CAPITOL HILL RFP PROJECT ELEMENTS – QUANTITATIVE EVALUATION SITE A - RETAIL APPROACH Due to the importance of enhancing the vitality of the Broadway retail district, Sound Transit desires proposals that will provide a quality architectural and tenant mix environment within the retail areas of the building, while reinforcing a superior street-level pedestrian shopping experience. The scoring will include the ranges of Exceptional, Good, Acceptable, and Unacceptable for the various elements associated with the proposed Retail Approach. These elements are derived from the Project Requirements in the Development Agreement and including the Coordinated Development Plan. This approach allows for flexibility in proposal responses and proposals will be evaluated for the quality and inclusiveness of the proposed solutions, concepts and strategies. The below elements apply to the Broadway and the Denny facades and “retail windows”. The following elements of the proposed retail approach will be evaluated for consistency with the Project Requirements, quality and integration of approach in meeting or exceeding the Project Requirements and intention of the Coordinated Development Plan: Narrative of Retail Leasing Strategy/Retail Mix o Broadway “retail window” contribution to activation of the pedestrian environment o Denny Way “retail window” contribution to activation of the pedestrian environment o Retail bay space dimensions (width & depth) to encourage local non-formula retail uses o Retail floor to ceiling height o Leasing strategy o Use of retail architect o Relationship to the Capitol Hill Chamber of Commerce Narrative and visual depiction of the retail project concept for the Broadway frontage including: o Continuous retail/commercial frontage o Weather protection: height, width, materials, continuous o Retail façade: transparency, store front design integration with ground floor setbacks o Signage concepts and lighting solutions o Retail relationship to sidewalk treatment, activation for pedestrian interest o Treatment of Northwest corner diagonal setback and relationship to Station entrance Narrative and visual depiction of the retail project concept for the Denny Way frontage including: o Weather protection: height, width, materials, continuous o Retail façade: transparency, store front design o Signage concepts and lighting solutions o Retail relationship to sidewalk treatment, activation for pedestrian interest o Use of plinth for retail environment, including south and east façades o ADA relationship to/integration with Denny Festival Street