Instructor Information - Illinois State University

Com 110 Syllabus
Spring 2015
10a.m., 11a.m., 1p.m. room 152 noon class Room 180
Instructor Information
Instructor & Librarian
Susan Molloy Owens inst.
Anne Shelley librarian
Class and Office Location & Hours
Susan-411 Fell Hall 309-242-6362
Anne-621A Milner 309-438-5464
(For Owens: Open office hours M&W
2-3p.m. at Fell 411 )
VERY IMPORTANT: Susan Owens has a very rare condition called Alpha 1 Antitrypsin Deficiency for which she receives
weekly IV treatment and is recovering from chemotherapy for breast cancer which she has survived!  If she catches an upper
respiratory infection or the flu it could be very serious. . Please wash your hands before coming to class or turning in papers.
Keeping hand gel in your book bag would be a great idea. Also DO NOT COME TO CLASS with any cough, runny nose, cold
or flu of any kind. If you are sick, please stay home but send your completed assignments to class with someone. Be sure to get notes
and assignments from someone you can count on from our class.
Students will become more competent communicators (using knowledge, skill, motivation, and
Students will become more critical consumers and producers of ideas and information (using
analytical reasoning skills in the reception, collection, and presentation of ideas).
Students will conduct background research necessary to develop well-informed presentations.
Students will evaluate the communication skills of others (identifying effective and ineffective
aspects of oral presentations).
Students will become more competent in communicating in small group discussions
(articulating and defending their own ideas as well as listening to and considering the ideas of
Students will become more effective communicators in a democracy (demonstrating ethical
communication, considering multiple perspectives on controversial issues, and managing
Course Materials
Required Text
Simonds, C. J., Hunt, S. K., & Simonds, B. K. (2014). Communication as Critical Inquiry (4th ed. for
Illinois State University). Boston, MA: Pearson Custom Publishing.
(Available at Alamo II or Barnes and Noble)
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Simonds, C. J., & Hunt, S. K. (2014). Communication as critical inquiry:
Supplementary materials packet. Champaign, IL: Stipes Publishing.
(Available at the School of Communication Resource Center in Fell 276)
COM 110 TEXTBOOK: You are required to have an E-book Access code which will allow you to
access the textbook for this course. On this website, there is a full electronic copy of the textbook as
well as other materials necessary for the completion of the course. If you prefer an online only copy
of the text, these can be purchased at www.pearson If you would
prefer a hard copy of the textbook (which includes the access code), these can be purchased at either
Barnes or Noble located in the Bone Student Center or at the Alamo II at a reduced package rate.
We no longer accept cash for COM 110 Spiral Sales.
Rather, all students will go to the following link to purchase their COM 110 Spiral Workbook. or the longer version of website.
COM 110 Spirals will be sold in the Lower Level of Fell Hall room 034 the first week and Fell Hall
room 32 the second week.
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When the student purchases the spiral, they will be prompted that all orders will be available 24
hours after their purchase on the next school/business day. SO, if the student were to order their
spiral on a Friday afternoon, the manual will be available the following Monday. COM 100/101
students will receive an electronic copy of their workbook 24 hours after their purchase. Note that
we don’t start distributing COM 110 Lab Manuals until the first day of class so if they order a lab
manual a week before class they can’t pick it up until the first day of class.
Every morning at 7:30 am, the Speech Lab Coordinator (Patty Franz,, 438-5898),
and in her absence the Graduate Speech Lab Coordinator (Caitlin Landsman,,
will print out a list from the above website that states the names and information of all students who
purchased a COM 110 spiral workbook in the past 24 hours (the past weekend for Monday reports),
This list will then be used to verify student purchase and act as a pick-up list for that day’s spiral
sales team. ONLY people who are on the list will receive a spiral workbook. Due to the 24 hour
disclaimer, anyone who purchases the workbook online and then brings in a receipt, picture, printout,
etc., the day of their purchase will not receive a spiral even though they have proof of purchase.
They must wait until the spiral sales are open again the following day to pick up their purchase when
their name is on the official list.
When the student comes into the speech lab, they must present their student ID so that we may verify
they are the correct person on the list. In the event of an extreme situation involving the need for a
refund, please direct that student to Patty Franz. Patty is the only one able to complete a refund.
Format: unless otherwise informed
- All assignments are to be typed using 12pt. font and 1-inch margins, Times New Roman.
- All assignments are to be double-spaced.
- All assignments are to be STAPLED.
- All references are to be cited using American Psychological Association (APA) Style.
EXAMS: There will be a midterm and a final exam. Exams will assess your understanding of
communication concepts and theories, as well as your application and integration abilities.
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Each student will present three speeches:
1. Informative speech (5-7 minutes, no more than 7:30; at least 4 sources)
2. Group presentation (18-20 minutes, no more than 20:30; at least 10 sources)
3. Persuasive speech (5-7 minutes, no more than 7:30; at least 4 sources)
1. -10 points off your own speech score if you miss a peer’s speech day.
2. -50 points if you miss your own speech day or are not prepared on your speech day. For
example, if you are missing any of your speech materials, you will not be able to present
and will lose 50 points. If you miss your speech day, you will need to make an
appointment to present at the speech lab.
3. -5 points if you are tardy on any speech day.
4. -5 points if you are over or under time.
5. -5 points for having full sentences on your note cards
Outlines will be required for each speech. To practice proper outline habits, a draft outline will be
due for the informative speech. After the informative speech is finished, you can turn in a draft
outline to me to look over, but final draft outlines will be the only outline required for the group
and persuasive speeches.
SPEECH LAB: The speech lab is a place where you can go practice your speeches before you
perform them in class. It is recommended that if you plan to utilize the speech lab, you schedule the
visit at least one week before your assigned speech in class so you have enough time to synthesize
The feedback received from the attendant and incorporate it into your speech. If you do decide to
utilize this resource, be sure to bring the proper form with you to the appointment. The forms are
available in your spiral workbook, pages 71-73. This is an excellent opportunity to perform your
speech in front of an actual Com 110 Instructor, and research shows that doing this prior to
delivering a speech can raise the final grade of the performance as much as a full letter. To schedule
time in the speech lab, call 438-4556. The speech lab is located in the basement of Fell. Make an
appointment at your earliest convenience since the speech lab fills up fast. If you need to change or
cancel your appointment, you will need to call the Speech Lab at 438-5339 or stop by in person
(room 276 Fell Hall) 24 hours in advance. Failure to do so will result in not being allowed to
make an appointment or participate at the Speech Lab for the rest of the semester. You must
go once to speech lab for informative or persuasive for 30 points.
All assignments will be due on the date assigned. No late work will be accepted unless I have
previously approved an alternative due date. NO ASSIGNMENTS WILL BE ACCEPTED
VIA EMAIL or late. Athletes should turn in assignments early.
To receive full participation points, students are expected to complete all 18 Preparing to
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Participate chapter assignments (P2Ps). (These will go in your portfolio) I will be collecting random
P2Ps for 12 chapters throughout the semester. You will not know the collection times before I collect
them, so you need to make sure
you are prepared for all chapters. Each P2P is worth five points.
Because Communication as Critical Inquiry is a skills-based developmental course, participation
is essential to a positive learning experience. Participation requires more than being present in
class; it is a demonstration of having read the material, asking questions that extend the thinking
of the class and instructor, contributing relevant examples, and demonstrating respect for the
contributions of classmates. Twice this semester, I will ask that you provide me with a one-page
explanation of what your participation grade should be and why. I will take into account your
justification as well as my attendance records to make the final decision of your participation
Texting in Class—I have a zero-tolerance policy when it comes to text messaging. The first
time you are caught texting (sending one, reading one, whatever) will result in a warning—more
issues will result in you being counted absent in class for the day. Please, please, please don’t do it.
It’s distracting and rude to me and to those sitting around you. Just don’t! On entry to my class, turn
off phone immediately and take out ear pods and put away any electronics you have open.
LIBRARY: i-tour (link on Milner site) must be done at the library. Completion in portfolio.
(See attached library document)
Modules as assigned (place completion in portfolio)
Two library sessions at Milner
CIP/CTSA 25 pts.
i-tour of Milner 10 points
Library modules 5 points each
Each library session 10 points each
P2Ps 5 points each
Final Synthesis Paper 25 pts.
Speech Lab 30 points
Quizzes as needed
Informative Speech 100 pts.
Group Speech 100 pts.
Persuasive Speech 100 pts.
Midterm Exam 100 pts.
Final Exam 100 pts.
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The grading scale is a standard ten percentage point scale:
90-100% = A; 80%-89% = B; 70%-79% = C; 60-69% = D; below 60% = F
Illinois Articulation Initiative
The Illinois Articulation Initiative is designed to allow students to transfer course credit between
institutions. The IAI requires that all COM 110 students present at least three speaking
opportunities that include research and are five minutes, or longer, in duration. All three
speeches must be completed to pass the course. Each presentation will be evaluated on content
and delivery. Specific details will be clearly outlined in class. Typed outlines and references are
required for each.
Activity points are a huge part of COM 110. These points include participation in activities, class
discussions, using ethical communication, etc. Final activity points will be released before the
final at the end of the semester since they are TBD and vary by day.
TARDINESS: If you are more than 10 minutes late, then you will be considered absent. If you
choose to still come into class, you will be allowed, but you will receive no credit for anything you
do or would have turned in, and that day will still count against your unexcused absence total.
Coming in late disrupts the class for myself and your classmates. If you are consistently late (even
by 1, 2 or 3 minutes!), different penalties may begin to occur. You pay a lot of money to go to
school, so don’t cheat yourself. Show up on time!
ASSIGNMENT DUE DATES: All speeches, assignments, and exams must be completed on the date
assigned. If you are unprepared to deliver a speech on your assigned day or do not come to class on
an exam day, you will receive a zero for that assignment unless an alternate due date has been
previously approved or documentation has been provided for extreme circumstances. DO NOT…DO
NOT contact me for assignments. Get a friend in class to get assignments from. Get two as a backup
in case one is ill.
To receive full participation points, students are expected to complete all 18 Preparing to
Participate chapter assignments (P2Ps). I will be collecting P2Ps for 12 chapters throughout the
semester. You will not know the collection times before I collect them, so you need to make sure
you are prepared for all chapters. Each P2P is worth five points.
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Because Communication as Critical Inquiry is a skills-based developmental course, participation
is essential to a positive learning experience. Participation requires more than being present in
class; it is a demonstration of having read the material, asking questions that extend the thinking
of the class and instructor, contributing relevant examples, and demonstrating respect for the
contributions of classmates. Twice this semester, I will ask that you provide me with a one-page
explanation of what your participation grade should be and why. I will take into account your
justification as well as my attendance records to make the final decision of your participation
PROFESSIONAL COURTESY: Professional courtesy includes respecting others' opinions, not
interrupting in class, being respectful to those who are speaking, and working together in a spirit of
cooperation. I expect no offensive language in my class the minute you walk in the door. (Cursing,
racist language, sexist language, damning anyone, using the F-word in any way) I expect you to
demonstrate these behaviors at all times in this class. You are judged on your communication skills
the minute I am in your presence. With that in mind, sleeping, reading materials irrelevant to class
purposes, and disrupting the class will not be tolerated and will result in the student being considered
absent for that particular class period.
Students who experience the death of an immediate family member or relative as defined in the
University Student Bereavement Policy will be excused from class for funeral leave, subsequent
bereavement, and/or travel considerations. Students are responsible for providing appropriate
documentation to the Dean of Students office and for contacting the instructor as soon as possible
to make arrangements for completing missed work. More information is available in the Student
Bereavement Policy at
SPEECH ETIQUETTE: On speech days, you have dual responsibilities as a speaker and an
audience member. When you are presenting, dress appropriately. When you
Are an audience member, be attentive! Because many people are nervous when they give a speech,
you must be supportive both verbally and nonverbally. Never enter or leave the room while a speech
is in progress; doing so will result in a points deduction on your own speech. Additionally,
unexcused absences on your classmates’ speech days will result in 5 points off of your final speech
grade (for each absence!). It’s much better to give a speech to a full audience!
E-mail is the easiest way to get in touch with me. Please allow 24 hours for a response on
weekdays and 48 hours on weekends. Note: Professionalism in e-mail communication is
required. As a student of higher education, it is expected that all communication be of
professional quality. When writing an e-mail to an instructor, please identify yourself and the
class for which you have an inquiry. Please be sure to address the instructor in a professional
manner. Failure to follow this policy will result in your e-mail being deleted without
CHEATING/PLAGIARISM: Students are expected to be honest in all academic work,
Consistent with the academic integrity policy as outlined in the Code of Student Conduct.
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All work is to be appropriately cited when it is borrowed, directly or indirectly, from
another source. Unauthorized and unacknowledged collaboration on speech topics and/or
the presentation of someone else’s work warrants plagiarism. Students found to inadvertently
commit acts of dishonesty will receive appropriate penalties specific to the assignment in question. If
you ever have a question about whether or not you should cite something, or if you are citing
something correctly, please just ASK me! Students found to commit intentional acts of dishonesty
will receive a failing grade on the assignment, and my also receive a failing grade in the course, as
well as be referred for appropriate disciplinary action through Community Rights and
SPECIAL NEEDS: Any student needing to arrange a reasonable accommodation for a
documented disability should contact Disability Concerns at 350 Fell Hall, 438-5853
(voice), 438-8620 (TDD).
Life at college can get very complicated. Students sometimes feel overwhelmed, lost, experience
anxiety or depression, struggle with relationship difficulties or diminished self-esteem. However,
many of these issues can be effectively addressed with a little help. Student Counseling Services
(SCS) helps students cope with difficult emotions and life stressors. Student Counseling Services is
staffed by experienced, professional psychologists and counselors, who are attuned to the needs of
college students. The services are FREE and completely confidential. Find out more at or by calling (309) 438-3655.
Assignment :Having read and KNOW
Week 1
Jan 12 Syllabus Review; Assign Any Old Bag; Shelter in place;
Evaluation challenge
Jan14 Any Old Bag with three descriptive items
i-tour assigned
Spiral p. 102, Jan.
Spiral pp. 1-3, 8-11
Page 8
F Jan 16 Assign CIP and CTSA; due Sept. 3 /
Communication Model
Chapter 1
Spiral pp. 74-92 (just read)
Week 2
W. Jan 21 Communication Apprehension
i-tour completed
Chapter 2
F Jan 23 Perception and Self Concept
Chapter 4
Directions for informative speeches
spiral pp 12-43
Week 3
M Jan 26
Ethical Communication
Chapter 3
Choosing topics and informative speech directions
Library module 1 assigned
Spiral pp. 4-6, complete spiral
pp. 107-111
Analyzing your audience
Chapter 5 & 6
F Jan 30 Beginning and ending speeches
Chapter 10
Week 4
M Feb 2 Library session
Chapter 7-9
Spiral pp. 112-1
W Feb 4 informative speeches and starting groups
spiral pp 44-60, 114-115
Group A = 24, 20, 19, 14, 9, 4
Group B= 23, 18, 15, 13, 8, 3
Group C= 22, 17, 12, 10, 7, 2
Group D= 21, 16, 11, 6, 5, 1
Supporting your ideas, APA Citations/Oral Citations: Outlining
F Feb. 6 Language-The Social Construction of Reality. / Visual Aids
Week 5
Page 9
M Feb. 9 Delivery preparing for speeches
Chapter 11 & 13
No office hours today
W Feb 11 Informative Speeches 14,13,12,11, 10
F Feb 13 Informative Speeches 9, 8, 7, 6, 5
Week 6
M Feb 16 Informative speeches 4,3,2,1
W Feb 18 Informative Speeches 24, 23,22,21,20
F Feb 20 Informative Speeches 19, 18, 17, 16, 15 Finish informative speaking Chapter 14
Week 7
Chapter 15
Review Spiral pp. 44-60
F Feb 27 Communication in groups
Week 8
M March 2 Midterm EXAM
W March 4 GROUP Listening and critical thinking
F March 6 Group Conflict
Week 9 First Half of Semester Ends SPRING BREAK Mar 9-13
M March 16 Beginning Persuasive speeches
Chapter 16 & 17
Spiral pp. 61-73
W Mar 18 Group C and Group D Presentations
F Mar 20 Group A and B Presentations
Week 10
M Mar 23 Meet at Milner library Building Arguments
W Mar 25 Fact, Value, Policy Have persuasive speech topic
Spiral 93-101, 116-117
F Mar 27 Fallacies
Week 11
M Mar 30 Refuting Arguments
W April 1 Audience analysis
F April 3 Culture
Page 10
Week 12
M April 6 Persuasive speech work day
W April 8 Prepare for persuasion
F April 10 Persuasive speeches 1, 2,3,4,5
Week 13
M April 13 Persuasive speeches 6, 7, 8,9,10
W April 15 Persuasive speeches 11, 12,13,14,15
F April 17 Persuasive speeches 16, 17, 18, 19, 20
Week 14
M April 20 Persuasive speeches 21,22,23,24,
W April 22 Finish persuasion
F April 24 Review persuasion
Week 15
M April 27 Review final assignments
W April 29 Review for final exam
F May 1 Review for final exam
May 4 - 9 Final Exams
Final Exams
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