
Market Analysis
Note: in preparing the market information section you will need to analyze social markets as well as
commercial markets. The degree in which social markets are relevant in the market analysis depends on
the level of integration between social programs and business activities in the operating model.
Operating Environment (information taken from the SWOT Analysis)
What are the opportunities and threats your social enterprise faces from external forces in the
environment in which it operates? (Fill out worksheet)
Operating Environment Worksheet
External Forces
Legal and regulatory policies
Health/safety standards or
requirements, environment, tax
status, licenses
Economic environment
Unemployment, inflation, low
purchasing power, interest rates
Instability, insecurity, war,
corruption, etc.
Roads, water, utility, etc.
Holidays, agricultural seasons,
migration, etc.
Big, small, growing, shrinking, etc.
Importance of technology;
impact of changing technology
Raw materials
Access, cost, availability, etc.
Explain why
Market size and future trends
1) What is the size of the market (number of customers)?
a) Is the market growing? Shrinking? Is it large enough to support your social enterprise TODAY?
2) What are the market trends?
a) What changes do you predict in the profile of your target market (awareness product exists,
changes in taste, fads, increased brand awareness, income level, location (i.e. migrants)
b) How will these changes affect your customers?
Desire or willingness to use the product?
ii) How or when they use the product or service?
iii) Ability to pay for it?
iv) How will changes in social awareness and values affect your product or service?
c) What changes do you predict in the strategic environment (legal, economic, regulatory, etc.)
that could impact your social enterprise? Explain.
3) Are there particular market niches (parts of the market) that this enterprise could develop?