LESSON PLAN 1 – ADRIANA LORENZO MAORTUA Class level Advanced Lesson date Classroom 1 Lesson duration Progress expectation The students should be able to use compound adjectives to form coherent sentences with them. They will learn how to describe the character of a person in a work environment by using personality adjectives, as they will form sentences and discuss about the meaning of the words. They will learn compound adjectives and personality adjectives. Usage of positive personality adjectives and compound adjectives to describe a person in the working environment at a competent level. Future working skills Prepare the students to be able to describe a person in a business environment and to differentiate between adjectives and compound adjectives. The students should be able to know the difference between a compound adjective and an adjective. The students should be able to describe a person in a business environment using personality adjectives and in a formal way. The students should be able to write some sentences using new words. They may already know the basic adjectives, how to form sentences using the vast majority of the tenses, maybe they don´t now the conditionals yet. They may be able to understand a more or less complicated text and guess the meaning of some words by the context in which they are placed. 4 copies of exercises and 1 copy of a text for each student I will ask them to write three sentences about what do they think companies and human resources teams are looking for when they are starting a selection process to fill in a job vacancy. What skills will be needed in the future to be competent in the working environment? How will a person need to prepare her or himself to be competent in the business environment? The topic looked interesting to them so they were engaged in the class from the beginning. When we were practicing the exercises they looked very talkative trying to comment not only in their groups, but aloud, on every topic discussed during the class. I used everything prepared to work with them and had enough time to practice the produce activity. As I didn´t use the back-ups, and one of them had vocabulary words from the text we worked on at the beginning of the class, I gave them this document so they could have it. I feel the plan was not at the right level, the vocabulary words we worked on, which were the compound adjectives were words maybe a bit too difficult for them. I am not sure about the text they read, it took some people longer to read but they didn´t make any comments about it. All the students were absolutely fantastic, they were participative and active during every exercise and that made the whole lesson very easy to practice. Their level of attention was 100% during the hour it lasted, some made very good points in the vocabulary practice and really interesting questions. I have the impression that time went by very quickly for all, the students and myself. Maybe my introduction was too long, for next lesson I have to cut it a little bit and start with the warm up as soon as possible. Most of my explanations of how to do the exercises were understood very fast but I am not very confident about the vocabulary instructions, I think I confused them more than I helped them. To avoid this happening again, in the next class I will explain the grammar of the vocabulary first and then I will let them practice, but first I will teach them the vocabulary. Some of the students were confident and would say there was just one who Subject Topic Aim Objective Knowledge assumed Material & equipment Learning assessment Post lesson notes Thursday September 11th 2014 1 hour was over-confident, and only one as well who looked a little too shy to me. In general, giving this class to the students was really satisfying but need to change the way in which I explain and practice the vocabulary, and have to be a little clearer when teaching it. I think all the activities were appropriate for the level, except the text, which was a little complicated for them and a bit too long, so next time I will make a shorter text. I think I didn’t focus on pronunciation that much and think it is a good idea to try to practice it in the next class, as the way they pronounce is not as good as it should be in an advanced level. Tasks Phase Duration 1 2M Topic Introduction Teacher activity I will introduce myself to the class. Then I will ask the students about their professional life to engage them and help them gain confidence. Student activity Resources They will be None listening to me for twenty seconds and then they will introduce themselves, they will need to explain the others what have they worked at, until now. 2 4M Warm up. Oral activity I will form groups and they will need to give ideas of things that people will need to do in order to be competent in the working environment. 3 7 Reading task I will organize a little discussion about this two topics: How will a person need to prepare her or himself to be competent in the work environment? What adjectives would you use to describe a character in a work environment? I will ask them to read a text and to debate in groups about: What will be needed in the future to be competent in the working environment? They will be reading and debating about the questions by using adjectives to describe a character when he/she is a postgraduate student with Text White board 4 12 Presentation of vocabulary. 5 10 7 minutes debating 3 minutes correcting all together Vocabulary practice activity 6 10 minutes Vocabulary practice. 7 10 Produce activity 8 5 Wrap-up. many skills, ready to work. I will introduce the They will listen None. vocabulary and then give exercise and ask some answers. them what welleducated means. Once I have the answer I will start explaining that well-educated is a compound adjective and after I will introduce the compound adjectives and I will explain its definition. I will explain the They will be A document with activity and discussing in two columns, one separate them in groups of two or for compound groups of 2 or 3 three how to adjectives and the and ask them to match the other one with the match the definitions and definition, so they definitions and the compound can match them. the correct adjective in a list. White board. compound adjective. I will explain them They will be filling Just a document how to do this in the blanks by with these exercise: fill in the their own. exercises. gaps. And move around while they are individually practicing it. Role play: They will use the They will use the students will have compound compound a conversation in adjectives to talk adjectives they an office either about someone just learnt. talking good or from their office. bad about a This is an oral workmate. task. After I will correct the possible mistakes they could make. I will ask them to They will use the none talk five minutes words from the about what previous companies and exercises to form human resources sentences and teams are looking answer to for when they question the start a selection question. process to fill in a job vacancy. This is how I will check if they have learnt and assimilated the concepts explained in the 9 7M Back up 1. Vocabulary activity 10 5M Back up 2. Reading activity class. I will give them the vocabulary from the text in a paper in which there are two columns. I will give them a document in which they will need to mark each of a list of ideas with the importance it has for them. They will need to A document with match the the two columns. definition and the vocabulary word from the text. They will mark each of the ideas in a list from 1 (if it is not very important) to 5 (if it is really important) depending on how important each of them is, when they are looking for a job. A document with a list of ideas some people consider important when looking for a job. Students who attended Name Elia Luna Age Level 22 Advanced Pilar Benito 55 Advanced Conchi Peñalver 50 Advanced Sergio Moreno 40 Advanced Silvia González 38 Advanced Guadalupe García 35 Advanced Alicia López Advanced 35 Notes She was very active in the class commenting in every activity and constructed the sentences very good. Her pronunciation was on the average level of the class and she uses the verb tenses correctly. Very active, speaks well and constructs the sentences very good although she uses very basic construction and makes easy sentences. I believe this could be because she doesn’t have a good grasp of the vocabulary used in the English language. Her pronunciation could be a bit better. She is really sweet and tried speaking all through the class being very active in the oral activities. Her pronunciation would be a good skill to work on with her. Very positive and active trough the class. Has a soung knowledge of the English language and a vast knowledge of vocabulary words. His pronunciation is not as it could be, and will try to work on that if I teach him again. Constructs very good sentences and has a wide diversity of vocabulary words to use, but again, as happens with the vast majority of the class, her pronunciation could be a bit better. She didn’t seem to be as confident in her speaking as the other members of the class. I don´t think she is in the right level for her, maybe she should attend some classes in the upper intermediate level just to gain some more confidence and fluency not only in speaking but in writing. This lost in confidence made her appear a bit shy when participating in the oral activities. Constructed very well structured sentences and was participative, active and interested during the class. She made very good points and said very interesting things about the vocabulary words we used during the exercises. Pronunciation, once again, looks like the activity to work on in the next lesson.