welcome to - Church of the Straits

Pastor David Wallis
December 2, 2012
10:30 a.m.
First Sunday of
Welcome and Announcements
Please sign our attendance pads; pass it
down the pew and back, take time to note
with whom you are sitting, so that you
can greet them later.
Please fill out the green Prayer Cards
with your joys or prayer concerns. The
cards will be collected as we share our
Joys and Concerns.
* Call to Worship
Psalm 25:4-7
Danna Marvin, Liturgist
pg. 545
“Candles of Advent”
Lighting of the Advent Candle
Bill & Danna Marvin
Group Response (after each time the leader
reads): “We are God’s partners in hope.”
Following the lighting of the candle, we will
sing “Advent Candles” shown on the screen.
“O Come, O Come, Emmanuel”
*Prayer of Confession
Dear God, when we lose hope life. You
are our hope and our life. Thank you for
these great gifts, in Jesus’ name, Amen!
*Gloria Patri
First Scripture Reading
Lamentations 3:19-26
pg. 816
Time with the Children
Dawn Edwards
Story of the Chrismons
*An Affirmation of Faith through Song #326
“Softly and Tenderly”
Sharing our Joys and Concerns
Choral Prayer
Silent Prayer and Pastoral Prayer
The Lord’s Prayer
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be
thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be
done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this
day our daily bread. And forgive us our
trespasses as we forgive those who trespass
against us. And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil. For thine is the
kingdom, and the power, and the glory
forever. Amen.
Choral Amen
Giving our Tithes and Offerings
*Prayer of Dedication
“Awaken and Prepare Us”
Second Scripture Reading
1 Timothy 6:17-19
pg. 1177
“Hope is What Keeps Us Going”
“Joy to the World”
*Benediction Response “Walk in the Light”
* Stand if able; Bold = congregational response
How to become a Christian
1. Admit to God that you have done
things that oppose His desires for
“For all have sinned and fall short of
the glory of God.”
Romans 3:23
2. Acknowledge Jesus Christ as God’s
only solution to your condition.
“Jesus answered, “I am the way and
the truth and the life. No one comes to
the Father except through me.”
John 14:6
3. Ask God to forgive your sins and
invite Jesus into your life.
“Yet to all who received him, to those
who believed in his name, he gave the
right to become children of God.”
John 1:12
What to Pray
“Lord Jesus, I need you. Thank you for
coming to earth, living an unblemished life,
and dying on the cross for my sins. I open the
door of my life and receive you as Savior and
Lord of everything I do. Make me the kind of
person you want me to be.”
What to Do
Go to God in prayer daily.
Read God’s word daily.
Open your life to other Christian friends.
If God is speaking to you this morning and
you desire to receive Jesus Christ as your
Savior and Lord, or desire prayer for a
particular matter, we invite you to the front of
the sanctuary at the close of the service where
Pastor Dave and/or others will be glad to pray
and talk with you.
307 N. Huron Street • P.O. Box 430
Mackinaw City, MI 49701
231-436-8682 Office • 231-436-5765 Fax
231-436-5484 Parsonage
Head Ushers
Choir Director
Praise Team
Hospitality Chair
Christian Education
Financial Secretary
Pastor David Wallis
Cless Hurlburt /
Tom Limberg
Wayne Clemens/
Loretta Martinek
Gerry Lou Kania
Cidney Roth
Elizabeth Clemens
Jerry Prior
Anne Vieau
Janet Schaefer
Sheryl Childs
Judy Churchill
In the Nursery this week:
Kara Provo & Richard Phillips
In the Nursery next week:
Rose LaPointe
**Nursery is for 2nd grade and younger,
thank you.
Sunday Worship Attendance
11/25/12 10:30 a.m. – 95
11/27/11 10:30 a.m. – 100
Flowers: If you wish to have flowers on the
Altar for any occasion, please contact the
church office at 436-8682, or Deb Downing.
Hearing Devices are available from the sound
booth. Please turn the device off and return it
to the sound booth after the service.
The Mission of The Church of the Straits
To worship God faithfully
To grow together spiritually
To serve Jesus Christ and
our neighbor joyfully
… in the power of God’s Spirit.
December 2 - 9, 2012
Communion Servers Today:
Rose LaPointe
Jerry Archer
Sheryl Childs
John Childs
12:30-2 pm
Dec 2. 2:30-4:30 pm
3:00 pm
6:00 pm
Youth Cantata Practice*
Adult Cantata Practice*
AA *
Couple’s Study *
Flowers on the Altar this morning are in loving
memory of Angie Moore, daughter of Roger and
Debbie Moore.
Dec. 3
3:00 pm
3:00 pm
Women’s Bible Study *
Nominating Comm Mtg
Food Pantry is open, M-F, 10am-2pm. Donations
can be dropped off at the church anytime or call
Rose LaPointe, 436-5307.
Dec. 4
9:00 am
Women’s Emmaus
Dec. 5
6:30 pm
Chancel Choir Practice*
Dec. 6
8:00 am
2:00 pm
4:30 pm
6-7:30 pm
Men’s Breakfast *
Disciple II Class
Finance Committee Mtg
Praise Team Practice*
Dec. 8
9:00 am
6-8:00 pm
Men’s Emmaus
Wallis Openhouse
Dec. 9
9:30 am
9:30 am
10:30 am
2:00 pm
3:00 pm
Adult/Youth Sun School
Confirmation Class
Traditional Worship
Cantata Program
*Participation Open – Walk-ins are welcome
Help raise money for COS by using Yahoo!
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and they'll donate a penny for each legal search!
Plus, shop through their site and many retailers
offer a percentage of your purchase as a donation.
You pay the same price. Add the toolbar at:
http://www.goodsearch.com/toolbar/church-of-thestraits/ and never miss the chance to donate. The
toolbar lights up when you are shopping at a
GoodShop partner’s site alerting you to coupons
and discounts available. Some merchants, to name
a few: Amazon, Target, iTunes, Walmart, and
JCPenney *. It's effortless, free and turns simple
everyday actions into a way to help our church. Go
to www.goodsearch.com to sign up; ensure that
you have ‘Church of the Straits” as your charity.
The Charity ID is 922584. Get started today, it
just makes good "cents"!! Questions, contact Kathy
Plaunt - home: 231.436.7932 or cell: 231.818.6810
*Walmart.com donations to schools– not churches.
*Amazon.com donates if the item comes directly
from them– not if it is sold on a site linked to them.
Chancel Choir is back! Rehearsals each Wed. at
6:30 pm. We sing at all services except the 3rd
Sunday of the month. If you can’t make Wed.
night, come rehearse Sunday morning at 9:30 am.
Questions -Gerry Lou 627-7243.
Mark your calendars! The Wallis’ Annual
Parsonage Christmas Openhouse is Saturday,
December 8, 6-8 p.m. Dessert will be served!
Christmas Cards– beautiful hand-painted
Christmas Cards by Mary Lou Peters, all proceeds
go to COS food pantry. Cards available today or
call Rose LaPointe.
Couple’s Study tonight at 6:00 pm!!!
THANK YOU! Your generosity yielded:
101 Shoe boxes for needy children
 $541.36 for the Crisis Pregnancy Center
Giving Envelopes for 2013 are in the Fellowship
Hall. Please stop and pick yours up!
Annual Christmas Potluck will be immediately
following Worship on Sunday, December 16th.
Please bring a dish to pass and your table service.
Join us Next Sunday at 2:00 p.m. for the 30th
Annual Ecumenical Sing performed by the
Community Cantata Choir. There will be special
music by The Mackinaw Area Youth Chorale. This
year’s Cantata is “There Is A Rose”, conducted by
Denise Sauter. Refreshments served following the
performance. A Free-Will Offering will be taken
with proceeds going to the COS Food Pantry and
for Cantata materials.
The Church of the Straits
Presbyterian (U.S.A.)
United Methodist
SARM Cookie Decorating and Caroling Party –
Sunday, December 16th, 5 – 8 pm. Dress Warmly!!
Please pray for the following persons from our
prayer cards and events of the past: the family of
Dale Hardy (Marie Darling’s grandson), Ken
Laninga, Sr., R.J. Fisher, Chris Harwick, Steven
Sprague, Jolene Rogala, Grandman Merallia, Judy
Schmaltz, Lynn Kania, Donna Keene, Chris Ann
Nelson, Sharon Edgerly, Rosemary Archer, John
Hayes, Steve Slocum, Ariel, Durant, Tabitha, Kim
& Olivia Cerrudo, Jacob Harrison, Greg Brown,
Gary Keiser, Phyllis Stemkoski, Janet Schaefer,
Chuck Sommer, Norm Schneider, Cheryl
Newman, Uncle Royce, Duane Nyboer, Mary
Fran Sarto, Lucretia Thomas, Merritt Cole, Glen
Bell, Louis Conguy, Jeff Straub, Nick & Eric
Moore, Carter & Mindy Quinn, Jessica Schertz,
Jim & Jo Sauter, Lydia Sheridan, Ron Wallin,
Stephanie Dates, Cris Bayersdorfer, Calvin
Charboneau, Bud Dexel, Mike Hernandez, David
and Beverly Miller, Chuck Jewell, Ella Malace,
Henry Vieau, Lynn Dobrolewski, Megan
Dombrowski, Danna Marvin, Bob Lampi, Chuck
McKinnon, Mike & Peg Morse, David Boyer,
Polli, Karen Paquet, Colleen Durant, Nancy
Sheldon, James Nachman, Rich Hawkins, James
Petrimoulx, Pam Snow, Rachel Kwiatkowski,
Evelyn Kapp, Sandi Wall, Connie Chevalier,
Dave Dodson, Dick Dunn, Andy Radle, Fran
Sarto, Jane Haupt, Pastor Bob Jones, Eve Pichel,
Bud Darrow, Doug Boyce, Carolynn Kohs, Chris
Bovée, Joyce Hall, Matt Wallis, Suzanne Darrow,
Kate Walugembe, Ellen Hicks, and our Military.
Sunday of
Welcome to Our Service