of bell ringer and research question.
Kagan Strategy/Structure:
support their research question.
Kagan Structure/Strategy: Check and
Accommodations/Modifications/Extension Tutor.
Formative: Teacher observation of
Kagan Strategy/Structure:
student responses and student completion Assessment:
Shortened, bulleted instruction, repeated Formative:Teacher observation of student of source card templates.
Formative: Students complete fact and
review, extended time for processing and activity and responses.
source cards.
response, clarified vocabulary, etc.
Accommodations/Modifications/Extension s:
Shortened, bulleted instruction, repeated s:
Shortened, bulleted instruction, repeated review, extended time for processing and Shortened, bulleted instruction, repeated
review, extended time for processing and response, clarified vocabulary, etc.
review, extended time for processing and
response, clarified vocabulary, etc.
response, clarified vocabulary, etc.
The student is expected to...
» differentiate between paraphrasing
and plagiarism and identify the
importance of citing valid and reliable
sources.[23E] » Research/Synthesizing
Information. Students clarify research
questions and evaluate and synthesize
collected information.[24]
» Research/Organizing and Presenting
Ideas. Students organize and present
their ideas and information according to
the purpose of the research and their
» compiles important information from
multiple sources.[25A]
» develops a topic sentence, summarizes
findings, and uses evidence to support
» uses quotations to support ideas and an
appropriate form of documentation to
acknowledge sources (e.g., bibliography,
works cited).[25D]
Debrief: Using my fact cards and notes,
how can I create my research outline.
Mini-lesson: Display bell ringer with a
focus on book titles. Then review a
research outline template. Direct students
to complete their outline using their own
Workshop: students complete bell ringer
and research outline independently. Then
they stand up hand up pair up to peer
check their outlines.
Kagan Strategy/Structure:
Summative: students complete research
Shortened, bulleted instruction, repeated
review, extended time for processing and
response, clarified vocabulary, etc.