Candidates Iraq Immigration Economy Hillary Clinton, D-NY and former First Lady Voted to authorize the war. Would begin withdrawing troops (most out within a year). Leave some troops to protect U.S. interests in Iraq. Supports path to citizenship for illegal immigrants who pay fines, taxes & learn English. Opposes drivers licenses. Says it should be easier to reunify families. Voted for border fence. Stop tax cuts for those earning >$250,000 & freeze estate tax and foreclosures. Economic stimulus package. Increase minimum wage and job training. John Edwards Former Senator (D-NC) Voted to authorize the war. But says made a mistake. Would withdraw ~40,000 immediately, with all out in 10 months. Would keep some troops in region. Supports path to citizenship for illegal immigrants who pay fines, taxes and learn English. Crack down on employers who hire illegal immigrants. Double border patrol. Repeal Bush tax cuts for those earning >$200,000. Double the child tax credits. Raise minimum wage to $9.50 by 2012. More tax credits for research. Barack Obama D-IL Was not in Senate for 2002 vote but spoke out against invasion. Withdraw troops in 16 months, leaving some to protect American interests in Iraq. Supports path to citizenship for illegal immigrants who pay fines, taxes and learn English; can earn driver’s licenses. Voted for border fence. Wants to exchange Bush tax cuts for new ones for those earning <$500,000. Wants $4,000 tax credit for tuition. Renegotiate NAFTA. Health Care Require insurance. Provide govn’t plans. Large employers required to provide insurance; small firms get tax credits. Require insurance. Create regional health plans with choices. Require employers to contribute. Required for children. Would offer subsidies to make affordable. Employers required to provide coverage or pay. Global Warming Education Social Supports cap and trade program to cut carbon emissions. Cut electricity usage. Fuel standards: 55 mpg by 2050. Wants to reform No Child Left Behind & Pre-kindergarten for all. Wants to increase grants & make college loans more affordable; increase tax credits for college. Supports abortion rights. Opposes ban on “partial birth” abortion. Supports civil unions. Allow states decide gay marriage. Opposed constitutional amendment banning it. Cap greenhouse gas emissions Wants new global warming treaty. End tax breaks for oil companies. Wants to radically overhaul No Child Left Behind. Wants national program to pay for one year of public college for students who work part time, stay out of trouble. Supports abortion rights. Criticized Supreme Court for upholding “partial birth” abortion ban. Supports civil unions. Opposes gay marriage. Opposed amendment banning it. Supports cap and trade program to reduce greenhouse gases. Wants oil, coal, gas firms to pay for emission allowances. Move away from judging schools by tests as in No Child Left Behind law. Would increase grants, & pay for teachers who mentor students and boost achievement. Supports abortion rights. Criticized Supreme Court for upholding “partial birth” abortion ban. Supports civil unions. Would let states decide gay marriage. Opposes amendment banning it. Iraq war Immigration Rudy Giuliani, Former NYC mayor Supported Bush policy. Opposes troop withdrawal timetable. Wants border enforcement, including fence. Wants foolproof biometric entry card. Would allow 12 million illegal immigrants to stay in U.S. if they paid fines, worked, and learned English. Mike Huckabee, Former AK governor Supported invasion but also has called Bush administration’s foreign policy “arrogant.’’ Originally had lukewarm support for surge. Opposes troop withdrawal timetable. Supports border fence. Wants to go after employers for hiring the undocumented. Believes illegal immigrants will come forward and return home to get in line to come back to U.S. Economy Health Care Global Warming Education Make Bush tax cuts permanent. Repeal the estate tax. Wants to reduce corporate taxes and government regulation. Believes expansion of medical savings accounts will lead to lower health care costs. Wants a $15,000 tax deduction for families to buy insurance. Opposes mandatory cap on carbon emissions. Supports energy alternative project similar to drive to go to the moon. In private sector represented energy interests. Supports nuclear, hydro and solar power. Supports school choice, including vouchers. Increased funding as mayor. Wants to expand charter schools. Wants to give military families scholarship for private schools. Would strive to get a balanced federal budget. Wants to eliminate the IRS and move to a consumption tax. Believes wellness care and prevention the answer to lower health care costs. Favors health savings accounts; tax deductions. Supports mandatory cap and trade system to reduce emissions. Vows to achieve energy independence by end of second term through nuclear, solar, clean coal, wind, etc. Supports No Child Left Behind law. Fought for charter schools in Arkansas. Social Issues Supports abortion rights. Promises to appoint “strict constructionist” judges. Opposes gay marriage. Supports certain forms of domestic partnerships and hate crimes legislation. Opposes abortion rights. Wants Roe v. Wade overturned. Supports constitutional amendment banning gay marriage. Opposes federal funds for abortion. Iraq war Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz. Rep. Ron Paul, R-Texas Mitt Romney, Former MA governor Immigration Voted yes on war. Opposed Bush strategy after initial fall of Hussein. Supports surge. Opposes any withdrawal timetable. Proposed bill that would have secured borders, created temp. worker program, allowed illegal immigrants to stay. Now says enforcement must come first. Opposes war. Opposes Bush doctrine of preemption. Wants to bring all troops home fast. Wants to abolish birthright citizenship. Opposes any health, education or welfare for illegal immigrants. Opposes guest worker programs. Supports war. Wants to add troops. Opposes withdrawal timetable. Wants to help Muslims reject extremism. As governor didn’t act against sanctuary cities; opposes them now. No path to legalization for illegal immigrants. Wants crackdown on employers hiring the undocumented. Economy Health Care Global Warming Education Social Issues Extend Bush tax cuts although originally voted against. Simplify tax code. Dramatically cut spending. $5,000 refundable tax credit for families buying health insurance. Supports importation of drugs from Canada. Reduce emissions through cap and trade system. Voted no on increasing auto fuel standards. Supports nuclear. Says U.S. should support global effort if China and India are in. Opposed national standards for federal money. Supports teaching virtues in the schools. Supports tax-free savings accounts for school expenses. Supports repeal of Roe v. Wade but in 1999 said he did not because he didn’t want to force women into illegal abortions. Believes marriage should be between a man and a woman. For tax credits for health insurance and drugs. Opposes any government mandate. Would allow drugs to be imported. Opposes federal mandates. Favors expansion of nuclear. Sees no scientific consensus on global warming. Wants private property rights enforced to stop polluting. $3,000 tax credit for educationrelated expenses. Wants to abolish the education department. Wants to overturn Roe v. Wade; opposes “partial birth” abortions. Believes marriage is a religious rite and government shouldn’t be involved at all. Opposes sweeping mandates. Says U.S. should not act without China and developing nations involved. Supports drilling in Arctic, alternative fuels, nuclear. Wants to focus on science and math goals. Supports charter schools, more parental involvement and higher salaries for high-performing teachers. Wants to replace eliminate federal income tax. Wants massive spending cuts. Wants to restore gold standard. Make Bush tax cuts permanent. Wants focus on worker retraining and strengthening math and science education. Supported mandated health insurance. But says that shouldn’t be national plan. Wants freemarket system with flexibility for states. Opposes abortion rights after supporting them as of 1994. Supports a constitutional amendment banning gay marriage. At one time supported domestic partnerships.