
Chapters 1-7*
Population distribution
Population density
Birth rate
Death rate
Four main factors that influence birth rates
Natural increase
Natural decrease
Dependency ratio (and calculate it)
Understand/use population pyramids
Three shapes of population pyramid
Demographic Transition Model
Read over examples: Ireland and France
• Overpopulation
• Carrying capacity
• Factors that can increase (6) or decrease (7) carrying
capacity of a region
• Three main causes of overpopulation
• Overpopulation in Sudan (case study)
• Influence of society and culture on overpopulation
(three main factors)
• Impact of technology on population growth
• Population growth and developing countries
• Main migration terms needed (15)
• Impact of migration on donor and host
• Advantages and disadvantages of
• Ethnic, racial and religious issues
• Ireland and migration through the years
• Migration policy in Ireland and EU
• Rural to urban migration
4 main settlement patterns on a map
Settlement in Ireland through the eras
Planning for settlement in Ireland (NDP)
Christallers Central Place Theory
Evidence of settlement on an OS Map
Types of land use zone in a city
Ricepots (again)
Land use in Dublin and Paris (case studies)
Burgesses Concentric zone model, draw and
Hoyts Sector theory, draw and understand
Harris and Ullmans Multiple Nuclei theory, draw
and understand
The HARP project in Dublin
Land values in cities including Bid Rent
Social stratification
5 main urban problems
3 international solutions to traffic congestion
Irelands solutions to traffic congestion
Case studies: Cork and Copenhagen
Urban decay
Absence of community
Urban renewal
Ballymun regeneration case study
Paris redevelopment case study
Urban sprawl
• Air pollution in urban areas
• Methods to reduce air pollution