World Peace Index

Surviving the
Surviving the 21st Century
Progress in 21st Century will be defined by the development of global
systems much in the same way that the development of national systems
has defined progress in the last 200 years
Major Challenges Facing
•Climate Change
•Decreasing biodiversity
•Lack of Fresh Water
•Over population
•Other Issues as well
Surviving the 21st Century
Only through Peace can humanity build the trust, co-operation
and the genuine sharing necessary to solve the global issues of
Peace is the Prerequisite
•Challenges are global
•Shared by all Humanity
–Unparalleled cooperation
–Global structures
Surviving the 21st Century
If the paradigm of the 20th century was ‘the survival of the fittest’ then the
paradigm of the 21st century is ‘survival through interdependence’
New Global Order
•Global Goods and Services
–Provided by Global Structure
–Peace Keeping
–Peace Building
–Environmental Services
–Development Support
–Funding independent of
Surviving the 21st Century
As public goods and services are of the highest benefit to a nation
so are global public goods and services to humanity
Global Sources of Funding
User Based
•Carbon Taxes
•Environmental Levies
Global Spending
•Directed to Developing
Countries to Cut Degradation
•0.2% of GDP of 10 largest
economies for 10 years
approx $600B
Surviving the 21st Century
Without measurements it is very difficult to know whether the
actions we take help or hinder our goals
Three Key Requirements to be
•Assessing Sustainability
– Multi faceted
– As new problems emerge new
indicators will be required
•Assessing Peace
– Separating indicators from drivers
•Assessing Global Governance
– Model on National Assessments
– Global Goods and services are
different than National Goods and
Surviving the 21st Century
Our ability to deal with or avoid ecological collapses will be dependent on
the global services that we provide – peace is a prerequisite
Assessing Sustainability
•Many good studies and
indicators have been developed
•Need common agreement on
what to measure
•Population underlying most
•Need agreement on a basic
model and needed soon
•Probably multiple indices
Millennium Ecosystem Assessment
Surviving the 21st Century
If we knew the three drivers that created or sustained
peace and if they could be taught would the world be
a more peaceful place?
Global Peace Index
GPI Indicators
Number of internal security officers and police 100,000
Number of homicides per 100,000 people
Number of jailed population per 100,000 people
Ease of access to weapons of minor destruction
Level of organised conflict (internal)
Level of violent crime
Political instability
Respect for human rights
Volume of transfers of major conventional weapons, as
recipient (Imports) per 100,000 people
Potential for terrorist acts
Number of deaths from organised conflict (internal)
Military expenditure as a percentage of GDP
Number of armed services personnel per 100,000 people
UN Deployments 2006-07 (percentage of total forces)
Non-UN Deployments 2006-07 (percentage of total forces)
Volume of transfers of major conventional weapons as
supplier (exports) per 100,000 people
Relations with neighboring countries
Number of external and internal conflicts fought: 2000-05
Estimated number of deaths from organized conflict
GPI Ranking
1 Norway
2 New Zealand
3 Denmark
4 Ireland
5 Japan
6 Finland
7 Sweden
8 Canada
9 Portugal
10 Austria
Surviving the 21st Century
Without a vision of global interdependency between humanity and nature
we will flight over ever dwindling resources
Global Governance
•Clear Independent Charter
•Appropriate Responsibilities
•Clear Lines of Funding
•Clearly defined Services
•Measured Service Delivery
•What can be learnt from the EU
Surviving the 21st Century
Humanities Choice