BUTLER/BOTSIOS SOCIAL SCIENCE UNIT PLAN 1st QUARTER 6 Weeks Stage 1 – Desired Results Established Goals: What program objectives or learning outcomes will this design address? Construct charts, graphs, and narratives to explain particular events or issues over time. Explain how physical features and human characteristics of a place influenced the development of civilizations, societies, and regions. Explain how technology or innovation transformed civilizations, socieities, and regions over time. Explain the role that key historical figures and groups had in transforming society. Understandings: Essential Questions: Students will analyze how civilizations came to be and what lasting legacies they left behind. Students will analyze primary and secondary sources and then draw conclusions about the relationship between them and the period of time. What provocative questions will foster inquiry, understanding, This week: Why do people live and move where they do? Why do people live the way they do? How and why do human societies organize the way they do? How does technology affect people’s lives? How has conflict and cooperation shaped human history? How do we know what we know about human history? Why do civilizations rise and decline? Theme: Texts: Ancient River Valley Civilizations Holt McDougal Ancient Civilizations http://www.atlasofworldhistory.com http://socialsciences.dadeschools.net/files/benchmarks/pacingguide s/6th%20Gr.%20World%20History%20Opening%20of%20Schools%2 0Lessons.pdf Vocabulary: primary secondary sources Decade Century Millennium Epoch Era Prehistory B.C. A.D. B.C.E. C.E. Timeline Period Prehistory Ancient History Middle Ages Modern History archaeology, artifacts, paleontology, fossils, anthropology, species, Homo sapiens, evidence, primary source, secondary source, point of view, bias, conclusion, scholarly Bronze Age, domesticate, hunters and gatherers, Ice Age, Neolithic Age, nomads, Paleolithic Age, specialization, systematic agriculture, technology fertile crescent, civilization, silt, irrigation, surplus, citystate, monotheism, polytheism, ziggurat, cuneiform, scribe, epic Dynasty, empire, kingdom, pharaoh, pyramid Stage 2 – Assessment Evidence Major Assessments Standards Assessed Through what authentic performance tasks will students demonstrate the desired understanding? Major Assessment #1: Ancient River Valley Civ. Map Project What standards will be assessed through this task? 14 15 16 17 18 Major Assessment #2: Organizer notes Minor Assessments: Interactive notebook activities Exit slips Stage 3 – Learning Plan Each day is to contain the essential map standard, learning activities that will enable students to demonstrate their understanding of the objectives, and formal assessments. 8/11/14 Use map and globe reading skills -map skills workbook http://www.watchkno wlearn.org/Category. aspx?CategoryID=3 352 http://www.atlasofwo rldhistory.com Interpret graphs and charts Read for literal meaning Summarize to select main idea -map skills workbook Basal H2-H4 Basal Ch1 p2-11 and p52 Use context clues and appropriate sources such as glossaries, texts, and dictionaries to gain meaning. Basal Ch1 p12-17 8/18/14 Use primary and secondary sources to interpret various historicsal perspectives Construct maps, charts, graphs, models, databases, and models as tools to illustrate information about different people, places, and regions. Construct maps, charts, graphs, models, databases, and models as tools to illustrate information about different people, places, and regions Construct maps, charts, graphs, models, databases, and models as tools to illustrate information about different people, places, and regions Create maps, charts, graphs, models, databases, and models as tools to illustrate information about different people, places, and regions -map skills workbook current events chart and geographic newspaper activities -map skills workbook current events chart and geographic newspaper activities -map skills workbook current events chart and geographic newspaper activities -map skills workbook current events chart and geographic newspaper activities CE are critical to greater understanding of the past template-see below template-see below template-see below Political, economic, religious, social, intellectual, and geographic influnces the Early humans. Identifying changes in daily life From Paleolithic to Neolithic thru use of graphic organizers. Identifying social organization with quote sandwich activity with article “Social organization in the Neolithic period”. P114 8/25/14 Current events chart and geographic newspaper activities How does understanding the past help us to understand the present? template-see below 9/01/14 template-see below 5 themes of geography Create maps, charts, graphs, models, databases, and models as tools to illustrate information about different people, places, and regions Basal ch2 p24-43 Mapping the physiographic features of the river civilizations template-see below 9/08/14 discovering how Sumerian city states emerged. Student groups discuss and draw conclusions on a historical explanation to citystates emerged. Understanding our place in history: Sumerian achievements Is the US a civilization based on the characteristics learned? P65-9 Mapping the physiographic features of Egypt and the Near East Creating illustrated journals about ancient Egyptian daily life P86-95 P96-106 P54-59 Experiencing the challenge of interpreting the past The Epic of Gilgamesh Origins of Judaism: history of the ancient israelites Applying the code of Hammurabi to Babylonian court cases P70-71 p60-4 9/15/14 Political, economic, religious, social, intellectual, and geographic influnces Ancient P72-6 Egypt & Near East P86-95 9/22/14 constructing a timeline of Mesopotamian civilizations Student groups synthesize their research in an illustrated journal assignment Trading goods with the power of Kush P107-113 PERSIA graphic organizer for ancient cultures: POLITICAL INFLUENCES Governmental structure, war, treaties, courts/laws, leaders, popular participation, loyalty to leader SOCIAL INFLUENCES Family order, patriarchal, matriarchal, gender relations, role of women and children, social classes, slavery, entertainment, lifestyles ECONOMIC INFLUENCES State control of trade/industry, agriculture, industry, labor systems, levels of technology, levels of international trade, gender, slavery, money system INTELLECTUAL INFLUENCES Art, music, writing, literature, philosophy, math, science, education, innovation, technology PERSIA Graphic Organizer Nile River Valley Civilization Political Influences Economic Influences Religious Influences Social Influences Intellectual Influences Area- Geographic Influences Ancient River Valley Civilizations Project RELIGIOUS INFLUENCES Importance on societal interaction, holy books, beliefs/teachings, conversion, role of missionaries, sin/salvation, deities GEOGRAPHIC INFLUENCES Location, physical geography,human geography, movement, spatial diffusion, urbanization, globalization, human.environment interaction Ancient Civilzations Basal Exercises Teacher modeling of lesson assignment components with the students then gradually releasing them into assignment tasks. Quote sandwich exemplar: According to the facts in the article, “Social Organization in the Neolithic Period,” historians will classify the United States as a hierachal society many years from now. The article gives a lot of examples of how hierarchal cities are set up. Some of the details include different sized housing, different levels of power for different people, and unequal wealth. In the text, it gives an example of the different levels of power. If there was a farmer in a hierachal society, he would start out growing crops and eventually hire people. Once he hired workers he would be making even more money and have power over his workers. I connected this to working in America because our society is similar to this. Hiearchies, or societies with “rulers” set apart from others’ are organized so that some people have more power than others.” This evidence led me to believe that future historians will find evidence that proves our country was hiearachal. This quote shows that in hierarchal societies, “some people have more power than other.” We have a President who has more power than the other citizens of our country. Even at work people have different levels ofpower because the boss has the ability to hire and fire people. Each person is also “set apart fromothers” in many ways. For example, some people have a lot of money; others have none at all. If you walked down the street, you would see all different sized houses. Some people live in mansions, others have small houses. Clearly, these verify our country will be classified as hierarchical. Name:__________________________________ Date:_______________ Quote sandwich graphic organizer for non-fiction text (a quote sandwich is one thorough paragraph) Title: Author: Prompt: (Write it out here) 1. Focus Sentence (1 sentence): (Fill in the title and the author…remember to use quotation marks if the title is an article, underline if it is a book!) According to __________________ in ________________ 2. Context (2-3 sentences): (Background info that sets up the quote. Re-tell a little bit of the text to help the reader understand your focus.) 3. Quote (1-2 sentence(s)): (Don’t forget your page number! – See resources for using quotes) According to the author, “… 4. Return Back to Focus (1 sentence): Restate focus using one of these specific phrases: 1. This shows that…2. As you can see…3. This evidence led me to believe…5. Your own words (approved by teacher)… Name:_______________________________ Date: __________________ Social Organization in the Neolithic Period Notes Graphic Organizer Characteristics Egalitarian Hiearchal Name:___________________________________ Date:_______________ Current Events Title of Article_________________________________________________ Author:__________________________________ Date:________________ Source:_______________________________________________________ This article was about________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Quote from the text Reaction/Opinion/Additional Information Connection (text – text/world/self) Current Events You have to learn the past to understand the present. Current is defined as occurring in or belonging to the present time. One of our focus points this year will be to examine what is happening right now in the world and try to make connections to the past, present and ourselves. We will primarily focus on ancient history, which is important to learn because it shows where we come from and how we got here. But, this assignment puts those events in a broader context~ how do current events affect our lives’ today and in the future? Current Events Assignment If you want to do well on the current events assignments this year follow the simple tips listed below ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You MUST find an article for each of our Thematic Essential Questions. Although, certain topics are NOT allowed: Sports, Entertainment, Crime, Editorials (Opinions)... What does that leave? PLENTY!! 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Geography: Environment, Immigration, Global Warming, etc. as it relates to humans. Culture: Customs, traditions, religion and politics, etc. Government: Elections, laws, court decisions, etc. Technology: New inventions, Innovative ways to better our lives, etc. Cooperation&Conflict:Foreignpolicy,tradeagreementsanddisputes,wars,etc. Resources: Natural or human resource issues between governments or groups. History/Archeology:Newdiscoveriesortheoriesaboutthepast(fossilfinds,etc.) Empires: What country dominates the world now...and who is rising? In a nutshell~ articles about individual people or events that affect a small number of people are generally not acceptable. Although a car accident on Rt. 95, a Red Sox win, or Paris Hilton getting caught doing something she shouldn’t is considered newsworthy; they are not the types of current events I want you to focus on. If you have a doubt about whether an article is acceptable or not SHOW IT TO ME AHEAD OF TIME. If you complete a current events assignment on a topic that is NOT acceptable It will NOT accepted!! This is where #1 on the “Must-Do” is important~ if you wait until the last minute and do not check with me first you may not get credit for the assignment. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I need HELP!!! Current Events Online Current Event Must-Do List 1. Don’t wait until the last minute 2. Ifyoudon’tunderstandwhatthefirstarticleyouselectedisabout-choseadifferentone 3. Chose articles about topics that interest you. Current Events Connection Cheat Sheet When thinking about the world around us (past and present) it is important to make connections to the events we learn or hear about. Why, might you ask? Because making connections helps us to remember and understand an event more clearly. If you can connect a current event with a personal experience or with something you have learned in the past you are much more likely to identify with it or remember it. Thoughtful, insightful, and clear connections are not as hard as you may think. Below are some ideas to get you thinking about how to begin making connections to the world around you. When you hear or read about an event try to make at least one of the following connections from the areas below: Text to Self A connection between the text and something in your own life experience Places you have visited ~~~~~~~ Family vacations ~~~~~~~ Conversations with your parents or family members ~~~~~~~ Sports teams, clubs, organizations that you have been a part of ~~~~~~~ Something that happened to you or someone you know Text to Text A connection between the text and another story, article or text that you have read before An article in Social Studies or another class ~~~~~~~ Social Studies or other textbook ~~~~~~~ the newspaper ~~~~~~~ the internet ~~~~~~~ an encyclopedia ~~~~~~~ a book ~~~~~~~ a short story ~~~~~~~ a play Text to World A connection between the text and something that is occurring or has occurred in the world Story you watched on the news ~~~~~~~ Something you learned in school this year or previous years ~~~~~~~ An event from history that you learned about from watching a documentary ~~~~~~~ Speaking to someone who lived through an event (primary source) Current Events Source Guidelines Current is defined as occurring in or belonging to the present time. Therefore, you must follow the time guidelines below when selecting an article to use for your current events assignment. Your article must come from a reputable news source. All of the sources listed below are acceptable. However, if you find an article from a source not listed below you must ask me first if it is acceptable to use for the assignment. Most popular sources: Source Name Type Within the last abcnews.com Online Television News 1 week Boston Globe boston.com Newspaper Online version 1 week cbsnews.com Online Television News 1 week cnn.com Online Television News 1 week foxnews.com Online Television News 1 week Kent County Daily Times kentcountytimes.com Newspaper Online version 1 week msnbc.com Online Television News 1 week National Geographic nationalgeographic.com Magazine Online version 1 year Newsweek newsweek.com Magazine Online version 2 weeks Providence Journal projo.com Newspaper Online version 1 week reuters.com Online News Service 1 week Time time.com Magazine Online version 2 weeks US News and World Report usnews.com Magazine Online version 2 weeks USA Today usatoday.com Newspaper Online version 1 week Other acceptable sources include all other major newspapers/news magazines and their online versions~ Examples include but are not limited to: Los Angeles Times Chicago Tribune New York Times New York Post Forbes Magazine San Francisco Chronicle Associated Press Washington Post You may use Google News as a search for articles, but Google News is not the source. Google News is simply a news search engine that gathers links to other newspapers or magazines. Whichever site it directs you to is the source Name: _________________________ Date:_________ Period:_____ Create a Newspaper: Choose 1 Geographic Area 4 3 2 Exceeds Meets Approaches Meeting Expectation Expectation Expectation Expectation Class 1 Not Required Information: Completion of Newspaper Graphic Organizer Form: o Appropriate articles chosen o Title, Source and Date of article given on created newspaper o Appropriate geographical region chosen o Pretend you are a journalist for a specific region (i.e. Afghanistan). Research current issues in that area and write 3 creative articles using factual information on the topics chosen. Newspaper Articles and Critical Thinking/Analysis: Current Event Newspaper is neat and detailed, easy to read & includes factual articles about the chosen geographic location Explanation of articles, people and places are well explained and provide sufficient evidence of the geographic region and the current events happening there Demonstrates understanding of major current event issues occurring in chosen geographic area through thorough newspaper entries Conventions: All explanations have few to no errors in grammar, spelling, capitalization, thus demonstrating control of grammar rules and conventions. Variety of sentence structures used Consistent use of rich vocabulary Current Event Written Response Grade: ___________ Name: _________________________ Date:_________ Period:_____ Political Cartoon 4 3 2 Exceeds Meets Approaches Meeting Expectation Expectation Expectation Expectation Class 1 Not Required Information: Completion of Current Event: Political Cartoon Form: o Appropriate article chosen o Title, Source and Date of news sources given o Students will complete the Political Cartoon form and will create a political cartoon representing the topic being discussed. o Students MUST include both the written work and the cartoon drawing Political Cartoon and Critical Thinking/Analysis: Current Event Political Cartoon Form is neat and detailed, easy to read & includes a thoughtful explanation of the article chosen Explanation of article, people and places are well explained and provide sufficient evidence Insightfully creates a political cartoon (drawing) by using original information from the article to support creative work Demonstrates thorough understanding of authors point of view Conventions: All explanations have few to no errors in grammar, spelling, capitalization, thus demonstrating control of grammar rules and conventions. Variety of sentence structures used Consistent use of rich vocabulary Current Event Written Response Grade: ___________ Name: _________________________ Date:_________ Period:_____ Voice Your Opinion 4 3 2 Exceeds Meets Approaches Meeting Expectation Expectation Expectation Expectation Class 1 Not Required Information: Completion of Current Event: Voice Your Opinion Form: o Title, Source and Date of article given o Appropriate topic chosen o Choose a hot topic (i.e. health care reform) and complete the Voice Your Opinion Form with an explanation of your opinion on the topic o Opinion includes an introduction paragraph explaining the hot topic and your opinion, a detailed paragraph explaining the topic and why you feel the way you do (citing factual evidence to back up your writing), and a conclusion paragraph Your Opinion and Critical Thinking/Analysis: Current Event: Voice Your Opinion Form is neat and detailed, easy to read & includes a thoughtful opinion and factual information to support your opinion Explanation of article, people and places are well explained and provide sufficient evidence Insightfully states position by using original information from the text to support your opinion Demonstrates critical thinking beyond the given opinion of the original author Conventions: All explanations have few to no errors in grammar, spelling, capitalization, thus demonstrating control of grammar rules and conventions. Variety of sentence structures used Consistent use of rich vocabulary Current Event Written Response Grade: ___________ Name: _____________________________________ Class:__________ Date: ____________ Title of Article: _______________________________ Date:__________ Source:________________ Voice Your Opinion Hot Topic Hot Topic & Theme Introduction: Explain your Hot Topic here: Topic here: Lists five facts about your Hot 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. My Opinion: Voice your opinion here ______________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ Conclusion: Wrap up your thoughts here: __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ ___ Name _______________________________Date_________________ Period________ Point of View: Rewrite a Newspaper Article Title of Article: __________________________________________________________ Source:________________________________ Date of Article: ____________________ Circle the appropriate theme that applies to the content of the article: Geography Culture Government Technology Resources History/Archeology Cooperation & Conflict Empires Opening Paragraph: With your new opinion: ________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____ Supporting Paragraphs: Write 2-3 paragraphs explaining your opinion using facts from the original text! ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ Closing Paragraph: Wrap up your thoughts here _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _________________________________ Name _______________________________Date_________________ Period________ Political Cartoon Title of Article: __________________________________________________________ Source:________________________________ Date of Article: ____________________ Circle the appropriate theme that applies to the content of the article: Geography Culture Government Technology Resources History/Archeology Cooperation & Conflict Empires _____________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ This article was about List and describe the people mentioned: ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________ List and describe the places mentioned: ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ Draw Political Cartoon here: ______________________________ ______________________________ Name _______________________________Date_________________ Period________ Create a Newspaper: Choose 1 Geographic Area Be sure to attach all articles used!!!!! Circle the appropriate theme that applies to the content of the article: Geography Culture Government Technology Resources History/Archeology Cooperation & Conflict Empires Introduction of Geographic Area: Where is it? __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 1st Current Event issue occurring in this area: _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ 2nd Current Event issue occurring in this area: ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ _____________________ 3rd Current Event issue occurring in this area: ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ Now… Use the information collected in your 3 Current Event issues and create an actual newspaper previewing the 3 topics. Be sure to include an introduction to the Geographic region and visuals!!!!! Rubric for Assessing a Timeline 4 Entry Choice Scale & Sequence Mechanics Visual Presentation Great care taken in selection of timeline entries; either most significan events or those that show historical pattern or those that show cause-effect relationship selected Scale consistent and accurate; increments marked; all entries in sequence and placed with care. One or two mistakes Visually striking; very effective in communicating historical information 3 2 1 Selections meet assignment criteria; few inaccuracies May include required number of entries; some inaccuracies Does not include required number of entries. Scale accurate; increments marked; entries in sequence Scale roughly drawn; increments fairly and accurately marked; some entries out of sequence Some errors in spelling and dates Legible No apparent scale; increments not marked; many entries out of sequence. Many errors in spelling and dates Illegible and messy May have more than a couple mistakes Clear and uncluttered Travel Brochure Rubric Student Name: ________________________________________Class:__________ 4 3 2 1 Content Accuracy All facts in the brochure are accurate. 99-90% of the facts in the brochure are accurate. 89-80% of the facts in the brochure are accurate. Fewer than 80% of the facts in the brochure are accurate. Writing Organization Each section in the brochure has a clear beginning, middle, and end. Almost all sections of the brochure have a clear beginning, middle and end. Most sections of the brochure have a clear beginning, middle and end. Less than half of the sections of the brochure have a clear beginning, middle and end. Spelling & Proofreading No spelling errors remain after one person other than the typist reads and corrects the brochure. No more than 1 spelling error remains after one person other than the typist reads and corrects the brochure. No more than 3 Several spelling spelling errors errors in the remain after one brochure. person other than the typist reads and corrects the brochure. Writing Vocabulary The authors correctly use several new words and define words unfamiliar to the reader. The authors correctly use a few new words and define words unfamiliar to the reader. The authors try to The authors do not use some new incorporate new vocabulary, but vocabulary. may use 1-2 words incorrectly. Attractiveness & Organization The brochure has exceptionally attractive formatting and well-organized information. The brochure has The brochure has attractive well-organized formatting and information. well-organized information. The brochure's formatting and organization of material are confusing to the reader. Graphics/Pictures Graphics go well with the text and there is a good mix of text and graphics. Graphics go well with the text, but there are so many that they distract from the text. Graphics do not go with the accompanying text or appear to be randomly chosen. CATEGORY Graphics go well with the text, but there are too few and the brochure seems "textheavy". Sources Comments: Careful and accurate records are kept to document the source of 95-100% of the facts and graphics in the brochure. Careful and accurate records are kept to document the source of 94-85% of the facts and graphics in the brochure. Careful and accurate records are kept to document the source of 84-75% of the facts and graphics in the brochure. Sources are not documented accurately or are not kept on many facts and graphics Current Event Writing Reminders Heading If there is no author write “Staff” The source is where the article was originally printed~ look underneath the headline for a newspaper’s name. Just because you found the article in the Providence Journal does not mean that the source is the ProJo. The second date line is for the date of the article Summarizing Sentence(s) One or two sentences giving an overview of what the article is about. You do not need to provide specific details in this section. Hint: use the bold headline to help you! Main Ideas As you are reading the article underline, highlight, or circle the key points in the article. Focusing on the “who” and the “where”. Connection Make at least one clear connection to the topic of the article Text – text, text – world, text – self (see the connection cheat sheet for help) One clear and detailed connection is better than two short ones. Two detailed and clear connections are better than one clear detailed connection!! Writing Tips Avoid writing in the first person when summarizing the article (ex. “I”) Avoid possessive pronouns when writing your summarizing sentences (ex. “we, us, our, my...”) CAPITALIZE names, places, and the first word of each new sentence Use pronouns only after you have identified who or what you are referring to Write small numbers out- (ex. write “four” rather than writing “4”) Do not use abbreviations Do not use symbols in your writing (&, *, @, #,) Avoid excessive use of exclamation points!!!!! Indent new paragraphs when writing your connection Write a rough draft first, proofread, then write a final copy artical -> article beleive -> believe tomarrow -> tomorrow Wenesday -> Wednesday calender -> calendar Commonly Misspelled Words definately -> definitely thier -> their suceed -> succeed accepteble -> acceptable lisense -> license exemple -> example hurrican -> hurricane recieve -> receive alot -> a lot scheduel -> schedule The word document of the Current Event Assignment Form is on the website~ download it and type your assignment. Use the tools of Microsoft Word (dictionary, grammar check, and thesaurus). Graphic Organizer Student Name: ________________________________________Class:__________ 4 3 2 1 Content Accuracy All research is thorough, insightful and correct. Most research is thorough, insightful and correct. Some research is thorough, insightful and correct. Research is not thorough and insightful. Referencing the Text Citations and references to the text were used perfectly. Citations and references to the text were used with minor error. Citations and references to the text were used inconsistently or incorrectly. Citations and references to the text were not used correctly. Organization All research is Most research is Some research logical, coherent logical, coherent is logical, and organized. and organized. coherent and organized. CATEGORY Comments: Research is disorganized and lacking coherency. Student Poster Rubric Content Design Creativity Visual Appeal 4 3 2 1 All requirements present well written text and carefully chosen visuals work together to illustrate and inform about poster subject Followed layout sample, logical and easy to read text and visuals, neatly designed layout compliments content Pleasing use of color, shapes, symbols and other graphic elements captures viewers’ attention and interest Incorporates unique and pertinent ideas design elements, visuals or text that make the poster stand out All requirements present, descriptive text and appropriate visuals work together to inform viewers Most requirements present, text contains some inaccuracies or lacks organization or impact, inappropriate or missing visuals Requirements missing poorly written inaccurate or insufficient text and or visuals or “cut & pasted” text. Followed layout sample, logical text and visuals that are neat and easy to understand Followed layout sample, somewhat disorganized Did not follow layout sample disorganized hastily and carelessly planned Good use of color and eye-catching graphic elements Graphics have clustered appearances or are sparse (too much empty space) Little constructive use of color or graphic elements Contains some unique or imaginative elements Contains some good, although not entirely original elements No evidence or creativity