Unit 7 Schedule - Windsor C

Unit 7
Post-Napoleonic Europe (Industrial Rev) to Mid-Century, 1815-50
Documents selected for instruction may include but are not limited to:
Textbook and Primary Sources
 Kagan, The Western Heritage. Ch: 21, 22
Secondary Sources
DocPkt – 4 Industrial Revolution
Visual Sources
• Abbey Graveyard in the Snow Caspar David Friedrich
• The Genius of Christianity – Rene de Chateaubriand
• Liberty Leading the People: Romanticism and Liberalism – Eugene Delacroix
• Working Class Disappointments: Rue Transnonian, April 15, 1834 – Honore Daumier
Unit Focus
The challenges of nationalism and liberalism to conservative order in the early 19th C.
The domestic and international politics of the conservative order from the Congress of
Vienna through the 1820’s
The wars of Independence in Latin America
Revolutions of 1830 on the Continent and the passage o’ Great Reform Bill in Britain
Development of industrialism and its effects on the organization of labor and the family
The changing role of women in industrial society
The establishment of police force and reform of prisons
The revolutions of 1848
Name: ______________________ Hour: ____ AP European History – Mr. W.B. Brooks
Assignment Title
Kagan Chapter(s) – Readings & Multiple Choice Questions
Vocabulary & Review Questions
Industrial Revolution “A”
Industrial Revolution “B”
Italian Unification Documents – Debate Activity
DBQ – Industrialization of Manchester (First IN-CLASS)
Unit Reading Journal (Completed By 3rd Day of Unit)
Reading Groups (Done In Class On Day Before Unit Exam)
Reading Quiz (Only Over Textbook Chapters)
Unit Summative / Exam (MC, FRQ, DBQ – Possible Formats)
Second Semester Unit 7: The Age of Nationalism Calendar
Reading: Text, German Unification Fact Sheet; Italian Unification Documents
Topic of the Day
“Mid-19th Century Nationalism” PPT (Crimean War, German & Italian Unification)
Italian Unification Ladder and Documents
Prep for the Italian Unification Activity
Italian Unification Activity/Debate
Debate Paragraph due tomorrow
German Unification part of the PPT
German Unification Ladder & Ems Dispatch Analysis
The Western Tradition: “The Age of Nationalism”
Compare/Contrast on Unification in Italy and Germany (Venn Diagram)
E. European part of the PPT and Review
Study for Unit I Exam
Unit I Exam—Study Guide Due
Enduring Understandings
1. Nationalism was a major factor in the unification of both Italy & Germany.
2. Separatism dating from the 16th century, and competition for control between Austria and Prussia thwarted many
efforts at German unification which was finally unified due to the Machiavellian policies of Otto von Bismarck.
3. The Prussian military tradition dominated the new German government and its policies, but following unification,
Germany was one of the first nations to adopt widespread social welfare programs.
Essential Questions
1. What effects did the rise of nationalism have on 19th century Europe?
2. To what extent was “realpolitik” employed in the unification of Germany & Italy? (Look at each nation
individually for this question)
3. How did the unification of Italy & Germany affect the balance of power in Europe?
4. How do 19th century nationalism and 20th century ethnic nationalism differ?
5. To what extent does nationalism affect contemporary foreign policy?
6. Explain how the Crimean War was a turning point in European history.
Assignment #3
PowerPoint: "The Industrial Revolution."
1. What were some of the major technological changes and new forms of
industrial organization which helped Britain take the lead in the Industrial
2. How did the French Revolution and the Napoleonic era "clear the way" for
future industrialization in Europe?
3. What role did the railroad place in hastening the industrialization of
4. Where were the new centers of industrialization established on the European
continent by the middle of the 19c?
5. How were the patterns of industrialization different in France and the rest of
continental Europe from those established in Britain?
6. What role did the British government play in support of industrialization?
7. What was the significance of the Great Exhibition in the Crystal Palace in
8. What new types of power were represented by the factory system?
9. How did the new factory system affect the life of the working class?
10.What is meant by the term differentiation as it applied to the division of labor
prevalent in the factories of the 19c? as it applied to governments in the 19c?
Assignment #4
Document packet: "The Industrial Revolution."
1. What were some of the demographic changes that occurred in Western
Europe in the early to mid-19c?
2. What were the effects of a large increase in population from 1800 to 1870 in
3. What was the main thesis of Thomas R. Malthus' "Essay on the Principles of
Population as it Affects the Future Improvement of Society?" What was his
view on poverty and the poor?
4. Identify some of the major urban problems that developed in the early 19c?
5. How did the national/municipal governments attempt to address these new
urban problems created by industrialization?
6. How was the Poor Law of 1834 an attempt on the part of the British
government to alleviate poverty in the cities? Why was this law so
controversial at the time?