Everyone of us is
both a student and
a teacher
We are at our best when we
teach ourselves what we need to
The One Minute Teacher
•Self regulating
•Sensing changes and
acting upon these
Effectuation is the
•Lemonade principle
•Bird-in-hand principle
Mapping of
& Evaluation
Develop the
 Consulting Assignment
 Lead Role in industrial/ Marketing/Research
 Training Programs
 Could be used as resources for conducting
Surveys/ Market/Industrial Research
 Can prove as good will ambassador of the
Good Will/ Reputation
 Taking market oriented business, based in the
area of expertise could be much easier e.g. AKU
Pathological labs, IIU School Systems, Zia Ud Din
Medical Hospital, LUMS training programs
 A scarce resource Needed to be dealt in an
appropriate fashion
 Farming e.g. Pir Mehr Ali Shah
 IT-Parks - The Technology Park Malaysia (TPM),
inaugurated in 1996, covers 120 acres and involves a
state investment of US$80 million and is surrounded
by five universities. Proposal at one so to be
established at FAST-NU
 Could be utilized to establish industrial Parks etc e.g
Texas University
 Could be utilised for conferences, functions,
industrial exhibitions etc.
 Building could be re-designed with corporate help
promoting CSR
 Co-Branding ;Salman-Dawood Business School,
Said Business School, Keneddy School of
 Can be managed on commercial bases e.g. GIFT
 Co-Branding against cost of maintenance
 Gives you the right to develop Human Resources
in whatever field you want.
 Market oriented new programs
 Start twinning arrangements
 Admit, Train, Export by having agreements in
advance e.g. Nursing Associations exams etc
 Register & Activate their network
 Motivate them to donate.
 Ask help in generating business in the market
External Environment
 Chaos
 Law & Order situation
 Mismanagement
 Illiteracy
 Backward & Forward integration
Local Produce
• Ensuring there is a clear understanding as to
the issue to be addressed, how it will be addressed, within what
timeframe, and at what cost
• Establishing (and maintaining) a clear communication vehicle
(status calls /
monthly meetings, etc.)
• Driving the activity to completion (vs. letting the activity lag due to
lack of focus)
• Bringing in other disciplines / institutions to address the issue
• Offering to help disseminate results upward within the organization
• Delivering results in a format compatible with the organization
• Giving organizational-specific examples of
how the results impact the organization
• Over delivering by answering an extension to the original question
• Taking the money and running
• Sharing results with the payers' competitors
• Hiding from your contact when problems occur
• Being too general, or stating the obvious in the results
• Underestimating the experience and knowledge of
your contact
• Having all the answers
• Not knowing how the results are to be used … and with
• Delivering results:
without offering to formally present and discuss,
without opportunity for questioning, and
without an offer for follow-on involvement
Do you comfortably have the ability to deliver
results in the requested timeframe?
• Does the Consultant/researcher or
Research/Business Center have the
“knowledge fit” with existing company /
industry needs?
• Does the researcher/Consultant or
Research/Business Center have linkages with
other disciplines / geographies to help fully
address the issue at hand?
Do you truly have the ability to meet the
need(s) for the issue at hand?
• What is the uniqueness of the
Consultant/researcher / Research Center’s
research focus?
• What is the strength and quality of the
consultant/research personnel and
Do you feel confident you’ll have the opportunity
to develop a meaningful relationship?
Is there a “mental fit” between the
Consultant/researcher / Research Center and the
company / industry contact?
Is the Consultant/researcher or Research
Center compatibility with company / industry
Will the Consultant/researcher / Research
Center have the ability to personally meet with
the company / industry contact?
Is it important to you (and will you have) the opportunity to see that
your results are used?
• What is the importance of the researcher/consultant or Research
Center to the company / industry making the research request?
• What is the likelihood of the researcher/consultant or Research
Center producing “valued" deliverables?
• What is the likelihood that the consultant/researcher / Research
Center can create new & differentiated knowledge?
• What is the uniqueness of the consultant/researcher / Research
Center’s publication outlets?
• Will the researcher/consultant / Research Center have the
opportunity (given results) to present the results upward?
When dealing with industry:
• Know what your intention and expectations are
• Be clear as to how the results can be used
• Focus on the relationship
• Every interaction is the basis for a long-term
• Deliver what you promised
• Be certain what’s expected of you
• Don’t be afraid to reach out beyond your own area
of expertise
• Deliver more than asked for … with examples
specific to the company
• Communicate … Communicate … Communicate
Good will/ Reputation
External Environment
Local produce
Reality of Funding
 Donors are Bureaucrats
Getting Known
Build Alliances
Be Aware
Don’t ignore Anyone
Things to do to maintain a good relationship
 Sending regular summaries of ongoing projects at
timely intervals
 Networking at events
 Ensure new program officers at donor agencies get
handover notes about you, your research, your
organization and the history of your relationship with
 Send newly appointed program officers a letter to
welcome them to their post, introduce yourself, say
what you do, what your relationship with the donor
has been and invite the program officer to visit your
Be patient
Learn by trial and error
Introduce yourself to donor representatives
Donor authority at country level
Listen to donors
Unsolicited approaches