Foolish & Fatal Flaws 1 When medical science goes bad Outline 2 Background on statistical and methodological error On Pigs and PCCs Crossing the species barrier Correct group assignment What? You mean some of the control patients actually got transfused? Large starting group consents, but few randomized & deceptive statistics You mean only 6.8% of patients consenting to the trial were actually randomized? You mean there are missing statistical calculations? ‘Temporal ambiguity’ Outcome before exposure – What? The patient got pneumonia before the transfusion? 3 The use of statistics in medical diagnoses and biomedical research may affect whether individuals live or die, whether their health is protected or jeopardized, and whether medical science advances or gets sidetracked. [...] Because society depends on sound statistical practice, all practitioners of statistics, whatever their training and occupation, have social obligations to perform their work in a professional, competent, and ethical manner.” [Ethical Guidelines for Statistical Practise, American Statistical Association,1999]. When transfusion medicine gets sidetracked 4 Recombinant factor VIIa Transfusion-related immunomodulation Formula-driven resuscitation Albumin use in critical care RBC transfusion in patients with ischemic heart disease Where can you go wrong? Strasak AM, et al. Swiss Med Wkly 2007; 137: 44-49 5 Study design Failure to a priori define outcomes Failure to perform sample calculations Failure to blind (or disclose who the blinding was done) Control and treatment groups not comparable Data analysis Messing up on simple statistical tests – i.e. using a t-test without meeting test requirements or appropriate correction tests When comparing multiple groups – can’t use ‘two-group’ tests Post-hoc subgroup analysis – ‘shopping’ for statistically significant results Where can you go wrong? Strasak AM, et al. Swiss Med Wkly 2007; 137: 44-49 6 Documentation ‘Where appropriate’ use of a statistical test Failure to state the number of ‘tails’ used for a specific analysis Presentation Correct use of standard deviation vs. 95% confidence interval vs. inter-quartile ranges Median vs. mean P values – record exactly – not ‘ns’, ‘<0.05’, ‘>0.05’ – no cheating when you round your p values Incongruence between test statistics and P values in medical papers BMC Med Res Methodol. 2004; 4: 13. 7 11.6% and 11.1% of the statistical results published in Nature and BMJ respectively during 2001 were incongruent, mostly due to rounding, transcription, or type-setting errors At least one such error appeared in 38% and 25% of the papers of Nature and BMJ, respectively In 12% of the cases, the significance level might change one or more orders of magnitude The frequencies of the last digit of statistics deviated from the uniform distribution and suggested ‘digit preference’ in rounding and reporting (a.k.a. lying) Should see uniform distribution 8 More haste, less science? Nature. 1999 Aug 5;400(6744):498 9 10 Details 74 types of medical bias Name Centripetal Bias Mode for mean bias Obsequiousness bias Example Healthcare access bias Frequency-quantity Q to assess EtOH intake, subject reports modal rather than mean intake (closer to zero) Subjects alter responses in the direction they perceive is desired by the investigator What are the Contributing Factors to Misuse? 11 Pressures to publish, produce results, or obtain grants Career ambitions or aspirations Conflicts of interest and economic motives Inadequate supervision, education, or training Gardenier JS, Resnik DB. The misuse of statistics: concepts, tools, and a research agenda. Account Res. 2002;9:65–74. 12 Bottom line: Be on the look out for medical science flaws! On Pigs and PCCs 13 Prothrombin complex concentrate vs fresh frozen plasma for reversal of dilutional coagulopathy in a porcine trauma model. Dickneite G, Pragst I. Brit J Anesthesia 2009; 102: 345-54. The study was funded and conducted by representatives of the company that makes the PCC product The study design 14 47 pigs, 20-30 kg, anesthetized, 70% isovolemic blood loss with replacement with RBCs/HES The pigs were randomized to (5-7 each group): 15 mL/kg of porcine FFP 40 ml/kg of porcine FFP 25 U/kg of human-derived PCC (Beriplex P/N) 15 mL/kg saline Porcine FFP was used instead of human FFP because infusion of human FFP into pigs can result in transfusion reactions Following this resuscitation, the pigs underwent a controlled injury 3 mm hole into the femur or 7 cm x 1cm incision into the spleen Outcomes – measured by blinded observers 15 Time to hemostasis and blood loss were monitored for 120 min after injury Skin bleeding time (SBT) in duplicate Blood samples were collected at baseline, after the completion of hemodilution and 5 min after study treatment administration Coagulation factors (2/7/9/10) were measured They did not measure the non-vitamin K dependent factors The effect on the PT – all 3 work 16 Factor X – only PCC works 17 Expected results Human equiv 11 units FFP Proportion with hemostasis Better off with saline than FFP? 18 PCC Saline FFP - low FFP – high Spleen blood loss 19 Bone blood loss 20 FFP-low Saline FFP-high PCC Skin bleeding time 21 Fibrinogen level 22 2 ½ doses Of FFP? The investigators conclusion 23 In view of the unmet clinical need for more efficacious haemostatic agents in such patients, clinical studies are now justified to confirm the observed favorable effects of PCC in the present preclinical model system A lot of unanswered questions 24 The laboratory tests used to measure clotting factor levels are based on human factor-deficient plasma Do the lab assays work for human and pig samples for all factor assays performed? Perhaps this explains why PT corrects but not factor assays Why would massive FFP exposure increase blood loss in these pigs? Was there something wrong with their pig FFP? Is hemodilution with FFP a bad thing? Did they fail to give enough RBCs? Why would human PCC immediately stop bleeding in these pigs and FFP would make you bleed more than saline? Comment 25 Pig vs. Human comparison Infusion of human factors into pig recipients via PCC may have induced enhanced coagulation compared with what those same proteins would achieve in a human recipient? The clinical bleeding outcomes observed between animals infused with pig FFP versus animals infused with human PCC in this experiment are difficult to compare directly The real value of PCCs compared with FFP in human trauma cannot be answered by this experimental design If you are a pig and you get injured, you want human PCC! Caution 26 Make sure your trauma surgeons do not take this study at face value Correct group assignment When you untransfused control group might be transfused 27 Intraoperative transfusion of 1 U to 2 U packed red blood cells is associated with increased 30-day mortality, surgical-site infection, pneumonia and sepsis in general surgery patients. Bernard AC,Davenport DL,Chang PK, et al. J Am Coll Surg 2009; 208: 931-37 Design 28 Prospective study of patients undergoing major surgical procedures at 121 hospitals Nurses prospectively collected preoperative, intraoperative and postoperative variables for 30 days after the operation on the first 40 operations in each 8-day cycle Database was queried for 05-06 for all general surgery procedures Transfused vs. not transfused 29 ‘Transfusion’ = number of PRBC units transfused intraoperatively Transfused >4 U RBCs is the first 72 hours post-op 2nd group = yes/no definition, not number of units Time course 30 Data variable only 72 hours OR >4 units yes/no >4 units yes/no =Transfused Intraoperative number transfused 30 days Outcomes over 30 days 31 Composite surgical-site infection (superficial, deep, or organ/space) Urinary tract infection Pneumonia (without preoperative pneumonia) Sepsis/septic shock Composite morbidity – all of the above 1 or more of 20 adverse events uniformly defined by the ACS-NSQIP, excluding bleeding requiring transfusion Mortality Analysis 32 Estimated probability for a patient to receive a transfusion (propensity) was calculated by MLR analysis of all the available patient and operative risk factors Risks for outcomes by level of intraoperative transfusion were calculated using logistic regression, with adjustment for: transfusion propensity, procedure group, and complexity other ACS-NSQIP risk factors operative duration (proxies for technique), level of transfusion received intraoperatively postoperative transfusion of >4 U PRBCs Results 33 125,223 general surgery patients at 121 hospitals were retrieved 4,788 patients (3.8%) received intraoperative RBC or >4 in the 72 hours post Risk variables most predictive of transfusion were inpatient procedure, procedure group, ASA class, hematocrit >38!, preoperative transfusion >4 U, emergent procedure, esophageal varices, and age Results 34 Patients receiving a single unit of intraop RBCs had higher rates of surgical-site infections, urinary tract infection, pneumonia, sepsis/shock, composite morbidity, and 30-day mortality After adjustment for transfusion propensity, procedure group and complexity, wound class and operative duration, and all other important risk variables, transfusion significantly (p<0.05) increased the risk of mortality (OR 1.32), composite morbidity (OR 1.23), pneumonia (OR 1.24), and sepsis/shock (OR 1.29), but not surgical-site infection Their conclusions – Can’t argue with these motherhood statements 35 RBC transfusions should be used very selectively during surgical procedures. Mild anemia should be tolerated. Blood-conservation strategies and appropriate indicators for transfusion should be used. Additional studies must determine the mechanisms by which transfusion of PRBCs and other blood components contribute to poor patient outcomes. Although deleterious effects are evident and some mechanisms have been suggested, reversible causes and effective treatments have yet to be definitively determined. The flaw 36 Their statistical model was based on patients requiring intraoperative transfusions and if a patient was given >4 transfusion within 72 hours post-operatively. As such, a patient could have received up to 8 transfusions in the perioperative period and would have been considered as not having a transfusion! Large population screened (few enrolled) Deceptive statistics, ‘underpowered’ 37 Safety and efficacy of recombinant activated factor VII. A randomized placebo-controlled trial in the setting of bleeding after cardiac surgery. Gill R, Herbertson M, Vuylsteke A, et al. Circulation 2009; 120: 21-27. industry-funded Design 38 Phase 2 dose-escalation study Safety and possible benefits 30 sites in 13 countries Aug 2004 - Nov 2007 Cohort 1 (n=70) 1:1 randomization Cohort 2a (n=51) 1:2 randomization placebo Cohort 2b (n=51) DSMB required repeat due to safety concerns placebo placebo 80 ug/kg rVIIa 80 ug/kg rVIIa 40 ug/kg rVIIa Cohort 3 (planned, but not done) Steering/safety Comm advised against Placebo vs. 160ug/kg Primary endpoint 39 The primary endpoint was the incidence of critical serious adverse events (death, myocardial infarction, stroke, and venous thromboembolic complications) Note: Don’t get too excited – the study is stopped early before we get the answer (maybe) Patient population 40 Inclusion criteria: Pt admitted to CVICU 30 min (excluded patients bleeding intraop) Post-op bleeding into drains in the cardio-thoracic cavity: 200 ml/hr or 2ml/kg for 2 consecutive hours Urgent re-op not required ‘per investigator judgment’ Examples of exclusion criteria: History of CVA/DVT/PE Hereditary thrombophilia VAD, ECMO, aortic arch +/or descending thoracic aorta 1st time CABG + none or only 1 antiplatelet medication within 5 days Unacceptable thrombotic risk ‘as per site investigator’ Patient outcome Consented (n=2619) 6.8% 41 Randomized (n=179) Randomized and not dosed (n=7) Randomized and dosed (n=172) Placebo (n=68) Death (n=4, 6%) 40 ug/kg (n=35) Death (n=4, 11%) 80 ug/kg (n=69) Death (n=6, 9%) Study terminated prior to introduction of cohort 3 “based on the data within the expanding cardiac literature in which doses of rVIIa were in the range of 60 ug/kg” ??? The time to drug administration was 2.8 hrs arriving in ICU Overview of adverse events 42 SAEs Placebo (68) 40 ug/kg (35) 80 ug/kg (69) Death Cerebral infarction MI PE Other TEs P OR 4 (6) 0 4 (11) 2 (6) 6 (9) 2 (3) 1 (2) 0 0 3 (9) 0 1 (3) 0.25 2.16 (.6-8.1) 1 (1) 0 2 (3) 0.43 1.61 (.5-5.3) Sample size calculation Poorly written Data on 1st 35 control Not provided 43 Sample size was chosen to have <20% risk of seeing >14 (of 35) on active versus <7 (of 35) on placebo in cohort 1 What they saw: 5/68 (7.35%) placebo vs. 10/35 (28.57%) treatment – 21.22% absolute risk increase <16.7% risk of 13 (of 34) on active versus 2 (of 17) on placebo or 7 on active versus 8 on placebo in cohorts 2a, 2b and 3, all assuming no differences and 21 events in cohort 1 and 15 events in cohorts 2a, 2b, and 3. What they saw: 5/68 (7.35%) placebo vs. 11/69 (15.94%) treatment – 8.59% absolute risk increase Sample size - continued 44 “Additionally, the sample size was chosen to give adequate power to detect a 35% reduction in the need for any allogeneic transfusions.” The power for the efficacy evaluation is based on a comparison of (all) placebo patients with the highest dose of rFVIIa (ie, cohort 3) – never done 11% (placebo) vs. 32% (40 ug/kg) vs. 27% (80 ug/kg) – 20% absolute risk reduction “This simple comparison between 2 groups (86 on placebo versus 34 on rFVIIa) then has 80% power assuming 80% transfusion rate on placebo and a 35% reduction to 52%” (89% placebo, 68% on 40 ug/kg, 73% on 80 ug/kg) r7a was associated with a statistically higher frequency of Serious Adverse Events 45 Placebo Drug Any SAE* 5 21 No SAE 63 83 Total 68 104 p=0.0284, Fisher * SAE = Death, Cerebral Infarction, MI, PE, or other TE Efficacy 46 placebo 40 ug/kg 80 ug/kg Re-op for bleeding (%) 25 14 P=0.21 12 P=0.04 Volume allogeneic blood (ml) 825 640 P=0.05 500 P=0.04 Drainage from intra-thoracic cavity 15mins-4hrs post dose (ml/hr) 51 35 P=0.76 24 P=0.018 Re-op rates 47 Avoiding RBCs after treatment 48 Major limitations 49 Statistically increased serious adverse events in rVIIa groups, although they failed to do a simple Fisher Exact test Potential efficacy only seen at 80 ug/kg dose Very select group of 6.8% of their population Limitations: Small sample size Industry sponsored trial Authors “compensated” by company Study never completed 50 Outcome before intervention (a.k.a. Temporal ambiguity) Transfusion and pneumonia in the trauma intensive care unit: An examination of the temporal relationship. Vandromme MJ, McGwin G, Marques MB, et al. J Trauma 2009; 67: 97-101 Background 51 Retrospective studies have found an association between transfusion in ICU patients and pneumonia Associations between transfusion and ALI, MOF, tumor recurrence and mortality These reports have been used as evidence to support the notion of ‘transfusion-related immunomodulation’ or TRIM There are 2 limitations with these studies 1. 2. Retrospective and therefore this association may not represent true causation The timing of transfusion is often unknown and therefore potentially some of these patients developed pneumonia before they even received the first unit of RBCs Causation or Association? 52 Design 53 Patients admitted to the trauma ICU at the University of Alabama University Hospital between 2004-07 who had an overall length of stay of >4 days, and who had spent 1 or more days in the ICU receiving mechanical ventilation All transfusions to these patients were also categorized as ‘young’ (<14 days) or ‘old’ (>14 days) – as if something magical happens on day 14 All RBC units were prestorage leukoreduced The incidence of pneumonia was the primary outcome of interest, and was defined as positive culture >105 cfu/mL on bronchoalveolar lavage The analysis of the effect of the transfusion on pneumonia was performed for all units transfused (like all the studies that came before), and then only for units that were transfused before the first episode of pneumonia Patient population 54 1,615 patients met their study criteria Of these patients, 73% were transfused at least 1 U of RBC The mean number of units transfused per transfused patient was 8.94 units A total of 270 (16.7%) patients developed pneumonia The population was as expected for a civilian trauma cohort (age of 40 years, 74% male, 81% with a blunt injury) The length of stay was 22 days, with a mean duration of ventilation of 12 days Pneumonia analysis 55 The overall adjusted relative risk for pneumonia for all transfusions was 1.99 (95% CI 1.39-2.86) When transfusions that occurred after the diagnosis of pneumonia were excluded, the adjusted relative risk for pneumonia was no longer statistically significant (1.33, 95% CI 0.98-1.80) Age of blood 56 They also analyzed the effect of different ages of blood on the risk of pneumonia This analysis was problematic because those who received exclusively young blood were transfused only a mean of 4.24 units, compared to 4.74 units for those receiving old blood, and 12.07 units for those receiving a combination of old and young units (different populations of patients) The only statistically significant relative risk they could find was that the receipt of exclusively old blood, compared to no blood, increased the risk of pneumonia, albeit only slightly (RR 1.42, 95% CI 1.01-2.02) There was no difference between patients who received exclusively young, when compared to those who received exclusively old blood Statistically significant ‘shopping’ may be going on here Author’s conclusions 57 The finding of an association between transfusion and pneumonia may be an erroneous one, reflecting transfusions received as a consequence of developing pneumonia during a long stay in ICU These authors methodologically improved on previous TRIM reports by excluding transfusions that occur after pneumonia onset, and not surprisingly the effect is less prominent Some tips when reading 58 Read from cover to cover – don’t be an abstract reader Think really hard about how they got their results if the results are surprising or unexpected or too good to be true Look for statistically significant ‘shopping’ Do your own calculations Check tables for errors Read the stats section and look for missing info Any questions? 59