RPED 251 - The Citadel

RPED 251
Dr. Phillip Bogle, Ph.D.
Program Coordinator
RPED 251
* Slide series to compliment information in RPED 250/251 Instructor Guidelines (link)
Purpose of the Course
This course is designed to teach students what physical fitness is; why they
should be fit; how they can evaluate physical fitness; and what can be done to
develop, maintain and improve levels of physical fitness. Basic exercise
physiology, body mechanics, exercise programs and prescriptions are taught.
Textbook: FitWell, Questions and Answers. Liguori, and Carroll-Cobb. McGraw Hill
Publishing, 2012. ISBN-13: 978-0-07-761187-3; ISBN-10: 0-07-761187-X.
RPED 251
Course Guidelines
• Please review the course guidelines in the RPED 250/251 Instructor Guide
(revised 13 January 2013) when composing the course syllabus and prior to your
first class. (Handout given at meeting)
Revisions (from 20 August 2103)
Page 1 – Change in wording of Introduction to include RPED 251 Course
Page 1 – Information and Course Description of RPED 251, including textbook
Page 6 – Under Additional Course Policies, Evaluation, Section (E) : “Try to
refrain from grading on participation, unless you are awarding “all or
nothing” of the possible point values. It is difficult, if not impossible, to
objectively score levels of participation or effort, and this may promote
student objections to your grading policy. Instead, develop methods of
objectively measuring outcomes from the participation. For example, in RPED
251, you may elect to have students develop written exercise prescription
based on the outcome of their participation in the fitness testing.”
RPED 251
Course Guidelines
Revisions (from 20 August 2103), continued.
Page 7 – Under Additional Course Policies, Course Syllabus (#15): hyperlink added
to Final Examination Policy : “Final Exam Policy – you must follow The Citadel
Policy – (Web Page). You should post The Citadel Policy on your course syllabus.”
Page 7 – Under Additional Course Policies, Course Syllabus: “You are required to
submit an electronic version of your course syllabus to the Program
Coordinator at your earliest possible convenience.”
RPED 251
Course Guidelines
Revisions (from 20 August 2103), continued.
Page 8,9 – Under Instructor Evaluation, Informal Classroom Observation: “The course
coordinator may make informal visitations to your classroom to observe the classroom
activity. The purpose of the visitation is not for evaluation or critique, but to solely for
the coordinator to observe and learn about the different classroom activities that are
occurring in the various sections of the course. These visitations will help the program
coordinator generate new ideas for the teaching curriculum, and identify teaching
methods that may be helpful to other instructors. The program coordinator will contact
you by e-mail to schedule the informal classroom visitation. Likewise, you may request a
specific time and date, by e-mail. At the beginning of the academic school year, you
should e-mail the program coordinator to meet with you class (RPED 250) for a short
introduction (5-10 minutes).”
• Each instructor should also follow the guidelines set forth in the Adjunct
Faculty Manual (web link)
RPED 251
Course Syllabus (review)
The course syllabus describes instructional intent and is a written contract
between the instructor and student.
The course syllabus should contain the following sections. (You may also refer to
the Adjunct Faculty Manual for assistance in designing the syllabus)
•Course Description
•Your contact information
•Your office location and office hours
•Class locale and meeting days/times.
•Course textbook information
•Course attendance policy
•Name and location of any ancillary course materials, including online materials
RPED 251
Course Syllabus review (continued)
The course syllabus should contain the following sections…. (continued)
•Schedule (calendar) of course events, including assignments and respective due
dates, exam dates, in-class lecture information and activities, and reading
•Evaluation, including the type of evaluation, purpose, grading criterion, and
quantitative value are addressed for each type of course evaluation.
•Grading Policies, including letter grades and corresponding point value
•Information concerning academic integrity
•Information on other expectations (classroom etiquette, communication
expectations, tobacco / cell phone use, etc..)
•Information on The Citadel Academic Support center
Final Exam Policy – you must follow The Citadel Policy – (Web Page). It may be a
good idea to post The Citadel Policy on your course syllabus.
Electronic versions of the course syllabus are helpful!
RPED 251
RPED 250/251 Coordinator Evaluations (continued)
During the 2013-2014 Academic Year (AY), you are encouraged to participate in a
classroom evaluation by scheduling a visitation appointment with the course
For the 2013-2014 AY, your participation in the evaluation is optional, but you are
encouraged to schedule an evaluation visit with the course coordinator. If you
teach multiple sections of RPED 250/251, evaluation visit will suffice for all of
your sections.
Beginning with the 2014-2015 AY, you will be required to schedule a coordinator
evaluation visit for the RPED 250 and RPED 251 class once every academic year.
RPED 251
A support web site has been developed for RPED 250/251 (link).
This web site is designed to provide you with information that will be helpful in
course instruction and policy.
Instructional Support
Instructional online support is available through the RPED 251 Textbook Publisher
Helpful materials include, slides, chapter learning objectives, exam/quiz
questions, health video segments (could be placed in slides).
RPED 251
Thanks for your support in making RPED 251 and meaningful
and positive teaching / learning experience! I am always
ready to assist you with any matter pertaining to the course.
Contact Information
Dr. Phillip Bogle (e-mail)
207 Deas Hall
The Citadel
Charleston SC 29409
(O) 843.953.7956