E.C. Aschenauer EIC EW Meeting, W&M, VA, May 2010 1 eRHIC Scope RHIC Electron accelerator p Unpolarized and polarized leptons 4-20 (30) GeV eee+ 70% e- beam polarization goal polarized positrons? Polarized protons 50-250 (325) GeV Light ions (d,Si,Cu) Heavy ions (Au,U) 50-100 (130) GeV/u Polarized light ions (He3) 215 GeV/u Center mass energy range: √s=28-200 GeV; L~100-1000xHera longitudinal and transverse polarisation for p/He-3 possible Mission: Studying the Physics of Strong Color Fields E.C. Aschenauer EIC EW Meeting, W&M, VA, May 2010 2 The Relativistic Heavy-Ion Collider @ BNL 12 o’clock proposed PHOBOS BRAHMS RHIC PHENIX v = 0.99995c = 186,000 miles/sec STAR RF EBIS BOOSTER ERL Test Facility AGS TANDEMS E.C. Aschenauer EIC EW Meeting, W&M, VA, May 2010 3 The 1st/2nd incarnation of a staged eRHIC Gap 5 mm total 0.3 T for 30 GeV Energy, GeV p (A) e 250 (100) 4 dump 111 Bunch intensity (u) , 1011 2.0 0.3 1 2.0 (3) 0.24 Bunch charge, nC 32 5 32 4 Beam current, mA 320 50 420 Normalized emittance, 1e-6 m, 95% for p / rms for e 166 e-gun Number of bunches 15WHY IP-12? 73 1.2 3 pass 4 GeV ERL 10-20 GeV e x 325 GeV p 130 GeV/u Au possibility of 30 GeV @ low current operation 50 <10> 20 GeV e-beam 16 GeV e-beam 25 70 80 rms bunch length, cm 20 0.2 β*, cm 50 50 0.1 -> 1 with CeC E.C. Aschenauer 5 mm 5 mm 12 GeV have Experimental Hall @ IP-12 size of STARe-beam Polarization, % Luminosity, x 1033, cm-2s-1 2 x 200 m SRF linac 4 (5) GeV per pass 5 (4) passes Common vacuum chamber MeRHIC eRHIC with CeC eRHIC MeRHIC p (A) detector e detector 325 20 <30> (125) Beam Polarized fully staged detector from MeRHIC to eRHIC 8 GeV 5 mm e-beam 70 80 vertical space much bigger (room for HCal) 5 mm to buy magnets only once 4.9need 0.2 can stage detector components, i.e. hadronic calorimeter 25 25 no moving of components (IP2 IP12) 4 to 5 vertically STAR STAR systematics reduced same detector for all energies separated 2.8 recirculating passes EIC EW Meeting, W&M, VA, May 2010 4 The latest design of eRHIC Common vacuum chamber eRHIC staging all-in tunnel 30 GeV 25 GeV 20 GeV Polarized e-gun eRHIC detector Beam-dump 15 GeV 10 GeV 6 pass 2.5 GeV ERL 5 GeV 0.1 GeV Common vacuum chamber 27.5 GeV 22.5 GeV 17.5GeV 12.5 GeV 7.5 GeV 2.5 GeV RHIC: 325 GeV p or 130 GeV/u Au The most cost effective design STAR 100m |--------| 5 LINAC SS and ARC Design 200 m ERL Linac e+ ring 1.27 m beam high © V. Litvinenko 30 GeV e+ ring 30 GeV ERL HE ERL passes LE ERL passes 6 passes 1.27 m beam high 30 GeV 25 GeV 20 GeV 15 GeV 10 GeV 5 GeV © V. Litvinenko E.C. Aschenauer EIC EW Meeting, W&M, VA, May 2010 6 IR-Design 10 20 0.329 m 0.188036 m 0.44 m eRHIC - Geometry high-lumi IR with β*=5 cm, l*=4.5 m and 10 mrad crossing angle 30 GeV e- 30 60 m m 90 m © D.Trbojevic E.C. Aschenauer EIC EW Meeting, W&M, VA, May 2010 7 eRHIC – Geometry high-lumi IR eRHIC IR1 p /A e Energy (max), GeV 325/130 20 Number of bunches 166 74 nsec Bunch intensity (u) , 1011 2.0 0.24 Bunch charge, nC 32 4 m 1 2 Beam current, mA 3 4 5 Normalized emittance, 1e-6 m, 95% for p / rms for e 6 420 1.2 10 mrad 7 © 50 D.Trbojevic 25 Two designs of the IR exist for both low luminosity (~ and high Polarization, 80 luminosity% (~ 2x1034) depends on distance IR to70focusing quads length, cm 4.9 can have energy0.2 rms Bybunch using a crossing angle (and crab cavities), one independent geometries for the IRs and no synchrotron radiation in the β*, cm 5 5 detectors 1.46 x 1034 Luminosity, Big advantage in detecting particles at low angle -2 -1 cm s (including hour-glass effect can as e-beam low asoperation 0.75owillatbehadron side |h| < h=0.851) 5.5 Beam-p: y ~ 6.2 Luminosity for go 30 GeV at 20% level E.C. Aschenauer 3x1033) EIC EW Meeting, W&M, VA, May 2010 8 (M)eRHIC Luminosities Old Design: for MeRHIC without CEC 4 x 250: for MeRHIC with CEC 4 x 250: for eRHIC with CEC: 20 x 325: New Design: for eRHIC with CEC: 1x1032 cm-2s-1 1x1033 cm-2s-1 2.8x1033 cm-2s-1 20 x 325 with b* of 5cm: 1.4x1034 cm-2s-1 as the the luminosity does not depend on the energy of electron beam you can write it as for eRHIC (new design): 1.4 1034* Ep/325 cm-2s-1 so you can easily scale it going to 20x100 for example so for eRHIC assuming 50% operations efficiency one week corresponds to 0.5 * 604800(s in a week) * (1.4x1034 cm-2s-1) = 4*1039 cm-1 so 4000pb-1 an operations efficiency of 50% is low, but conservative at this moment. For EIC systematic errors will be the limiting factor i.e., g1, FL, Dg, Dq E.C. Aschenauer EIC EW Meeting, W&M, VA, May 2010 9 Questions about QCD Confinement of color, or why are there no free quarks and gluons at a long distance? A very hard question to answer What is answer: the quark-gluon structure inside a hadron? Lets try to Probes to “see” andgluons “locate” quarks and gluons, without What is the role of and the gluon self-interactions in nucleons and nuclei? What is the them internal landscape ofwith thetheir nucleons? disturbing or interfering dynamics? What is the nature of theform spin of the neutral proton? hadrons? How do quarks and gluons color What is the three-dimensional spatial landscape of nucleons? Probes to “monitor” the hadronization process? What governs the transition of quarks and gluons into pions and nucleons? How to understand the spin of a hadron? Hadrons are a composite particle of quarks and gluons What is the physics behind the QCD mass scale? The key to the solution The Gluon It represents the difference between QED and QCD Can’t “see” it directly, but, it is behind the answers to all these questions E.C. Aschenauer EIC EW Meeting, W&M, VA, May 2010 10 The √s vs. minimum luminosity landscape W2-dependence of c.s. neglected Diffraction exclusive DIS (PS & VM) electro-weak H1/ZEUS: ~1031cm-2s-1 exclusive DIS (DVCS) semi-inclusive DIS Hermes: 5x1031-1033 inclusive DIS 4x50 4x100 10x100 20x100 E.C. Aschenauer 20x250 EIC EW Meeting, W&M, VA, May 2010 11 Detector Requirements from Physics Detector must be multi-purpose Need the same detector for inclusive (ep -> e’X), semi-inclusive (ep -> e’hadron(s)X), exclusive (ep -> e’pp) reactions and eA interactions Able to run for different energies (and ep/A kinematics) to reduce systematic errors Ability to tag the struck nucleus in exclusive and diffractive eA reactions Needs to have large acceptance Cover both mid- and forward-rapidity particle detection to very low scattering angle; around 1o in e and p/A direction particle identification is crucial e, p, K, p, n over wide momentum range and scattering angle excellent secondary vertex resolution (charm) small systematic uncertainty for e,p-beam polarization and luminosity measurement E.C. Aschenauer EIC EW Meeting, W&M, VA, May 2010 12 Momentum vs. theta of scat. electron Electron Energy 10 GeV 20 GeV 50 GeV Proton Energy 100 GeV 250 GeV 4 GeV As more symmetric beam energies as more the scattered lepton goes forward E.C. Aschenauer EIC EW Meeting, W&M, VA, May 2010 13 pe: 1-2 GeV pe: 2-3 GeV pe: 3-4 GeV No dependence on hadron beam energy Q2>0.1GeV2 4GeV >5o 10GeV >2o 20GeV >1o 4x250 4x100 4x50 pe: 0-1 GeV E.C. Aschenauer EIC EW Meeting, W&M, VA, May 2010 14 Momentum vs. angle of pions What do we see: Same CM energy For DIS: distribution is more “smeared” as energy balance becomes more symmetric (63.3 GeV) For diffractive: majority of pions at easily accessible angles, either forward or backward depending on proton/electron energy E.C. Aschenauer EIC EW Meeting, W&M, VA, May 2010 15 t for exclusive VM vs p’ angle t=(p4-p2)2 = 2[(mpin.mpout)-(EinEout - pzinpzout)] t=(p3–p1)2 = mρ2-Q2 - 2(Eγ*Eρ-pxγ*pxρ-pyγ*pyρ-pzγ*pzρ) 4 x 50 4 x 100 very strong correlation between t and “recoiling” proton angle Roman pots need to be very well integrated in the lattice resolution on t! E.C. Aschenauer 4 x 250 EIC EW Meeting, W&M, VA, May 2010 16 A detector integrated into IR a lot of space for polarimetry and luminosity measurements ZDC FPD FED Dipoles needed to have good forward momentum resolution Solenoid no magnetic field @ r ~ 0 DIRC, RICH hadron identification p, K, p high-threshold Cerenkov fast trigger for scattered lepton EIC EW Meeting, W&M, VA, May E.C. Aschenauer radiation length very critical low lepton energies 2010 17 Can we detect DVCS-protons and Au break up p track the protons through solenoid, quads and dipole with hector proton track Dp=10% proton track Dp=20% proton track Dp=40% Equivalent to fragmenting protons from Au in Au optics (197/79:1 ~2.5:1) E.C. Aschenauer EIC EW Meeting, W&M, VA, May 2010 18 eRHIC Detector in Geant-3 central tracking ala BaBar Silicon Strip detector ala Zeus Drift Chambers Drift Chambers ala HERMES FDC EM-Calorimeter LeadGlas High Threshold Cerenkov fast trigger on e’ e/h separation Dual-Radiator RICH ala HERMES DIRC: not shown because of cut; modeled following Babar no hadronic calorimeter in barrel yet investigate ILC technology to combine mID with HCAL E.C. Aschenauer EIC EW Meeting, W&M, VA, May 2010 19 MeRHIC Detector in Geant-3 E.C. Aschenauer EIC EW Meeting, W&M, VA, May 2010 20 More Detector Concepts in the same framework “eSTAR” Detector optimized for diffractive physics by Allen Caldwell E.C. Aschenauer EIC EW Meeting, W&M, VA, May 2010 21 STAR @ RHIC Tracking: TPC Particle ID: TOF Electromagnetic Calorimetry: BEMC+EEMC+FMS (-1 ≤ ≤ 4) Upgrades: Muon Tracking Detector HLT Heavy Flavor Tracker (2013) E.C. Aschenauer Full azimuthal particle identification EW Meeting, VA, May 2010 over aEIC broad range W&M, in pseudorapidity Forward Gem Tracker (2011) 22 Kinematics at 4+100 Scattered electron Scattered jet 4x100 open kinematics: scatters the electron and jet to mid-rapidity Forward region (FMS): Electron either Q2 < 1 GeV, or very high x and Q2 Jet either very soft or very hard Note: current thinking has hadron in the blue beam: optimized for high x and Q2 E.C. Aschenauer EIC EW Meeting, W&M, VA, May 2010 23 Current PHENIX Detector at RHIC MPC Muon Arms South: North: Central Arms 3.1 < | h | < 3.9 2.5o < Q < 5.2o 1.2 < | h | < 2.4 12o < Q < 37o 10o < Q < 37o | h | < 0.35 60o < Q < 110o electrons will not make it to the south muon arm to much material would like to have hadrons in blue beam and leptons in yellow beam direction E.C. Aschenauer 24 e- EIC EW Meeting, W&M, VA, May 2010 What will the current PheniX see pe: 1-2 GeV pe: 2-3 GeV pe: 3-4 GeV 4x100 pe: 0-1 GeV Current PheniX detector not really useable for DIS acceptance not matched to DIS kinematics BUT …. 4x100 E.C. Aschenauer EIC EW Meeting, W&M, VA, May 2010 4x100 25 The new PheniX Spectrometer Coverage in |h| =< 4 (2o < q < 30o) 0.1 < Q2 < 100 (5o – 175o) need an open geometry detector planes for next decadal plan replace current central detector with a new one covering =< 1 North Muon|h| Arm 145cm replace South muon arm by a endcap spectrometer HCAL 80cm HCAL EM CAL EMCAL Preshower R I C H IP 68cm 60cm 2T Solenoid Silicon Tracker VTX + 1 layer Silicon Tracker FVTX 1.2 < h < 2.7 8o < q < 37o 5o @ 2m 17.4 cm dy E.C. Aschenauer EIC EW Meeting, W&M, VA, May 2010 26 Summary A lot of change/progress since the last EIC Collaboration meeting new eRHIC design more elegant and staging is very naturaly included working on costing of the new version test many detector options eSTAR, ePHENIX and a dedicated detector eSTAR & ePHENIX look promising with some restrictions need to adjust the dedicated detector design fully to the new IR design will integrate luminosity and e/p-polarisation measurements on the next step Need input from the EW community what is required for detector, machine and IR design Submitted first detector LDRD to BNL high resolution vertex detector based on CMOS pixel E.C. Aschenauer EIC EW Meeting, W&M, VA, May 2010 27 Quads for β*=5 cm © B.Parker E.C. Aschenauer EIC EW Meeting, W&M, VA, May 2010 28 Luminosities in electron-hadron collisions e+A facilities © 2010 Plot by A.Accardi except eRHIC luminosity by V. Litvinenko eRHIC II eRHIC ELIC HERA II E.C. Aschenauer EIC EW Meeting, W&M, VA, May 2010 29 Questions about QCD (biased list) Confinement of color, or why there is no free quarks and gluons at a long distance? A very hard question to answer What is the quark-gluon structure inside a hadron? Probes to “see” and “locate” the quarks and gluons, without disturbing them or interfering with their dynamics? How quarks and gluons form color neutral hadrons? Probes to “monitor” the hadronization process? How to understand the spin of a hadron? A composite particle of quarks and gluons What is the physics behind the QCD mass scale? … The key to the solution The Gluon It represents the difference between QED and QCD Can’t “see” it directly, but, it is behind the answers to all these questions E.C. Aschenauer EIC EW Meeting, W&M, VA, May 2010 30 Energies Simulated for kinematics Beam Energies Ee + Ep [GeV] 4+50 4+100 Center-of-mass Energy [GeV] 28.3 40.0 10+50 4+250 10+100 20+50 44.7 63.3 63.3 63.3 20+100 10+250 20+250 89.4 100 141 E.C. Aschenauer Events Produced One million EIC EW Meeting, W&M, VA, May 2010 31 The 1st incarnation from a staged eRHIC 10-20 GeV e x 325 GeV p 130 GeV/u Au possibility of 30 GeV @ low current operation Polarized e-gun Beam dump 20 GeV e-beam 16 GeV e-beam Common vacuum chamber Gap 5 mm total 0.3 T for 30 GeV 2 x 200 m SRF linac 4 (5) GeV per pass 5 (4) passes 12 GeV e-beam 8 GeV e-beam 5 mm 5 mm 5 mm 5 mm STAR E.C. Aschenauer 4 to 5 vertically separated recirculating passes EIC EW Meeting, W&M, VA, May 2010 32 IR-Design for MeRHIC IP-2 synchrotron shielding omitted allows p and heavy ion decay product tagging IP-2: height beam-pipe floor ~6’ (with digging ~10’) limits detector design no HCal in central detector E.C. Aschenauer EIC EW Meeting, W&M, VA, May 2010 33 The latest design of eRHIC eRHIC staging all-in tunnel energy of electron beam is increasing from 5 GeV to 30 GeV by building-up the linacs eRHIC detector The most cost effective design 2 SRF linac 1 -> 5 GeV per pass 4 (6) passes Vertically separated recirculating passes. # of passes will be chosen to optimize eRHIC cost Common vacuum chamber Gap 5 mm total 0.3 T for 30 GeV RHIC: 325 GeV p or 130 GeV/u Au eSTAR E.C. Aschenauer © V. Litvinenko EIC EW Meeting, W&M, VA, May 2010 20 GeV e-beam 15 GeV e-beam 10 GeV e-beam 5 GeV e-beam 5 mm 5 mm 5 mm 5 mm 34