Part 1: Research the scientists

In this project, you will be researching several scientists whose experiments contributed to our
current knowledge of the atom’s structure. This project is worth 20 points.
Learning Objectives:
Order each scientist in history
Identify each scientist and his contributions to the current model of the atom
Draw each scientist’s atomic model
Part 1: Research the scientists
Please research the information below for each scientist and his atomic model. These are the
concepts that you are expected to know for the Regents exam and the concepts that may appear
on a unit test. You may use the following websites to begin your research but will probably need
to expand your search. You may use internet sources as well as paper sources like a textbook.
John Dalton
Know the major points in Dalton’s atomic theory
J.J Thomson
Understand the basics of Thomson’s experiment and the apparatus he used
Know the major conclusions drawn from Thomson’s experiment
Know the name of Thomson’s atomic model
Ernest Rutherford
Describe Rutherford’s gold foil experiment
Know the major conclusions drawn from Rutherford’s experiment
Niels Bohr
Understand how the subatomic particles are organized in Bohr’s model of the atom and
how they move
Erwin Schrödinger / Werner Heisenberg
Know the current model of the atom and what it is based on.
Part 2: Present the Information
On one 8 ½ by 11 inch piece of paper, make a timeline that includes each atomic model
researched in Part 1. Include the following on the timeline:
The approximate date in which each atomic model was developed.
An original drawing of each scientist’s model of the atom, with its parts labeled.
Pictures or writing showing that you researched the information in each bullet point in
Part 1.
At least three other historical events on your timeline to put these dates into
perspective. Perhaps the date of a major war in history or an important invention. (Be
Several very creative projects will be selected to hang around the room. These projects will
earn 2 bonus points.
Do not use glitter!
Turning in the project
This project is due in its entirety on Thursday, September 18th.
Before you finish your project check the grading rubric to make sure you have met all
Write your name on the front or back of your project. Please turn in the grading rubric along
with your project
Check out the atomic history song in the “videos” section of Mrs. Falk’s website for inspiration!